开源 非开源_开源DayWatch –背后的故事

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It’s been quite a journey with DayWatch. Since 2012 we’ve been working for it as our wonder child and now it is time to let it fly even higher. Here is the story: 

DayWatch经历了一段漫长的旅程。 自2012年以来,我们一直是我们的神奇孩子,现在是时候让它飞得更高了。 这是故事:

出生时间 (Birth)

It all started with the niche idea to help Daily Deals companies (very trendy in 2012) analyze their main metrics at any time, any moment. Industry reports, insights, market share & product performance were the most powerful aspects of our beloved tool.

这一切都始于利基创意,可帮助Daily Deal公司(2012年非常流行)随时随地分析其主要指标。 行业报告,见解,市场份额和产品性能是我们钟爱的工具最强大的方面。

个性 (Personality)

We are Django/Python lovers, hence, Daywatch was built entirely with them. Scrapy’s framework & MonkeyLearn inclusion were key to bring scraping & Natural Language Processing features to the product, specially used for market competition analysis.

我们是Django / Python爱好者,因此,Daywatch完全由他们构建。 Scrapy的框架和MonkeyLearn包含项是为产品(专门用于市场竞争分析)带来抓取和自然语言处理功能的关键。

成长 (Growing Up)

Later on, with an expansion intention, we added new features to DayWatch which transformed it into a very powerful platform for any E-Commerce manager. Which features are we talking about? Start counting:

后来,出于扩展的考虑,我们为DayWatch添加了新功能,从而将其转变为任何电子商务经理都非常强大的平台。 我们在谈论哪些功能? 开始计数:

– Extract information from unstructured data sources.


– Curate, analyze and synthesize key performance indicators.


– Present information in cool ways (pie charts, images, dynamic tables, etc).


In order to develop these features, we worked closely with several South American clients from a lean startup perspective: create, test & rebuild.


Once this process – quite – ended we started the growth phase and the results were surprising…. DayWatch was a hit in Asia & Oceania! Several daily deal & E-commerce platforms licensed and started gathering interesting insights which supported their important decisions. 

一旦这个过程-相当-结束了,我们就开始了成长阶段,结果令人惊讶……。 DayWatch在亚洲和大洋洲非常受欢迎! 多个日常交易和电子商务平台获得许可并开始收集有趣的见解,以支持他们的重要决策。


Growing was cool, we were quite happy with the results obtained… however it was time to let DayWatch fly. By fly I mean open-source it. 

成长很酷,我们对获得的结果感到非常满意……但是现在该让DayWatch飞起来了。 我所说的苍蝇是开源的。

You might probably be self-asking these questions:


– Why are you giving DayWatch open-source when you devoted so much time and investment?


– Why are you giving DayWatch open-source when you were still charging for it?


Good questions, here are the reasons:


As the tech market determines, some products are hits and some aren’t. In my opinion it is being very harsh to claim that DayWatch was a not successful, still, time & resources are limited and we needed to focus. In addition (main reason coming) we are open-source enthusiasts and really believe in DayWatch as a great resource that will help E-commerce entrepreneurs to discover cool insights from mind blowing data. 

正如科技市场所确定的那样,有些产品很受欢迎,有些则没有。 在我看来,要说DayWatch没有成功还是很严厉的,但时间和资源仍然有限,我们需要集中精力。 另外(主要原因是)我们是开放源代码爱好者,并且真正相信DayWatch是一种出色的资源,它将帮助电子商务企业家从令人赞叹的数据中发现很酷的见解。

DayWatch was Tryolabs’ second product (a social media platform was the starter one) and we believe it is time to let it fly. You can find all the source code to integrate it in the Github Repo and please feel free to send us feedback, opinions, bugs, etc.

DayWatch是Tryolabs的第二个产品(社交媒体平台是第一个产品),我们认为是时候放手了。 您可以找到将其集成到 Github Repo 中的所有源代码 ,请随时向我们发送反馈,意见,错误等。

As entrepreneurs we need to know where to focus, at the moment all of our attention is concentrated at Tryolabs’ cool/demanding projects and in MonkeyLearn growth phase. Daywatch we’ll surely keep in touch.

作为企业家,我们需要知道重点放在哪里,目前,我们所有的注意力都集中在Tryolabs的出色/需求项目以及 MonkeyLearn成长阶段 我们肯定会保持联系。

翻译自: https://www.pybloggers.com/2015/10/open-source-daywatch-the-story-behind/

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