

I had the honor of asking three of the world’s most famous software engineers six questions.


问题1:您的大学学位在您的职业生涯中扮演什么角色? 您认为您可以成为没有学位的人吗? (Question #1: What role has your university degree played in your professional career? Do you think you could become the person you are without a degree?)

Jon Skeet: Well, my main degree was in maths, and then I did an MA-equivalent in computer science. I wouldn’t say I’ve used much of the theoretical side in day-to-day programming, but earning a degree is as much about honing how you think as about what you learn.

乔恩·斯凯特(Jon Skeet):好吧,我的主修学位是数学,然后获得了计算机科学的硕士学位。 我不会说我在日常编程中使用了很多理论方面的知识,但是获得学位与磨练您的想法和学习知识一样重要。

There are plenty of better programmers than me who don’t have degrees — but I think my time at university helped me a lot as a developer… partly in terms of people I met and things I did outside my official studies. Of course, if I hadn’t gone to university I’d have had a different four years which would no doubt have had other benefits.

有很多比我更好的没有学位的程序员-但是我认为我在大学期间为开发人员提供了很多帮助……部分原因是我认识的人和我在学业以外所做的事情。 当然,如果我没有去大学我有一个不同的 4年这无疑有其他的好处。

Salvatore Sanfilippo: I’ve no university degree, so I’m pretty sure a degree didn’t contributed much to my career :-)

Salvatore Sanfilippo:我没有大学学位,所以我很确定学位对我的职业没有太大贡献:-)

Misko Hevery: My degree is in Computer Engineering which is an equal mix of hardware and software. Typically, with CE, you either design the silicon, boards with chips, or you write low level firmware for those boards.

Misko Hevery:我的学位是计算机工程,它是硬件和软件的平等组合。 通常,使用CE,您可以设计芯片,带有芯片的板,或者为这些板编写低级固件。

While at university, I have laid out silicon, then in my internships I designed firmware.


After graduation, I slowly transitioned from drivers, to libraries, to server side code, then databases, and finally to front end development with frameworks such as Angular.


I think having such background gives me a unique perspective to what is going on in the machine. Everything from HTML all the way down to individual ransitiors.

我认为拥有这样的背景可以使我对机器中发生的事情有一个独特的见解。 从HTML一直到个别骚扰者的所有内容。

It is hard to say if I use my degree on daily basis. There are times when knowing what is going down in the machine helps, as is the case when trying to understand the performance of your code. But most of the time I draw on my knowledge of programming (which I learned before university) or skills I have learned in workplace.

很难说我是否每天使用我的学位。 有时候,了解机器故障将有帮助,就像试图了解代码的性能一样。 但是大多数时候,我会利用自己的编程知识(我在大学之前学过)或在工作场所学到的技能。

I would say that having a degree in software is helpful, but not fully required. (The hardware world is different, there a formal education is a lot more valuable / required / essential.)

我会说拥有软件学位是有帮助的,但并不是完全必要的。 (硬件世界是不同的,接受正规教育会更有价值/需要/必不可少。)

Software is a great deal about experience and discovery. It is more art than science, and for that reason what matters most in software is just the raw number of hours spent writing code, failing, rewriting, and reflecting.

软件与经验和发现有关。 它比艺术还多于科学,因此,在软件中最重要的只是花在编写代码,失败,重写和反思上的原始时间。

Something which is driven by the number of hours spent on the problem, rather than a formal education. I think my success can be directly attributed to the number of hours I have spent coding. I have been coding since I was 10 years old, way before my university education. Which means, by now, I have accumulated about 30 years of writing code; and that is the real differentiator.

这是由在问题上花费的时间而不是正规的教育所驱动的。 我认为我的成功可以直接归因于我在编码上花费的时间。 我从10岁那年开始从事编码工作,那时我还没有大学教育。 这意味着,到目前为止,我已经积累了大约30年的编写代码的经验。 那才是真正的差异化因素。

Jon Skeet: Simply writing readable text is probably the most important non-computer-specific skill a developer can have. Programming involves communicating with both a computer and with other developers reading your code — I think too many people focus on the former and ignore the latter.

乔恩·斯凯特(Jon Skeet):简单地编写可读文本可能是开发人员可以拥有的最重要的非计算机特定技能。 编程涉及与计算机以及与其他读取代码的开发人员进行通信-我认为太多的人专注于前者而忽略后者。

There are lots of things I wish I knew more about. I’m currently learning a huge amount about feminism (and other fights against inequality) — that’s opened my eyes a lot and will continue to do so, I’m sure. I don’t know that it’s helped me as a developer, but it’s helped me as a human being.

