从零学javascript_我刚刚问了23,000个开发人员他们对JavaScript的看法。 这是我学到的。...


by Sacha Greif

由Sacha Greif

我刚刚问了23,000个开发人员他们对JavaScript的看法。 这是我学到的。 (I just asked 23,000 developers what they think of JavaScript. Here’s what I learned.)

I recently published our results for the 2017 edition of the annual State of JavaScript survey, collected from over 23,000 developers.


The results revealed many things, from popularity trends to salary breakdowns. You’ll want to take a look for yourself if you haven’t done so already. But among all these data, here are the 10 things that stood out most to me.

结果揭示了很多事情,从流行趋势到薪水细分。 如果您还没有这样做的话,您可能会想看看 。 但是在所有这些数据中,以下是对我最突出的10件事。

Even if you’ve already seen the results, you might want to check out the new Features and Opinions sections we’ve just added.


见解1:React在这里留下来 (Insight 1: React is here to stay)

This year’s edition confirmed last year’s trend: React is currently the dominant front-end library.


React’s early criticisms (usually centered around the way it mixes HTML and JS) now seem like a distant memory, and Facebook put to rest developers’ last major hangup this year by getting rid of their license’s patent clause.

React的早期批评(通常集中在混合HTML和JS的方式上)现在看来像是遥远的回忆,Facebook通过摆脱其许可的专利条款 ,搁置了开发人员今年的最后一次重大困扰。

With both usage numbers and developer satisfaction at an all-time high, it’s safe to say React is sitting at the top of the hill, at least for the time being.


见解2:Angular正在转变为新角色 (Insight 2: Angular is shifting to a new role)

This doesn’t mean you should count Angular out just yet. While it’s true it doesn’t have the same momentum as React, it does have a few very strong factor going for it.

这并不意味着您应该立即将Angular排除在外。 尽管确实没有与React相同的发展势头,但确实有一些非常重要的因素。

First, Angular has Google’s might behind it. Say what you want, that’s some of the best engineers in the industry working full-time to improve the framework.

首先,Angular支持Google。 说您想要的,那就是业内最好的工程师全职工作以改进框架。

It’s also important to point out that Angular still has a huge user base. Banks, governments, and other large companies can’t adopt the latest hotness as fast as your average freelancer, and for that reason they often have large legacy Angular codebases to maintain.

还必须指出,Angular仍然拥有庞大的用户群。 银行,政府和其他大型公司无法像一般的自由职业者一样快地采用最新的技术,因此,它们通常需要维护大量的旧版Angular代码库。

But the final point is probably the most key: Angular is not trying to fight React head-to-head anymore, instead refocusing itself on the enterprise market. Just look at Angular’s adoption of TypeScript: while it may have put off some developers, that decision also brought the kind of reliability and security needed for enterprise apps.

但是最后一点可能是最关键的:Angular不再试图与React正面对抗,而是将重心放在企业市场上。 看看Angular对TypeScript的采用:虽然它可能使某些开发人员推迟,但这一决定也带来了企业应用程序所需的可靠性和安全性。

见解3:您不能再忽略Vue.js (Insight 3: You can’t ignore Vue.js anymore)

Vue came out from seemingly nowhere last year, and in a very short time it has established itself as the biggest threat to React’s crown. It might not have Angular’s raw numbers or Ember’s longevity, but it has something that beats both: momentum.

去年,Vue似乎一无所获,而且在很短的时间内,它已经成为对React的最大威胁。 它可能没有Angular的原始数据或Ember的寿命,但它具有两者兼具的优势: 动量

And while Vue beating out React still seems like a long shot, Vue does arguably have a better story when it comes to offering a full framework-like experience, thanks to official routing and state management libraries maintained by the same core team.


见解4:对某些图书馆的了解将帮助您获得更多收入(但并非出于您可能认为的原因) (Insight 4: Knowledge of some libraries will help you earn more (but not for the reasons you might think))

By collecting and cross-referencing salary data, we were able to find out which technologies are the most lucrative.


And as it turns out, it’s often niche technologies like Polymer or Reason that correlate with the highest salaries.


Now before you quit your current job and spend your Christmas holidays neck-deep in Polymer videos, remember that correlation does not equal causation.


While it’s possible that Polymer developers are paid more, it’s also possible that more senior devs (who naturally earn more) tend to try a more diverse range of libraries, while junior programmers (who start at the bottom of the salary ladder) prefer to focus on one or two mainstream technologies instead.


