六逻辑层次 职业规划案例_我如何在六个月内改变职业并找到了一名开发人员...

六逻辑层次 职业规划案例

by Christian Jess Mark

克里斯蒂安·杰西·马克(Christian Jess Mark)

我如何在六个月内改变职业并找到了一名开发人员 (How I changed careers and landed a job as a developer in six months)

在我30多岁的时候一直抚养着三个小孩,并且没有计算机科学的教育背景。 (All while in my late thirties, raising three small kids, and without an educational background in computer science.)

I spent six months going from knowing only rudimentary things about JavaScript and CSS to landing a job as a front-end developer at Storytel. It was not an easy journey, I was filled with self-doubt and questioned whether this was a realistic career path for me to choose.

从只了解JavaScript和CSS的基本知识到找到Storytel的前端开发人员一职,我花了六个月的时间。 这不是一个轻松的旅程,我充满了自我怀疑,并质疑这是否是我选择的现实职业道路。

During some of my most doubtful moments, I took to reading the many, many personal stories, about people switching careers and landing a developer job through self-studying and course work (this is one of my favorites). Those articles kept me going and boosted my confidence that it was indeed possible.

在我最令人怀疑的时刻中,我读了许多个人故事,内容涉及人们通过自学和课程学习来改变职业并找到开发人员的工作( 这是我的最爱之一 )。 这些文章使我前进,并增强了我对确实可行的信心。

That’s why I’m writing this, not to brag about myself or to tell you the ‘right’ way to do it (of course, I’ll share how I did it, and you can use that as you want), but to give something back, and let all of you struggling developers-to-be know that it is indeed possible. Especially, when you’re in your late thirties, have three small kids, and don’t have any schooling at all in computer science or programming - like me.

这就是为什么我写这篇文章的原因,而不是自吹自or,也不是告诉您做这件事的“正确”方法(当然,我会分享我的做法,您可以根据需要使用它),但是退还一些东西,并让所有奋斗中的开发人员知道这确实是可能的。 尤其是当您三十多岁时,有三个小孩,而且根本没有像计算机科学或程序设计方面的任何教育。

我的背景 (My background)

I have a masters in modern culture and communication and a bachelor’s degree in comparative literature. I worked a number of years with communications in the public sector in Denmark - a job I hated, but which paid a pretty good salary. Cut-backs in late 2016 however, made my position disappear.

我拥有现代文化和传播学的硕士学位,以及比较文学的学士学位。 我曾在丹麦的公共部门从事通讯工作多年,这是我讨厌的工作,但薪水相当可观。 然而,2016年末的裁员使我的职位消失了。

The timing at first was horrendous, since about the same time, my wife gave birth to twins (we already had a two-year-old at the time). Luckily I live in Denmark, where there’s a strong labor union foundation, and my union was able to negotiate a period with pay after my termination.

起初的时机太可怕了,因为大约在同一时间,我妻子生了一对双胞胎(当时我们已经两岁了)。 幸运的是,我住在丹麦,那里有一个强大的工会基金会,而且我的工会在解雇后能够谈判一段有薪的时期。

In reality, the termination of my position was a blessing in disguise. It gave me a period with salary, where I could help my wife with our twins, and finally nudged me out of a job I didn’t like but would have had a hard time quitting, since the pay was good and I now had to help support three kids.

实际上,终止我的职务是因祸得福。 它给了我一段带薪的时期,在那里我可以帮助我的妻子和我们的双胞胎,最后使我离开我不想要的工作,但由于薪水不错,我会很难辞职,因为我现在必须帮助养活三个孩子。

I did, however, have to start looking around for another job. After getting very close and not so close with other jobs in communications and the like, I started to rethink what I should be doing. The answer came when my unemployment insurance fund, offered me a course as a front-end developer, as a special move to get unemployed humanistic graduates in work.

但是,我确实必须开始寻找其他工作。 在与通信等领域的其他工作非常接近并且不太接近之后,我开始重新考虑我应该做的事情。 答案就出在我的失业保险基金为我提供了一个前端开发人员课程的过程中,这是让失业的人文学科毕业生就业的特殊举措。

我自己的路 (My path)

So I started a six-week course with teachings three times a week, and home assignments in between. I had a great teacher whom I would have the fortune to meet later as well. The course concentrated on vanilla JavaScript and building web apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I was instantly hooked on JavaScript (still am!). The logic and beauty of well-written code really spoke to the aesthetic in me, and getting an app to do something, was almost like magic.

