

Coding has been a hot topic over the last few years. A lot of people want to start programming and become a developer. So how can you develop a coding habit?

在过去的几年中,编码一直是一个热门话题。 很多人都想开始编程并成为开发人员。 那么如何养成编码习惯呢?

A few days ago, I started to read The Power Of Habit by Charles Duhigg. This book made me think a lot about why some people struggle with programming daily. I think it's because of the habit process. Most people don't know how habits work and need concrete examples.

几天前,我开始阅读Charles Duhigg的《习惯的力量》 。 这本书让我思考了为什么有些人每天都在为编程而苦恼。 我认为是因为习惯过程。 大多数人不知道习惯如何工作,需要具体的例子。

In this article, I'm going to explain what a habit is and give you some advice to help you create a daily programming habit.


有什么习惯? (What is a habit?)

Before starting, it's essential to define what a habit is and how you form one.


If we check the definition of the word "habit" on Google, we find this:

如果我们在Google上检查“ habit”一词的定义,就会发现:

"Habits are routines of behavior that are repeated regularly and tend to occur subconsciously" ― Wikipedia

“习惯是经常重复的行为习惯,容易下意识地发生。” ― 维基百科

"a behavior pattern acquired by frequent repetition or physiologic exposure that shows itself in regularity or increased facility of performance" ― Meriam-Webster Dictionary

“通过频繁的重复或生理暴露获得的行为模式,显示其规律性或增加的表现能力” ― Meriam-Webster词典

"a recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition" ― The Free Dictionary

“通过频繁的重复获得的经常性的,经常无意识的行为模式” ― 免费词典

"something that you do often or regularly, often without thinking about it" ― MacMillan Dictionary

“您经常或有规律地经常做的事情而没有考虑它” ― MacMillan词典

As you can see, a habit is an automatic process in your life. Take brushing your teeth, for example.

如您所见,习惯是生活中的自动过程。 以刷牙为例。

It's interesting to define the components of a habit to understand how it works.


Each habit includes three components: a cue, a routine, and a reward.


提示是什么? (What is the cue?)

The cue is an event in your life that triggers a habit. Every time you do something automatically, it was started by a cue.

提示是您生活中触发习惯的事件。 每次您自动执行某项操作时,都会由提示开始。

Most of the time, a cue is defined by time, an emotional state, a location, or an action.


For example, if I'm working and suddenly smell coffee from my colleague's direction, my habit "Taking a coffee break" is triggered.


例行什么? (What is the routine?)

The routine is what you are doing while the habit process is running. You can define whatever you want it to be in this part. As I said previously, it can be, "I'm going to take a coffee break."

该例程是您在习惯进程运行时正在执行的操作。 您可以定义此部分中的任何内容。 正如我之前所说,可能是“我要去喝咖啡休息时间”。

奖励是什么? (What is the reward?)

The reward is the final element of the process. In other words, what this routine has done for you. For the coffee break example, the reward is "Thanks to the caffeine, I feel less tired, and I am more dynamic."

奖励是流程的最后一个要素。 换句话说,此例程为您做了什么。 对于喝咖啡休息时间的例子,奖励是“感谢咖啡因,我不那么累了,我更有活力。”

The more positive and pleasant the reward is for yourself, the more your brain will save the habit.


"This process within our brains is a three-step loop. First, there is a cue, a trigger that tells your brain to go into automatic mode and which habit to use. Then there is the routine, which can be physical or mental or emotional. Finally, there is a reward, which helps your brain figure out if this particular loop is worth remembering for the future. Over time, this loop—cue, routine, reward; cue, routine, reward—becomes more and more automatic. The cue and reward become intertwined until a powerful sense of anticipation and craving emerges. Eventually, whether in a chilly MIT laboratory or your driveway, a habit is born." ― Charles Duhigg, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
“我们大脑中的这个过程分为三个步骤。首先,是一个提示,一个触发条件,告诉您的大脑进入自动模式,并养成使用习惯,然后是例行程序,可以是身体上的,精神上的或最后,有一个奖励,可以帮助您的大脑弄清楚这个循环是否值得将来记住,随着时间的推移,这个循环(提示,例行,奖励,提示,例行,奖励)会越来越自动化。提示和报酬交织在一起,直到强烈的期待和渴望感出现为止。最终,无论是在寒冷的MIT实验室还是在您的车道上,都养成了习惯。” ―查尔斯·杜希格(Charles Duhigg),习惯的力量:我们为什么要在生活和业务中做我们要做的事情

一点运动 (A little exercise)

Here's something you can do: take one of your daily habits and try to define the cue, the routine, and the reward. Once you do, you're ready to read the next part on how to create your daily programming habit.

