
我们有两个重要公告 (We Have Two Big Announcements)

This week, Fugue launches its cloud infrastructure automation system and introduces its leadership team! Check out the respective press releases:

本周,Fugue启动了其云基础架构自动化系统,并介绍了其领导团队! 查看各自的新闻稿:

We’re also showcasing Fugue at the AWS Summit in New York at the Javits Center on Thursday, August 11. Come by Booth 254, talk with our representatives, and get a firsthand look at how we can help you radically simplify cloud infrastructure complexity. Not in New York? Register for our Webinar or schedule a demo of Fugue.

我们还将在8月11日星期四于Javits中心纽约举行的AWS峰会上展示Fugue,快来254号展位,与我们的代表进行交谈,并亲身体验一下我们如何可以帮助您从根本上简化云基础架构的复杂性。 不在纽约吗? 注册我们的网络研讨会或安排Fugue演示

Fugue宣布任命技术资深人士来推动公司的增长战略 (Fugue Announces Executive Appointments of Technology Veterans to Drive Company’s Growth Strategy)

Frederick, MD – August 9, 2016 – Fugue, Inc. announced today the availability of its cloud-native solution for fully automating the deployment, operations, and enforcement of cloud infrastructure at scale.

医学博士弗雷德里克(Frederick,MD)– 2016年8月9日–福格公司 Fugue,Inc.)今天宣布推出其云原生解决方案,该解决方案可实现大规模自动化,完全自动化的云基础架构的部署,运营和实施。

Enterprises are moving to the cloud to increase competitiveness and efficiency. However, complexity explodes in the cloud and achieving those goals is challenging, as most DevOps teams today are forced to manually stitch together disparate tool sets. Fugue tackles this complexity with a cohesive system that allows DevOps professionals to define infrastructure upfront, leverage a runtime component to ensure that all cloud resources remain consistent with that definition, and automatically correct configuration drift. Furthermore, Fugue eliminates wasteful and error-prone cloud maintenance burdens that slow innovation and increase compliance and security risks. As the technological gateway that unlocks the power of the cloud, Fugue helps businesses achieve digital transformation and competitive advantage goals.

企业正在迁移到云中以提高竞争力和效率。 但是,复杂性在云中激增,实现这些目标具有挑战性,因为当今大多数DevOps团队被迫手动将不同的工具集组合在一起。 Fugue通过一个具有凝聚力的系统解决了这种复杂性,该系统使DevOps专业人员可以预先定义基础架构,利用运行时组件来确保所有云资源保持与该定义一致,并自动纠正配置偏差。 此外,Fugue消除了浪费和易于出错的云维护负担,这些负担减缓了创新速度并增加了合规性和安全风险。 作为释放云功能的技术网关,赋格帮助企业实现数字化转型和竞争优势目标。

“Fugue has the right approach to managing cloud complexity, with a general-purpose system that offers the flexibility and extensibility needed to equip enterprises to handle both current challenges and future paradigms as cloud computing rapidly evolves,” said Roy Illsley, Principal Analyst, Infrastructure Solutions, at Ovum.

“ Fugue具有管理云复杂性的正确方法,其通用系统可提供所需的灵活性和可扩展性,以使企业能够随着云计算的快速发展而应对当前的挑战和未来的范式,”基础架构首席分析师Roy Illsley说解决方案,在Ovum。

The top-notch Fugue leadership team includes veterans in product design and management, cloud-based solutions deployment and architecture, and national security and defense. With decades of experience launching products and services and guiding enterprise development, the team has advanced cloud computing growth for organizations like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Apple, EMC, and AOL. “Fugue is an enabling technology that has the power to accelerate cloud adoption and radically simplify management of existing cloud workloads at scale,” explained Fugue Co-founder and CEO Josh Stella. “Our team’s goal is to position Fugue as the foundational layer for the cloud-native phase of cloud computing, enabling organizations to achieve the agility, efficiency, and control they need to compete in today’s marketplace.”

顶尖的赋格领导团队包括产品设计和管理,基于云的解决方案部署和体系结构以及国家安全和国防领域的资深人士。 凭借数十年的产品和服务发布经验以及指导企业发展的经验,该团队为诸如Amazon Web Services(AWS),Apple,EMC和AOL之类的组织推动了云计算的快速发展。 Fugue联合创始人兼首席执行官Josh Stella解释说:“ Fugue是一种启用技术,能够加速云的采用,并从根本上简化大规模现有云工作负载的管理。” “我们团队的目标是将Fugue定位为云计算云原生阶段的基础层,使组织能够实现在当今市场上竞争所需的敏捷性,效率和控制力。”

顶级投资者 (Top-tier Investors)

Fugue has raised a total of $34MM over four rounds–most recently, a $20MM Series C in December 2015, led by New Enterprise Associates. Other investors include the Maryland Venture Fund and Core Capital Partners.

