

by MaskyS


如何通过学习编码赢得Google之旅 (How I won a trip to Google by learning to code)

设置场景 (Setting the scene)

I’m a sixteen-year-old teen, and this is the story of how I went from noobie to becoming a Google Code-In (GCI) winner. Google Code-in is an international contest to introduce pre-university students (ages 13–17) to open source software development.

我今年16岁,这是我从noobie成为Google Code-In (GCI) 赢家的故事。 Google Code-in是一项国际竞赛 ,目的是向大学预科生(13-17岁)介绍开源软件开发

There are cool prizes as you advance through the competition: digital certificates, t-shirts, hoodies, and finally the Grand Prize Trip to Google HQ. This year’s edition had over 3500 students from 78 countries who completed 16468 tasks.

随着比赛的进行,您将获得许多超酷的奖品:数字证书,T恤,帽衫,最后是Google HQ大奖之旅。 今年的版本有来自78个国家的3500多名学生完成了16468个任务。

No story is complete without a flashback. Bear with me, as I bring you back in time. The good parts of the story grow more meaningful when you understand what’s going on backstage :)

没有闪回,故事是不完整的。 忍受我,因为我带您回到过去。 当您了解后台发生的事情时,故事的大部分变得更加有意义:)

Spoiler: The lessons learned were more valuable than the actual prize. So stick around until the end.

剧透:汲取的教训比实际的奖励更有价值。 所以坚持到最后。

$ journey [0] =“第0天零日D”; ($journey[0] = “Day 0 Zero D”;)

486 days ago (16 months but fancier)

486天前 (16个月,但更出色)

I was in 10th grade back then. I didn’t know how to program. All I knew about the subject from school was that HTML was a programming language. Pseudo-code? Nah, never heard of it. Python was the name of a reptile back then. Now I know it’s actually a beast.

那时我当时只有十年级。 我不知道如何编程。 我从学校就知道的唯一内容是HTML是一种编程语言。 伪代码? 不,从没听说过。 那时Python是爬行动物的名字。 现在我知道它实际上是野兽

One fateful day though, everything changed. While flipping through a (borrowed) textbook, I came upon a flyer. It was about the school’s robotics club. Quite a shabby-looking thing, with Comic Sans splattered everywhere. The designer in me writhed in pain, but me being me, I decided to give it a shot. That moment was my launch into the wonderful world of programming.

命运的一天,一切都变了。 在翻阅(借用的)教科书时,我遇到了一个传单。 这是关于学校的机器人俱乐部的。 看起来很破旧的东西,到处都散布着Comic Sans 。 我内心的设计师痛苦不堪,但我就是我,所以我决定试一试。 那一刻是我进入精彩的编程世界的开始。

The first thing we learnt was visual programming with Scratch. We used it to tinker with robotics kits like Hummingbird and Finch. As someone with no prior knowledge of code, I found Scratch convenient. The fact that we used it for practical purposes concretized my opinion.

我们学习的第一件事是使用Scratch进行可视化编程。 我们用它来修补诸如HummingbirdFinch之类的机器人工具包。 作为一个没有代码先验知识的人,我发现Scratch很方便。 我们将其用于实际目的这一事实使我的看法具体化。

$journey[1] = $events["Infotech", "GCI" ]; ($journey[1] = $events["Infotech", "GCI" ];)

439 days ago


December was quickly approaching. Our robotics club wanted to take part in the annual tech exhibition (Infotech). At the same time, Logan from had started teaching coding basics for GCI. This would help us catch up to other countries when the contest started.

十二月快到了。 我们的机器人俱乐部想参加年度技术展览会( Infotech )。 同时,来自hackers.mu的Logan开始教授GCI的编码基础知识。 这将有助于我们在比赛开始时赶上其他国家。

The real challenge though was managing my time between building our robotics projects and learning to code. At one point, I’d even thought of giving up on GCI. But, I decided to persist and do both. Best. Decision. Ever.

但是,真正的挑战是管理我在构建机器人项目和学习编码之间的时间。 有一次,我什至想到放弃GCI。 但是,我决定坚持并同时做到。 最好。 决定 曾经

It was a stressful month of preparation, but the robotics club’s event was a success. We even got coverage from a local TV channel and newspaper. ?

这是一个充满压力的准备月,但是机器人俱乐部的活动取得了成功。 我们甚至从当地电视频道和报纸上获得了报道。 ?