因此,我开始了一个为期六周的课程,每周进行三遍教学,中间进行家庭作业。 我有一位很棒的老师,以后我也有幸见到他。 该课程集中于普通JavaScript以及如何使用HTML,CSS和JavaScript构建Web应用程序。 我立即迷上了JavaScript(还是!)。 编写良好的代码的逻辑和美感在我体内真正体现出美感,而让应用程序执行某些操作几乎就像魔术一样。

During the course, we followed the curriculum from freeCodeCamp.org, and a lot of the projects we did, we did in that context. freeCodeCamp is great and free, it helps you along your path in a very well considered well-structured way, and then throws you off the deep end when you need to build a project of your own and combine all the things you’ve learned. ?

在此课程中,我们遵循了freeCodeCamp.org的课程,并且我们在这种情况下完成了许多项目。 freeCodeCamp既强大又免费,它可以以一种经过深思熟虑的结构良好的方式帮助您走上一条道路,然后在您需要构建自己的项目并结合所学到的所有知识时,将您甩入深渊。 ?

This forces you to revisit old teachings and look up things on Google, which is pretty much how any developer works. We also followed this developer roadmap, which just got a nice 2019 update. It’s still very much the roadmap I use for my skills.

这迫使您重新审视旧的教义并在Google上查找内容,这几乎是任何开发人员的工作方式。 我们还遵循了该开发人员路线图 ,该路线图刚刚发布了一个不错的2019年更新。 这仍然是我使用技能的路线图。

I finished the course, getting a good rudimentary knowledge of front-end developing. It was clear, however, that I wasn’t gonna get any jobs, based only on the course work. I continued my studies by myself, working on getting my certificates in freeCodeCamp but also felt, I needed to supplement that knowledge with something.

我完成了本课程,对前端开发有了很好的基础知识。 但是很明显,我不会仅仅基于课程工作而获得任何工作。 我自己继续学习,致力于在freeCodeCamp中获得证书,但同时我觉得我需要用一些知识来补充这一知识。

I did a lot of studying and found that a lot of people were recommending Colt Steele’s The Web Developer Bootcamp on Udemy. I took that course, which also covered back-end stuff with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. On the one hand, I thought it was nice to get some insights into the back-end, it’s definitely a path I’m interested in and gonna learn more about (right now I’m doing Colt Steele’s MySQL course, and I hope to one day becoming a full stack developer), but on the other hand, I haven’t used those skills since the course, and now I’ve forgotten most of it. The latter being my own fault, you should definitely always use what you learn, and build your own stuff, something I haven’t been very good at.

我做了很多研究,发现很多人都推荐Ultmy上的Colt Steele的The Web Developer Bootcamp 。 我参加了该课程,其中还涉及了Node.js,Express和MongoDB的后端内容。 一方面,我认为很高兴能对后端获得一些见解,这绝对是我感兴趣并可以了解更多信息的途径(现在我正在学习Colt Steele的MySQL课程 ,并且我希望有一天成为一名全栈开发人员),但另一方面,自从学习以来,我还没有使用过这些技能,现在我已经忘记了其中的大部分技能。 后者是我自己的错,您绝对应该始终使用所学的知识,并构建自己的东西,而我并不是很擅长。

Simultaneously while doing the Udemy course, I started doing Harvard’s CS50 course on YouTube and edX. I did a couple of lectures and the home assignment, but learning C and having a very high-level approach, didn’t suit me well enough to continue. I wanted to focus on JavaScript and I wanted hard hands-on knowledge on how to build things.

同时进行Udemy课程时,我开始在YouTubeedX 进行哈佛的CS50课程 。 我做了一些讲座和家庭作业,但是学习C语言并采用非常高级的方法后,我不太适合继续学习。 我想专注于JavaScript,并且希望获得关于如何构建事物的动手实践知识。

Having read that you should apply early, I focused on building a portfolio after finishing the course (it’s still here, though slightly dated). I used a template as a jumping off point, copy-pasted a lot of code to make transitions and the like to look nice, and used some of my Udemy projects as portfolio projects (I’ve got three kids to feed!).

