git 原理详解及实用指南_如何编写良好的提交消息:实用的Git指南

git 原理详解及实用指南

To create a useful revision history, teams should first agree on a commit message convention to use. This also applies to personal projects.

要创建有用的修订历史记录,团队应该首先同意要使用的提交消息约定。 这也适用于个人项目。

Recently on Hashnode I asked, "Which commit message convention do you use at work?" and I got some amazing responses with users explaining the conventions they use at work and for their personal projects.

最近在Hashnode上,我问: “您在工作中使用哪种提交消息约定?” 我收到了一些用户的好评,解释了他们在工作中和用于个人项目时所使用的约定。

In this article, I'll go over how to write good commit messages and why you should.


PS:本文首次发表在我的博客在这里 (PS: This article was first published on my blog here.)

Git版本控制简介 (Introduction to version control with Git)

Version control software is an essential part of modern-day software developer practices.


By far, Git is the most widely used version control system in the world. It is a distributed and actively maintained open source project originally developed in 2005 by Linus Torvalds, the famous creator of the Linux operating system kernel.

到目前为止, Git是世界上使用最广泛的版本控制系统。 它是一个分布式且积极维护的开源项目,最初由Linux操作系统内核的著名创建者Linus Torvalds于2005年开发。

New to Git? Check out the official getting started guide or this slide from a past talk I gave.

刚接触Git? 请查看官方的入门指南或我以前的演讲中的这张幻灯片

什么是提交消息? (What is a commit message?)

The commit command is used to save changes to a local repository after staging in Git. However, before you can save changes in Git, you have to tell Git which changes you want to save as you might have made tons of edits. A great way to do that is by adding a commit message to identify your changes.

在Git中暂存后,使用commit命令将更改保存到本地存储库。 但是,在Git中保存更改之前,您必须告诉Git您要保存哪些更改,因为您可能已经进行了大量的编辑。 做到这一点的一种好方法是添加一个提交消息以标识您的更改。

提交选项 (Commit Options)

  • -m


This option sets the commit's message.


git add static/admin/config.yml
git commit -m "Setup multiple roles for netlify-cms git gateway"
  • -a or --all


This option automatically commits all (including new) tracked, modified or deleted files.


git commit -a -m "Add a new role for netlify-cms git gateway"
  • --amend

    - 修改

This option rewrites the very last commit with any currently staged changes or a new commit message and should only be performed on commits that have not been pushed to a remote repository, yet.


git add .
git commit --amend -m "Update roles for netlify-cms git gateway"

为什么要编写良好的提交消息? (Why should you write good commit messages?)

You might say, "It's just a personal project." Yes, you work alone now, but what happens when you work with a team or contribute to open source?

您可能会说:“这只是一个个人项目。” 是的,您现在一个人工作,但是当您与团队一起工作或为开源做出贡献时会怎样?

A well-crafted Git commit message is the best way to communicate context about a change to other developers working on that project, and indeed, to your future self.


Have you ever tried running git log on one of your old projects to see the "weird" commit messages you have used since its inception? It can be hard to understand why you made some changes in the past, and you'll wish you read this article earlier :).

您是否曾经尝试在您的一个旧项目上运行git log来查看自创建以来使用的“怪异”提交消息? 很难理解为什么您过去进行了一些更改,并且希望您早些阅读本文:)。

Commit messages can adequately communicate why a change was made, and understanding that makes development and collaboration more efficient.


如何使用Git编写提交消息 (How to write commit messages with Git)

Before now, I only used git commit -m "Fix X to allow Y to use Z" on my personal projects with just a subject and no extra description. This is great for small and clear fixes like git commit -m "Fix typo in, but in cases of more extensive changes, you would need to add some extra details.

在此之前,我只在个人项目上使用了git commit -m "Fix X to allow Y to use Z" ,并且仅提供了一个主题,没有附加描述。 这对于小而清晰的修复非常git commit -m "Fix typo in ,例如git commit -m "Fix typo in ,但是在更广泛的更改的情况下,您需要添加一些额外的细节。

编辑器方法 (Editor method)

Run git commit without a message or option and it'll open up your default text editor to write a commit message.

