ico图标下载 ico大全_我们可以做些什么来向ICO投资者保证我们不会用他们的钱消失...

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by Pablo Ruiz

帕勃罗·鲁伊斯(Pablo Ruiz)

我们可以做些什么来向ICO投资者保证我们不会用他们的钱消失 (What we can do to reassure ICO investors that we won’t vanish with their money)

What a great time to be in the tech industry! It’s never been easier to raise funds for a new startup. Well, maybe during the dot-com era, but most people of my generation — those born after 1985 — were too young at that time to build a company.

在科技行业度过美好的时光! 为新创业公司筹集资金从未如此简单。 好吧,也许是在网络时代,但我们这一代的大多数人(1985年以后出生的人)当时还太年轻,无法创立公司。

For those of us Millennials, it’s never been easier to raise funds for a new startup!


2017 has seen the rise of ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings). ICOs are a novel way for teams to raise funding in exchange for tokens that are (or will be) used to interact with the company’s product. Through the sale of tokens, startup teams can get the funding they need to further develop their products without having to give up control to investors. Instead, they get the funding by selling digital tokens that at some point should be useful within their platform, hopefully holding — or even increasing — their value.

2017年见证了ICO( 初始代币发行 )的兴起。 ICO是团队筹集资金以换取用于(或将用于)与公司产品进行交互的代币的一种新颖方式。 通过销售代币,启动团队可以获得他们进一步开发产品所需的资金,而不必放弃对投资者的控制。 相反,他们通过出售在某些时候在其平台上应该有用的数字令牌来获得资金,希望持有甚至增加其价值。

The early days of ICOs were a success, and in most cases, they raised millions of dollars each in a matter of days or even hours. As these results started to make headlines, more people started jumping on the ICO bandwagon. It didn’t matter what the product was, or even if it made sense to build those products using Blockchain technology.

ICO的初期很成功,在大多数情况下,它们在几天甚至几小时内就筹集了数百万美元。 随着这些结果开始成为头条新闻,更多的人开始跳起ICO潮流。 不管产品是什么,或者使用区块链技术构建那些产品是否有意义都没有关系。

Eric Risley’s article, Tale of Two Worlds, shows that ICOs are failing to raise the funds they intended to raise as the months go by.

埃里克·里斯利 ( Eric Risley )的文章《两个世界故事》(Tale of Two World )表明,随着时间的流逝,ICO未能筹集到他们打算筹集的资金。

The chart he published goes from June to mid-September 2017, but given how exponentially this trend has evolved, I bet it has only gotten worse.


ICOs were bound to start missing their targets. There’s currently an over-saturation of ICOs, as can be evidenced by looking at the popular listing sites. Many of them spring out every day. And many of them are garbage or outright scams.

ICO必将开始失去其目标。 目前,ICO的饱和度过高,这可以通过查看热门上市网站来证明。 他们很多人每天涌出。 其中许多是垃圾或彻头彻尾的骗局。

I’m not going to go over what makes an ICO potentially dangerous to invest in, as it is not the point of this article. But there are many telltale signs, such as ridiculous caps, non-existent MVPs, shady founders and unknown advisors. It is worrisome — but interesting to analyze — given how many of them still do manage to raise some money despite all the red flags.

我不会讨论导致ICO潜在投资风险的原因,因为这不是本文的重点。 但是,这里有许多明显的迹象,例如荒谬的上限,不存在的MVP,可疑的创始人和不知名的顾问。 考虑到尽管有所有危险信号,仍有许多人仍然设法筹集了资金,但令人担忧-但分析起来很有趣。

Alongside these failed ICOs that miss their targets, there’s a new problem starting to manifest in this industry. Some ICOs successfully raise the funds, but either fail to fulfill their promise or directly vanish with the funds they raised.

除了这些未能实现目标的失败ICO之外,这个行业还开始出现新问题。 一些ICO成功筹集了资金,但要么未兑现其诺言,要么直接消失了。

The most recent case is Confido. In November 2017 they managed to raise almost $400,000 through an Initial Coin Offering and simply vanished with the money. They took down the site, deleted their profiles from social networks, and ran away with the funds they had collected. ? ? ?

最近的案例是Confido。 在2017年11月,他们通过首次代币发行成功筹集了近40万美元,而这笔钱简直就消失了。 他们关闭了该网站,从社交网络上删除了他们的个人资料,并用掉了所收集的资金。 ? ? ?

If the number of scams and failed ICOs keeps increasing, it’s going to take a toll on the Ethereum community and make it harder for honest founders to access this method of funding.