So maybe (just maybe) running after the latest flavor of the day is not the key to earning the big bucks after all.


见解4:2018年将是GraphQL的一年 (Insight 4: 2018 will be the year of GraphQL)

If you’re like the majority of survey respondents, you’ve heard about GraphQL and you’re intrigued, but you’ve yet to actually try it (hint: I wrote this article just for you!).

如果您像大多数调查对象一样,已经听说过GraphQL,并且对此很感兴趣,但是您还没有实际尝试过(提示: 我为您撰写了这篇文章 !)。

As it turns out, this is a very common situation. Out of all the technologies mentioned in the survey, GraphQL is the one generating the most interest — despite its small number of current users.

事实证明,这是非常普遍的情况。 在调查中提到的所有技术中,尽管GraphQL当前用户数量很少,但它是最引起人们关注的技术。

And speaking of current users, it’s also worth mentioning that they are overall highly satisfied with GraphQL. With this combination of high interest and high satisfaction, don’t be surprised if 2018 is the year that GraphQL finally crosses the chasm into becoming a mainstream technology.

对于当前用户,值得一提的是,他们对GraphQL总体上非常满意。 凭借高兴趣和高满意度的结合,如果GraphQL在2018年最终跨越鸿沟成为主流技术,那就不要感到惊讶。

Insight 6:JavaScript!=前端 (Insight 6: JavaScript != Front-end)

We’ve known for a while that JavaScript isn’t just used in the browser. After all, Node has been a very popular back-end choice for a number of years now.

我们已经知道有一段时间JavaScript不仅在浏览器中使用了。 毕竟,多年来,Node一直是非常受欢迎的后端选择。

But in 2017, JavaScript is expanding even further: platforms like AWS Lambda let you write back-end code without a back-end, while the growing popularity of IoT-enabled devices means that before long, your toaster might very well end up running JavaScript too.

但是在2017年,JavaScript进一步扩展:像AWS Lambda这样的平台使您无需后端即可编写后端代码,而启用IoT的设备的日益普及意味着您的烤面包机很可能最终会运行JavaScript太。

If that sounds absurd, remember that this year’s most popular text editor, VS Code, is itself written in JavaScript and runs as an Electron app.

如果这听起来很荒谬,请记住,今年最受欢迎的文本编辑器VS Code本身就是用JavaScript编写的,并且可以作为Electron应用程序运行。

JavaScript went from being a tool to display banner ads to powering text editors, all in the span of a couple years. Believe me, the JavaScript toasters might come along sooner than you think.

在过去的几年中,JavaScript从显示横幅广告的工具发展为强大的文本编辑器。 相信我,JavaScript多士炉的推出可能比您想象的要早。

见解7:Microsoft反击 (Insight 7: Microsoft is striking back)

Speaking of VS Code, it was definitely one of this year’s big surprises. While Sublime Text and Atom were battling it out for text editor supremacy, newcomer VS Code came in through the window and stole their lunch.

说到VS Code,这绝对是今年的一大惊喜。 当Sublime Text和Atom争夺文本编辑器的霸主地位时,新来的VS Code从窗户进来偷了他们的午餐。

Sublime Text has traditionally had the speed advantage but has been weighed down by an unintuitive UI, while Atom has a great UI but can often feel sluggish.

传统上,Sublime Text具有速度优势,但由于不直观的UI而受到压制,而Atom具有出色的UI,但通常会显得呆滞。

Turns out VS Code might’ve found the right balance. Although it’s built on top of Electron like Atom, Microsoft’s engineers have done a great job improving its performance. And just like Sublime, it supports a vast range of plugins and customizations, albeit in a more user-friendly “it just works” package.

事实证明VS Code可能找到了适当的平衡点。 尽管它像Atom一样是在Electron之上构建的,但微软的工程师们在改善其性能方面做得很出色。 与Sublime一样,它支持广泛的插件和自定义项,尽管它使用的是更加用户友好的“ It works”软件包。

Add to this the rise of TypeScript (more on this later) and it looks like Microsoft is finally getting its web game together and showing that it can make things developers use because they actually want to, not just because they have to.


见解8:JavaScript在世界各地有所不同 (Insight 8: JavaScript is different around the world)

When we talk about JavaScript, we often tend to talk about it as a single, unified ecosystem. While it’s true that there are major trends that hold true across regions, it’s also interesting to see that each country will often add its own blend of spices to the JavaScript melting pot.

