facebook 面试_我在Facebook接受了应届毕业生的面试。 这是我从设计中学到的东西。...

facebook 面试

by Tiffany Eaton

蒂芙尼·伊顿(Tiffany Eaton)

我在Facebook接受了应届毕业生的面试。 这是我从设计中学到的东西。 (I interviewed at Facebook as a new grad. Here’s what I learned about design.)

Facebook is a company whose product is used for connecting and keeping in touch with friends. While that’s only part of what they do, I believe their goal is to meet the needs of billions of people across the globe.

Facebook是一家公司,其产品用于与朋友建立联系并保持联系。 尽管这只是他们所做工作的一部分,但我相信他们的目标是满足全球数十亿人的需求。

I resonate with a lot of the work Facebook is doing, such as empowering small businesses with Community Boost and using Messenger’s conversational UI capabilities for social good. These initiatives are extremely relevant when you’re trying to connect with the right people, and they make once unreachable resources extremely accessible.

我对Facebook正在做的许多工作产生共鸣,例如通过Community Boost为小型企业提供支持,以及使用Messenger的对话UI功能实现社会公益 。 当您尝试与合适的人联系时,这些举措非常相关,它们使无法访问的资源变得极为可访问。

For any aspiring designer wanting to make big impact, it’s no surprise that we get extremely excited when we have the opportunity to work at a place known for doing big things. I recently had the opportunity to interview at Facebook where they thoughtfully matched me with the Business and Ads team.

对于任何想产生巨大影响的有抱负的设计师,当我们有机会在以做大事而闻名的地方工作时,我们会感到异常兴奋,这不足为奇。 最近,我有机会在Facebook上进行了采访,他们与我的业务和广告团队进行了深思熟虑的匹配。

I was excited about the opportunity to potentially work in an environment that values accessibility and inclusiveness while developing deeper human connections across all parts of the product. This is something I am currently looking for in a company.

我很高兴有机会在重视可访问性和包容性的环境中工作,同时在产品的各个部分之间建立更深的人脉关系,对此感到很兴奋。 这是我目前正在公司中寻找的东西。

Overall, interviewing with Facebook was a great learning experience. I discovered more about what the company does, how it aligns with my work, and what I want to do in the future.

总体而言,与Facebook面谈是一次很棒的学习经历。 我发现了更多有关公司的工作,如何与我的工作保持一致以及将来我想做什么的更多信息。

Regardless of the outcome, every interview experience is a part of assessing where I am — from the way I think about products and craft to how I communicate my design process with others. After all, you can only get stronger and be more aware of the kind of work you want to do in the future.

不管结果如何,每次采访经历都是评估我所在位置的一部分-从我对产品和Craft.io的思考方式到与他人交流设计过程的方式。 毕竟,您只能变得更强壮,并且更加了解自己将来想要做的工作。

I’ll discuss some takeaways from my interview experience, along with some of Facebook’s values that I glimpsed during the process.


您做出的每个设计决策背后都必须有意向 (There needs to be intentionality behind every design decision you make)

When we talk about our design process, we often forget to explain why we did something and simply state what we did. This way of talking about our design is fine if someone wants to know about the product itself.

当我们谈论我们的设计过程时,我们常常忘记解释为什么做某件事,而只是简单地说明我们做了什么。 如果有人想了解产品本身,那么用这种方式谈论我们的设计就很好。

But for any design interview, the interviewers want to know how you got to a solution. What went wrong? What went right? How did this step influence the outcome, and what was the next step? For every design decision, always — Explain. Why.

但是对于任何设计面试,面试官都想知道您如何找到解决方案。 什么地方出了错? 怎么了? 此步骤如何影响结果?下一步是什么? 对于每个设计决策,始终-说明。 为什么。

Intentionality is important, because it makes sure we have contextualized the problem and really understand who our audience is. It shows other designers how we work based on constraints, our ability to work with others, and how we connect decisions to solving the problem.

故意性很重要,因为它可以确保我们已将问题具体化,并真正了解了谁是受众。 它向其他设计师展示了我们如何基于约束进行工作,我们与他人合作的能力以及如何将决策与解决问题联系起来。

If we can explain our decisions, it shows people that we were not making a decision just for the sake of making a decision. Rather, it shows that we understand the effect our design decisions have and how those decisions address people’s problems.