我希望我能了解很多事情。 我目前正在学习有关女权主义(以及其他与不平等作斗争)的大量知识,这肯定让我大开眼界,而且我会继续这样做。 我不知道它对我作为开发人员有帮助,但对我作为一个人却有所帮助。

Salvatore Sanfilippo: Studying architecture for a couple of years I think gave me a sense of design, and of the sacrifice in the design needed in order to obtain certain goals, in the presence of tensions. I think I applied these ideas later while designing systems.

Salvatore Sanfilippo:我研究了几年的建筑,我认为这给了我一种设计感,并且让我感受到了在存在压力的情况下为了达到某些目标而需要付出的设计牺牲。 我想我稍后会在设计系统时应用这些想法。

I wish I knew more about formal methods.


Misko Hevery: Empathy. I don’t think I even knew what the word meant until few years ago. Being socially awkward is almost a right of passage for software developers, but it should not be. And it does not have to be, if we would teach it in school along with literature, math, and sciences.

Misko Hevery:移情。 我想直到几年前我才知道这个词的意思。 社交尴尬几乎是软件开发人员的通行权利,但事实并非如此。 如果我们要在学校将其与文学,数学和科学一起授课,那就不必如此。

The reason why empathy is so important is that it is the glue which allows you to work in teams, and there are real limits of what you can achieve as an individual. Being empathetic allows you to build a great team. Empathy is contagious. Having an empathetic team means having a much more productive team.

移情之所以如此重要的原因是,胶水可以使您在团队中工作,而个人的成就受到实际限制。 善解人意使您可以组建一支优秀的团队。 同理心会传染。 拥有一支富有同情心的团队意味着拥有一支生产力更高的团队。

问题3 :许多人在学习新事物时遇到问题。 您如何简单有效地学习新事物? 接下来您想学什么? (Question #3: Many people have problems learning something new. How do you learn new things simply and effectively? What do you want to learn next?)

Jon Skeet: Try to learn one thing at a time. If you’re learning a new language, work out the context in which that’s going to be simplest to try things out and debug — in many cases that means writing console apps. Any time you introduce a user interface into things, that introduces a lot of complexity which can be overwhelming if you’re not already comfortable with the basics.

乔恩·斯基特(Jon Skeet):尝试一次学习一件事。 如果您正在学习一种新的语言,请找出最容易进行尝试和调试的上下文,在许多情况下,这意味着编写控制台应用程序。 每当您将用户界面引入事物时,都会带来很多复杂性,如果您对基础知识还不满意,那么这些复杂性将是不堪重负的。

As for what I want to learn next… I’m trying to keep up with .NET Core and the tooling around it, as I find that a tremendously exciting opportunity. One of these days I should really learn F#, Ruby or Python properly… but I’ve been saying that for years and not done anything about it, so I’m not expecting to find the time to do it soon…

至于我接下来要学习的内容……我试图跟上.NET Core及其周围的工具,因为我发现这是一个非常令人兴奋的机会。 这些日子之一,我应该真正正确地学习F#,Ruby或Python……但是我已经说了很多年了,对此什么也没做,所以我不希望有时间去做。

Salvatore Sanfilippo: What I try to do is to refuse to learn something that is at the same time complex and whose purpose is not clear, or is just justified by a greater level of “organization”, or is considered best practice. If Ineed to learn something it requires to make a real big different in myday to day work. This is my filter.

Salvatore Sanfilippo:我想做的是拒绝学习同时具有复杂性,目的不明确的东西,或者被更高层次的“组织”所证明是合理的东西,或者被认为是最佳实践。 如果Ineed要学习一些东西,则需要在日常工作中做出真正的大改变。 这是我的过滤器。

Similarly I want to learn things that last decades, so I avoid hypedtechnologies that are hard to learn as much as possible.


The next thing I want to learn better is how to work better withthreads, especially advanced lock-free data structures and abstractionlayers over the basic threaded model in order to avoid errors andsimplify implementations. I’ve used them a couple of times just forfun, but I want to understand how to apply lock-free data structuresto real system programming in the best way.

