

This blog is for all those who have set deadlines for their learning goals and then been discouraged when it took a great deal more time than anticipated.


When we are inspired to set goals, what inspires us are the outcomes not the process. We are never eager to do 50 crunches at the gym — we are eager to walk around with flat abs.

当我们受到启发设定目标时,启发我们的是结果而不是过程。 我们从不渴望在健身房做50次仰卧起坐-我们渴望带平坦的腹部走动。

Our wonderful human imagination makes us fall in love with the destination and overlook the path.


This is a good thing. Without this, none of us would start. But the flip side is that because of this most of us quit, or lose momentum. When the reality of the path to our dream is experienced, day in and day out, it’s very easy to slow down and eventually stop. Maybe we don’t want the dream after all. Or, more specifically, we want the result, not the work.

这是一件好事。 没有这个,我们谁也不会开始。 但另一方面,正是由于这一点,我们大多数人退出了,或者失去了动力。 当日复一日地经历着通往梦想之路的现实时,放慢速度并最终停止就非常容易。 也许我们根本不想要梦想。 或者,更具体地说,我们想要结果,而不是工作。



Sadly, this natural human habit is what stands in the way of many us learning new skills, especially complex skills like coding. Setting outcome goals is what drives people to action, but without process goals, the outcome is seriously at risk.

可悲的是,这种自然的人类习惯阻碍了我们许多人学习新技能,尤其是诸如编码之类的复杂技能。 设定结果目标是促使人们采取行动的动力,但是如果没有过程目标,结果就将面临严重的风险。

This is how I set my coding goals the first time I tried to learn to code: I am going to learn HTML this month. Then next month I’m going to do JavaScript.

这是我第一次尝试学习编码时设定我的编码目标的方式: 本月我将学习HTML。 然后下个月我要去做JavaScript。

Sound familiar? Exciting outcome, no process.

听起来有点熟? 令人兴奋的结果,没有过程。

That is actually a risky, ineffective way to set your coding goals. Here’s why.

实际上,这是设置编码目标的一种冒险,无效的方法。 这就是为什么。

In your head that target date seems reasonable, achievable, and importantly, encouraging. It’s motivating to think you will have results that soon. The problem is that a deadline-based goal like that is arbitrary. Learning a new skill takes a certain amount of time. Some are faster than others, but everyone has to put a minimum amount of time that they need to acquire that skill. The skill doesn’t care which month you want to finish by. It only demands that you put in enough time to learn it.

在您看来,目标日期似乎是合理,可以实现的,而且重要的是令人鼓舞。 令人振奋的是,您很快就会有结果。 问题是这样的基于截止日期的目标是任意的。 学习新技能需要一定的时间。 有些人比别人快,但每个人都有把时间, 他们需要获得该技能的最小量。 该技能不在乎您要在哪个月结束。 它只要求您投入足够的时间来学习它。

Therefore, setting a deadline-based outcome goal is incomplete — it ignores some vital math about learning.


For example, if you want to learn HTML and CSS in 30 days (outcome), it is absolutely achievable. But, what does that actually mean? How many hours, on average, does a person need to learn HTML and CSS? And then, how many hours a day or week (process) do you need to achieve that goal? If it takes 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, are you in a position to do that? Which metric really decides success: the outcome or the process? (hint: it’s not outcome).

例如,如果您想在30天( 结果 )内学习HTML和CSS,那是绝对可以实现的。 但是这实际上意味着什么? 一个人平均需要学习几个小时HTML和CSS? 然后,您一天或一周( 过程 )需要多少小时才能实现该目标? 如果一周5天每天需要花费8个小时,那么您是否可以这样做? 哪个指标真正决定成功:结果还是过程? (提示:这不是结果)。

Simply put: knowing how much time it takes to achieve a goal and how much time you can commit to regularly will decide when you you can expect to achieve that goal by.


It’s like a time and distance navigation problem — if you need to travel 100 kilometres, you cannot know when you will get to your destination unless you know how fast you’re traveling. No matter how sincere you are, you cannot do 100 kilometres in 1 hour if you’re walking. Setting that sort of goal is absurd and will result in frustration if you fooled yourself into thinking it’s possible.