阅读了您应该尽早申请的信息之后,我专注于完成课程之后建立一个投资组合( 它仍然在这里,尽管过时了 )。 我使用模板作为起点,复制粘贴了很多代码以使过渡和类似的外观看起来不错,并且将我的Udemy项目中的一些项目用作项目组合项目(我要养活三个孩子!)。

I did make some interviews, without landing anything. Didn’t really have any technical interviews, that everyone is always talking about. I did, however, get some good contacts, and a CTO in Rainmaking ventures, became sort of my mentor, with good advice on what to proceed on next. I decided I needed to learn some framework for JavaScript. Not many companies use vanilla JS for their projects (though it’s an excellent backbone to have!).

我确实做了一些面试,但没有落下任何东西。 真的没有任何技术面试,每个人都在谈论。 但是,我确实获得了一些良好的联系,并且在Rainmaking企业的CTO成了我的导师,并为下一步的工作提供了很好的建议。 我决定需要学习一些JavaScript框架。 很少有公司在其项目中使用香草JS(尽管这是拥有的绝妙骨干!)。

The recommendations were split between React and Angular, with Vue as the hyped underdog. I decided to go with React, since it was more hyped and gaining usage quickly, and also it felt less cumbersome than Angular, and since it uses standard ES6 JavaScript, it would sharpen my JS skills as well.

这些建议在React和Angular之间分配,Vue被大肆宣传。 我决定使用React,因为它更容易被炒作并Swift获得使用,并且它感觉也比Angular麻烦,并且它使用标准的ES6 JavaScript,因此也会提高我的JS技能。

I enrolled in this Udemy Course. Midway through however, I was offered another course by my employment fund insurance this time in React and Redux. This was just what I needed, you can get so far on your own, but having a good teacher and other students to bounce ideas and questions off of is invaluable. And to boot, it was the same great teacher who taught my first front-end course.

我参加了这个Udemy课程 。 然而,途中,这次我在React和Redux的就业基金保险为我提供了另一门课程。 这正是我所需要的,您可以自己取得成就,但是让一位好的老师和其他学生摆脱想法和问题是非常宝贵的。 首先,是同一位出色的老师教了我的第一门前端课程。

Doing my React Udemy course and my six-week course at the same time, really gave me the benefit of having everything repeated twice, which made it stick much better in my mind.

同时完成我的React Udemy课程和我的六周课程,确实为我带来了让一切重复两次的好处,这使它在我的脑海中变得更好。

I coded and did coursework pretty much every day, sitting in my local library and most evenings during my six months (grateful thanks to my sweet wife for support and understanding). And that’s the kind of effort you need to put into it, depending on how quickly you hope to get a job. Doing an hour every day will also get you there, though not as quickly of course. The key is to work with it continuously and remember it’s a marathon, not a sprint.

我几乎每天都在当地图书馆和六个月的大部分晚上里编码和做功课(感谢我可爱的妻子的支持和理解)。 这就是您需要投入的精力,具体取决于您希望获得工作的速度。 每天做一个小时也能使您到达那里,尽管当然不会那么快。 关键是要不断使用它,并记住这是一场马拉松,而不是短跑。

找工作 (Landing a job)

At the last week of the course or so, just as we were finishing our final react project (I build this board games webshop), I got an interview at Storytel, a company specializing in audio books. It seemed a pretty good fit, with my literary background and the position didn’t have any stated experience requirements. I got through the first interview and shortly after received a home assignment, building a message board app in React and Redux. Perfect timing!

在课程的最后一周左右,就在我们完成最后的React项目( 我建立了这个棋盘游戏网上商店 )时,我在Storytel接受了采访,该公司专门从事有声读物。 就我的文学背景而言,这似乎非常合适,而且该职位没有任何明确的经验要求。 我完成了第一次面试,并在接到家庭作业后不久,在React和Redux中构建了一个留言板应用程序。 时间恰好!