我想更好地学习的下一件事是如何更好地使用线程,尤其是基本线程模型上的高级无锁数据结构和抽象层,从而避免错误并简化实现。 我已经好几次使用它们了,但我想了解如何以最佳方式将无锁数据结构应用于实际系统编程。

Misko Hevery: Learning new things is hard. It pushes you out of comfort zone, and makes you feel dumb. Admitting that you don’t know something is hard to admit to yourself, and even harder to admit to others. I always tell my kids: Being frustrated is how you know that you are learning.

Misko Hevery:学习新事物很难。 它使您脱离舒适区,并使您感到愚蠢。 承认自己不知道某件事很难承认自己,甚至更难承认别人。 我总是告诉我的孩子们:沮丧就是你知道自己正在学习。

My secret weapon is realizing that frustration is part of learning and bulldozing through it. What I tell myself is that my future self will not remember the frustration, but will enjoy the fruits for a long time to come.

我的秘密武器意识到,挫败感是学习和推销的一部分。 我对自己说的是,我未来的自我不会记住挫败感,但会在很长一段时间内享受果实。

问题4 :对于初学者来说,您会提供什么建议? 您是否将自己与其他比初学者更好的软件工程师或程序员进行了比较? (Question #4: For people who are beginners, what advice would you offer them? Did you compare yourself with other software engineers or programmers who were better than you when you were a beginner?)

Jon Skeet: See my previous answer — start simple :) If you’ve got a big problem which will involve learning multiple new concepts, don’t start off trying to write the final code -start with throw-away code which will teach you about one of those concepts at a time.

乔恩·斯凯特(Jon Skeet):参见我以前的答案-简单开始:)如果您遇到的大问题涉及学习多个新概念,请不要开始尝试编写最终代码-从一次性代码开始,这将教您一次只涉及其中一个概念。

I’ve compared myself with other engineers before, and will no doubt do so again. Even within topics where I’m supposedly knowledgeable, I can easily point to loads of other people with more expertise. It’s helpful to learn from more experienced engineers, but I think comparing yourself with them in a “trying to be more like them” way is unhelpful.

我之前已经将自己与其他工程师进行了比较,并且无疑会再次进行。 即使在据称我知识渊博的主题内,我也可以轻松地指出其他具有更多专业知识的人。 向经验丰富的工程师学习是很有帮助的,但是我认为以“试图变得更像他们”的方式将自己与他们进行比较是无济于事的。

Salvatore Sanfilippo: My advice for people joining our field is that there is a lot of space to contribute interesting things, even without resorting to crazy ideas. New programmers should not consider them unable to contribute at the top level, our current systems are full of flaws and need a lot of improvements.

Salvatore Sanfilippo:我对加入我们领域的人们的建议是,即使没有诉诸疯狂的想法,也有很大的空间来贡献有趣的东西。 新程序员不应认为他们无法在高层做出贡献,我们当前的系统存在很多缺陷,需要大量改进。

I also think that new programmers should try to reinvent the wheel in order to understand very well how things work. Also experimenting with ideas that are considered to be abandoned or too strange to work can be stimulating.

我还认为,新程序员应该尝试重新发明轮子,以便很好地理解事物的工作方式。 还可以尝试被认为是被遗弃或太奇怪而无法工作的想法。

Also to be humble and to try to find the simplest solution that canaddress a problem are two things I value a lot.


Misko Hevery: Try, practice, fail early and often, and learn from it. Make your own theories. Try to puzzle a problem through yourself before looking up an answer. A lot of times you will discover that you have a novel solution. Always explore new things. Don’t compare yourself to others, it will only lead to frustration. The grass is greener on the other side, and you only see a facade anyway.

Misko Hevery:尝试,练习,及早且经常失败,并从中学到东西。 制定自己的理论。 在查找答案之前,请尝试解决自己的问题。 很多时候,您会发现自己有一个新颖的解决方案。 总是探索新事物。 不要将自己与他人进行比较,只会导致沮丧。 另一边的草更绿了,反正您只会看到一个立面。

问题5 :有人认为忙于家庭会伤害他们的职业。 您认为您的工作对家庭生活有影响吗? 您是否觉得必须在工作和家庭之间做出选择? (Question #5: Some people think that being busy with a family, will hurt their career. Do you think your work has had an impact on your family life? Do you feel like you have to choose between work and family?)

Jon Skeet: I think of it the other way round: that spending too much time on your career can hurt your family life. For me, life outside work is the baseline — some of that is still in software of course, but it’s not paid work.

