

I thought about writing about my personal coding journey many times, but never had the courage to do so. I was dismissive and thought: “Why would anyone want to read this?”

我曾想过多次写自己的个人编码之旅,但从来没有勇气这样做。 我不屑一顾,心想:“为什么有人要读这篇文章?”

Developers come from all walks of life. However, I want to talk about learning to code with young children, and the challenges of juggling parenting and studying.

开发人员来自各行各业。 但是,我想谈谈与幼儿一起学习编码的问题,以及如何兼顾父母和学习的挑战。

我的背景 (My background)

I’m not a conventional candidate for becoming a web developer. I went down a humanities route and I have no computer science background. I fell into a career in Higher Education and for over a decade I moved up the ranks in administration. I enjoyed my work but wasn’t fulfilled by my career choice.

我不是成为Web开发人员的常规候选人。 我走人文学科之路,没有计算机科学背景。 我进入了高等教育事业,并且在过去的十多年中,我在行政管理领域中排名上升。 我喜欢我的工作,但没有为自己的职业选择感到满足。

About seven years ago in search for a new career path, I sought advice to get into a more technical role. So I started learning the web fundamentals like HTML and CSS. My first attempt at coding was half-hearted. Fear was the main reason. I feared that the transition would take too long. I also got distracted by my upcoming wedding.

大约七年前,在寻找新的职业道路时,我寻求建议以担任更具技术性的角色。 因此,我开始学习HTML和CSS等网络基础知识。 我第一次尝试编码是三心二意。 恐惧是主要原因。 我担心过渡会花费太长时间。 我也为即将举行的婚礼而分心。

6年后……一个丈夫,一个公寓和两个两个以下的婴儿! (6 years later…one husband, a flat, and two babies under two!)

I had my first baby in January 2015. In a nutshell, having my son was a shock to the system and completely turned my world upside down. The sleep deprivation felt like torture and I had difficulty with breastfeeding. I was in a zombie state for the first six months.

我在2015年1月生了第一个孩子。简而言之,生儿子对系统造成了很大的冲击,彻底颠覆了我的世界。 睡眠不足感觉像是一种折磨,我难以母乳喂养。 前六个月我处于僵尸状态。

As things started to settle down, I found out that I was pregnant…again. This was during my first week back at work! My daughter was born in September 2016. Now I had two babies under twenty months!

当事情开始稳定下来时,我发现自己再次怀孕。 这是我上班的第一周! 我的女儿出生于2016年9月。现在我有两个不到20个月的婴儿!

实现,动力和职业转变 (Realization, motivation and career change)

By mid 2017 at the age of 34, I decided to leave my job. I did this for two reasons. It was no longer financially viable for me to work and have my children in childcare. It was difficult to work full-time, while looking after two young children with a husband who worked away a lot.

到2017年年中,享年34岁的我决定辞职。 我这样做有两个原因。 对我而言,工作和抚养孩子不再经济上可行。 全职工作很困难,同时要照顾两个年幼的孩子和一个丈夫,而丈夫工作量很大。

The thoughts I had seven years earlier never went away. I could wait until the children were older and start to look for part-time work, or to finally pursue a job in tech. My husband, who already works in the tech industry, gave me the same advice.

我七年前的想法从未消失。 我可以等到孩子们长大后开始寻找兼职工作,或者最终从事技术工作。 我的丈夫已经在科技行业工作,给了我同样的建议。

Learn the fundamentals: HTML, CSS and JavaScript. With a combination of these three skill sets I knew I could become a front-end developer.

了解基础知识:HTML,CSS和JavaScript。 结合这三种技能,我知道自己可以成为前端开发人员。

freeCodeCamp和我的编码之旅的开始 (freeCodeCamp and the start of my coding journey)

I researched which online learning platform I should follow. I read good things about freeCodeCamp. I also liked the structure of the curriculum. It was suitable for anyone with zero programming experience.

我研究了应该遵循的在线学习平台。 我读了有关freeCodeCamp的好东西。 我也喜欢课程的结构。 它适合于具有零编程经验的任何人。

When I started, it was very satisfying seeing my code render in the preview pane! I thought to myself, “this isn’t so bad, I can do this”. I remember the first time I got stuck.

