

by Rolando Mathias

由Rolando Mathias

我如何设计一个可以在6个月内吸引200K用户的区块链应用 (How I Designed a Blockchain App that Reached 200K Users in 6 months)

Primablock is a smart contract SaaS product that handles the accounting and remittance work for the ICO pooling and investing process. My two co-founders and I started it as a side project for our small community, in response to inefficiencies and friction in our workflows.

Primablock是一款智能合约SaaS产品,可处理ICO汇总和投资流程中的会计和汇款工作。 我和我的两位联合创始人将其作为我们小型社区的附带项目启动,以应对工作流程中的效率低下和摩擦。

In mid 2017, we launched to ~80 people. A perfect storm of execution and luck let us scale quickly. Users poured in from around the world with business and feedback. We suddenly had a full-fledged startup. It was the hardest and most intense thing I’ve done. But also the most formative and rewarding. PrimaBlock has processed hundreds of millions of dollars worth of Ethereum and has served a few hundred thousand people.

在2017年中期,我们向约80名员工发起了活动。 完美的执行力和运气使我们Swift扩展。 用户从世界各地获得业务和反馈。 我们突然有了一个成熟的创业公司。 这是我做过的最难,最激烈的事情。 也是最富创性和收获的。 PrimaBlock已经处理了价值数亿美元的以太坊,并为数十万人提供了服务。

In this article, I’d like to share with you my design process.


用户研究:发现ICO投资社区的需求 (User research: Discovering the needs of the ICO investment community)

We analyzed user behavior to understand the workflows and pain points of our target. We had the fortune of being part of the community we were building for, so empathy was a precursor.

我们分析了用户行为,以了解目标的工作流程和难点。 我们有幸成为我们要建立的社区的一部分,所以同情心是先驱。

“It’s precisely this sort of observation-fueled insight that makes innovation possible.” - Tom Kelley, The Art of Innovation.
“正是这种由观察推动的见解使创新成为可能。” -Tom Kelley,创新艺术。

From a high level, an ICO deal flow looks like this:


We segmented our user base into two groups: Admins and Contributors.

我们将用户群分为两类: 管理员贡献者

管理员 (Admin)

Our questions focused on different parts of the work flow, but we were precise about the wording to make our interviewees recount specifics, as opposed to generalizing about an approach.


  • The last time you created a pool, what frustrated you about it?

  • The last pool you administered, how did you keep track of each contribution?

  • Have you ever had to refund a pool? In the most recent time, what was the process? What frustrated you about that process?

    您曾经必须退还游泳池吗? 最近的过程是什么? 是什么让您感到沮丧?
  • How did you distribute tokens to your contributors? How did you calculate shares?

    您如何将代币分配给您的贡献者? 您如何计算份额?
  • How has your workflow evolved from deal to deal?

贡献者 (Contributor)

Similarly, the questions to our contributors also focused on the different parts of the workflow.


  • The last time you contributed to a pool, what concerned you?

  • The last time you received tokens, what concerned you?

  • Has any part of your workflow evolved from deal to deal?

  • Please walk us through contributing to and organizing X deal.


The critical incidents that bridged all of the Admins were solving the complexity around the accounting work, as well as the dozens — or hundreds — of tedious wallet transactions. The common thread among the Contributors was simply, or not so simply, trust. Because of the blockchain complexity, they didn’t trust themselves to make transactions properly, or trust the Admins’ to do error-free accounting. The blockchain has no central authority and most investors don’t know the true identities of who they’re dealing with. Mistakes can be irreversible.

连接所有管理员的关键事件正在解决会计工作的复杂性,以及数十个或数百个繁琐的钱包交易。 贡献者之间的共同点是简单或不那么简单地信任。 由于区块链的复杂性,他们不信任自己正确进行交易,也不信任管理员进行无差错的会计。 区块链没有中央授权,大多数投资者都不知道他们与谁打交道的真实身份。 错误可能是不可逆转的。

解决方案:设计与区块链技术的成功结合 (The solution: A winning combination of design and blockchain tech)

We created a platform on which anyone can interact with — and take advantage of — Ethereum smart contracts. Users are still required to send transactions externally, but we simplify and organize the process so anyone can participate in a reliable, organized way. The unbearably long processing times that come with blockchain transactions are out of our hands, but the design patterns resemble conventional products.

