reporter 权限_为什么我宁愿使用ReporteR而不是RMarkdown

reporter 权限

by Aimee Gott
通过艾米·戈特(Aimee Gott)

Over the last year I have been involved in a large number of training courses and projects that have involved reporting in Microsoft Excel, Word and Powerpoint in some way. However, my default is not to jump straight to dynamic reporting tools like knitr and RMarkdown or Shiny. Why? Because for the majority of R’s commercial audience these tools don’t provide the functionality that they really need.

在过去的一年中,我参与了许多培训课程和项目,其中涉及以某种方式在Microsoft Excel,Word和Powerpoint中进行报告。 但是,我的默认设置是不直接跳转至knitr和RMarkdown或Shiny之类的动态报告工具。 为什么? 因为对于R的大多数商业读者来说,这些工具并未提供他们真正需要的功能。

Firstly, as amazing as Shiny is for interactive interaction with non-R users (and I am a big user and lover of Shiny as you might have noticed in previous blog posts and talks) there are still times when the output needs to be a static report. More often than not, either due to familiarity or due to the report being part of a wider reporting workflow, the format must be Microsoft.

首先,与非R用户进行交互交互时,Shiny令人惊奇(我是Shiny的大用户和爱好者,正如您在以前的博客文章和演讲中可能已经注意到的那样),有时输出需要是静态的报告。 通常,由于熟悉或由于报表是更广泛的报表工作流程的一部分,因此格式必须为Microsoft。

So what about RMarkdown? You can produce word documents from RMarkdown, can’t you? You can. But in talking to customers about their wider needs the same thing comes up time and again, “I need others to be able to contribute to my document” In other words: “My boss wants to add comments, and make tweaks”. The reality is that this is difficult with RMarkdown (not for an R user maybe, but those who have tried sending out RMarkdown documents to their bosses instead of Word documents will know what I mean). Even if you produce a Word document from RMarkdown as soon as they have updated it you’ll need to spend time copying and pasting back into the original “.RMD” file so that you can update the graphics and tables. And this is why I love David Gohel’s ReporteRs.

那么RMarkdown呢? 您可以从RMarkdown生成Word文档,不是吗? 您可以。 但是,在与客户讨论他们更广泛的需求时,一次又一次出现同样的事情:“我需要其他人才能为我的文档做出贡献”。换句话说:“我的老板想添加评论并进行调整”。 现实情况是,使用RMarkdown很难做到这一点(也许不是R用户,但是那些尝试将RMarkdown文档发送给老板而不是Word文档的人会明白我的意思)。 即使您在RMarkdown更新后立即生成Word文档,也需要花费一些时间将其复制并粘贴回原始的“ .RMD”文件中,以便您可以更新图形和表格。 这就是为什么我喜欢David Gohel的ReporteRs原因

If you haven’t used it I urge you to give it a go. The feature that I love the most is the bookmarking. By making use of the bookmarking feature of Word and Powerpoint you can insert content exactly where you want it to be. You can allow other users to contribute to your document and then insert updated graphics and tables at the desired locations. This feature also makes working with existing corporate templates simple and fits in with existing Microsoft based workflows.

如果您还没有使用过它,我敦促您尝试一下。 我最喜欢的功能是书签。 通过使用Word和Powerpoint的书签功能,您可以将内容准确地插入到想要的位置。 您可以允许其他用户对您的文档做出贡献,然后在所需的位置插入更新的图形和表格。 此功能还使使用现有公司模板的工作变得简单,并适合基于Microsoft的现有工作流。

Beyond that you can use ReporteRs to create impressive tables with features that you will never achieve in RMarkdown alone (merging of cells is one of the common requirements with colouring a close second!). Just like RMarkdown you can insert graphics and code if you really need to (but let’s be honest, how often do you send R code in a report to your management team?). You can even write your whole document from R and if all that doesn’t win you over, it also works with the magrittr pipe.

除此之外,您还可以使用ReporteRs创建令人印象深刻的表格,这些表格具有仅在RMarkdown中无法实现的功能(合并单元格是常见的要求之一,几乎需要着色!)。 就像RMarkdown一样,如果确实需要,您可以插入图形和代码(但是,老实说,您将报告中的R代码发送给管理团队的频率是多少?)。 您甚至可以从R编写整个文档,如果还不能解决问题,它也可以与magrittr管道一起使用。


reporter 权限





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