当我开始时,在预览窗格中看到我的代码呈现非常令人满意! 我心想,“这还不错,我可以做到”。 我记得我第一次被卡住。

It was on a <div> tag. I read in the exercise instructions: “The div element is probably the most commonly used HTML element of all.” I didn’t understand why you would nest a <div> in a <div>?!

它在<div>标记上。 我阅读了锻炼说明:“ div元素可能是所有元素中最常用HTML元素。” 我不明白为什么要将<div>嵌套在<div>

My husband said “Google is your friend” and so I started researching to understand what a <div> was.

我丈夫说“ Google是您的朋友”,所以我开始研究以了解<div>是什么。

It wasn’t easy. I had not studied for over 13 years and I was also going into a subject area that was so far removed from anything I had learned before. Early on, I had a lot of self-doubt and feared that I couldn’t learn to program. But as time went by, the process of learning programming got easier. I worked hard and persevered.

这并不容易。 我已经学习了13年以上,而且我也正在进入一个学科领域,该学科领域与我以前学过的一切都相去甚远。 早期,我有很多自我怀疑的地方,并担心自己无法学习编程。 但是随着时间的流逝,学习编程的过程变得更加容易。 我努力工作并坚持不懈。

Although the curriculum became more difficult, I got more used to feeling uncomfortable.


学习如何与儿童一起编码的挑战 (The challenges of learning how to code with children)

Being a parent is a “job” that never stops. It’s the most demanding role I’ve ever had! I have to be the best chef, entertainer, housekeeper, singer, nurse, nurturer, errand runner, teacher and storyteller… the list goes on. Even when my children are asleep, I’m on standby, ready to drop everything to tend their needs.

成为父母是一项永不停止的“工作”。 这是我有过的最苛刻的角色! 我必须是最好的厨师,演艺人员,管家,歌手,护士,养育者,差事奔跑者,老师和讲故事的人……清单还在继续。 即使我的孩子睡着了,我仍待命,随时准备丢下所有东西以满足他们的需求。

With that in mind, finding time to code was the biggest challenge. My husband worked away and for the most of the week I was in charge of two toddlers. It was exhausting! At the beginning I could only code after they were asleep.

考虑到这一点,找到时间进行编码是最大的挑战。 我丈夫外出打工,在一周的大部分时间里,我负责两个小孩。 太累了! 一开始,我只能在他们入睡后进行编码。

A typical day with children would start at 6 am and last until 8 pm. It would be about 9 pm before I could sit down, open my laptop and start coding. Even though I felt tired, when I started to code I felt revitalized by it.

通常,带孩子的一天将从早上6点开始,一直持续到晚上8点。 大约要晚上9点,我才能坐下,打开笔记本电脑开始编码。 即使我感到疲倦,但是当我开始编写代码时,我都被它振作了。

Some evenings were better than others. Depending on the needs of my children, I managed to study anywhere between 30 minutes and three hours before bed. Quite often, I wasn’t able to study at all.

有些晚上比其他晚上好。 根据孩子的需要,我设法在上床睡觉前30分钟到三个小时之间学习。 很多时候,我根本无法学习。

Bear with me, it does get better.


Eventually, coding became part of my routine. I studied more on days when my children were in nursery. On my “free” days, I structured my day like so:

最终,编码成为我日常工作的一部分。 我的孩子在托儿所的日子里学的更多。 在我的“自由”日子里,我的日子安排如下:

6 am: Breakfast, time with the children9 am: Studying12 pm: Lunch and housework1 pm: Continue studying3 pm: Cook, more housework and pick up children9 pm: Study some more10/11 pm: sleep


When you have children, illness is inevitable. But no-one told me how often babies get sick! It was a big disruption to my coding journey. Here’s an example.

当您有孩子时,疾病是不可避免的。 但是没有人告诉我婴儿生病的频率! 这对我的编码之旅造成了很大的干扰。 这是一个例子。

During the winter of 2017, my daughter got the flu and my son soon after. It took two weeks for them to recover. As I finally relaxed and was no longer in “survival mode”, my husband and I got sick. I wasn’t able to study for over a month.