Fugue在四轮融资中总共筹集了34MM美元,最近一次是在2015年12月由New Enterprise Associates领投的20MM C轮融资。 其他投资者包括马里兰风险基金和核心资本合作伙伴。

专家技术和管理团队 (Expert Technical and Management Team)

Josh Stella – Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer. Stella has served as a CTO for a prior startup and in numerous other technical and leadership roles over the last 25 years. Prior to Fugue, he was a Principal Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services, where he learned that all cloud customers run into a wall of complexity once they scale.

Josh Stella –联合创始人兼首席执行官。 在过去的25年中,Stella曾担任过一家初创公司的CTO,并担任过许多其他技术和领导职务。 在加入Fugue之前,他是Amazon Web Services的首席解决方案架构师,在那里他了解到,一旦扩展,所有云客户都会陷入复杂的困境。

Stephen Benedict – Vice President of Product. Benedict leads product management for Fugue, working to fully realize the vision of a true operating system for the cloud. Previously, he served as COO of a technology-enabled services company and held product, platform, and partner management roles at AOL and technical leadership roles at Apple.

Stephen Benedict –产品副总裁。 本尼迪克特(Benedict)负责Fugue的产品管理,致力于全面实现针对云的真正操作系统的愿景。 在此之前,他曾担任一家技术支持服务公司的首席运营官,并曾在AOL担任产品,平台和合作伙伴管理职务,并在Apple担任技术领导职务。

Gus Bessalel – Chief Financial Officer. Bessalel is a seasoned startup executive and former Inc. 500 CEO with more than 30 years of business experience. During those decades, he has been starting, growing, investing in, and advising early-stage ventures in a wide variety of industries.

Gus Bessalel –首席财务官。 Bessalel是一位经验丰富的初创企业高管,曾任Inc. 500名首席执行官,拥有30多年的业务经验。 在过去的几十年中,他一直在各种行业中开始,发展,投资并为早期风险企业提供建议。

Mandy Dhaliwal Rao – Chief Marketing Officer. Dhaliwal Rao is a B2B technology marketing veteran with a Silicon Valley pedigree. During the course of her career, she has held senior leadership positions, driving top-line growth and orchestrating strategic partnerships at start-ups and publicly traded companies such as Legato, EMC, and SOASTA.

Mandy Dhaliwal Rao –首席营销官。 Dhaliwal Rao是具有硅谷血统书的B2B技术营销资深人士。 在她的职业生涯中,她担任过高级领导职务,推动收入增长,并在初创企业和Legato,EMC和SOASTA等公开交易的公司中建立战略合作伙伴关系。

Jim Hoppe – Chief Operating Officer. Hoppe leads Fugue’s go-to-market strategy and operations, including global sales, channels and alliances, and all aspects of customer success and support. His 24 years of leadership experience began as an officer in the U.S. Navy and includes management positions at Legato, EMC, HP, and AtHoc.

Jim Hoppe –首席运营官。 Hoppe领导Fugue的进入市场战略和运营,包括全球销售,渠道和联盟,以及客户成功和支持的所有方面。 他的24年领导经验始于美国海军军官,包括在Legato,EMC,HP和AtHoc的管理职位。

Tim Webb – Chief Strategy Officer. Webb has made significant contributions to both new business creation and national security affairs over a 30-year career. He has helped Fugue with financing, operations and team building. He also serves as a member of the Board of Directors.

Tim Webb –首席战略官。 在30年的职业生涯中,韦伯为新业务的创立和国家安全事务做出了重大贡献。 他曾帮助Fugue进行融资,运营和团队建设。 他还担任董事会成员。

Heather Wiley – Chief People Officer (CPO). Wiley stresses the need for people and companies to come together to create the best workplace possible. Prior to joining Fugue, she held HR leadership roles at Sourcefire, Inc., The Hartford, and Citrix Systems.

