A kanban board is a workflow visualization tool that is great for organizing everything you need to do when making an application. It helps to make sure you accomplish all the requirements of a project.
看板是工作流可视化工具,非常适合组织制作应用程序时需要做的所有事情。 它有助于确保您满足项目的所有要求。
In this video, Anissa Deanna shares about kanban boards and demonstrates the process for creating them using both Trello and Github.
在此视频中,Anissa Deanna分享了有关看板的知识,并演示了使用Trello和Github创建看板的过程。
You can watch the video on the the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel (12 minute watch).
您可以在freeCodeCamp.org YouTube频道上观看视频(观看12分钟)。
翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/create-a-kanban-board/