在2017年冬季,我的女儿得了流感,儿子很快就得了流感。 他们花了两个星期才康复。 当我终于放松下来,不再处于“生存模式”时,我和丈夫病了。 我不能学习一个多月了。

I learned to be prepared for disruptions like this and not allow it to have a major impact on my motivation. I would try to get back to studying as soon as possible. I started off with short periods of coding and built it up once I got back into the flow.

我学会了为这样的破坏做好准备,并且不允许它对我的动机产生重大影响。 我会尝试尽快回到学习。 我从短时间的编码开始,并在回到流程中建立起来。

I tried to keep to a routine as much as possible. It wasn’t only important for me, but also my children. For example, this meant having to stop studying in the middle of solving an exercise to pick up my children. Not coding into the early hours of the morning so I could be ready for my children the next day.

我试图尽可能地保持例行。 这不仅对我很重要,对我的孩子也很重要。 例如,这意味着必须在解决一项运动来接我的孩子的过程中停止学习。 早上不写代码,所以第二天我可以为孩子们准备。

得到教训 (Lessons Learned)

I was asked recently what are the most important things I have learned on my coding journey. I’ve listed my top tips. Some of them are specific to parents, but I’m sure they would still be useful to any non-parents!

最近有人问我在编码过程中学到的最重要的东西是什么。 我列出了我的主要技巧。 其中一些是特定于父母的,但是我敢肯定,它们对于任何非父母还是有用的!

  1. Anyone can learn to code: no matter what your background, if you have the interest and motivation, you can learn to code. There are so many resources online that cater to all levels of knowledge. All you need is access to a computer and time to learn. Practice makes perfect!

    任何人都可以学习编码:无论您的背景如何,只要您有兴趣和动力,就可以学习编码。 在线上有太多资源可以满足所有层次的知识。 您所需要的只是使用计算机和学习时间。 实践使完美!

  2. Code every day: a tip I picked up from Quincy from freeCodeCamp, but it’s so important! I try to stick to this but don’t beat yourself up if you don’t manage to. The unpredictable nature of children meant that this wasn’t always possible for me. I tried to adapt my coding life around my responsibilities and commitments. Learning how to be flexible was key.

    每天编写代码:我从freeCodeCamp的Quincy那里获得了一个提示,但这非常重要! 我会尽量坚持下去,但是如果您没有设法做到,就不要打自己。 儿童的不可预测性意味着对我而言这并非总是可能的。 我试图根据自己的职责和承诺来适应我的编码生活。 学习如何变得灵活是关键。

  3. Don’t wear yourself down: try to have some time to relax and switch off from studying. I try to go to the gym.

    不要让自己疲倦:尝试花些时间放松自己,并停止学习。 我试图去健身房。

  4. Multitasking: The days when my children are in nursery, I group all my housework to that time. I would code while the laundry was washing. Watch a coding related video on YouTube or listen to a podcast while I was cleaning or cooking. I also cook meals in bulk and freeze them to free up more time during the weekend.

    多任务处理:当我的孩子在托儿所的日子里,我将当时的所有家务归为一组。 我会在洗衣店洗衣服的时候编码。 清洁或烹饪时,请在YouTube上观看与编码相关的视频或收听播客。 我还批量烹饪餐点并将其冷冻以在周末腾出更多时间。

  5. Learn to manage your fear: Don’t allow your negativity to consume you. At some point in your coding journey you’re going to feel self-doubt. Everyone has their own coping mechanisms. Personally, the more I studied and practiced, the more I grew in confidence.

    学会处理恐惧:不要让你的消极消磨你。 在您的编码旅程中的某个时刻,您会感到自我怀疑。 每个人都有自己的应对机制。 就个人而言,我学习和实践的次数越多,我的信心就越大。

  6. Learning how to research: this is an important skill to master. At the beginning I found it difficult to search for the correct key words to help me with my tasks. Again, it’s all about practice. The more you search online, the better you’ll become. Remember to bookmark useful sites.

    学习如何研究:这是掌握的一项重要技能。 一开始,我发现很难找到正确的关键词来帮助我完成任务。 同样,这都是关于实践的。 您在网上搜索的次数越多,您就会变得越好。 请记住为有用的站点添加书签。

  7. Don’t get overwhelmed: it’s good to think about where your coding journey will take you. But don’t let it overwhelm you. Think of your knowledge as a bell curve. In the middle of the graph where it peaks, you’ll know two languages or frameworks very well. As it tapers off, your knowledge on other subjects will not be as extensive. It’s always good to be aware of new technologies and trends, but it doesn’t mean you have to be an expert!