Heather Wiley –首席人力官(CPO)。 Wiley强调人员和公司必须团结在一起,以创造最佳的工作场所。 在加入Fugue之前,她在Sourcefire,Inc.,Hartford和Citrix Systems担任人力资源领导职务。

Denison Wright – Vice President of Engineering. Wright brings more than 17 years of software product development experience and leadership in organizations ranging from startups to Fortune 100 companies. Most recently, prior to Fugue, he was a member of Blackboard’s LearnTM product leadership team.

Denison Wright –工程部副总裁。 Wright拥有超过17年的软件产品开发经验,并在从初创公司到财富100强公司等组织中担任领导职务。 在Fugue之前,他是Blackboard LearnTM产品领导团队的成员。

以DevOps的速度交付控制 (Delivering Control at the Speed of DevOps)

“Tools designed for yesterday’s IT needs struggle to keep up with the rapid pace of cloud infrastructure service innovation,” Stella added. Fugue cloud deployment and infrastructure automation software validates infrastructure as code–and policy as code–in design time with Fugue Compositions. The Fugue Conductor then enforces cloud operations, compliance, and corporate governance in the runtime. Explained Stella, “Install Fugue and declare the cloud you need, and Fugue makes it so–and makes sure it remains so.”

Stella补充说:“为昨天的IT设计的工具需要努力跟上云基础架构服务创新的快速步伐。” Fugue云部署和基础架构自动化软件在使用Fugue Compositions的设计时就将基础架构作为代码(作为策略)和策略作为代码(作为代码)进行了验证。 然后,Fugue Conductor可以在运行时中实施云操作,合规性和公司治理。 Stella解释说:“安装Fugue并声明所需的云,Fugue做到了,并确保它仍然如此。”

Fugue推出用于自动化和持续管理云基础架构的下一代系统 (Fugue Launches Next-Generation System for Automating and Continuously Managing Cloud Infrastructure)

Patented Solution Radically Simplifies Cloud Operations Complexity


Frederick, MD – August 9, 2016 – Fugue, Inc. announced today the first cloud-native technology that manages the full lifecycle of cloud infrastructure to enterprise IT standards. Fugue uniquely operates as the foundation layer for cloud-based enterprise application platforms, offering developers the ability to program and operate their entire cloud infrastructure across compute, storage, network, and data services. Following creation of the required cloud infrastructure, Fugue then automates the enforcement of corporate governance, compliance policies, and change controls.

医学博士弗雷德里克(Frederick)– 2016年8月9日 ,富格公司 Fugue,Inc.)今天宣布了首项云原生技术,该技术可管理企业IT标准中云基础架构的整个生命周期。 Fugue独特地充当基于云的企业应用程序平台的基础层,使开发人员能够跨计算,存储,网络和数据服务对整个云基础架构进行编程和操作。 创建所需的云基础架构后,Fugue然后自动执行公司治理,合规性策略和变更控制。

Fugue consists of:


  • Fugue Compositions, created using Ludwig, a modular, compiled language designed for declaring cloud infrastructure and policies as code. Enterprise IT groups use Ludwig to define a set of cloud infrastructure libraries for specific cloud application requirements. These libraries can be shared and enforced across the organization, ensuring consistency in how cloud resources are consumed.
  • The Fugue Conductor, an orchestration engine that runs within the customer’s cloud account and operates as the “kernel” for cloud environments, continuously automating and enforcing infrastructure and policies. The Conductor, controlled via the Fugue CLI, constantly checks running resources and reconfigures them if changes occur that are inconsistent with Ludwig definitions, preventing configuration and compliance drift.
  • 使用Ludwig(一种模块化的编译语言)创建的Fugue Compositions,该语言旨在将云基础架构和策略声明为代码。 企业IT小组使用Ludwig来定义一组云基础架构库,以满足特定的云应用程序需求。 这些库可以在整个组织中共享和实施,从而确保云资源的使用方式一致。
  • Fugue Conductor是一种编排引擎,可在客户的云帐户中运行,并充当云环境的“内核”,从而不断地自动化和实施基础架构和策略。 通过Fugue CLI进行控制的Conductor会不断检查运行中的资源,并在发生与Ludwig定义不一致的更改时重新配置它们,从而防止配置和合规性漂移。

“As a Fugue design partner specializing in the federal, commercial and non-profit spaces, we see firsthand how regulatory compliance can impede cloud adoption and slow down innovation,” explained Michael Barbine, Senior DevOps Engineer at Excella Consulting. “Fugue’s continuous policy enforcement capabilities in production alleviate cloud adoption blockers and deliver the agility and control that our customers require. Fugue will help our customers fully realize the power of the cloud.”