我们创建了一个平台,任何人都可以在该平台上与以太坊智能合约进行交互,并利用它们。 仍然需要用户向外部发送交易,但是我们简化并组织了流程,因此任何人都可以以可靠的组织方式参与其中。 区块链交易带来的难以忍受的漫长处理时间已经无法控制,但设计模式类似于传统产品。

Jakobs Law states that users spend most of their time on other sites and expect yours to behave similarly. So we made a big effort to abstract away from the blockchain and lower the learning curve, as I’ll show throughout.

Jakobs Law指出,用户将大部分时间都花在其他网站上,并希望您的行为类似。 因此,我们将竭尽全力从区块链中抽象出来,降低学习曲线,正如我将在全文中展示的那样。

区块链限制改变了我们的入职方式 (Blockchain constraints changed the way we onboard)

PrimaBlock is a two-sided platform that serves Admins and Contributors, both of which have the same end goal. The Admins, however, do most of the heavy lifting by creating the pools and setting the terms by which Contributors can invest. When I mapped the flow with all of the customizations, I was concerned about the abandonment rate. The alternative was to only require the absolute minimum (wallet address) and allow Admins to customize their pools after deployment.

PrimaBlock是一个双向平台,可为管理员和贡献者提供最终目的相同的服务。 但是,管理员通过创建池和设置供款人可以进行投资的条件来完成大部分繁重的工作。 当我将流程与所有自定义项映射在一起时,我担心的是放弃率 。 另一种选择是只要求绝对最小值(钱包地址),并允许管理员在部署后自定义其池。

We front-loaded the customizations for two reasons.


  • First, I spoke with Admins about their workflow, and they always had most of the criterion planned out before creating a pool.

  • Second, every customization requires a transaction on the blockchain, which costs gas. So, if we postponed customizations until after bringing users to their dashboards, they would likely spend more on gas and bear the tedium of more transactions.

    其次,每次定制都需要在区块链上进行交易,这需要花费大量的天然气。 因此,如果我们将自定义推迟到将用户带到仪表板之后,他们可能会花更多的时间在汽油上,并承担更多交易的乏味。

Ultimately, PrimaBlock is such a high-value service that Admins have not been deterred by the onboarding length.


There are three versions of Admins onboarding.


Version one includes tool-tip definitions that require hover states to reveal important information. I noticed that all first time Admins (and even some returning) were surfacing this information, so I wanted to remove the need for extra interactions. We tried side panels, but testing revealed that:

版本1包含工具提示定义,这些定义要求悬停状态才能显示重要信息。 我注意到,所有初次管理员(甚至是一些老总)都在显示此信息,因此我想消除额外交互的需要。 我们尝试了侧面板,但测试显示:

  1. Users didn’t assume that the panels had relevant info, and

  2. It was annoying to look back and forth.


教育新手:我们最大的挑战 (Educating noobs: our biggest challenge)

ICO investing relies on blockchain infrastructure, which poses a steep learning curve because of its unfamiliar processes. Our first version fit our early adopters well for the types of deals we saw while building the product.

ICO投资依赖于区块链基础设施,由于其不熟悉的流程,因此构成了陡峭的学习曲线。 我们的第一个版本非常适合我们的早期采用者,以适应我们在构建产品时看到的交易类型。

But, we ran into many issues as we scaled to new users and deal types that presented new use cases. To that end, the three of us added full-time customer support (via our Telegram channel) to our duties. The support work proved to be incredibly helpful to regain the beginner’s perspective and stay in tune with the rapidly evolving industry.