So, what can we do, as honest founders, to reassure potential contributors/investors of our good intentions?


Currently, most ICOs have outrageous hard caps — typically 10 or more times the funds that any company would need to build a tech product. We are raising tens of millions of dollars to launch products that could be accomplished with a few hundred thousands.

目前,大多数ICO都有硬性规定,通常是任何公司开发技术产品所需资金的10倍或更多倍。 我们筹集了数千万美元的资金,以推出可以用几十万个完成的产品。

I know, ICOs might soon be dead or the bar might be raised so high that it’s impossible for smaller teams to raise any funding at all. So, better to seize the moment and ask for as much as you can, right? It’s not like you are giving more control of your company by asking for 10 times the money you need.

我知道,ICO可能很快就死了,或者门槛可能提高得如此之高,以至于较小的团队根本不可能筹集任何资金。 因此,最好抓住时机,并要求尽可能多的要求,对吧? 并不是您要求的资金是您所需资金的10倍,就可以更好地控制公司。

Well, I firmly believe that at some point we won’t be able to raise funds as easily as we can now. We will be asked for more accountability. The market will accommodate, and we will need to up our game in order to be able to do successful ICOs. One of the first things I believe we will be asked to do is to restrict our access to the funds to prevent hit-and-run Confido-like outcomes.

好吧,我坚信在某个时候我们将无法像现在这样容易地筹集资金。 我们将被要求承担更多责任。 市场将适应,我们将需要提高游戏水平才能成功进行ICO。 我相信我们会被要求做的第一件事就是限制我们获得资金的机会,以防止像Confido这样的“奔跑式”结果。

You want to raise 100 million dollars? Perfect, go ahead. But you will only get $500k right after the ICO.

您想筹集1亿美元吗? 完美,继续前进。 但是在ICO之后,您将只获得50万美元。

Need more? Show us some progress.

需要更多? 向我们展示一些进展。

Haven’t shown some considerable progress for months? We’ll take what’s left of our money back.

几个月来没有显示出可观的进步吗? 我们将收回剩余的钱。

为ICO构建基于里程碑的保险柜 (Building a Milestone-based Vault for ICOs)

The complete, fully-commented, code can be found on my Github repository. Please refer to the README.md file for detailed usage instructions.

完整,完整注释的代码可以在我的Github存储库中找到 。 请参阅README.md文件以获取详细的使用说明。

The MilestoneVault is a smart contract implementation of a vault that stores the crowdsale’s contributions and releases the funds as project milestones get completed.


Once the crowdsale has finished, the funds are stored in this vault. At any moment, the team can request a portion of those funds — as previously defined — and the original contributors can cast their vote against that request. If the majority rejects the request, the funds are not made available. If the founding team makes several requests and they keep getting rejected, the project gets cancelled and contributors can get a refund on the money that hasn’t yet been withdrawn on previous milestones.

众筹完成后,资金将存储在此保管库中。 团队可以随时请求一部分资金(如先前所定义),而原始贡献者可以对该请求投反对票。 如果大多数人拒绝了该请求,则资金将无法使用。 如果创始团队提出了多个请求,但他们不断遭到拒绝,则该项目将被取消,并且贡献者可以获得之前里程碑尚未提取的款项退款。

As I started working on this project, I realized there was not just one right solution. There are many ways this can be achieved depending on how the founding team wants to handle it, and what the community is willing to tolerate. For example:

当我开始从事这个项目时,我意识到不仅有一个正确的解决方案。 取决于创始团队希望如何处理它以及社区愿意容忍的内容,可以通过多种方式实现。 例如:

初始贡献者VS代币持有者 (Initial contributors VS token holders)

My current implementation allows the ICO contributors, instead of the token holders, to vote.


A person’s investment in a project is represented by the tokens they got in exchange for their contribution. But I don’t think that, after the ICO, the token holders should have a say on the future of the project. After the ICO, owning tokens don’t necessarily make someone an investor or a supporter of the project. I could have the tokens for mere speculation and not care about the project at all.

一个人在项目中的投资以他们获得的代币来表示。 但是我不认为在ICO之后,代币持有者应该对项目的未来有发言权。 ICO之后,拥有代币不一定使某人成为该项目的投资者或支持者。 我可能只是出于投机的目的,而根本不在乎该项目。

On the other hand, as an early contributor to the ICO, I might have already sold my tokens along the way and couldn’t care less about the current and future state of the project.


There could be a third option that takes into account only the votes from early backers that still have all, any, or some portion of the tokens. But I felt this would over-complicate the smart contract.