“作为专注于联邦,商业和非营利领域的Fugue设计合作伙伴,我们亲眼目睹了法规遵从性如何阻碍云采用并减缓创新速度,” Excella Consulting高级DevOps工程师Michael Barbine解释说。 “ Fugue在生产中的持续策略执行能力减轻了云采用的障碍,并提供了客户所需的敏捷性和控制力。 Fugue将帮助我们的客户充分实现云的功能。”

Because Fugue features a language designed for declaring cloud infrastructure via provider APIs, there are no “black box” abstractions and management constraints. “Fugue is designed to support legacy applications migrated from the data center, today’s cloud-native applications, and future cloud services that we can’t even predict at this time,” said Fugue Co-founder and CEO Josh Stella.

因为赋格语言具有一种旨在通过提供程序API声明云基础结构的语言,所以没有“黑匣子”抽象和管理约束。 “ Fugue旨在支持从数据中心迁移的旧应用程序,当今的云原生应用程序以及我们目前无法预测的未来云服务,” Fugue联合创始人兼首席执行官Josh Stella说。

Lars Cromley, Senior Product Manager with 2nd Watch, an AWS Premier Consulting Partner, said, “I’ve worked closely as a design partner with the Fugue team over the last several quarters, and I can attest to the product’s unique ability to manage cloud infrastructure at the API layer across compute, storage, and network services. Fugue will help our customers quickly and efficiently migrate new workloads to the cloud and manage existing workloads at scale while meeting enterprise IT standards.”

AWS Premier咨询合作伙伴2nd Watch的高级产品经理Lars Cromley说:“在过去的几个季度中,我一直与Fugue团队作为设计合作伙伴紧密合作,我可以证明该产品具有独特的云管理能力跨计算,存储和网络服务的API层的基础架构。 Fugue将帮助我们的客户快速有效地将新工作负载迁移到云中,并在满足企业IT标准的同时大规模管理现有工作负载。”

企业云–核心应用平台 (Enterprise Cloud – a Core Application Platform)

Over the past five years, enterprise cloud use has moved from isolated digital initiatives to scaled-out business-critical applications. “For enterprise IT groups to successfully manage a large collection of cloud resources assigned to different business units, across numerous applications, all at different points in their lifecycle, simply hiring more and more smart people isn’t enough. Infrastructure management today requires that companies empower their smart people with a smarter, more dynamic system such as Fugue,” said Stella.

在过去的五年中,企业云的使用已从孤立的数字计划转变为横向扩展的业务关键型应用程序。 “对于企业IT团队来说,要在其生命周期的不同阶段成功地管理众多应用程序中分配给不同业务部门的大量云资源,仅雇用越来越多的聪明人是不够的。 如今的基础架构管理要求公司使用诸如Fugue之类的更智能,更动态的系统来增强其聪明人的能力。” Stella说。

When managing cloud workloads, most IT organizations attempt to adapt infrastructure management tools designed for traditional, static, on-premise data center environments. Today’s cloud environments, however, are dynamic and elastic, with resource creation and teardown frequency making manual tracking and administration unworkable. Fugue provides a way to design and validate an infrastructure definition in design time and then leverage a runtime component to ensure that all cloud resources are consistent with that definition, with correction executed should resources drift away from the original definition.

在管理云工作负载时,大多数IT组织都尝试采用专为传统,静态,本地数据中心环境设计的基础架构管理工具。 但是,当今的云环境是动态的和灵活的,资源创建和拆卸频率使得手动跟踪和管理不可行。 Fugue提供了一种在设计时设计和验证基础结构定义的方法,然后利用运行时组件来确保所有云资源与该定义一致,并在资源偏离原始定义时执行更正。

容器,无服务器和不可变基础架构的新时代 (The New Era of Containers, Serverless, and Immutable Infrastructure)

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud service provider abstracts the underlying IT infrastructure and provides services programmers leverage for running their applications. Fugue operates as the layer between the cloud and the services that further automate the deployment and management of middleware, databases, and other services that support applications. Easy to adopt and use, Fugue is widely compatible with existing tools and practices. It streamlines configuration management, container orchestration, and CI/CD workflows.