但是,在扩展到新用户和呈现新用例的交易类型时,我们遇到了许多问题。 为此,我们三个人(通过Telegram渠道 )增加了全职客户支持,以履行职责。 事实证明,支持工作对重新掌握初学者的观点并与快速发展的行业保持一致非常有用。

侧面板:应用内文档 (Side panel: in-app documentation)

There are two levels of in-app support:


  • Tool tips use hover states to expose secondary information, mainly definitions.

  • Critical information used to address different use cases that come with the nuances of different deals is on the side panel.


We used our experience in customer support to create content and organize the side panel and FAQ.


从区块链中抽象出来(附带费用) (Abstracting away from the blockchain (comes with a cost))

PrimaBlock accepts the complexity of smart contract calculations and interactions from its users. The simplification has many value adds, but it requires the platform to give feedback to users so that they know what’s happening.

PrimaBlock接受其用户进行智能合约计算和交互的复杂性。 简化具有许多附加值,但它需要平台向用户提供反馈,以便他们了解正在发生的事情。

Our biggest shortcoming was not providing this feedback. The anxiety on users compounds because blockchain transactions are irreversible and can have long, inconsistent processing times. Blockchain products typically violate the Doherty Threshold, which states that productivity and satisfaction increase in direct proportion to a decrease in response time.

我们最大的缺点是没有提供此反馈。 对用户的焦虑加剧了,因为区块链交易是不可逆的,并且处理时间可能长且不一致。 区块链产品通常违反Doherty阈值 ,该阈值指出生产力和满意度与响应时间的减少成正比。

Since all of our users are accustomed to the speed of centralized networks, they have impatience with the decentralized sort.


Version 1 had typical loading spinners but they spun up to several minutes depending on user and network variables, leaving users in the dark. Here are two categories of information to give our users peace of mind: banners and contextual messages.

版本1具有典型的加载微调器,但根据用户和网络变量的不同,它们最多会旋转几分钟,从而使用户陷入困境。 以下两类信息使我们的用户放心: 标语上下文消息

交易是一切的核心 (Transactions are the core of everything)

“The only problem I ran into was not setting my Gwei in Metamask high enough, so my order got held up and I missed the boat on one ICO.” - PrimaBlock user.
“我遇到的唯一问题是没有将我在Metamask中的Gwei设置得足够高,所以我的订单被搁置了,我错过了一次ICO的机会。” -PrimaBlock用户。

Every action in a smart contract requires a user to make a transaction on the blockchain. PB does all of the calculations and provides the data that will get users the results they want, but users must still perform each transaction with their wallets on an external provider.

智能合约中的每个动作都要求用户在区块链上进行交易。 PB进行所有计算并提供数据,这些数据将使用户获得所需的结果,但用户仍必须在外部提供商处使用其钱包进行每次交易。

Even though users have full control over their wallets and, therefore, transactions, it was still important to expose the transaction data. We did this from the first version. Users appreciated the transparency because it showed how we were replacing and improving their previous processes.

即使用户可以完全控制其钱包和交易,但公开交易数据仍然很重要。 我们是从第一个版本开始的。 用户赞赏透明性,因为它显示了我们如何替换和改进他们以前的流程。

Once we built trust and comfort, we added a shortcut to remove the number of interactions required to complete a transaction. In the below image, users can pre-fill all of the transaction data with one click (“Send with MyCrypto” CTA).

建立信任和舒适感后,我们添加了一个快捷方式来删除完成交易所需的交互次数。 在下图中,用户可以一键式填写所有交易数据(“使用MyCrypto发送” CTA)。

Even our early users needed tips on the finer points of making a fast, cost efficient transaction. Sometimes, not knowing this information means losing out on a deal because your transaction didn’t process fast enough. Other times, it means losing the money you invested in gas because you didn’t invest enough to make the transaction succeed.

即使是我们的早期用户,也需要一些技巧来进行快速,经济高效的交易。 有时,不知道此信息意味着交易失败,因为您的交易处理速度不够快。 有时,这意味着您损失了在天然气上的投资,因为您没有投入足够的钱来使交易成功。

赋予管理员控制权:白名单之旅 (Giving Admins control: the whitelist journey)

When we were building v1, many Admins wanted to make their pools exclusive, to reward people in their community and/or not risk exceeding their allocations.


