算法训练营 重编码_参加编码训练营之前要考虑的7件事

算法训练营 重编码

Coding bootcamps are becoming more and more popular, and for good reason. Just picture yourself earning a six-figure salary, at a great company, with any benefits you can dream up – and all of this only after 3 - 6 months of training.

有充分的理由,编码训练营正变得越来越受欢迎。 只是想像一下自己在一家伟大的公司中赚了六位数的薪水,并且可以梦想得到任何好处–而所有这些只有在经过3到6个月的培训后才能实现。

The bigger coding bootcamps will tout their graduates landing wonderful jobs at Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, and others. It would be hard to find someone who wouldn’t dream about such a work opportunity.

规模更大的编码训练营将吹捧他们的毕业生在Google,Facebook,Microsoft,Apple等公司找到出色的工作。 很难找到一个不会为这样的工作机会而梦想的人。

Unfortunately, the majority of the time this is just a dream and nothing more.


As a graduate of a coding bootcamp myself I’d like to give my two cents on the subject. Many of my friends and acquaintances who are considering attending a coding bootcamp have reached out to me, so I wanted to list some things to consider before pulling the trigger on that $10,000+ investment.

我自己是编码训练营的毕业生,我想在这个问题上给我2美分。 我正在考虑参加编码训练营的许多朋友和熟人都向我伸出援手,因此我想列举一些要考虑的事项,然后再触发这笔10,000美元以上的投资。

确保您喜欢编码 (Make sure you enjoy coding)

It should go without saying that before making any big commitment you should make sure it’s a good fit for you.


I'd recommend spending a lot of hours coding on your own before jumping into a bootcamp, as much as you can. If you are wondering how much time you should spend coding before deciding, I would recommend at least 100 hours.

我建议您尽可能多地花很多时间自己编写代码,然后再进入训练营。 如果您想知道在决定之前应该花多少时间编码,我建议至少100个小时。

This has two benefits: firstly, it allows you to make sure you really enjoy coding. Secondly, you may come to realize you're able to learn on your own.

这有两个好处:首先,它使您可以确保自己真正喜欢编码。 其次,您可能会意识到自己能够独立学习。

You can start yourself off with free resources like freeCodeCamp, Code Academy, or countless YouTube videos.

您可以从免费资源开始,例如freeCodeCamp,Code Academy或无数YouTube视频。

不要只是为了钱而做 (Don’t do it just for the money)

If you’re just after the money, do some research into how much bootcamp graduates are making in their first job out of the bootcamp.


Maybe you have a friend who made a lot of money straight out of their coding bootcamp, but whatever number you have in your head probably does not match the salary most coding bootcamp graduates make.


Course Report released a wealth of information on the topic of salaries for coding bootcamp graduates. Graduates from Hack Reactor in San Fransisco earned a median salary of $115,000, whereas graduates from Tech Elevator in Cincinnati were earning only $55,000. According to PayScale the average salary in Cincinnati is $64,000.  

课程报告发布了有关培训新兵毕业生的薪水主题的大量信息 。 来自旧金山的Hack Reactor的毕业生的中位薪资为$ 115,000,而来自辛辛那提的Tech Elevator的毕业生的薪资仅为$ 55,000。 根据PayScale的数据,辛辛那提的平均工资为64,000美元。

And keep in mind that there are other ways to earn a large salary without coding. Some other professions you can get into without having a degree: Project Manager, Designer, Marketer, or Entrepreneur (if you're a self starter).

并且请记住,还有其他无需编码即可赚取高薪的方法。 如果没有学位,您可以从事其他一些专业:项目经理,设计师,市场营销人员或企业家(如果您是一个自我入门者)。

检查工作板 (Check the job boards)

Do your own research regarding junior/entry level dev positions that are out there. The more popular bootcamps and self teaching becomes in the coding community, the fewer jobs there are out there.

对初级/入门级开发人员职位进行自己的研究。 在编程社区中,越受欢迎的训练营和自学开始,那里的工作就越少。

Take a look at LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Indeed, do a search for 'entry level developer' or 'junior developer', and see how many results you get in your area. Then take a look at the description and see if they're expecting someone with 1-2 years experience, or if they are accepting no prior experience as well.

