
I was trapped on a beastly 14-hour flight to China — complete with a jet-lagged newborn on my lap. Fortunately, the in-flight entertainment included a new cybercrime drama called Mr. Robot.

我被困在一次长达14小时的飞往中国的可怕飞行中-腿上有一架喷气飞机滞后的新生儿。 幸运的是,机上娱乐节目包括一部名为《机器人先生》的网络犯罪新剧。

This show takes technical realism to levels unprecedented for Hollywood. It succeeded in distracting me from the awkwardness of being “that guy” with the crying baby. And I even learned a few things about information security.

该节目将技术真实感提升到好莱坞前所未有的水平。 它成功地使我摆脱了哭泣的婴儿成为“那个家伙”的尴尬。 我什至学到了一些有关信息安全的知识。

Out of respect for readers who haven’t yet watched this Golden Globe-winning series, I’ve purged this article of any reference to characters or plots in the story. Read on with confidence — this is a spoiler-free article.

出于对尚未观看过这个金球奖获奖系列的读者的尊重,我清除了本文中对故事中人物或情节的任何引用。 请放心阅读-这是一篇没有剧透的文章。

Without further ado, here are five information security lessons from season 1 of Mr. Robot.


1.黑客可以在几秒钟内破坏您的手机,而您甚至都不会知道 (1. A hacker can compromise your phone in seconds, and you’ll never even know it)

Hackers don’t need to steal your phone — that would be too obvious, and would only give them access to your data from the past.


Instead, they can gain control of your phone using spyware. They can do this in minutes, and you’ll never even know.

相反,他们可以使用间谍软件来控制您的手机。 他们可以在几分钟内完成此操作,而您甚至都不会知道。

In Mr. Robot, one of the characters installs a root kit on someone’s phone in less time than it takes to shower. Using Flexispy — a widely-used Android spyware tool — the character “roots” the phone — putting it in superuser mode — and then hides the normal superuser icon to obscure the fact that the phone has been tampered with.

在《 Robot先生》中,其中一个角色在一个人的电话上安装根套件的时间少于淋浴时间。 使用Flexispy(一种广泛使用的Android间谍软件工具),该角色将手机“扎根”,使其进入超级用户模式,然后隐藏普通的超级用户图标,以掩盖手机已被篡改的事实。

From now on, the character is able to monitor all of that phone’s digital and audio communications.


Word to the wise — using your phone’s thumbprint scanner or setting a lock screen password will make it much harder for a hacker to do this to you.


2.不接受陌生人的CD或USB驱动器 (2. Don’t accept CDs or USB drives from strangers)

Emerging from the subway, a boombox-blasting rapper offers you a free copy of his newest album.


Now, you wouldn’t take candy from some guy in bellbottom jeans and stick it in your mouth. Don’t take a CD from some guy in a flat-bill cap and stick it in your computer!

现在,您不会再从某个穿着喇叭裤牛仔裤的家伙那里拿走糖果,然后再贴在嘴里。 不要从一个家伙身上拿出一张CD的唱片,然后将其粘贴到计算机中!

To be fair, you would still need to execute a file. In Mr. Robot, hackers use an alluring filename like “Free iTunes Gift Card.exe” to dupe the victim into double-clicking it. This installs a Remote Access Trojan (RAT), effectively giving the attacker access to files and even webcams. Creepy.

公平地说,您仍然需要执行一个文件。 在Robot先生中,黑客使用诱人的文件名(例如“ Free iTunes Gift Card.exe”)欺骗受害者,使其双击。 这将安装一个远程访问木马(RAT),有效地使攻击者可以访问文件甚至网络摄像头。 爬行。

3.隐藏事物 (3. Hide things in plain sight)

Sometimes the best place to hide things is right out in the open. Who would think twice about that binder of old rock albums on your floor?

有时候,隐藏事物的最佳场所就是露天的。 谁会对您地板上的旧摇滚专辑的活页夹三思而后行?

What looks like a normal CD — that even plays their album scrawled on it with a sharpie—actually contains an extra layer of data stashed within.


Removed from any network access, the only way to read the data on these CDs would be to physically enter the premise and get a hold of them. You’d then for at least long enough to spin up an optical drive and dump their contents.

从任何网络访问中删除,读取这些CD上的数据的唯一方法是物理进入场所并获得它们。 然后,您至少需要足够长的时间来旋转光盘驱动器并转储其内容。

如果您不使用蓝牙,请将其关闭。 (If you aren’t using Bluetooth, turn it off.)

If an attacker discovers an open bluetooth connection on your device, they could connect their own keyboard to it and start inputing commands.


Yes, it is possible to open up a terminal with a series of hotkeys in both Windows and OSX, and from there type in malicious commands.


As a bonus, turning off bluetooth when you’re out and about will reduce your battery consumption, giving you more time to read Medium articles like this one (and follow Medium writers like me).


你是你自己最大的弱点 (You are your own greatest vulnerability)

Throughout Mr. Robot, the most common exploit is good old social engineering — manipulating people into doing what you want.


Here are some red flags to look out for when interacting with strangers:


  • a phone call that jumps straight into “I just need to ask you some security questions first” — many services use the same security questions, and these could also be used to speed up a brute-force attempt to guess your password.

  • a stranger approaches you with an all-too-plausible story and asks to use your phone — this is an easy way to get your phone number or other identifying information

  • Your own vanity, laziness, love of family, or fear of germs — these are all vulnerabilities that an attacker can take advantage of. If a stranger seems to be winding you up emotionally for no reason, they may be more than just a mean person. They may be an attacker.

    您自己的虚荣心,懒惰,对家庭的热爱或对细菌的恐惧-这些都是攻击者可以利用的漏洞。 如果一个陌生人似乎无缘无故地使您情绪激动,那么他们可能不仅仅是一个卑鄙的人。 他们可能是攻击者。

If you enjoyed this article, you’ll probably enjoy Mr. Robot. You can watch the entire first season here.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,您可能会喜欢机器人先生。 您可以在这里观看整个第一季

You can also learn more about InfoSec from the most famous black hat hacker himself.


Be safe!


I only write about programming and technology. If you follow me on Twitter I won’t waste your time. ?

我只写关于编程和技术的文章。 如果您在Twitter上关注我,我不会浪费您的时间。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/all-i-really-need-to-know-about-infosec-i-learned-from-mr-robot-7902cca6d729/





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