svn差异查看器 编码_男女学习编码的9个差异

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Technology jobs are primarily the domain of men.


Although there has been a push to promote women in tech over the last few years, there still seems to be a divide, with men outnumbering women at all of the major tech companies — usually hovering at or below a 70/30 split.

尽管在过去几年中一直在推动提升女性在科技领域的努力,但似乎仍然存在分歧, 在所有主要科技公司中男性都超过女性,通常徘徊在70/30或以下。

Does this mean women simply aren’t interested in learning tech skills, like programming?


As the creator of a website that helps people teach themselves coding skills—and a woman—I decided to dig a little deeper into my readership.


In a recent survey I conducted on Learn to Code With Me, I was happy to see a relatively even balance between the genders. Specifically, 264 people who identify as men took the survey, compared with 240 people who identify as female.

在我最近进行的与我一起编码学习中进行的一项调查中,我很高兴看到性别之间的平衡。 具体来说,有264位认同为男性的人参加了调查,而有240位认同为女性的人。

Of course, there are biases in the data. The survey was not scientific. As all answers were self-submitted, they are, from a technical standpoint, unverifiable.

当然,数据存在偏差。 这项调查不科学。 由于所有答案都是自行提交的,因此从技术角度来看,它们是无法验证的。

Below are 9 things I discovered from the survey.


见解1:学习编码的人比较年轻 (Insight 1: Men learning to code are younger)

Slightly more men fell into the under 18 and 18–24 age groups.


More women were between 25–34 years old, though the 25–34 group is the largest one for both genders.


Men essentially outnumbered women in every age group, except 25–34 years old. About half of the women who took the survey were between 25–34 years old. Coincidentally, or maybe not, that’s the age group I am in.

除25-34岁外,每个年龄段的男性人数基本上都超过女性。 参加调查的女性中约有一半在25-34岁之间。 巧合的是,也许不是,那是我所在的年龄段。

见解2:与男性相比,女性每周花在学习上的时间更少。 (Insight 2: Women spend less time learning every week compared to men.)

Overall, women surveyed spent less time learning to code every week than their male counterparts.


In fact, almost half of the women who took the survey said they spent five hours or less learning every week.


115 women said they spent 0–5 hours learning every week, whereas only 90 men said they spent 0–5 hours learning.


When looking at the people who said they spend over 20 hours every week learning:


  • 30 were men

  • 16 were women

见解3:每周学习20个小时以上的妇女受过教育(并且年龄更大)。 (Insight 3: The women learning 20+ hours a week are more educated (and older).)

Who were these small minority of women (16) that were spending over 20 hours a week learning?


These 16 women:


  • were mostly between ages of 25–34 (10), followed by 35–44 (4)

  • were highly educated: 8 had a post-graduate degree, 5 were college graduates

  • 15 of these women cited “Better career” as a reason why they were learning


  • 7 said they were currently “out of work and looking for work”


The 30 men, on the other hand, who were learning for 20 hours or more every week:


  • were mostly between the ages 18–24 (10) and 25–34 (10)

  • were not as educated* as the women: college graduate (12), followed by some college (5), and then high school graduate (4)

  • 18 of these men cited “better career” as the reason why they were learning. 18 of them also said to “create a business/startup”

    这些人中有18个人称“更好的职业”是他们学习的原因。 他们中的18个人还说“创建一家企业/初创企业”

  • 9 said they were “out of work and looking for work”, 8 said they were “employed (full-time)”

    9说他们“失业了,正在找工作”, 8 说他们“被雇用(全职)”

*Less educated could also be due to the fact that many of these men are younger.


见解4:谈到斗争,没有太大的区别。 (Insight 4: When it comes to struggles, there’s not much of a difference.)

“Finding time” and “maintaining motivation” were the top answers for both genders, though they were chosen by a slight majority of women.


Men were more likely to cite “maintaining interest” as a struggle (12.5% to their female counterparts’ 7.5%).


见解5:很多女性来自美国 (Insight 5: A lot of women are from the US)

Under half (44.3%) of male respondents hailed from the United States, but nearly two-thirds (62.5%) of women did so.


This is likely not representative of the worldwide statistics for women in tech careers, however. Case in point: this article by Forbes reports that other countries are outpacing the U.S. in tech careers/education.