    不要不知所措:最好考虑一下编码之旅将带您到何处。 但是,不要让它淹没您。 将您的知识视为钟形曲线。 在图的峰值处,您将非常了解两种语言或框架。 随着时间的推移,您对其他主题的了解将不会那么广泛。 知道新技术和新趋势总是很高兴,但这并不意味着您必须成为专家!

  8. Build a portfolio: you can still build a good portfolio without “work” experience. My portfolio consists of projects from freeCodeCamp. You don’t even need to setup your own environment and can use online resources like CodePen to demo your code.

    建立档案袋:没有“工作”经验,您仍然可以建立良好的档案袋。 我的投资组合包括来自freeCodeCamp的项目。 您甚至不需要设置自己的环境,就可以使用CodePen等在线资源来演示代码。

  9. Version Control: learn how to use Git and GitHub. As you start to do more complex projects, you’ll need to use an IDE (integrated development environment). I use Atom but don’t focus too much on the tool. Choose one and become good at using it! Start creating repositories and committing your code to Github.

    版本控制:学习如何使用GitGitHub 。 当您开始执行更复杂的项目时,您将需要使用IDE(集成开发环境)。 我使用Atom,但并不太专注于该工具。 选择一个并善于使用它! 开始创建存储库并将代码提交给Github。

  10. Code review: it’s important to find someone to help you code review your projects. It was difficult for me do this at the beginning. But ultimately, it will lead you to become a better programmer. You’ll learn a lot by reviewing other people’s code as well.

    代码审查:重要的是要找到可以帮助您对项目进行代码审查的人员。 一开始我很难做到这一点。 但是最终,它将引导您成为更好的程序员。 通过阅读其他人的代码,您还将学到很多东西。

  11. Never stop learning: another thing people ask me is when I’ll stop studying. My answer is never. There is so much innovation in web development. I want to be aware of the latest updates and the “must have skills”.

    永不停止学习:别人问我的另一件事是我何时停止学习。 我的回答永远不会。 Web开发中有很多创新。 我想知道最新的更新和“必须具备的技能”。

我现在在哪里 (Where I am now)

I have been learning and coding for about a year, part time. I’ve completed three out of six certificates from freeCodeCamp.

我从事兼职学习和编码大约一年了。 我已经完成了freeCodeCamp的六分之三的证书。

I am now freelancing as a web developer and I have built two commercial websites. One for a client and my portfolio. I have one client I’m working with now to redesign and build their website. I’m also continuing my studies with freeCodeCamp and other platforms such as Udemy.

我现在以网站开发人员的身份从事自由职业,并且已经建立了两个商业网站。 一个给客户和我的投资组合。 我现在有一个与之合作的客户来重新设计和构建他们的网站。 我还将继续使用freeCodeCamp和其他平台(例如Udemy)进行学习

最后的想法 (Final thoughts)

Some people asked why I did a career change with children and not before when I had more time. This is the irony: I didn’t appreciate or realize how important time was. I was also complacent and scared of taking the plunge before children. I want to be a good example for my children and have a career which I’m passionate about.

有人问为什么我要带着孩子转行,而不是在我有更多时间之前。 具有讽刺意味的是:我没有欣赏或意识到时间是多么重要。 我也很沾沾自喜,也不敢在孩子面前大吃一惊。 我想为我的孩子们树立好榜样,并拥有我热爱的职业。

When I became a parent, I felt like my sole purpose was to be a mother and I had lost my own identity in the process. When I started studying again, it gave me a purpose outside of parenting. I didn’t have to be a coder or mum, I could be both.

当我成为父母时,我觉得自己的唯一目的是成为母亲,而我在此过程中失去了自己的身份。 当我再次开始学习时,它给了我育儿之外的目标。 我不必是编码员或妈妈,我俩都可以。

If you have any questions or just want to say hello, find me on Twitter @PhoebeVF

如果您有任何疑问或想打个招呼,请在Twitter @PhoebeVF上找到我

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-i-went-from-stay-at-home-mum-to-front-end-web-developer-39724046692a/


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