如果我们能够解释我们的决定,那么它就会向人们表明,我们并不是为了做出决定而做出决定。 相反,它表明我们了解设计决策的效果以及这些决策如何解决人们的问题。

While interviewing at Facebook, it became clear that the designers I was speaking to wanted to understand the story behind my project and the intention behind my design decisions.


小细节很重要 (The small details do matter)

While I was presenting my portfolio, I thought I would receive questions about my overall product thinking. Instead, I received questions about the details behind my design, such as why I made the border around a dashboard green and what purpose that served. This is because small details convey the bigger picture of a design. They influence how we interact with a product to get to our desired goal.

在介绍我的产品组合时,我以为我会收到有关整体产品思想的问题。 相反,我收到有关设计背后细节的问题,例如为什么将仪表板周围的边框设为绿色,以及达到什么目的。 这是因为小细节传达了设计的大图景。 它们影响我们如何与产品互动以达到我们的预期目标。

It’s important to consider every detail and have a reason why it exists — does it enhance x feature, or is it for visibility purposes? It can make a big difference in the long-run. Take Facebook’s Like feature, for example.

重要的是要考虑每个细节并确定其存在的原因-它增强了x功能,还是出于可见性目的? 从长远来看,它可以带来很大的改变。 以Facebook的“赞”功能为例。

The Like feature is small but it has many implications. It allows people to engage with content that they enjoy. From a business perspective, it allows Facebook to rank posts based on popularity.

“赞”功能虽然很小,但有很多含义。 它使人们可以与自己喜欢的内容互动。 从业务角度来看,它允许Facebook根据受欢迎程度对帖子进行排名。

It is a feature that is used extensively and encourages people to interact with each other for long periods of time. The person who designed it probably didn’t know the amount of impact it could have until they tested it.

此功能得到了广泛使用,并鼓励人们长时间进行交互。 在测试之前,设计它的人可能不知道它会产生多大的影响。

Here are some articles that discuss designing the small details at Facebook if you want to read more about them in depth: Caitlin Winner’s How We Changed the Facebook’s Friend Icon, and Jasmine Friedl’s What I’ve Learned Designing Small Things At Facebook.

如果您想深入了解这些细节,那么以下文章讨论了在Facebook上设计这些细节的问题: Caitlin Winner的我们如何改变Facebook的朋友图标 ”和Jasmine Friedl的我在Facebook上设计小东西所学的”

提供反馈与征求反馈同样重要 (Giving feedback is just as important as soliciting it)

We need feedback to grow, but we also need to be able to present feedback to others to help them grow and improve their designs. The ability to explain our work and be proficient in the craft of design is what most companies want. But from what I observed at Facebook, they go above and beyond by assessing our product thinking and communication skills within the product critique.

我们需要反馈来成长,但是我们也需要能够向其他人提供反馈,以帮助他们成长和改进他们的设计。 大多数公司都希望能够解释我们的工作并精通设计Craft.io。 但是从我在Facebook上观察到的情况来看,它们超越了我们对产品评论中的产品思维和沟通技巧的评估。

Product intuition is something we all hope to have, but articulating it can be a challenge. You need to generatively understand interaction design and visual design along with how the two relate to the product’s goal. All this while thinking about the audience the design was intended for.

产品直觉是我们所有人都希望拥有的东西,但是表达它可能是一个挑战。 您需要全面理解交互设计和视觉设计,以及两者与产品目标的关系。 所有这些都在考虑设计的目标受众。

It’s easy to get wrapped up in describing what a design does, but we also need to explain how it conveys value. The hard part is balancing the way we explain the details: why was x designed this way to begin with, and how do we concisely connect it to the way it solves a user need?

在描述设计工作时很容易陷入困境,但是我们还需要解释它如何传达价值。 困难的部分是要平衡我们解释细节的方式:为什么x首先设计成这种方式,我们如何将其简洁地与解决用户需求的方式联系起来?

If you can’t do this well, then how will you communicate your work and give feedback to other people?


Here are some links to the value of design critiques at Facebook: Tanner Christensen’s A Design Critique with Facebook and A Peek inside a Facebook Design Critique, and Julie Zhuo’s How To Do a Product Critique.

