c# url编码 字母编码_我如何通过每天30分钟编码来完成#100DaysOfCode挑战

c# url编码 字母编码

by Sibylle Sehl

通过Sibylle Sehl

我如何通过每天30分钟编码来完成#100DaysOfCode挑战 (How I completed the #100DaysOfCode challenge by coding 30 minutes a day)

Back in October I was really frustrated. I had just completed my Masters degree in Computer Science and started a new job which, as opposed to my Masters, involved little to no programming at all. It was technical and I was learning loads of amazing new stuff, but I slowly felt my ability to program fading away.

十月份,我真的很沮丧。 我刚刚完成计算机科学硕士学位,并开始了一份新工作,与我的硕士学位相反,它几乎不需要编程。 这是技术性的,我正在学习许多很棒的新东西,但是我逐渐感到自己编程的能力逐渐减弱。

Having been more active on Twitter last summer, I came across the #100DaysOfCode challenge, created by Alexander Kallaway. It was a simple challenge, and this made it so successful: code at least for an hour every day and keep a log / tweet about it to hold yourself accountable.

去年夏天在Twitter上更加活跃之后,我遇到了Alexander Kallaway发起的#100DaysOfCode挑战。 这是一个简单的挑战,并且如此成功:每天至少要编写一个小时的代码,并对其进行记录/鸣叫,以使自己负责。

Fast forward to today, and I have completed the #100DaysOfCode challenge, the freeCodeCamp Front End Certification, and I’m already half-way into my second #100DaysOfCode. How did I do it? The key to all that was small and chunked measurable goals, and consistency.

时至今日,我已经完成了#100DaysOfCode挑战,freeCodeCamp前端认证,并且我已经进入第二个#100DaysOfCode的中途。 我是怎么做的? 所有这些的关键是可衡量的小目标和一致性

确定合理的每日目标 (Deciding on a reasonable daily goal)

Having a full-time job and volunteering for many other activities like teaching at CodeFirst: Girls meant that I couldn’t commit to 1 - 2 hours each night. At the end of a long work day (and often after spending another two hours doing something else like volunteering or exercising), I was exhausted and wanted to rest and recharge for the next work day. After all, sleep is important and we all need to sleep in order to perform at our best.

有一份全职工作,并自愿参加了许多其他活动,例如在CodeFirst:Girls教书,这意味着我不能每天晚上花1-2个小时。 在漫长的工作一天结束后(常常是花了两个小时来做​​其他事情,如志愿服务或锻炼),我精疲力尽,想休息并为下一个工作日补充能量。 毕竟,睡眠很重要,我们所有人都需要睡眠以保持最佳状态。

Taking all this into account, I set aside just 30 min as my daily goal for the first round of the challenge. Why this magic number, you may ask? Half an hour can easily be freed up during your lunch break. It can be the amount of time you spend listening to a technical podcast when you’re on the move. Or if you are unable to code from home, you can spend 30 min learning on an app.

考虑到所有这些因素,我仅将30分钟留给了第一轮挑战的每日目标。 您可能会问为什么会有这个魔术数字? 您可以在午休时间轻松释放半个小时。 这可能是您在旅途中花费的时间来收听技术播客。 或者,如果您无法在家中编写代码,则可以花30分钟在应用程序上学习。

Even on my busiest days, 30 minutes was achievable. Setting yourself goals that are ambitious yet actually achievable is key to maintaining the 100 day streak and not giving up on the goals you’ve set for yourself.

即使在我最忙的日子,也可以达到30分钟。 为自己设定雄心勃勃但实际上可以实现的目标,对于维持100天的连胜和不放弃为自己设定的目标至关重要。

100DaysOfCode是您的个人挑战 (100DaysOfCode is YOUR personal challenge)

I’ve seen so many people setting themselves overly ambitious goals only to realize that life might get in the way. Some people are also incredibly strict on themselves and declare the challenge a failure if they miss a day after coding for 70 days straight.

我已经看到太多的人为自己设定了过高的目标,只是意识到生活可能会妨碍自己。 有些人对自己的要求也非常严格,如果在连续编码70天后错过了一天,就会宣布挑战失败。

In my opinion, bending the rules a bit to fit your lifestyle is not only important but necessary to make it through the challenge and keep up your positive outlook. Life happens, you might get the flu, have personal circumstances prohibiting you from programming for 2 - 3 days, or simply forget a day. It’s okay, as long as you get right back on track.

我认为,稍微改变规则以适应您的生活方式不仅很重要,而且对于克服挑战并保持乐观的态度也是必要的。 生活会发生,您可能会感染流感,有个人情况,禁止您进行2-3天的编程,或者只是忘记了一天。 没关系,只要您回到正轨即可。

Sometimes people beat themselves up over not doing enough and feeling disheartened, and I felt this so many times myself. But, don’t forget that the #100DaysOfCode is your personal challenge. You decide the rules, the environment, constraints, and rewards for yourself. Don’t get distracted by other people who seemingly learn faster, learn more, or build seemingly better projects. Everyone’s journey is different, and each and every one of us have our own battles to fight in the background.