您可以执行以下操作:采取一种日常习惯,尝试定义提示,例行程序和奖励。 完成后,您就可以阅读下一部分有关如何养成日常编程习惯的内容。

如何使编程成为日常习惯 (How to make programming a daily habit)

All you have to do to make programming a daily activity is to create a routine.


You are free to define what you want for each part of this exercise, but I will give you a few tips to help you.


For the cue, you can try to define something based on time:


  • Every morning right after I wake up

  • When I come back from my job

  • During my lunch break

  • [Insert a time-based cue]


Routine will be our most straightforward element to define. You can just say, "I want to code for 30 minutes," "I'm going to learn [Insert a skill] for 30 minutes," or many more.

例程将是我们定义的最直接的元素。 您可以说:“我想编码30分钟”,“我要学习30分钟的[插入技能]”或更多。

Finally, one of the most critical parts will be the reward. As I recommended in the first part of my first productivity article, you need to establish goals for yourself. It's going to help you define a reward. Every time you practice your habit, you are closer to your goal.

最后,最关键的部分之一就是奖赏。 正如我在第一篇生产力文章的第一部分中所建议的那样,您需要为自己建立目标。 它可以帮助您定义奖励。 每次练习习惯时,您就更接近目标。

Try to determine a long term goal, and inside of that, a lot of small goals.


For example, you can say:


  • I'm getting closer to my goals for the week.

  • I'm getting a little closer to my final goal.

  • If I code right after waking up, I'll make myself breakfast as a reward.

  • [Insert a reward]


可以帮助您的挑战 (A challenge that can help you)

One of the best ways to get into a habit is to follow a 100DaysOfX challenge. This challenge is designed to help you create a pattern and commit to it every day by sharing what you did on Twitter, Instagram, or your blog.

养成习惯的最佳方法之一就是跟随100DaysOfX挑战 。 这项挑战旨在通过分享您在Twitter,Instagram或博客上所做的事情来帮助您创建模式并每天致力于实施。

The reason I'm telling you about this challenge is that it became famous on Twitter with the 100DaysOfCode.


I strongly recommend that you read the rules on the site and get started. You'll see, at first, it may seem big and impossible, but you'll find it fun to do.

我强烈建议您阅读网站上的规则并开始使用。 首先,您会看到它似乎很大且不可能,但是您会发现它很有趣。

Besides, you will most certainly get support on Twitter, which will motivate you.


"Are you passionate about self-improvement? Eager to change your habits, have tried to do so many times, but had difficulties changing them? Life always seems to get in the way, there is not enough support, and you feel like you're alone in it? Find yourself thinking, "What's the use of all this self-improvement if I always seem to go back to where I started from?" ― 100DaysOfX

“您对自我完善充满热情吗?渴望改变自己的习惯,尝试过很多次,但是在改变习惯方面遇到了困难?生活似乎总是很碍手碍脚,没有足够的支持,您会觉得自己在独自生活在其中吗?发现自己在想:“如果我总是回到原来的位置,那么这些自我完善的用途是什么?” ― 100DaysOfX

If I recommend this challenge to you, it's because I'm doing it. I'm thrilled with the results, and I'm only starting.

如果我向您推荐此挑战,那是因为我正在这样做。 我对结果感到兴奋,而且我只是开始。

For my part, I'm doing the 100DaysOfReading challenge. I always wanted to start reading but I never took the time to do it. Thanks to this challenge, I'm on day 17, and already finished one and a half books.

就我而言,我正在做100DaysOfReading挑战。 我一直想开始阅读,但是我从来没有花时间去做。 多亏了这一挑战,我才进入第17天,已经完成了一本半书。

My habit loop:


  • Every day before lunch or before sleeping (the cue).

  • I read 20 pages or more (the routine).

  • I am approaching my long-term goal of reading daily. I am close to my short-term goal of finishing the book. It makes me happy because I have always wanted to read daily (the reward).