这里有一些链接到Facebook的设计批评的价值: 坦纳克里斯滕森一个设计批评与Facebook和A 偷看一个网站设计批判里面 ,和朱莉卓如何做一个产品的批判

讲故事使我们的观点更贴切 (Telling a story makes our point of view more relatable)

When we explain the outcome of our design, whether it’s working someone through our prototype or key screens, we often explain what our design does but don’t explain in it in a way that involves people. We need to remember that the things we are designing are for real people.

当我们解释设计的结果时,无论是通过原型还是通过关键屏幕来使某人正常工作,我们通常都会解释我们的设计做什么,但并没有以涉及人的方式来解释。 我们需要记住,我们正在设计的东西是针对真实的人的。

We need to explain our products so that people will be able to relate to what the product is trying to do. We want them to understand the complexities of our product without getting lost in the details of how it works. We don’t want to confuse people, but want them to understand the story behind what the product is and why it exists.

我们需要解释我们的产品,以便人们能够与产品正在尝试做的事情相关。 我们希望他们了解我们产品的复杂性,而不会迷失其工作原理的细节。 我们不想让人们感到困惑,但希望他们理解产品是什么以及产品为什么存在的故事。

When I worked for QuickBooks, I was presenting a solution to the problem of accountant-client collaboration on a project. I started by explaining how the product addressed a user’s pain points, but I didn’t center it around a relatable story or contextualize it. It sounded less human when I used “accountant” and “client.”

当我为QuickBooks工作时,我正在提出解决方案中会计与客户协作问题的解决方案。 我首先解释了该产品如何解决用户的痛点,但我并没有将其围绕一个相关的故事或对其进行情境化。 当我使用“会计”和“客户”时,听起来不那么人性化。

But then I characterized the two roles and centered the story around two personas, giving them names and daily tasks. This allowed me to give context to the experience and explain who these people were, what they were trying to do, what their problems were, and how my solution was able to help them with their workflow.

但是后来我确定了这两个角色的角色,并将故事围绕两个人物角色进行了集中,给他们命名和日常任务。 这使我能够提供经验的背景信息,并解释这些人是谁,他们正在尝试做什么,他们的问题是什么以及我的解决方案如何能够帮助他们进行工作流程。

By talking about an experience with humans, I could explain my story better without outwardly explaining the complexities of the product. I wasn’t explaining the features, but I was explaining how a real person would use those features in a certain context.

通过谈论与人类的体验,我可以更好地解释我的故事,而无需向外解释产品的复杂性。 我不是在解释这些功能,而是在解释一个真实的人在特定环境下如何使用这些功能。

As humans, we are wired to tell stories. We use a basic story structure, because it makes things simple to understand while tying them back to values we can all relate to. People will understand better, and they’ll know that your design is meant for people. This means that humans need to be in the stories we are telling in order for other humans to understand our ideas and how our product will exist in the real world.

作为人类,我们必须讲故事。 我们使用基本的故事结构,因为它使事情变得易于理解,同时又将它们与我们都可以关联的价值联系在一起。 人们会更好地理解,他们会知道您的设计适合人们。 这意味着人类需要进入我们正在讲的故事中,以便其他人类理解我们的想法以及我们的产品在现实世界中的存在方式。

Here is an article by Julie Zhuo on pitching products and how to do it in a way that is thoughtful and easy to understand.

这是朱莉·卓 ( Julie Zhuo)发表的有关推销产品以及如何以一种周到且易于理解的方式进行推销的文章。

影响力是衡量您可以为组织带来的价值的指标 (Impact is a metric for the value you can bring to an organization)

My teacher, who is a design manager at Facebook, emphasizes showing real work versus theoretical work. This is because real work offers leverage and value to a company: there are stakes involved, and you are making things that have tangible meaning.

我的老师是Facebook的一名设计经理,他强调展示真实作品与理论作品。 这是因为实际工作为公司提供了影响力和价值:牵涉其中,您正在创造具有实际意义的事物。

Impact is what drives us to constantly create new things that are meaningful to us. We want to figure out new ways we can improve, whether it’s for ourselves or designing better experiences for others.

影响力驱使我们不断创造对我们有意义的新事物。 我们想找到新的改进方法,无论是为自己还是为他人设计更好的体验。

This is why making your designs public is so important. Real people will be affected by it and can potentially bring forth change. Design exists to be used — not as an artifact that no one is going to build.