Amazon Web Services(AWS)云服务提供商抽象化了基础IT基础架构,并为服务程序员提供了运行其应用程序的杠杆。 Fugue是云和服务之间的层,可进一步自动化中间件,数据库和其他支持应用程序的服务的部署和管理。 Fugue易于采用和使用,与现有工具和实践广泛兼容。 它简化了配置管理,容器编排和CI / CD工作流程。

The reality for the tech community and for the market is that the full value of agility and innovation resulting from moving to the cloud has not yet been realized. Operating at scale in the cloud can be a highly complex and expensive proposition. As more and more enterprises move their applications to the cloud, the need for streamlined, automated management and enforcement of cloud infrastructure has now become business-critical.

对于技术社区和市场而言,现实是,迁移到云所带来的敏捷性和创新的全部价值尚未实现。 在云中大规模运行可能是一个非常复杂且昂贵的提议。 随着越来越多的企业将其应用程序迁移到云中,对简化,自动化的云基础架构管理和实施的需求现在已变得至关重要。

“We are entering a new era of cloud computing. The digital economy is driving cloud adoption, yet cloud management technologies have not kept pace with demand for the cloud. We can no longer use point solutions and disparate tools designed for the data center to operate cloud infrastructure. This is where Fugue comes in. Specifically, Fugue allows teams to build, manage, and enforce their cloud by declaring what they need and managing infrastructure as processes,” explained Stella. “Running in the cloud at scale is hard. Fugue makes it simpler.”

“我们正在进入云计算的新时代。 数字经济正在推动云计算的采用,但是云管理技术并未跟上对云计算的需求。 我们不能再使用为数据中心设计的点解决方案和不同的工具来操作云基础架构。 这就是Fugue的用武之地。具体来说,Fugue允许团队通过声明所需内容以及将基础架构作为流程进行管理,从而构建,管理和实施其云。” Stella解释说。 “在云端大规模运行非常困难。 Fugue使它更简单。”

Fugue网络研讨会:从根本上简化数字企业的云运营 (Fugue Webinar: Radically Simplify Cloud Operations for the Digital Enterprise)

Learn more about Fugue, the new system designed to reduce cloud complexity and operational costs, in an upcoming webinar which will explain:


  • The core components and architecture of the Fugue system
  • Fugue Compositions—declarative programs for creating and collaborating in the cloud
  • How to manage state, compliance, and enforcement with the Fugue Conductor
  • Fugue系统的核心组件和体系结构
  • Fugue Compositions-用于在云中创建和协作的声明性程序
  • 如何使用赋格指挥来管理状态,合规性和执法

In addition, specific examples of how Fugue can help reduce costs and streamline cloud ops in a scalable, automated fashion will be provided.


Date: Tuesday, September 13, 2016 Time: 1:00 p.m. Eastern, 10:00 a.m. Pacific Reserve your seat here.


关于赋格 (About Fugue)

Fugue is a cloud infrastructure deployment and automation system that radically simplifies cloud operations. Teams can use Fugue to declare the desired state of cloud infrastructure in a collaborative, human-friendly programming language. Fugue then automates the provisioning, management, and tear-down of complex cloud environments, as well as the enforcement of infrastructure state and policy compliance. With 8 patents granted and 16 pending, the company continues to meet pressing enterprise computing challenges with its innovative R&D. Fugue is privately held and headquartered in Frederick, MD, with offices in Washington, D.C., and San Jose, CA, and investments by New Enterprise Associates, Core Capital Partners, and the Maryland Venture Fund. To learn more about the company and request product access, visit our landing page, fugue.co.

Fugue是一种云基础架构部署和自动化系统,可以从根本上简化云操作。 团队可以使用Fugue以一种协作的,对人类友好的编程语言来声明所需的云基础架构状态。 然后,Fugue可以自动执行复杂云环境的供应,管理和拆除,以及基础架构状态和策略合规性的强制执行。 该公司拥有8项专利和16项正在申请中的专利,其创新的研发将继续满足紧迫的企业计算挑战。 Fugue是一家私有公司,总部位于马里兰州弗雷德里克(Frederick),在华盛顿特区和加利福尼亚州圣何塞设有办事处,并由New Enterprise Associates,Core Capital Partners和Maryland Venture Fund进行投资。 要了解有关该公司的更多信息并请求产品访问权,请访问我们的登录页面fugue.co

Alessandra Nagy714.310.4439Alessandra@bospar.com

亚历山德拉·纳吉(Alessandra Nagy)714.310.4439Alessandra@bospar.com

翻译自: https://www.pybloggers.com/2016/08/fugue-emerges-to-solve-complexity-of-operating-at-scale-in-the-cloud/

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