Next was GCI. Three days after the contest had opened, I registered and started working on my first task. I decided to go with Drupal since Logan recommended it. Drupal is a versatile and open-source Content Management System (CMS) software. (Click here to learn more about Drupal.)

接下来是GCI。 比赛开始三天后,我报名参加了第一项工作。 自Logan推荐以来,我决定选择Drupal 。 Drupal是一种多功能的开源内容管理系统(CMS)软件。 (单击此处以了解有关Drupal的更多信息。)

My first task was to install Drupal and document the steps. Seemed simple enough to me: find a tutorial, follow it, then re-write it in my own words. Two hours later, click submit and voila. Now we just wait for approval. Wrong. It got sent back three times before it got approved. As a participant, it’s important to get used to rejections on a daily basis. Don’t give up. Mentors don’t mean to be mean or to mean that you’re mean. They just want to bring the best work out of you.

我的第一个任务是安装Drupal并记录步骤。 对我来说似乎很简单:找到一个教程,按照它进行操作,然后用我自己的话重新编写。 两个小时后,单击提交,瞧。 现在,我们等待批准。 错误。 它在被批准之前被退回了三遍 。 作为参与者,重要的是每天习惯拒绝。 不要放弃 导师并不意味着要卑鄙,也不意味着你是卑鄙的。 他们只是想把最好的工作带给您。

Initially, my progress in GCI was slow. My first expectation had been that we’d manage to get the t-shirt (three tasks). As the days passed I started to get a better gist of the process. Making friends in the competition and helping to solve each other’s problems made me love GCI even more. Tasks got approved faster as I made relatively fewer mistakes. Mauritian participants were doing so well that Google even made special mention of us. Working at 3 am to talk with mentors was one of my favourite parts of GCI.

最初,我在GCI方面的进展缓慢。 我最初的期望是我们设法得到T恤(三个任务)。 随着时间的流逝,我开始更好地了解这一过程。 在比赛中结交朋友并帮助解决彼此的问题,使我更加热爱GCI。 任务得到更快的批准,因为我犯的错误相对较少。 毛里求斯的参与者做得很好,以至于Google甚至特别提到了我们 。 凌晨3点与导师交谈是我最喜欢的GCI之一。

I was honestly baffled at the fact that me becoming a winner was plausible. But that was my Achilles heel. I became obsessed with that prospect, and I started concentrating on winning. I’m not proud of this, but at one point I was even actively stalking other participants.

老实说,我成为赢家似乎是令人困惑的。 但这就是我的致命弱点。 我迷上了那种前景,开始专注于获胜。 我对此并不感到骄傲,但是有一次我什至积极地跟踪其他参与者。

384 days ago (25th January)

384天前 (1月25日)

I woke up, went to the toilet and pulled out my phone.


Oh hey, a mail of from Google. Don’t you see that everyday…

哦,是Google寄来的邮件。 你不是每天都看到吗…

I guess this is what silver medalists feel like.


Being so close and yet so far.


I had wanted to be Africa’s first Grand Prize winner. I failed. But hey, Collins’ win did more to represent Africa than I ever could. I learned valuable lessons, made a new record for the school and country, and got the chance to stand up and try again.

我曾经想成为非洲的第一位大奖获得者。 我失败了。 但是,嘿, 柯林斯的胜利在代表非洲方面比我能做的更多。 我学到了宝贵的课程,为学校和国家创造了新记录,并有机会站起来再试一次。

str_replace(“ win”,['enjoy','learn'],$ journey [$ aim]); (str_replace(“win”, [‘enjoy’, ‘learn’], $journey[$aim]);)

75 days ago

I did not stop learning to code throughout 2017. I constantly found myself missing GCI’s atmosphere, so I participated in events, workshops, anything related to tech. With the help of friends, I even organised my first hackathon at school.

我在2017年全年都没有停止学习编码。我一直发现自己不了解 GCI的氛围,因此我参加了hackers.mu活动 ,研讨会和任何与技术相关的活动 。 在朋友的帮助下,我什至在学校组织了第一次黑客马拉松

And so GCI started. This year I concentrated solely on learning, working on things I love, and teaching others. The new Mauritian participants were very keen on learning to code, and I really appreciated that. I wish more of them had the conviction to move past three tasks. This year had even more participants than last year, and that has led to amazing moments together.