这就像一个时间和距离导航问题-如果您需要旅行100公里,除非您知道自己旅行的速度,否则您不知道何时到达目的地。 无论您多么真诚,如果步行,您都无法在1小时内完成100公里的路程。 设定这种目标是荒谬的,如果您自欺欺人地认为这是可能的,那将导致挫败感。

So when you set your coding goals, work out the distance between where you are and the skill level you want, how much time will it take in total, and most importantly how much time you can guarantee you will devote to it every week. Divide total time by weekly time and you get the number of weeks it’s going to take you. That is your deadline.

因此,当您设定编码目标时,请计算出自己所在的位置与所需的技能水平之间的距离,总共需要花费多少时间,最重要的是,您可以保证每周投入多少时间。 将总时间除以每周时间,您将获得花费的周数。 那是你的截止日期。

Most learning resources online make this easy. freeCodeCamp.org makes it super easy — the curriculum tells you clearly how much time a certification takes! Sites like Udacity and Coursera also tell you this, but it’s buried under other course data. Typically they tell you you can complete a course in X weeks if you spend a minimum of Y hours a week.

大多数在线学习资源都使此操作变得容易。 freeCodeCamp.org使它变得超级简单-课程清楚地告诉您认证需要多少时间! UdacityCoursera等网站也告诉您这一点,但是它被隐藏在其他课程数据下。 通常,如果您每周花费至少Y个小时,他们会告诉您可以在X周内完成课程。

Even on Udemy this can be calculated. For example, my course is about 3 hours long. You can finish it in a day, if you spend 4 hours (including thinking and assignments). If you spend an hour a day you cannot finish it in less than 3 days. For more technical courses, where you learn by coding along, I would multiply the hours of video by at least 3 to get an estimate of time required to complete the course.

即使在Udemy上也可以计算。 例如, 我的课程大约3个小时。 如果您花费4个小时(包括思考和任务),则可以在一天内完成。 如果您每天花费一个小时,则无法在不到3天的时间内完成。 对于更多的技术课程,您可以通过编码学习,我会将视频时间至少乘以3,以估算完成课程所需的时间。

Put this way, it’s pretty clear that deadline-based outcome goals for learning are arbitrary if you don’t focus on the process goals of daily or weekly commitment. “When by” is useless without knowing “how much every day”.

这样说来,很明显,如果您不关注每日或每周承诺的过程目标,则基于截止日期的学习目标是任意的。 在不知道“每天多少”的情况下,“何时通过”是没有用的。

And this one shift in approach will greatly improve your odds of success. This way you will know if something is going to take you 6 or 12 or 18 months. No nasty surprises — and you can build a solid plan around that, and prepare yourself for the journey.

这一方法上的转变将大大提高您成功的几率。 这样,您将知道是否需要花费6或12或18个月的时间。 没有令人惊讶的惊喜-您可以为此制定一个可靠的计划 ,并为旅途做好准备。

Ultimately, every place is walking distance if you have the time. It’s no different for learning new skills. It takes the time it takes. You just got to be ready to show up and do the work until the math gets you to your destination.

最终,只要有时间,每个地方都在步行距离之内。 学习新技能也没什么不同。 这需要时间。 您只需要准备好出现并进行工作,直到数学将您带到目的地。

[Update] Quincy at freeCodeCamp has relaunched the freeCodeCamp podcast, and uses his incredible experience as an educator to pull together content that will help you on your journey. I was recently on episode 53 and some of the things in this post are covered in greater detail there. You can also access the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify or directly from this page.

[ 更新 ] freeCodeCamp的Quincy重新启动了freeCodeCamp播客 ,并利用他作为一名教育者的令人难以置信的经验整理了有助于您旅途的内容。 我最近在第53集上 ,这篇文章中的某些内容在此有更详细的介绍。 您也可以在iTunesStitcherSpotify上访问播客,或直接从此页面访问

If you would like to talk about your journey, I would love to listen. Tweet me @ZubinPratap. If you think what you just read could be useful to someone, please share it.

如果您想谈一谈您的旅程,我很想听听。 给我发@ZubinPratap 。 如果您认为您刚刚阅读的内容可能对某人有用,请与他人分享。

If you would like a discount coupon for my Udemy Course get in touch at this link. I cover this and many other techniques to help you not quit coding.

如果您想要我的Udemy课程的折扣优惠券,请联系此链接 。 我将介绍此技巧以及许多其他技巧,以帮助您避免退出编码。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/why-learn-by-dates-make-you-fail-when-youre-learning-to-code-f1ac2bc41ea5/






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