这就是为什么公开设计如此重要的原因。 真实的人会受到它的影响,并可能带来改变。 设计是可以使用的,而不是没有人要构建的工件。

Throughout this process, I’ve observed that having a deep curiosity to learn and grow is what leads to producing impactful work. We are encouraged to work on the things we care about, and we spread value to people who are in need of solutions to their problems.

在整个过程中,我观察到,对学习和成长充满好奇心是导致产生有意义的工作的原因。 我们被鼓励去做我们关心的事情,并将价值传播给需要解决他们问题的人们。

When we show impact in a presentation, it is important to show metrics or hard data to support it. While data can make a good design great, data can’t make a bad design good. This is why showing impact with user insights over data analytics, or a combination of the two, can speak volumes. This approach expresses the thoughts and feelings of users that are hidden within the numbers.

当我们在演示文稿中显示影响力时,重要的是显示指标或硬数据以支持它。 尽管数据可以使好的设计变得更好,但数据却不能使坏的设计变得更好。 这就是为什么用用户对数据分析的洞察力或两者的结合来显示影响力可以说出原因的原因。 这种方法表达了隐藏在数字中的用户的想法和感受。

Impact in the form of design intuition can also result in meaningful conversations. Showing data to support your point can either be right or wrong. With user insights, it’s harder to prove but it allows both sides to understand the problem in a more critical light.

设计直觉形式的影响也可能导致有意义的对话。 显示数据来支持您的观点可能是对还是错。 利用用户的见解,很难证明这一点,但它可以使双方从更关键的角度来理解问题。

这不仅仅是内容,而是视觉呈现方式 (It’s not all about the content, but how it is visually presented)

Some designers say that as long as your product thinking is sound, then the fidelity of the outcome doesn’t matter as much. Like the small details, the visuals are what bring your idea to life in a more tangible way. The visuals are what will be facing people, so it is necessary to make sure that they’re presented in an intentional way. They should guide users to do the things they need to do while making it pleasing to the eye and making them feel good.

一些设计师说,只要您的产品思路正确,那么结果的保真度就无关紧要。 像微小的细节一样,视觉效果可以使您的想法以更切实的方式变为现实。 视觉是人们将要面对的东西,因此有必要确保以有意的方式呈现它们。 他们应该引导用户做他们需要做的事情,同时使用户感到愉悦并感觉良好。

It is important to look at the big picture. But we also need to know how the details help us understand the bigger picture. Visual and interaction design skills are just as important as product thinking skills. The visual design highlights the thought process behind the decisions about why a product looks the way it does.

放眼全局很重要。 但是我们还需要知道细节如何帮助我们了解更大的前景。 视觉和交互设计技能与产品思维技能一样重要。 视觉设计突出了决定产品外观方式决策背后的思考过程。

Even in presentations, alignment and consistency of content are key. Make sure you design cohesively and understand the basic principles of designing a job presentation: use less text, don’t overwhelm the user, and use visuals.

即使在演示中,内容的对齐和一致性也是关键。 确保您进行连贯的设计,并了解设计工作演示的基本原则:使用更少的文字,不让用户感到不知所措,并使用视觉效果。

Facebook wanted me to walk through an interactive prototype instead of using static screens. They wanted to see how interaction design connects to visual systems — which is essential in creating visually cohesive experiences.

Facebook要我逐步讲解交互式原型,而不要使用静态屏幕。 他们想了解交互设计如何连接到视觉系统,这对于创建视觉凝聚力体验至关重要。

They also wanted me to show high fidelity visual design because it encompasses all of my design decisions. And they wanted to see whether or not my visuals connected to basic design principles, the problem, and who I was designing for.

他们还希望我展示高保真的视觉设计,因为它涵盖了我所有的设计决策。 他们想知道我的视觉效果是否与基本的设计原理,问题以及我的设计目标有关。

Here is an article about the emphasis on visual design at Facebook and why product thinking simply isn’t enough: Jasmine Friedl’s How to Make Your Not-So-Great Visual Design Better.

这是一篇关于在Facebook上强调视觉设计的文章,以及为什么产品思维根本不够用: Jasmine Friedl的如何使不太出色的视觉设计变得更好”

谦逊是为数百万用户进行设计的关键 (Humility is key to designing for millions of users)

When I asked the designers what values they resonated with when designing products at Facebook, a word that came up frequently was humility. This means really understanding people and guiding them to improve their lives in small, subtle ways.