因此,GCI开始了。 今年,我只专注于学习,做自己喜欢的事情以及教别人。 毛里求斯的新参与者非常热衷于学习编码,对此我深表感谢。 我希望他们中的更多人坚信可以完成三项任务。 今年的参与者比去年更多,这导致了共同的精彩时刻。

This year’s GCI was full of accomplishments. We created a renewed documentation guide for new GCI students. Tanish — a new student — even created an awesome video running through it. I explored Drupal modules and contributed wherever I could. I came to know of Social API and grew fond of it. Together with other students, we addressed a multitude of issues: documentation, refactoring code, and a lot more. The combined group effort made GCI a huge success for Drupal.

今年的GCI充满成就。 我们为GCI新学员创建了新的文档指南 。 Tanish –一个新学生–甚至制作了一段很棒的视频 。 我探索了Drupal模块,并尽我所能做出了贡献。 我认识了Social API并对此非常感兴趣。 我们与其他学生一起解决了许多问题: 文档 ,重构代码等等。 团队的共同努力使GCI对于Drupal取得了巨大的成功。

“Students continue to impress me every year. Even though we had many students attempting to cheat, we found several rock star coders who are the future of Drupal.”
“学生每年继续给我留下深刻的印象。 即使我们有很多学生试图作弊,我们还是发现了一些摇滚歌手,他们是Drupal的未来。”
— Matthew Lechleider, Org Admin for Drupal
— Drupal的组织管理员Matthew Lechleider
19 days ago

Fast forward. It’s the 31st January. Let’s have a look at the results, shall we??

快进。 1月31日。 让我们看一下结果吧?

We felt let down that there weren’t other Mauritians among winners or finalists this year, but I’d like to mention that Tanesh, Heesen, Neel, Nissaar, Konrad, Hui and all the others did a great job. Many of them will have a second chance this year, and I’ll be there as a mentor to see them through :).

我们感到失望的是,今年的获奖者或入围者中没有其他毛里求斯人,但我想提一下Tanesh,Heesen,Neel,Nissaar,Konrad,Hui和其他所有人都做得很好。 他们中的许多人今年将有第二次机会,我将在这里作为导师来帮助他们解决问题:)。

得到教训 (Lessons Learned)

There are so many things I’ve learnt through GCI. I’ve discovered how to learn. I discovered Medium, and through it a lot more sources of information. I can’t list everything, but here are a few:

通过GCI我学到了很多东西。 我发现学习方法。 我发现了Medium,并通过它找到了更多的信息来源。 我无法列出所有内容,但以下是其中一些:

  • Focus on the process, not the result. You’ll learn more and cherish the experience. The competition becomes a lot easier when you don’t consider it as one.

    关注过程,而不是结果。 您将学到更多并珍惜经验。 如果您不认为竞争很容易,那么竞争就会容易得多。
  • Google is your best friend for everything, and this especially holds true for coding. Harness the true powers of Google by learning about Google Hacking. $resources = [0, 1, 2];

    Google是您最好的朋友,尤其是在编码方面。 通过了解Google Hacking来利用Google的真正力量。 $资源= [ 012 ];

  • Always self-review your work before sending it to your peers/mentors. Self-review doesn’t just involve going through the code but actually running it. I wish I’d known that back when I had created a 25 MB patch to fix one typo. Thinking about the incident still makes me smile.

    在发送给同事/导师之前,请务必对自己的工作进行自我检查。 自我检查不仅涉及遍历代码,还涉及实际运行它 。 我希望早在创建25 MB补丁来解决一个错字时就知道这一点。 想起这件事仍然让我微笑。

  • Mentors are human beings and need downtime. More often than not, they also happen to live in different time zones than you. Therefore, it is important to be patient. The optimum way to go about this is to continue working on another task while waiting for the first one to get reviewed.

    导师是人,需要停机。 它们经常碰巧与您居住在不同的时区。 因此,重要的是要有耐心。 解决此问题的最佳方法是在等待第一个任务得到审查的同时继续执行另一项任务。
  • If you’ve been stuck on a particular problem for a long time, the best way to deal with it is to distract yourself. Go for a walk, or get some sleep. Your brain will work on the problem subconsciously.

    如果您长期困扰某个特定问题,那么解决该问题的最佳方法就是分散您的注意力。 去散散步或睡觉。 您的大脑将在潜意识中解决这个问题。

  • During the many sleepless nights, I have realized that waking up at the same time every day is easier than trying to sleep at the same time.