If an Admin wanted to enforce a whitelist manually, they would first need to make an effort to not let their contribution address become exposed to uninvited parties. These efforts were usually in vain, so they’d then cross reference all incoming transactions with an address spreadsheet. We solved this by creating a whitelist feature.

如果管理员想要手动执行白名单,则他们首先需要做出努力,以使他们的捐款地址不会暴露给不请自来的参与者。 这些工作通常是徒劳的,因此他们将使用地址电子表格交叉引用所有传入的交易。 我们通过创建白名单功能解决了这一问题。

However, version one had shortcomings, because we didn’t build for the nuances that many Admins needed.


  • First, we didn’t anticipate that whitelists would change, along with allocation amounts, during one deal cycle.

  • Second, as the industry evolved, KYC requirements became crucial as deals wanted to avoid the wrath of the SEC. Unwelcome guests have caused entire deals to collapse.

    其次,随着行业的发展,KYC要求变得至关重要,因为交易希望避免SEC的愤怒。 不受欢迎的客人导致整个交易失败。
  • Third, because of the smart contract’s flexibility, there were different interpretations of the nuances of how the white list works, as shown by the quote below.

“One person I talked to was surprised that changing the max contribution threshold would evict people who previously contributed even though their contribution was higher than the new threshold.” - PB co-founder, Tamir.
“与我交谈的一个人惊讶的是,更改最大供款阈值将驱逐以前供款的人,即使他们的供款高于新的门槛。” -PB联合创始人塔米尔(Tamir)。

In short, Admins wanted granular control over their lists and to be able to edit based on deal progression.


可视化池历史记录,没有黑客 (Visualizing pool history without hacks)

“Hey wondering is there a way to find out what pools I have contributed to through Primablock? I’m worried about losing track of them all and don’t know how to find everything.” - PrimaBlock user.
“嘿,我想知道是否有办法找出我通过Primablock贡献了哪些资源? 我担心失去对它们的全部了解,也不知道如何找到一切。” -PrimaBlock用户。

We had a pool history feature on our roadmap from our early days, but we didn’t prioritize it because our early users were savvy with external resources (like Etherscan) to track their transactions.

从早期开始,我们就在路线图中提供了池历史记录功能,但是由于我们的早期用户精通外部资源(例如Etherscan )来跟踪交易,因此我们并未对其进行优先排序。

One pain that not having pool history caused was that, if a user was searching for a pool they contributed to or administered, they would have to find the contract address and then search for it in the app. As we scaled and kept aiming to improve the UX, we wanted to present as much valuable info to our users from within our service. The need for this became more crucial as our users had to satisfy tax reporting obligations.

没有池历史记录的一个痛苦是,如果用户正在搜索他们贡献或管理的池,则他们必须找到合同地址,然后在应用程序中进行搜索。 随着我们扩展规模并一直致力于改善用户体验,我们希望从我们的服务中向用户提供尽可能多的有价值的信息。 由于我们的用户必须履行纳税报告义务,因此这一需求变得更加关键。

We created this after having several months of live product experience under our belt so we nailed it ? on the first try.

我们在拥有几个月的现场产品经验之后创建了这个产品,所以我们钉牢了吗? 第一次尝试。

赢得增长战略? (Winning growth strategies ?)

After the product was up and running, we started to think about growth strategies that would create network effects.


My co-founders and I brainstormed about possibilities within the smart contract constraints and we came up with chaining. Fortunately, my co-founders are wizards on the backend and are able to seemingly solve anything. Chaining was no exception. This allows users to create child pools that feed into parent pools.

我和我的联合创始人就智能合约约束中的可能性进行了头脑风暴,然后我们提出了链式协议。 幸运的是,我的联合创始人是后端的向导,并且似乎能够解决任何问题。 链接也不例外。 这允许用户创建馈入父池的子池。

Instead of building out the feature, we started with a concierge MVP to provide the service manually. It was well-received, however we ran into some push back from Admins because the chained pools undermined the whitelists. My team fixed that on the backend in no time and we were up and running ??‍.