可能存在第三种选择,该选择仅考虑来自早期支持者的投票,这些投票仍然拥有全部,任何或部分令牌。 但是我认为这会使智能合约过于复杂。

一人一票VS加权票 (One person, one vote VS weighted votes)

My current implementation is based on weighted votes.


This means that the size of the original investment is taken into account when voting. If I invested 3 ether, my vote will matter more than the vote of someone who invested only 1 ether.

这意味着在投票时会考虑原始投资的规模。 如果我投资了3个以太币,那么我的投票将比仅投资1个以太币的人的投票更为重要。

批准投票VS不赞成投票 (Approval voting VS disapproval voting)

My current implementation is based on disapproval voting.


When the team initiates a request for funds, a voting period is started. During that voting period, contributors to the ICO can vote against the request for withdrawal for the current milestone. If the majority votes against, then the request is rejected.

当团队提出资金要求时,投票期开始。 在该投票期间,ICO的贡献者可以投票反对当前里程碑的退出请求。 如果大多数人反对,那么该请求将被拒绝。

This could be changed so that the request is not approved by default, and the team has to get enough positive votes in order to unlock the next milestone.


Again, I don’t feel that this is a case where one-solution-fits-all applies, and I’m not claiming to know how these choices would affect the project in the long run. Depending on the nature of the project, the composition of its community and contributor base, and many other variables, the voting system could be modified to better represent all parties and prevent issues.

再说一次,我不认为这是一种“万能解决方案”的情况,而且我并不是要知道这些选择从长远来看会如何影响项目。 根据项目的性质,社区和贡献者基础的组成以及许多其他变量,可以修改投票系统以更好地代表所有各方并防止问题。

那纠纷呢? (What about disputes?)

There’s one final topic I’d like to discuss. My inspiration for looking into this subject and thinking about ways to make ICOs a bit more transparent was this post by Federico Ast, one of the founders of Kleros.

我想讨论一个最后的话题。 Kleros的创始人之一Federico Ast的 这篇文章是我研究此主题并思考使ICO更加透明的方法的灵感

In his article, Federico writes how he thinks ICOs should work:


During the crowdsale, backers from all over the world send payments into a smart contract which will release payments to the team as some predefined milestones are met. For example: “Next payment will be done when the team releases a new version of the software with substantial improvements”.
在众筹期间,来自世界各地的支持者将付款发送到智能合约中,当达到某些预定义的里程碑时,该合约将向团队发放付款。 例如:“当团队发布具有重大改进的新版本软件时,将进行下次付款”。
When the team claims a milestone is reached, token holders have some period of time to dispute it. If a sufficient amount of token holders reject the milestone completion claim, a dispute arises between the team and the token holders (Was the milestone met? Should the money be released?). Kleros is the dispute resolution mechanism.
当团队声称已达到里程碑时,代币持有者有一段时间会对此提出异议。 如果足够数量的代币持有者拒绝了里程碑完成要求,则团队与代币持有者之间会发生争议(达到里程碑了吗?是否应该释放资金?)。 Kleros是争端解决机制。

As it stands today, the solution I propose could be subject to some abuse from the contributors. They have the final say in whether or not the project gets further funding, and there’s no way to refute their voting. They could even collude to cut off the project’s funds and get their money back if, for example, the tokens are worth much less than the money they put in.

按照目前的情况,我提出的解决方案可能会受到贡献者的一些滥用。 他们对于该项目是否获得进一步的资金拥有最终决定权,并且没有办法驳斥他们的投票。 例如,如果代币的价值比投入的资金少得多,他们甚至可以串通以切断项目的资金并取回资金。

As Federico writes, a dispute resolution mechanism could be put in place so that each time the contributors decide to withhold the funds (or right before deeming the project cancelled), the team can initiate a dispute, present their evidence, and get objective third parties to decide what to do.


I believe that ICOs are a great fundraising mechanism that will enable awesome companies to be born and thrive, but we must do our best effort to use this great tool consciously.


What other mechanisms do you think could be put in place to provide more security for ICO investors?


I hope you enjoyed reading this article as much as I enjoyed writing it. I’m currently taking consultancy jobs related to smart contracts development. If you are planning on raising funds through an ICO or building a Blockchain-based product, feel free to get in touch with me.

希望您喜欢阅读这篇文章,也喜欢阅读它。 我目前正在从事与智能合约开发相关的顾问工作。 如果您打算通过ICO筹集资金或开发基于区块链的产品,请随时与我联系。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/what-we-can-do-to-reassure-ico-investors-that-we-wont-vanish-with-their-money-ae9cfa3e162b/

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