乔恩·斯凯特(Jon Skeet):相反,我认为:在职业生涯中花费太多时间会损害您的家庭生活。 对我而言,工作以外的生活是基线-当然,其中有些仍在软件中,但这不是有偿工作。

I try very hard not to define myself by my career. I take pains to make my work/life balance reasonable for both my family and my colleagues. Now that sounds simple, but I’m very privileged to be in a job that I love, working for a company which also takes work/life balance seriously — and my wife also works very flexibly in a career she loves. Not everyone is as fortunate.

我非常努力地不以自己的职业来定义自己。 我竭尽全力使我的家人和同事的工作/生活平衡合理。 现在听起来很简单,但我很荣幸能从事自己喜欢的工作,在一家同时重视工作与生活平衡的公司里工作-我的妻子在自己喜欢的职业中也非常灵活。 并非每个人都如此幸运。

Salvatore Sanfilippo: It is definitely hard to be good parents and at the same time to have a demanding work. Honestly I think that overall I’m paying a bit in terms of family and free time what I do in my work. I try to minimize the impact of my work to my family, and I try to don’t work for crazy long hours, but still sometimes I feel that it is not possible to completely detach from the work for a long period, that is something that I used to do years ago.

萨尔瓦托·桑菲利波(Salvatore Sanfilippo):很难成为一个好父母,同时又要一份苛刻的工作。 老实说,我认为总体而言,我在家庭和业余时间方面的工作要付出一些。 我试图将工作对家庭的影响降到最低,并且我尝试长时间不工作,但有时我仍然感到无法长时间脱离工作,这就是我几年前曾经做过的

I think that an approach that can work is to say, I can work these hours every week, no more, and I work these hours at the best of my abilities. However whatever happens will happen and I cannot do more than that. With such an attitude, you can stop working after 8 hours every day and go enjoy life.

我认为一种可行的方法是,我每周可以工作几个小时,而不再工作,并且我会尽我所能来工作。 但是无论发生什么事,我都不能做的更多。 以这种态度,您可以每天工作8个小时后停止工作,享受生活。

Misko Hevery: There are only 24 hours in a day, and it is unreasonable to assume that having a family will not impact what you could achieve. But that is the wrong question. Not having a family is to miss out on a huge source of personal accomplishment. My family brings me a lot of joy. Work and family are on different axis and can’t really be traded one for the other. Having one without the other would leave emptiness in my heart.

Misko Hevery:一天只有24小时,因此假设拥有一个家庭不会影响您的成就是不合理的。 但这是一个错误的问题。 没有家人会错过个人成就的巨大来源。 我的家人带给我很多快乐。 工作和家庭是在不同的轴上,因此不能真正地互相交易。 一个人没有另一个人会在我心中留下空虚。

问题#6。 您最喜欢的报价对您的生活有什么影响? (Question #6. What is your favorite quote that has had an effect on your life?)

Jon Skeet: I don’t think there have been any specific quotes that have had a profound effect. I do like this though: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

乔恩·斯凯特(Jon Skeet):我认为没有任何具体的报价会产生深远的影响。 我确实喜欢这样: 永远不要将愚蠢充分说明的恶意归因于恶意。

Salvatore Sanfilippo: I’m not even sure this quote is correctly attributed to Alan Kay, but “the best way to predict the future is to invent it” is something that had an impact on me in the past.

Salvatore Sanfilippo:我什至不确定这句话是否正确地归功于Alan Kay,但“预测未来的最佳方法是发明它”对我过去产生了影响。

Misko Hevery: I am not sure if it is a quote, but I subscribe to the idea of leaving things in a better state than I found them.

Misko Hevery:我不确定这是否是引号,但我赞成让事物保持比发现更好的状态的想法。

I hope these questions and answers help you and motivate you to be a better programmer and more successful software engineer. I believe if you want to be a successful person, you have to learn from people who are successful.

我希望这些问题和答案能帮助您并激发您成为一名更好的程序员和更成功的软件工程师。 我相信,如果您想成为一个成功的人,则必须向成功的人学习。

Finally, I would like to thank Connie Osness, Zafar Khaja and Mahdi Dibaiee for their help.

最后,我要感谢Connie OsnessZafar Khaja Mahdi Dibaiee的帮助。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/winning-life-advice-from-code-champions-c6c56c150aa9/


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