钳工下料软件_钳工。 更开心 更具生产力。 远程工作。


分布式团队的经济分析 (An economic analysis of distributed teams)

Travel the world as a digital nomad. Surf a new beach every morning. Eat a different local cuisine each night.

作为数字Nomad民族环游世界。 每天早晨在新海滩上冲浪。 每晚晚上吃不同的当地美食。

Or just stay home all day in your pajamas.


It doesn’t really matter. You can get your work done either way.

没关系。 您可以通过任何一种方式完成工作。

More than 10% of Americans now work remotely.


I’m one of them. After 10 years of working in an office, I’ve had the luxury of working out of my closet for the past 5 years. I could rave until I’m blue in the face about how great it is. But talk is cheap. Let’s look at data.

我就是其中之一。 在办公室工作10年后,过去5年中,我一直在办公室里工作。 我可以大惊小怪,直到我对它有多伟大感到灰心为止。 但是谈话很便宜。 让我们看一下数据。

What are the economic costs and benefits of working remotely?


薪水 (Salary)

We looked at more than 36,000 salaries of developers working both remotely and on-site from Stack Overflow’s 2016 dataset. Here’s what we found:

我们从Stack Overflow的2016年数据集中查看了超过36,000名远程和现场工作的开发人员的薪水。 这是我们发现的内容:

Of the 10,583 developers world-wide who reported working remotely some or all the time, their median salary was US $55,000, with a standard deviation of $51,200.


This was significantly higher than the salaries of the 25,413 non-remote developers. Their median salary was just $45,000, with a standard deviation of $44,727.

这大大高于25,413个非远程开发人员的薪水。 他们的工资中位数仅为45,000美元,标准差为44,727美元。

When you exclude developers outside of the United States, this wage difference remains. The 3,200 US-based remote developers had a median salary of $105,000 (with a standard deviation of $47,400), versus their 6,461 non-remote counterparts, whose median salary was only $95,000 (with a standard deviation of $ 42,977).

当您排除美国以外的开发商时,这种工资差异仍然存在。 美国的3,200名远程开发人员的平均工资为105,000美元(标准差为47,400美元),而非远程开发人员的平均工资仅为95,000美元(标准差为42,977美元),而非远程同行的平均工资为6,461美元。

People who work remotely are most represented at the top and bottom ends of the pay scale.


Freelance developers who accept contracts through relatively low-paying channels like Upwork tend to be remote.


At the same time, developers with more than ten years of experience are twice as likely to work remotely as newcomers.


The caliber of developers who can command salaries of more than $200,000 have a lot of bargaining power. When they demand to work remotely, employers are more likely to yield.

能够支取20万美元以上薪水的开发人员具有很大的议价能力。 当他们要求远程工作时,雇主更有可能屈服。

Anecdotally, I’ve met plenty of high-paid developers who live up in the mountains, or who jet around the world, living out of hotels. You would have to pay them a small fortune to convince them to work out of an office, and even then they probably wouldn’t last long.

有趣的是,我遇到了许多高薪开发人员,他们住在山上,或者在世界各地飞来飞去,住在旅馆外面。 您将不得不付给他们一小笔钱,以说服他们在办公室外工作,即使那样,他们可能也不会持续很长时间。

生产率 (Productivity)

In 2012, Stanford researchers set out to better understand remote work and its implications. They conducted a 9-month study of 249 service sector workers — the largest academic study of remote work ever.

2012年,斯坦福大学的研究人员着手更好地了解远程工作及其含义。 他们对249名服务业工人进行了为期9个月的研究,这是有史以来规模最大的远程工作学术研究。

Here are the key findings:


  • Remote workers were 13% more productive than on-site workers.

  • Remote workers worked longer shifts, took fewer breaks, and took fewer sick days.

  • Remote workers were half as likely as to quit as on-site workers, and reported significantly higher job satisfaction rates.


One downside the study found was that remote workers were 50% less likely to be promoted than their on-site counterparts. This may mean that it’s harder for bosses to form relationships with you if you work remotely.

该研究的一个缺点是,远程工人的晋升可能性比现场工人低50%。 这可能意味着如果您远程工作,老板很难与您建立关系。

生活方式 (Lifestyle)

Working remotely also offers some major cost-savings — both for employees and their employers.


In many cities, workers spend more than an hour per day commuting to and from their office.


Not having to commute saves you time. It also saves you the monetary cost of mass transit, or gas and depreciation on a car.

不必上下班可以节省您的时间。 它还可以为您节省公共交通,汽油和汽车折旧的货币成本。

You also have to spend a lot of time getting ready for work. For many people, this means dressing up in a suit and/or putting on makeup — tasks you can skip if you’re working remotely.

您还必须花费大量时间准备工作。 对于许多人来说,这意味着穿着西装和/或化妆—如果您是远程工作,可以跳过这些任务。

My unscientific estimate (because no comprehensive study has yet been conducted) is that about a tenth of an on-site worker’s income — and a tenth of their time — would be immediately freed-up if they could work remotely.


Companies should also take note that during Stanford study, the employer saved $2,000 per employee in furniture and office space costs.


And don’t forget parking. In San Francisco, for example, it costs an average of $38,000 to create a single new parking space for an employee.

并且不要忘记停车。 例如,在旧金山,为员工创建一个新的停车位平均需要花费38,000美元

远程工作适合您吗? (Is working remotely right for you?)

The decision to work remotely is a highly personal one.


My goal here is to share the facts.


Instead of gushing about how great I personally think it is to work remotely, I recommend you read this excellent book:


The Year Without Pants: WordPress.com and the Future of WorkEdit descriptionamzn.to

没有裤子的一年:WordPress.com和工作的未来 编辑描述 amzn.to

It’s by journalist Scott Berkun, who managed a remote team for a year at Automattic (the all-remote company behind WordPress).

由记者Scott Berkun负责,他在Automattic(WordPress背后的全远程公司)管理了一个远程团队一年。

The Year Without Pants is filled with interesting first-hand anecdotes. It will give you a clear idea of what it’s like to work remotely.

没有裤子的年充满了有趣的第一手轶事。 它将使您清楚地了解远程工作的感觉。

Working remotely isn’t for everyone. But it is a viable option. And there are some compelling economic reason why it might make sense for you.

远程工作并不适合所有人。 但这是一个可行的选择。 并且有一些令人信服的经济原因,为什么它对您有意义。

I only write about programming and technology. If you follow me on Twitter I won’t waste your time. ?

我只写关于编程和技术的文章。 如果您在Twitter上关注我,我不会浪费您的时间。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-economics-of-working-remotely-28d4173e16e2/






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