    在许多不眠之夜中,我意识到, 每天在同一时间醒来比尝试在同一时间睡觉要容易得多

A little less tech-related, but useful nevertheless:


-网络+主动性=eᵖʳᵒᵍʳᵉˢˢ (- Networking + Proactivity = eᵖʳᵒᵍʳᵉˢˢ)

Networking and being proactive has made me progress exponentially. Winning would have been impossible without making the extra effort to learn on my own. Coming so far wouldn’t be possible if I didn’t reach out to valuable mentors like❤), Getulio and the other Drupal-ers. I wouldn’t have learned about GCI if I did not take the time to check the notice board. My teacher would have never reminded me of the details if I didn’t take the initiative to join the robotics club. Proactivity makes all the difference between oneself and the mass of nameless faces.

联网和积极主动使我取得了成倍的进步。 如果不付出额外的努力来自己学习,胜利是不可能的。 如果我不与 (❤), Getulio和其他Drupal-ers等有价值的导师接触,那么到目前为止不可能实现。 如果我不花时间检查公告板,我将不会了解GCI。 如果我不主动加入机器人俱乐部,我的老师永远不会使我想起细节。 主动性使自己与无名面Kong的质量完全不同

Networking has brought enormous benefits. I’ve made friends. I’ve joined an awesome team. I’ve learned things I never thought would be possible.

网络带来了巨大的好处。 我交了朋友。 我加入了一个很棒的团队。 我学到了从未想到过的东西。

不同的角度 (A different perspective)

I asked other participants to recount their experiences, so here are my favorite quotes from their responses. I have their full interviews posted on my blog here.

我要求其他参与者重述他们的经历,所以这是我最喜欢的引用。 我有充分的采访贴在我的博客在这里

Tanvish Jha-冠军'17(Drupal)?? (Tanvish Jha- Winner ’17 (Drupal)??)
My hardest task was creating a small module. It doesn’t look hard now that I have created and played around a lot of modules, but at the time I was totally inexperienced. When I first did the task I was not familiar with coding standards and layout of a module and why the certain code was to be placed in a certain folder. It all seems so simple now.
我最难的任务是创建一个小模块。 现在,我已经创建并使用了许多模块,看起来并不难,但是那时我完全没有经验。 当我第一次执行该任务时,我并不熟悉编码标准和模块布局,以及为什么要将某些代码放置在某个文件夹中。 现在一切似乎都如此简单。
Hui Chan,Top 10 '17(Drupal)? (Hui Chan, Top 10 ’17 (Drupal) ??)
There are some moments I will never forget in GCI:
I met you and had a happy conversation. Your ability to empathize startled me as it’s difficult to let foreigners understand China.
我遇见了你,谈话愉快。 你的同情心使我震惊,因为很难让外国人了解中国。
I once sent a pm to Slurpee, and received:
<drupalbot> “<username> pm?” usually is a form of asking if it is acceptable to send a private message. Please do not send uninvited private messages to users. It is a courtesy to ask a user if you may engage in a private discussion before sending the PM. Furthermore, when you discuss the topic in a public channel, everyone can contribute and learn from the discussion.
It surprised me and as it is quite different from Chinese culture.

Once, I worked on a task until 0030 am. Tired but happy to see it approved. When GCI had ended, I finished 8 tasks for it and that kept me in the leader boards until the end. I have mixed feelings in my heart. like Oh… It’s over…

一次,我从事一项工作,直到凌晨0030。 很累但很高兴看到它获得批准。 GCI结束后,我完成了8项任务,这使我一直排在排行榜中,直到结束。 我内心有种种困惑。 像哦...结束了...

乌特卡什·迪克西特(Utkarsh Dixit),16获胜者(Drupal)? (Utkarsh Dixit, Winner ’16 (Drupal) ??)