    我正在实现我每天阅读的长期目标。 我已接近完成本书的短期目标。 这让我感到高兴,因为我一直想每天阅读(奖励)。
  • I publish a quote from the book I'm reading with some explanations and motivational text on my Twitter (the commitment).


Here are some tips that can help you to create your programming habit.


计划任务 (Plan your tasks)

To work every day and achieve my monthly goals, I plan all my tasks the evening before. I put on paper what I want to make, and every time I do it, I'll scratch it off my list. I recommend that you do this with your daily programming habit because it's going to motivate you and satisfy you a lot when you finish all your goals.

为了每天工作并实现每月的目标,我计划前一天晚上完成所有任务。 我把我想做的事写在纸上,每次我做时,我都会把它从清单上划掉。 我建议您按照日常的编程习惯进行此操作,因为这会激励您并在您完成所有目标时让您满意。

If you need more structure in your work, define what you are going to do, how, when, and why.


For example, I'm going to create a landing page for my website (what I'm going to do). I will use Vue.JS to build it (how). I will do it between 8am and 10am (when). It's going to help me better understand Vue.JS and help me to start getting my visitor's email addresses.

例如,我将为我的网站创建一个登陆页面(我将要做)。 我将使用Vue.JS来构建它(如何)。 我将在上午8点至上午10点之间(时间)进行此操作。 这将有助于我更好地了解Vue.JS,并帮助我开始获取访问者的电子邮件地址。

编写您的梦想项目 (Code your dream project)

What could be better than coding daily while working on the project of your dreams? If you need motivation, it's an excellent way to program every day. Don't be afraid to take the initiative. Doing it a little bit every day will motivate you even more and give you results in a short time.

有什么比在梦想的项目中每天进行编码更好的了? 如果您需要动力,这是每天编程的好方法。 不要害怕采取主动。 每天做一点点会激发您更多的动力,并在短时间内为您带来结果。

查找您要工作的领域 (Find the field you want to work in)

The world of programming is vast – web, software, AI, embedded, and much more.


One of the significant difficulties is to define what you want to do as a programmer.


It's not easy for everyone, but choosing a topic and sticking to it can be a good motivation factor to practice daily.


For example, if you choose web programming, just focus on that. Even though it's still a big topic, you removed software, AI, embedded, and everything else. That's a good start.

例如,如果您选择Web编程,则只需专注于此即可。 即使这仍然是一个大话题,您也删除了软件,AI,嵌入式和其他所有内容。 这是一个好的开始。

To go further, you can choose between the front-end and back-end.


I'm telling you all this because often, when you start, you get demotivated fast because there are too many things, and you can't focus on a specific theme.


良好的环境 (A good environment)

Something that can motivate you in your daily programming habit is a pleasant working environment. I do not recommend working in your bed. You're going get tired easily.

令人愉悦的工作环境可以激发您每天的编程习惯。 我不建议您在床上工作。 你会很容易累。

Try to work at a desk or a table and do whatever you need to feel comfortable in that space. It will make you want to work more efficiently.

尝试在办公桌或桌子上工作,并尽一切所需使该空间舒适。 这将使您想更有效地工作。

进一步阅读 (Further reading)

If you are interested to know more about the habit process, I invite you to read The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. This book helped me a lot while writing this article, and a lot of the examples I gave you were inspired by it.

如果您有兴趣进一步了解习惯过程,我请您阅读Charles Duhigg 的《习惯的力量》 。 这本书在撰写本文时对我有很大帮助,而我给您的许多示例都受到了启发。

I've also heard about Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear. This book offers a framework to improve your daily habits. The author tries to provide practical guidance on how to make changes.

我还听说过原子习惯:詹姆斯· 克莱尔 (James Clear) 提出的建立良好习惯和打破不良习惯的简便方法 。 本书提供了改善您的日常习惯的框架。 作者尝试提供有关如何进行更改的实用指导。

结论 (Conclusion)

Do you plan to make programming a daily habit? Are you going to commit to 100DaysOfCode?

您打算使编程成为一种日常习惯吗? 您要提交100DaysOfCode吗?

Feel free to share this article if you liked it.


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You can find other articles like this on my website: herewecode.io.

您可以在我的网站上找到其他类似的文章: herewecode.io

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翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-make-programming-a-daily-habit/






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