I spend a fair amount of time doing that app, simple things are hard to do when you need to code them. After my submission, I was called to another interview, with a couple of seasoned developers who knit-picked my code. It wasn’t too scary, they were all very nice. I wasn’t really sure how it went afterward, I had a pretty good feeling, but hadn’t really anything to compare it with.

我花了大量时间来开发该应用程序,当您需要编写简单代码时,很难做到这些。 提交之后,我被召集到另一个采访中,有几个经验丰富的开发人员编织了我的代码。 并不太吓人,它们都很好。 我不确定该如何进行,感觉很好,但是没有什么可比拟的。

Having been to lots of interviews at this point (a few as a developer a lot with communication) I was pretty seasoned and had set myself up for yet another rejection. But then the incredible thing happened, and they offered me a job - I was now a developer.

在这一点上,我接受过很多采访(一些开发人员经常与人交流),我经验丰富,并且准备接受另一个拒绝。 但是后来发生了不可思议的事情,他们给了我一份工作-我现在是一名开发人员。

作为开发人员 (Working as a developer)

Of course, your real education doesn’t start until you start working as a developer. My first hurdle was learning about TypeScript. JavaScript being a dynamically typed language, I didn’t have to worry about if this variable was gonna store an integer or a string, or if a function’s argument should be a boolean or whatever. That’s not how it works with TypeScript, it seemed to stop me at every point, giving me errors and refusing to compile, if every single type wasn’t defined. I had some frustrating days, where I couldn’t even compile my code, because of all the TypeScript errors. Today I see the benefit of statically typed languages, though there is a tax to pay.

当然,直到开始从事开发人员工作,您才可以开始真正的教育。 我的第一个障碍是学习TypeScript。 JavaScript是一种动态类型的语言,我不必担心此变量是否要存储整数或字符串,或者函数的参数是否为布尔值或其他类型。 那不是与TypeScript一起工作的方式,它似乎在所有方面都使我停滞不前,如果没有定义每个单独的类型,它就会给我带来错误并拒绝编译。 我经历了一些令人沮丧的日子,由于所有TypeScript错误,我什至无法编译我的代码。 今天,我看到了静态类型语言的好处, 尽管要交税

The next thing I had to learn was collaborating in GitHub and working with branches. I had already used GitHub for my own projects, but collaborating with others and getting reviews for my pull requests where new. It felt reassuring and scary at the same time, that a bunch of reviewers was gonna go through every detail of my code, and that I was expected to do the same for others. But it’s definitely what keeps our code at a high level and what develops best practices across the teams.

接下来我要学习的是在GitHub中进行协作并与分支机构合作。 我已经将GitHub用于自己的项目,但是与其他人合作并在新的地方获得有关我的请求的评论。 同时使人感到放心和恐惧的是,有很多审阅者将遍历我的代码的每个细节,并期望我为其他人做同样的事情。 但这绝对是使我们的代码保持较高水平的原因,也是在团队中开发最佳实践的原因。

Pretty much from day one, I was given ‘stories’ to work on from our JIRA board. And I helped build an entirely new app within our customer support-app. I was finally building real things, and I was enjoying myself immensely with it. Being a developer, you will have to welcome the constant challenges to your skills, and make them an invitation to improve, and then savor that incredible feeling, when you overcome something difficult and make it all work.

从第一天开始,我的JIRA董事会就开始给我“故事”。 我帮助我们在客户支持应用程序中构建了一个全新的应用程序。 我终于在建造真实的事物,并且在其中享受着无限的快乐。 作为开发人员,您将不得不面对不断挑战自己的技能,并邀请他们去提高自己,然后在克服困难并使之全部发挥作用时品尝令人难以置信的感觉。

I now have a job I love, I’m not paid as much as I used to be, but my job satisfaction has increased a hundredfold.


If you’ve just started coding, and love it, you can absolutely do it. I will not say it requires a lot of natural talent, it’s mostly about will power, determination and having a curiosity about learning new things and bettering yourself.

如果您刚刚开始编码并且喜欢它,那么您绝对可以做到。 我不会说这需要很多天生的才能,这主要是关于意志力,决心和对学习新事物和改善自己的好奇心。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-i-changed-careers-and-landed-a-job-as-a-developer-in-six-months-d5cc5f7c19f6/

六逻辑层次 职业规划案例





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