I am a lone wolf who likes to code and explore the world of programming in any way possible. I also enjoy contributing to open source projects, especially Drupal. In the beginning, I didn’t think I’d come this far, but I started getting confidence as I was getting near the end of GCI. A moment I’ll never forget is, of course, my first core commit. While GCI was organized wonderfully, I think that GCI should last longer. I mean, we could have completed more challenging and interesting tasks…

我是孤独的狼,喜欢以任何可能的方式编码和探索编程世界。 我也喜欢为开源项目做出贡献,尤其是Drupal。 起初,我认为我不会走这么远,但是随着我接近GCI结束,我开始变得充满信心。 当然, 永远不会忘记的一刻是我的第一个核心承诺 。 虽然GCI的组织得非常好,但我认为GCI应该持续更长的时间。 我的意思是,我们本可以完成更具挑战性和有趣的任务……

Tanesh Chuckowree,前10名(Ubuntu)? (Tanesh Chuckowree, Top 10 ’17 (Ubuntu) ??)
I’m a proud user of Linux and I only recently started learning about programming. To be honest, I participated in GCI because one of my really good friends asked me if I would be willing to participate. Ubuntu was not really my first choice, but one of my mentors asked me to take up Ubuntu and I can’t say I regret that decision. At first, I thought I would be regretting participating in GCI since it would mean sacrificing my holidays, but gradually it became more awesome and l don’t think there is an adjective out there to describe how much fun I had.
我是Linux的骄傲用户,我直到最近才开始学习编程。 老实说,我参加了GCI是因为我一个非常好的朋友问我是否愿意参加。 Ubuntu并不是我真正的首选,但是我的一位导师要求我学习Ubuntu,但我不能说我后悔这个决定。 起初,我以为我会后悔参加GCI,因为这意味着要牺牲我的假期,但是逐渐变得很棒,我不认为这里有形容词来形容我有多少乐趣。
Kartik Goel,决赛选手'17(Drupal) (Kartik Goel, Finalist ’17 (Drupal) ??)
Those one and a half months were probably the best times I’ve had. Initially, I was a little fed up like I was not getting how the things were working, but later with time, I explored things, tried my best to contribute to the community of my organization. Now, due to GCI, I feel like I’m personally attached to the community. Apart from learning and work, GCI overall was fun. I got to talk to students and mentors from all over the world with their own stories, having different skills. IRC was a very good place to chat and the best place to have fun :)
那一个半月可能是我度过的最好的时光。 最初,我有点不知所措,就像我没有了解事情的运作方式,但是后来随着时间的流逝,我探索了事情,并尽力为组织的社区做出贡献。 现在,由于有了GCI,我感到自己对这个社区非常着迷。 除了学习和工作之外,GCI总体而言很有趣。 我用自己的故事与世界各地的学生和导师交谈,他们拥有不同的技能。 IRC是一个聊天的好地方,也是玩得开心的最佳地方:)
Konrad Klawikowski,参加者'17(Drupal) (Konrad Klawikowski, Participant ’17 (Drupal) ??)
My name is Konrad, I’m from Poland, I like programming and all IT stuff including encrypting data, blockchains and many more! I do not know how to describe it, but the Drupal tasks were very diverse and everyone could find something for themselves. I had a lot of fun during GCI, I met new friends from several countries like India, Mauritius, US and Canada. I liked the contest and that was my first year, but I think I’ll go for more. In Drupal are some of the nicest and most clever people I have ever met; who respect me and have common interests with me. Thank you guys, I love you all ❤. I think I do have a future in Drupal. What am I going to do next? One man once said “Go big, or go home” and another stated, “People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do”. That’s all I will say about my plans.
我叫Konrad,我来自波兰,我喜欢编程和所有IT知识,包括加密数据,区块链等等! 我不知道如何描述它,但是Drupal的任务非常多样,每个人都可以为自己找到一些东西。 我在GCI期间玩得很开心,遇到了来自印度,毛里求斯,美国和加拿大等多个国家的新朋友。 我喜欢比赛,那是我的第一年,但我想我会继续努力。 在Drupal有一些我见过的最优秀,最聪明的人。 尊重我并与我有共同利益的人 谢谢大家,我爱你们❤。 我认为我在Drupal中确实有前途。 我接下来要做什么? 一个人曾经说过“变大或回家”,另一个人说:“那些疯狂到认为自己可以改变世界的人就是这样做的人”。 这就是我要说的所有计划。
Dhanat Thew,'16获胜者(Drupal)? (Dhanat Thew, Winner ’16 (Drupal) ??)
