

While chatting in IRC with Eric Holscher tonight the topic of conversation wound its way toward positivity and the need to encourage it. I pointed out that my newest project, hyper, has as part of its contributor guidelines a section about respect. I wanted to talk briefly about why I wrote this, and why I think it’s important enough to warrant an explicit mention in contributor’s guides.

今晚在IRC中与Eric Holscher聊天时,对话的话题逐渐转向积极性和鼓励积极性的必要。 我指出,我最新的项目hyper ,作为其贡献者指南的一部分,有一个关于尊重部分 。 我想简短地谈谈我为什么写这篇文章,以及为什么我认为它重要到足以在贡献者指南中明确提及。

Before I do, I should note that while I wrote hyper’s guide in isolation, there are some other projects that have similar provisions. Of particular note are Pylons and Ubuntu, both of which are substantially larger than hyper is and have commensurately more substantial guidelines. These are good places to get inspiration for your own projects, though I feel that hyper’s has a simplicity about it that is helpful.

在做之前,我应该注意,虽然我是单独编写hyper指南的,但有些其他项目也有类似的规定。 尤其值得注意的是PylonsUbuntu ,它们都比hyper更大,并且具有相应的更严格的准则。 这些是从中获得灵感的好地方,尽管我觉得hyper的简单性很有用。

My personal projects are small: I’m not the kind of developer that releases a project and gets tons of contributors. hyper’s had several hugely important contributions from kind folks, but it remains a small project. Certainly it’s not at a size where I’ve had any kind of difficulty with contributors.

我的个人项目很小:我不是那种发布项目并获得大量贡献者的开发人员。 hyper的一些好心人做出了非常重要的贡献,但这仍然是一个小项目。 当然,我在与贡献者之间遇到任何困难的规模都不大。

So why did I write that set of guidelines if it’s not something I think I need right now? Two reasons: culture, and security.

那么,如果我认为我现在不需要那套准则,那为什么还要写那套准则呢? 两个原因:文化和安全。

Let’s deal with culture first. Culture is difficult to define and harder still to quantify, and establishing it early is important. In open source, establishing the culture of a project is particularly critical: it defines the project in a way that nothing else does. Projects live and die based on their culture. The culture of a project affects what its priorities are and how successful it will ultimately be.

首先处理文化。 文化很难定义,更难以量化,因此早日建立文化很重要。 在开源中,建立项目的文化尤为关键:它以一种其他方法无法定义的方式来定义项目。 项目根据其文化而生与死。 项目的文化会影响其优先级以及最终的成功程度。

To that end, my highest priority for hyper is for it to be a welcoming project. I want it to be a space where people feel comfortable contributing. Open source contribution is always nerve-wracking, especially if you’ve never done it before. It’s hugely important to me that hyper be seen as a place where it is safe to volunteer your efforts: where you won’t be ridiculed or treated like an idiot. To truly give this impression it needs to be a core part of the culture of hyper.

为此,我对hyper的最高优先考虑是使其成为一个受欢迎的项目。 我希望它成为一个人们愿意为之贡献的空间。 开源贡献总是令人不知所措,尤其是如果您从未做过。 对我而言,至关重要的是,超级虚拟化应该是可以安全地自愿做出努力的地方:在这里,您不会被嘲笑或被当作白痴对待。 要真正给人以这种印象,它必须成为Hyper文化的核心部分。

The second part is, if anything, more important. Assuming hyper becomes successful (by no means guaranteed), at some stage someone will volunteer a contribution and, in doing so, behave in a manner that shows disrespect for someone else.

第二部分(如果有的话)更为重要。 假设超级变得成功(绝不能保证),在某个阶段某人会自愿做出贡献,并且这样做会表现出对他人的不尊重。

翻译自: https://www.pybloggers.com/2014/05/the-importance-of-respect/






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