当我们谈论JavaScript时,我们通常倾向于将其作为一个统一的生态系统来谈论。 尽管确实存在跨地区的主要趋势,但有趣的是,每个国家通常都会在JavaScript熔炉中添加自己的香料混合物。

For example, did you know that Vue is extremely popular in China? It makes sense, since Vue’s creator Evan You speaks the language, and Vue has been adopted by multiple major Chinese tech companies such as Alibaba and Baidu.

例如,您知道Vue在中国非常受欢迎吗? 自Vue的创造者尤文(Evan You)讲这种语言以来,这是有道理的,而且Vue已被多家大型中国科技公司采用,例如阿里巴巴百度

India on the other hand seems to prefer Angular. This is probably driven at least in part by India’s dynamic outsourcing industry, which often goes after the kind of large enterprise projects Angular is perfect for.

另一方面,印度似乎更喜欢Angular。 这可能至少部分是由印度充满活力的外包行业推动的,而印度外包行业通常是在Angular最适合的大型企业项目之后进行的。

透视9:键入JavaScript呈上升趋势 (Insight 9: Typed JavaScript is on the rise)

TypeScript. GraphQL. Elm. Reason. What do these all have in common? First, they’re all cutting-edge technologies that are seeing rapid growth. Second, they all rely on types.

TypeScript。 GraphQL。 榆树。 原因。 这些都有什么共同点? 首先,它们都是飞速发展的尖端技术。 其次,它们都依赖于类型。

While JavaScript developers have long enjoyed the freedom that comes with being able to code however you want without a compiler yelling at you, this freedom can be a double-edged sword: it also means a less reliable, more buggy developer experience.


In 2017 though, things are finally changing. And it’s not a coincidence that just as TypeScript is being adopted more widely, developers are also migrating towards IDE-like text editors such as VS Code to take better advantage of the extra features provided by types.

但是在2017年,情况终于发生了变化。 而且,正好随着TypeScript被更广泛地采用,开发人员也正在向类似于IDE的文本编辑器(如VS Code)迁移,以更好地利用类型提供的额外功能,这并非偶然。

见解10:JavaScript就是您想要的 (Insight 10: JavaScript is whatever you want it to be)

Once more, this survey showed just how rich the JavaScript ecosystem has become.


It seems like after years of alternating between fighting and ignoring JavaScript, the developer community has finally hit on a third option: improving it.

似乎在对抗和忽略JavaScript之间进行了多年交替之后,开发人员社区终于找到了第三个选择: 改进它。

The realization that “JavaScript” is basically whatever you make of it has opened the doors to the language morphing and adapting to fill almost any need, and that trend shows little sign of stopping.

认识到“ JavaScript”基本上就是您所用的,已经打开了语言变形和适应几乎所有需求的大门,而且这种趋势几乎没有停止的迹象。

And that’s probably why most developers agree that despite its flaws, the language is moving in the right direction overall:


下一步是什么 (What’s Next)

We’re still working on analyzing and publishing some of our extra data. If you want to know when that comes out (or if you want to know when we open the 2018 edition of the survey) you can leave us your email

我们仍在分析和发布一些额外数据。 如果您想知道结果何时发布(或者您想知道我们何时打开调查2018年版),可以给我们留下您的电子邮件

Also, our friends at Best Of JS are hard at work on the 2017 edition of their annual Rising Stars roundup, and that should come out in early January. Until then, happy new year, and may your properties never be undefined!

此外, Best Of JS的朋友们正在努力开展2017年年度Rising Star综述活动,该活动将于1月初发布。 在那之前,新年快乐,也许您的财产永远不会被定义!

了解JS的资料和支持状态! (Learn Stuff & Support State Of JS!)

Finally, if you’d like to support the project and learn all about these cool new technologies at the same time, we recommend checking out these affiliate links to Wes Bos’ courses. He’s one of the best teachers around, puts a ton of effort into his videos, and I’ve personally used his material to learn React.

最后,如果您想支持该项目并同时了解所有这些超酷的新技术,我们建议您查看这些与Wes Bos课程相关的链接。 他是周围最好的老师之一,他在视频中投入了大量精力,而我个人已经用他的材料来学习React。

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翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/i-just-asked-23-000-developers-what-they-think-of-javascript-heres-what-i-learned-9a06b61998fa/


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