当我问设计师在Facebook设计产品时,他们对哪些价值观产生共鸣时,经常出现的一个字是谦卑。 这意味着真正了解人们并指导他们以细微,微妙的方式改善生活。

“Design is creativity in the service of others” — Margret Gould Stewart
“设计就是创造力,为他人服务” – Margret Gould Stewart

As product designers, we design with purpose to improve life because that’s what drives us. We want to bring meaning into other people’s lives. Deep down, we are doing it for the sake of humanity and for the pleasure we take in seeing people’s lives improved by the things we create for them. For Facebook, this might mean making the world more open and connected in part through great design.

作为产品设计师,我们的设计宗旨是改善生活,因为这就是我们的动力。 我们希望将意义带入他人的生活。 内心深处,我们这样做是为了人类的利益,也是我们高兴地看到人们为我们创造的事物改善了他们的生活。 对于Facebook而言,这可能意味着通过出色的设计使世界变得更加开放和连接。

Here is a compelling talk where Margaret Gould Stewart talks about designing with humility at Facebook.

这是一个引人入胜的演讲, 玛格丽特·古尔德·斯图尔特(Margaret Gould Stewart)在Facebook谈论谦虚的设计

外卖 (Takeaways)

UX design requires you to look at design beyond the surface. You have to look at the intentionality behind every design decision that is made. It’s not just about being able to execute using the design process. It is about utilizing different methods and frameworks that will allow you to strategically create thoughtful solutions. Design is thoughtful when the designer can explain it from different perspectives with the user in mind.

UX设计需要您从表面上看设计。 您必须查看做出的每个设计决策背后的意图。 这不仅仅在于能够使用设计过程执行。 它涉及利用不同的方法和框架,这些方法和框架将使您能够策略性地创建周到的解决方案。 当设计人员可以考虑用户的不同角度进行设计时,请考虑周全。

From interviewing at Facebook, I can definitely see that they care a lot about their designers: from the way they care about intentionality and open communication to their product thinking and the basic interactions of how a product will work.


It’s not just about stating what a design does, but it is about why something was made (the look, feel, and touch). It’s about how it solves the user’s problem and connecting it to what the business was trying to do for that user.

这不仅是说明设计的功能,还在于为什么要做出某种设计(外观,感觉和触感)。 这是关于它如何解决用户的问题以及将其连接到企业为该用户所做的工作的方式。

Interviewing at Facebook made me realize that it’s not just about the name brand of the company. It’s about the mission a company is working towards, its values, and the kind of work you want to invest your time and energy in.

在Facebook上的采访使我意识到,这不仅仅关乎公司的品牌。 这与公司正在努力实现的使命,其价值以及您要投入时间和精力的工作类型有关。

Time is limited, and I want to be able to work for a company that will help me grow and provide challenges that inspire me to think beyond what’s currently possible. I resonate with Facebook’s mission statement and the kind of work they are doing across all teams, particularly the business team.

时间有限,我希望能够为一家公司工作,这将帮助我成长并提供挑战,激发我思考超出当前可能性的范围。 我对Facebook的使命宣言以及他们在所有团队,特别是业务团队中所做的工作产生共鸣。

But if you are interviewing simply for the sake of finding a job, you won’t be satisfied. On average, it can take 2–3 years to see the impact of the growth you made. That would be a lot of time wasted if you weren’t passionate about your job.

但是,如果您只是为了找工作而面试,您将不会感到满意。 平均而言,要花费2到3年才能看到您所取得的增长所产生的影响。 如果您不热衷于工作,那将浪费大量时间。

Thank you for reading!


Thank you to Kevin Mao for being my go-to-editor and support, Jasmine Friedl who took the time to help me peer read and give me tips on how write in my own voice and everyone else who has helped me throughout the process. ❤

谢谢凯文·毛 ( Kevin Mao)作为我的最佳编辑和支持, 茉莉(Jasmine Friedl )抽出宝贵时间帮助我同行阅读,并向我提供了有关如何以自己的声音进行写作的提示,以及在整个过程中为我提供帮助的其他人。

To help you get started on owning your design career, here are some amazing tools from Rookieup, a site I used to get mentorship from senior designers:


Links to some other cool reads:


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/i-interviewed-at-facebook-as-a-new-grad-heres-what-i-learned-about-design-8a1acfffb9ef/

facebook 面试





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