我们没有建立功能,而是从礼宾MVP开始手动提供服务。 它广受好评,但是由于链接池破坏了白名单,因此我们遭到了管理员的一些回击。 我的团队很快就将其固定在后端,然后我们就可以正常运行了。

Chaining was a big success because it opened up pool creation to the vast majority of users who didn’t have access to ICOs to make their own deals. Chaining incentivizes users to recruit people from their network who would potentially make money and ultimately pay fees. It was an all-around win.

链接是一个巨大的成功,因为它为无法访问ICO进行自己交易的绝大多数用户打开了池创建的过程。 链接激励用户从他们的网络中招聘可能会赚钱并最终支付费用的人员。 这是一次全面的胜利。

结语 (Wrapping up)

I exited my full-time role at PrimaBlock in April of this year. It was a remarkable experience that I never expected to have when I made my foray into the blockchain as a casual investor. I am happy that I had the curiosity and passion to solve a problem that needed solving. I am even happier that I had brilliant co-founders/developers, Mickael Fourgeaud and Tamir Sen, whose work ethic and talent on the back end is unparalleled. They deserve most of the credit for the success of the product.

我于今年4月退出了PrimaBlock的专职职位。 当我以临时投资者身份进入区块链时,这是我从未曾想到过的非凡体验。 我很高兴有好奇心和热情去解决需要解决的问题。 我对自己拥有出色的联合创始人/开发人员Mickael FourgeaudTamir Sen感到更加高兴,他们的后端职业道德和才华无与伦比。 他们应为产品的成功赢得大多数荣誉。

“[PrimaBlock] brand loyalty is unlike anything I’ve seen in the space.” - Hen Tekle, Angel investor/Advisor

“ [PrimaBlock]品牌忠诚度与我在该领域看到的一切都不一样。” -天使投资人/顾问Hen Tekle

Feedback plays a crucial role in improving. PrimaBlock has users from around the world. If you’ve used it, then I’d love to hear your experience in the comments below. If you have any feedback about my design decisions or the blockchain in general, let me know here as well.

反馈在改善中起着至关重要的作用。 PrimaBlock的用户来自世界各地。 如果您使用过它,那么我很乐意在下面的评论中听听您的经验。 如果您对我的设计决策或总体上的区块链有任何反馈,也请在此处告诉我。

I encourage everyone in the tech industry to put their whole selves into solving problems. You have the opportunity to create so much value around the world with some pixels and code (not to mention long days and late nights). I’m grateful to have worked with - and continue to work - with talented people. I’m more motivated than ever to see what else I can solve.

我鼓励技术行业的每个人全力以赴解决问题。 您有机会用一些像素和代码在世界范围内创造如此多的价值(更不用说漫长的日子和深夜了)。 我很高兴与有才华的人们一起工作-并继续与他们合作。 我比以往任何时候都更有动力看到其他解决方案。

Note 1: due to severe front-end development constraints, there are big discrepancies between my mockups and the live product. PrimaBlock just hired a front-end wiz so big UI changes forthcoming ?.

注1:由于前端开发的严格限制,我的模型与实际产品之间存在很大差异。 PrimaBlock刚刚雇用了前端向导 ,所以即将进行大的UI更改?

Note 2: my claim in the title about number of users is a best estimate of how many users have ever used the app. The estimate is based on wallet addresses that have interacted with PB, and analytics. PB only recently launched accounts to comply with the evolving regulatory landscape.
注2:我在标题中关于用户数量的主张是对曾经使用过该应用程序的用户的最佳估计。 估算基于与PB交互的钱包地址和分析。 PB仅在最近才启动帐户,以适应不断发展的监管环境。

If you have any comments about PrimaBlock, please post here. Anything else, check out my portfolio.✌️

如果您对PrimaBlock有任何评论,请在此处发布。 还有什么,检查我的投资组合 .✌️

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-i-designed-a-blockchain-app-that-scaled-to-200k-users-in-6-months-f5c09ed6a786/


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