但是,这可能无法代表全球从事技术职业的女性的统计数据。 恰当的例子: 《福布斯》(Forbes)的这篇文章报道说,其他国家/地区在技术职业/教育方面超过美国。

见解6:男人和女人同样希望从事网络开发。 女人想以更高的速度进行网页设计,男人想成为软件工程师。 (Insight #6: Men and women equally want to pursue web development. Women want to do web design at higher rates, men want to be software engineers.)

Almost half of both genders chose web development as their ideal career. The other choices were more markedly split, with women favoring UX/UI and design, and men gravitating toward software engineering and mobile development.

几乎一半的男女都选择网络开发作为理想的职业。 其他选择则更为明显,女性偏爱UX / UI和设计,而男性偏向软件工程和移动开发。

见解7:与男性相比,女性自学的时间较短。 (Insight #7: Women have been teaching themselves for a shorter period of time compared to men.)

A total of 56.7% of the women surveyed by LTCWM had been learning for six months or less, compared to 43.6% of surveyed men. Moreover, 18.9% of the men had been learning for over two years, contrasted with 10% of the women.

LTCWM调查的女性中,有56.7%的女性学习了六个月或更短的时间,而男性的这一比例为43.6%。 此外,有18.9%的男性已经学习了两年以上,而女性只有10%。

That said, Quincy Larson told me that on Free Code Camp, women tend to stay for longer sessions than the men.

话虽如此,昆西·拉尔森(Quincy Larson)告诉我,在Free Code Camp上 ,女性的停留时间通常比男性长。

This could mean that even though women have been learning for less time in the macro sense, they are learning more in the day-to-day.


Or that women are more engaged overall.


I have also found that women tend to stay on my site longer than men.


见解8:男人想创业,女人想自由职业。 (Insight #8: Men want to start businesses, women want to freelance.)

A majority of both genders chose “full-time employment” as their ideal scenario. For women, that was followed up by freelancing (38.8%), then founding a small business/startup (14.2%).

男女中的大多数都选择“全职工作”作为理想的情况。 对于女性,其次是自由职业(38.8%),然后成立了一家小型企业/初创企业(14.2%)。

Men were more evenly split between those two options, with 29.5% choosing small business ownership and 28.8% choosing freelancing.


Nonetheless, when looking at the graph above, you can’t help but notice the huge difference between men and women that want to create businesses or startups.


见解9:男人更多使用Windows,女人更多使用Mac。 (Insight #9: Men use Windows more, women use Mac more.)

Over 60% of men surveyed used Windows as their preferred OS; only 27.3% chose Mac. Women, meanwhile, were almost equal: 47.5% used Windows and 48.8% chose Mac. The increased popularity of Mac with the female respondents could be correlated with the women’s greater interest in design-related careers. (It’s pretty commonly accepted that Macs are better for doing design work.)

超过60%的被调查男性使用Windows作为他们的首选操作系统。 只有27.3%的人选择Mac。 与此同时,女性几乎相等:47.5%的用户使用Windows,48.8%的用户选择Mac。 Mac在女性受访者中越来越受欢迎,这可能与女性对与设计相关的职业的更大兴趣有关。 (人们普遍认为Mac更适合进行设计工作 。)

结论 (Conclusion)

Considering the hundreds of thousands of people learning to code, ~500 is a relatively small sampling — so make of this what you will.


It’s also worth noting that Alexa (a web analytics company) features the demographics of major learn to code sites, including Udacity, Code School, Codecademy, and Treehouse, and shows that women were underrepresented there.

值得注意的是,Alexa(一家网络分析公司)拥有主要的学习代码站点的人口统计信息,包括UdacityCode SchoolCodecademyTreehouse ,并表明那里的女性人数不足。

My larger-than-average female audience may be attributable to the fact that I am female myself, and thus have increased exposure among female coders — and thus have a higher “relatability” factor. Or it may be something else entirely. Either way, I’m pleased to see that the information I publish appeals more equally across genders.

我的女性观众多于平均水平,这可能是由于我本人是女性,因此女性编码员的曝光率增加了,因此具有较高的“相关性”因子。 或者可能完全是另外一回事。 无论哪种方式,我都很高兴看到我发布的信息在性别上更具吸引力。

Whether or not these data are evidence of a larger trend, there’s one thing they illustrate for sure: men and women are teaching themselves how to code.


Note: all data in this article has been derived from a recent Learn to Code With Me survey. Download the full report here, which includes all of the raw data. #GeekOut

注意: 本文中的所有数据均来自最近的“与我一起编码”调查。 在此处下载完整的报告 ,其中包括所有原始数据。 #GeekOut


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