运行没有消息或选项的git commit ,它将打开您的默认文本编辑器以编写提交消息。

To configure your "default" editor:


git config --global core.editor nano

This would configure Git to use nano as your default editor. Replace "nano" with "emacs," "vim," or whatever your preference is.

这会将Git配置为使用nano作为默认编辑器。 用“ emacs”,“ vim”或任何您喜欢的名称替换“ nano”。

In the opened editor, the first line is the subject (short description), leave a blank line after it, and everything else is the extended description (body).


<Summarize change(s) in around 50 characters or less>

<More detailed explanatory description of the change wrapped into about 72

命令行方式 (Command Line method)

git commit -m "Subject" -m "Description..."

The first -m option is the subject (short description), and the next is the extended description (body).


如何编写良好的提交消息 (How to write good commit messages)

There are several conventions used by different teams and developers to write good commit messages. I'll only outline some general rules and tips for writing commit messages–you have to decide what convention you want to follow. And if you work for a company or contribute to open source, you have to adapt to their convention :).

不同的团队和开发人员使用几种约定来编写良好的提交消息。 我将仅概述一些用于编写提交消息的一般规则和技巧-您必须确定要遵循的约定。 而且,如果您在公司工作或为开源做贡献,则必须适应他们的惯例:)。

For consistency, you can use one convention for work and another for personal projects as you might change jobs sometime, and the convention might also change.


Be sure to check out this thread for some amazing commit message conventions or add yours to help someone make a decision.


Here's a great template of a good commit message originally written by Tim pope

这是Tim Pope最初编写的良好提交消息的一个很好的模板

Capitalized, short (50 chars or less) summary

More detailed explanatory text, if necessary.  Wrap it to about 72
characters or so.  In some contexts, the first line is treated as the
subject of an email and the rest of the text as the body.  The blank
line separating the summary from the body is critical (unless you omit
the body entirely); tools like rebase can get confused if you run the
two together.

Write your commit message in the imperative: "Fix bug" and not "Fixed bug"
or "Fixes bug."  This convention matches up with commit messages generated
by commands like git merge and git revert.

Further paragraphs come after blank lines.

- Bullet points are okay, too

- Typically a hyphen or asterisk is used for the bullet, followed by a
  single space, with blank lines in between, but conventions vary here

- Use a hanging indent

If you use an issue tracker, add a reference(s) to them at the bottom,
like so:

Resolves: #123

Looks great, right? Here's how you can make yours great too:

看起来不错吧? 您也可以通过以下方法使自己的实力变得出色:

  1. Specify the type of commit:

  • feat: The new feature you're adding to a particular application

  • fix: A bug fix

  • style: Feature and updates related to styling

  • refactor: Refactoring a specific section of the codebase

  • test: Everything related to testing

  • docs: Everything related to documentation

  • chore: Regular code maintenance.[ You can also use emojis to represent commit types]

  1. Separate the subject from the body with a blank line

  2. Your commit message should not contain any whitespace errors

  3. Remove unnecessary punctuation marks

  4. Do not end the subject line with a period

  5. Capitalize the subject line and each paragraph

  6. Use the imperative mood in the subject line

  7. Use the body to explain what changes you have made and why you made them.

  8. Do not assume the reviewer understands what the original problem was, ensure you add it.

  9. Do not think your code is self-explanatory

  10. Follow the commit convention defined by your team


结论 (Conclusion)

The most important part of a commit message is that it should be clear and meaningful. In the long run, writing good commit messages shows how much of a collaborator you are. The benefits of writing good commit messages are not only limited to your team, but indeed expand to yourself and future contributors.

提交消息最​​重要的部分是它应该清晰而有意义。 从长远来看,编写良好的提交消息可以表明您有多少协作者。 编写良好的提交消息的好处不仅限于您的团队,而且的确扩展到您自己和将来的贡献者。

Want to learn more about Git and become a professional "version controller"? Check out these excellent resources:

想更多地了解Git并成为专业的“版本控制器”吗? 查看以下优秀资源:


git 原理详解及实用指南





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