I saw the news about GCI from Twitter. Having read some details, I saw that Drupal is one of the organizations so I decided to join GCI and chose to work with Drupal. My hardest task was to ‘Write a 3-paragraph essay to explain what is Drupal to grandpa/grandma’ because English is not my first language. I had to fix many grammar mistakes before it was accepted. I would absolutely recommend GCI and Drupal to future students. My advice is to focus on producing quality tasks and what will community receive from your works rather than winning a prize.
我从Twitter上看到了有关GCI的新闻。 阅读了一些详细信息之后,我发现Drupal是组织之一,因此我决定加入GCI并选择与Drupal合作。 我最难的任务是“写一篇三段式的文章来向祖父/祖母解释什么是Drupal”,因为英语不是我的母语。 在被接受之前,我不得不纠正许多语法错误。 我绝对会向未来的学生推荐GCI和Drupal。 我的建议是专注于完成高质量的任务,以及社区将从您的作品中获得什么,而不是获得奖金。
Sagar Khatri,决赛选手'17(Drupal) (Sagar Khatri, Finalist ’17 (Drupal) ??)
Publii was the first introduction of mine to open source and I immediately started contributing to it by helping out the developers spot bugs in Publii. Then I entered GCI 2017, where I got my most information about open source. GCI was a lot of fun for me. My teacher allowed me to work on GCI in my school too so it was really fun to miss my classes and contribute to Drupal for two weeks. I’ll never forget the moment when I saw my name on the leaderboard! As for Drupal, it’s a really powerful CMS with a great community base. The community is the building block of an organization and Drupal has it at the next level.
Publii是我的第一个开源软件,我立即通过帮助开发人员发现Publii中的错误开始为它做贡献。 然后我进入了GCI 2017,在那里我获得了有关开源的最多信息。 GCI对我来说很有趣。 我的老师也允许我在学校里从事GCI的工作,所以错过我的课程并为Drupal贡献了两个星期真的很有趣。 我永远不会忘记在排行榜上看到我的名字的那一刻! 对于Drupal来说,这是一个功能强大的CMS,拥有强大的社区基础。 社区是组织的基础,而Drupal则将其提升到下一个层次。
Matthew Lechleider,组织管理员(Drupal) (Matthew Lechleider, Org Admin (Drupal) ??)
I wish I had GCI when I was a kid. That’s what pushed me to get Drupal started in GCI. Through it, I hope to educate students about the future of technology and open source. I think Drupal is a lifestyle, not just a job. Life as a mentor is spending a lot of time answering simple questions that can easily be answered by pointing students towards proper documentation, then see them go from newbs to rock-stars. It is really cool to watch students develop into a developer who will eventually earn a good life as a software professional.
我希望我小时候有GCI。 这就是促使我让Drupal进入GCI的原因。 通过它,我希望对学生进行技术和开源的未来教育。 我认为Drupal是一种生活方式,而不仅仅是一份工作。 作为指导者的生活正在花费大量时间来回答简单的问题,这些问题可以通过将学生指向适当的文档很容易地回答,然后看到他们从新生到摇滚明星。 看着学生发展成为开发人员,最终将成为一名软件专家,真是太酷了。
A moment I’ll never forget is watching gvso go from GCI student, to GCI winner to GSoC (Google Summer of Code) student, to GCI/GSoC mentor, to presenting at Drupalcon, and now helping me with org admin duties. gvso for sure makes my life easier.
我永远不会忘记的时刻是看着gvso从GCI学生,GCI获奖者到GSoC(谷歌代码之夏)学生,再到GCI / GSoC指导者,再到Drupalcon演讲,现在都帮助我完成组织管理员职责。 gvso无疑使我的生活更轻松。

结论 (Conclusion)

Well, that’s the end of my beginning in tech. It’s been a wonderful experience thanks to all these people. I look forward to more adventures with, and to follow gvso’s footsteps in open-source and Drupal.

好吧,这就是我从事技术工作的结尾。 感谢所有这些人,这真是一个美妙的经历。 我期待与hackers.mu进行更多的冒险,并跟随gvso在开源和Drupal中的脚步。

It feels wonderful to be able to share the lessons I learned and my journey with a large audience like FreeCodeCamp. I hope this serves as an inspiration to other people to step into the world of programming and open-source.

能够与FreeCodeCamp之类的广大受众分享我的经验教训和旅程,真是太好了。 我希望这对其他人进入编程和开源世界有启发。

If you have any thoughts or questions, don’t hesitate to drop them down below or at


Signing off,


— MaskyS

— MaskyS







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