有时人们会因为做得不够而感到沮丧,感到沮丧,而我本人也感到了很多次。 但是,请不要忘记#100DaysOfCode是您的个人挑战。 您自己决定规则,环境,约束条件和奖励。 不要被看似学得更快,学到更多东西或建设看似更好的项目的其他人分心。 每个人的旅程都不一样,我们每个人在后台都有自己的战斗要战斗。

My personal goal was to complete my freeCodeCamp Front End Certification by the end of my first round, which was a little too ambitious. I didn’t make it, but I came so close that I still considered the challenge an amazing success.

我的个人目标是在第一轮结束之前完成我的freeCodeCamp前端认证,这有点太雄心勃勃了。 我没有做到,但是我距离如此之近,以至于我仍然认为挑战是一个了不起的成功。

I built seven projects during that time and built up my personal portfolio. I networked with like-minded people and increased my code quality and learned a great deal through podcasts, books, and Medium articles — all with just 30 min a day.

在此期间,我建立了七个项目,并建立了自己的个人档案。 我与志趣相投的人建立了联系,并提高了代码质量,并通过播客,书籍和中级文章学到了很多东西-每天仅需30分钟。

继续努力-即使很难 (Keep going - even if it’s hard)

Some days you’ll feel invincible and hours will pass in an instant. Some days just motivating yourself to learn for 30 min can feel like an absolute chore. This is okay and normal. Setting yourself achievable goals will mean that even on those days, you feel like you’ve reached your target.

有时候,您会感到无敌,数小时会瞬间过去。 有时候,只是要激励自己学习30分钟,就感觉像是绝对的琐事。 没关系,这很正常。 为自己设定可实现的目标将意味着即使在那些日子里,您仍感觉自己已达到目标。

For example, you might have had a bad day at work or are generally not feeling well, but you’ll still reach your goal for that day. Small chunks of success, every single day are achievable. And if you manage to do more than those 30 min a day, that’s amazing — you’re on fire.

例如,您可能在工作中度过了糟糕的一天,或者通常感觉不舒服,但是您仍然会达到当天的目标。 每一天都是很小的成功。 而且,如果您每天要完成超过30分钟的工作,那就太神奇了–您着火了

I was intending to pause after completing my first round of #100DaysOfCode and rest, and I was prepared to feel exhausted. Surprisingly, none of these feelings arrived, and instead I wondered what to build next or what to learn from now on.

我打算在完成第一轮#100DaysOfCode并休息后停下来,我准备感到精疲力尽。 令人惊讶的是,这些感觉都没有到来,相反,我想知道下一步该做什么或从现在开始学习什么。

I’ve became so used to programming each day, used to learning every day, that I have a burning desire to keep going.


That’s why I started my second round almost two days after the first round, and I haven’t looked back since. Comparing what I’ve learned and built in the last 150 days since when I started back in October has been a great exercise and has shown me that all those tiny steps I’ve taken each day have taken me where I ultimately wanted to be. Persistence is the key to learning and mastering anything, and you gain a feeling of accomplishment if you consistently persist.

这就是为什么我在第一轮比赛开始后将近两天就开始第二轮比赛,此后我再也没有回头了。 自从我十月份开始学习以来的最近150天内,我所学到的东西和进行的比较是一项很棒的练习,并且向我证明了我每天所采取的所有微小步骤都将我带到了我最终想要成为的地方。 坚持不懈是学习和掌握一切的关键,如果坚持不懈,就会有成就感。

分享你的成功 (Share your success)

Tweeting your progress is also a big part of the challenge and possibly the only reason why I kept going at times. At the beginning, tweeting my progress felt a little odd for me. But in the end, I started to celebrate my tiny little milestones each day.

在推特上发布推文也是挑战的很大一部分,并且可能是我有时会坚持下去的唯一原因。 刚开始时,发推文对我感到有点奇怪。 但是最后,我开始庆祝自己每天的小里程碑。

I didn’t keep a log on GitHub either, and instead used Twitter as my personal log to review what I had learned. The most amazing thing is the constant feedback and cheering you get from the #100DaysOfCode community. I have found so many lovely and talented people through joining the challenge whom I draw most of my inspiration from. I try to encourage people and leave hearts on plenty of updates every day, because I know how much they meant to me. Especially on days where you feel small and insignificant, some positivity from the community can go a long way.

我也没有在GitHub上保留日志,而是使用Twitter作为我的个人日志来回顾我学到的东西。 最令人惊讶的是,您从#100DaysOfCode社区获得不断的反馈和欢呼。 通过参加挑战,我发现了很多可爱而有才华的人,这些灵感正是我从中汲取灵感的。 我努力鼓励人们,每天都在关注大量更新,因为我知道他们对我有多重要。 尤其是在您感到渺小且微不足道的日子里,社区的积极态度可能会大有帮助。

We all learn better together and can learn so much from each other through sharing knowledge, success, and positivity. #100DaysOfCode is no different. Join the thousands of learners every day and be motivated to reach for your personal goals. Trust me, you won’t regret it.

我们大家在一起学习得更好,并且可以通过分享知识,成功和积极性互相学习很多。 #100DaysOfCode没什么不同。 每天加入成千上万的学习者,并激发他们实现自己的个人目标。 相信我,你不会后悔的。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-i-completed-the-100daysofcode-challenge-by-coding-30-minutes-a-day-d7c6dca80f09/

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