看看LinkedIn,Glassdoor和Indeed,搜索“入门级开发人员”或“初级开发人员”,看看在您所在的地区获得了多少结果。 然后查看说明,看看他们是否期望拥有1-2年的工作经验,或者他们是否也没有接受过任何经验。

I'm not saying jobs don’t exist, but it’s worthwhile to see what the market looks like. I personally know a lot of people who simply did not find development jobs after months (or more) of searching. If I recall correctly, approximately 50% of my cohort secured developer jobs after graduating our bootcamp.

我并不是说没有工作机会,但是值得一看的是市场情况。 我个人认识很多人,他们经过几个月(或更长时间)的搜索后根本找不到工作。 如果我没记错的话,我的新兵训练营毕业后,大约有50%的人确保了开发人员的工作。

不要放弃你的日常工作 (Don’t quit your day job)

I almost never recommend that someone to quit their job if they already work in tech. It’s possible to advance within your own company into a development position by learning on the side.

我几乎不建议任何人如果已经从事技术工作,就辞职。 通过一边学习,就有可能在您自己的公司内晋升为发展职位。

This will, of course, depend on your company, but a nice advantage is that you’re still getting a paycheck throughout this process.


如何在您目前的公司中过渡: (How to transition in your current company: )

  1. Start learning to code in your spare time

  2. Talk to the developers in your company, including your CTO if you can. Learn what technology stack they are using, and start learning those technologies.

    与您公司的开发人员联系,包括您的CTO。 了解他们正在使用什么技术堆栈,然后开始学习那些技术。
  3. Mention to your befriended developers that you've been learning to code, maybe show them a project you have been working on.

  4. Ask your manager, or a hiring manager in the development team, if they have any projects in the company you could work on.

  5. If step #4 worked out, you have solid footing to move into a full-time development position from there.


Although I didn't use these exact steps, I and former co-workers of mine used similar techniques to transition into development from entry level QA positions.


一成不变地取得成功率 (Take success rates with a grain of salt)

Whatever placement rate the program tells you they have, assume the numbers are being mixed in with other jobs “in the field”, not just developer placement success.


For example, a given coding bootcamp might consider people landing a job in QA, product management, or technical writing a successful placement.


In fact Flatiron School boasts a very impressive 93% employment rate, whereas the bootcamp I attended, had closer to 70% I believe. However, Flatiron School discloses that 19% of those who found employment were not doing development, but some other form of technical disciplines.

事实上,熨斗学校拥有93%的就业率 ,令人印象深刻,而我参加的训练营则接近70%。 但是,熨斗学校(Flatiron School)透露,找到工作的人中有19%并不是在从事发展,而是在从事其他形式的技术学科。

你的第一份工作不会是你的梦想工作 (Your first job won’t be your dream job)

Your first job will likely not be at Google, Microsoft, or Apple. In fact you might need to take a position at a company you’re really not psyched about just so you can get experience under your belt.

您的第一份工作可能不会在Google,Microsoft或Apple。 实际上,您可能需要在一家您真的不感兴趣的公司中任职,以便获得经验。

In the Flatiron School cited quoted above, 70% of the graduates took jobs in small (50 or fewer employees) to medium (51-500) sized companies.


考虑更便宜的替代品 (Consider cheaper alternatives)

I mentioned above that there are great free resources to get you started. But even in the paid realm, there are cheaper alternatives.

上面我提到过,有很多免费的资源可以帮助您入门。 但是即使在付费领域,也有更便宜的选择。

Udemy has a plethora of resources for learning any area of coding you might want to explore. Udacity, Coursera, Scrimba, and many other platforms have free and paid courses you can take as well.

Udemy拥有大量资源,可用于学习您可能想探索的任何编码领域。 Udacity,Coursera,Scrimba和许多其他平台都提供免费和付费课程,您也可以选择。

训练营可能仍然是您的理想选择 (A Bootcamp might still be a good fit for you)

I’m not trying to discourage anyone from attending a coding bootcamp. It might be the perfect fit for you if you:

我并不是想阻止任何人参加编码训练营。 如果您满足以下条件,这可能是最合适的选择:

  • have the time to commit

  • thrive in an in-person framework for learning

  • have the money to spend

  • are sure you like coding

  • have realistic expectations


Want to chat more about coding bootcamps or programming? Find me on Twitter: @NehemiahKiv

想更多地谈论编码训练营或编程吗? 在Twitter上找到我: @NehemiahKiv

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/7-things-to-consider-before-attending-a-coding-bootcamp/

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