

by Danny Huang


我如何在#100DaysOfCode挑战期间找到React开发人员的工作 (How I landed a React developer job during my #100DaysOfCode challenge)

背景 (Background)

Since college, coding was something that had I wanted to learn, but felt I wasn’t smart enough to do. When I faced a bug or problem, I would just quit and think that coding was not for me.

大学毕业后,编码是我想学习的东西,但是觉得自己不够聪明。 当我遇到错误或问题时,我只会退出并认为编码不适合我。

Even though I passed cs101 in college, I felt I still didn’t know how to code. In 2016, I was playing with Ruby on Rails, but again gave up on it because I wasn’t making progress. Now looking back, going straight into a full-stack framework wasn’t a wise choice.

即使我在大学通过了cs101,我仍然觉得自己不知道如何编码。 在2016年,我在Ruby on Rails上玩游戏,但是由于我没有取得进展,因此再次放弃了它。 现在回首,直接进入全栈框架并不是一个明智的选择。

I decided to take on the #100DaysOfCode Challenge because I regretted not knowing how to code. Whenever I read a post about someone who got a job from learning how to code, I wanted to do the same thing. I read about the #100DaysOfCode Challenge from a freeCodeCamp post on Medium, and decided to do it. Worse comes to worst, I will only waste 100 days on the #100DaysOfCode Challenge, I reasoned. This time, though, I was not going to quit for at least 100 days.

我决定参加#100DaysOfCode挑战赛,因为我后悔不知道如何编码。 每当我读到一篇关于某人从学习如何编码中得到一份工作的帖子时,我都想做同样的事情。 我从Medium上的freeCodeCamp帖子中了解了#100DaysOfCode挑战,并决定这样做。 更糟糕的是,我认为,我只会在#100DaysOfCode挑战赛上浪费100天。 但是这次,我至少要离开100天。

My initial plan was to try for 100 days. The end result was much better than I had imagined. Now I’m confident that I can learn any technology or language.

我最初的计划是尝试100天。 最终结果比我想象的要好得多。 现在,我有信心可以学习任何技术或语言。

Also, I’m 31 years old and recently had my second kid.


Here’s me, my daughter, and my chubby son.


目标 (Goal)

Code at least 1 hour everyday. (Yeah, that’s it! Keep it simple.)

每天至少编码1个小时。 (是的,就是这样!保持简单。)

我挑战中的成就 (Accomplishments during my challenge)

I accomplished the following during the #100DaysOfCode Challenge:


· Received my freeCodeCamp front-end certificate


· Wrote 34 blog posts on my blog


· Received 15 GitHub stars on my GitHub

· 在我的GitHub上获得了15个GitHub明星

· Ranked 5th in with my Codewar profile


· Received 2 job offers


我的编码时间表 (My coding timeline)

· Day 1 to 30 I worked through tutorials and read books


· Day 36 I finished the freeCampCode front-end certificate


· Day 45 I finished the React Markdown app

·第45天,我完成了React Markdown应用

· Day 48 I finished the React+Redux Recipe+Box app

·第48天,我完成了React + Redux Recipe + Box应用程序

· Day 50 to 60 I played with D3


· Day 60 to 75 I created templates for HTML/CSS, Gulp, and web optimization

·第60到75天,我为HTML / CSS,Gulp和Web优化创建了模板

· Day 83 I finished my Netflix clone


· Day 85 to 95 I prepared for my job interviews


· Day 97 I received my first job offer


我遇到的技术 (Technologies I encountered)

· HTML, CSS, ES5, ES6, SCSS, Gulp, React, Vue, D3


我的每日编码时间表 (My daily coding schedule)

· I practised coding for about 2 to 4 hours everyday.


· I learned that after 4 hours of coding, my brain can no longer focus that well.


· In my spare time, I watched YouTube videos, read Medium posts, or listened to podcasts about coding.


· I kept a log to keep track of my records so that I could look back on my progress. (To look at my log, click here.)

·我保留了日志以跟踪记录,以便可以回顾进度。 (要查看我的日志, 请单击此处 。)

骇客 (Hacks)

缩小您的研究领域 (Narrow your field of study)

At the beginning of the challenge, I was learning Ruby on Rails as well as JavaScript. I soon realized learning both front-end and back-end programming in 100 days is not feasible. So I decided to focus on just the front end. It’s better to be good at one thing than not good at anything.

挑战之初,我正在学习Ruby on Rails和JavaScript。 我很快意识到在100天之内学习前端和后端编程是不可行的。 所以我决定只专注于前端。 擅长于一件事总比不擅于任何事更好。

使您的GitHub项目更具吸引力 (Make your GitHub project attractive)

You already spend hours working on your side projects, so just spend a few more minutes writing your GitHub readme file. I worked on my GitHub readme file for my projects to make sure that they looked good. I always included user stories, video walkthroughs, and demo links to make it easier for my viewers to navigate and understand what my repo is about. Click here to see my GitHub.

您已经花了数小时在辅助项目上工作,因此只需花几分钟来编写GitHub自述文件。 我为我的项目制作了GitHub自述文件,以确保它们看起来不错。 我总是包含用户故事,视频演练和演示链接,以使查看者更轻松地导航和了解我的回购内容。 单击此处查看我的GitHub。

Here’s one of my GitHub repo for a project.


Here’s what a normal GitHub looks like.


在社交媒体上分享您的项目 (Share your projects on social media)

You want to do this for two reasons. First, you want to get feedback on your projects so that you can improve them. Second, you want to gain exposure. During the coding challenge, I shared my projects on my local front-end Facebook groups (which were Kaohsiung frontend developer and Taiwan Frontend Developer). After a month or two of sharing my projects on social media, when I attended local coding meetup events, people recognized me and told me that they saw my work online. Furthermore, for 3 out of my 4 interviews, the interviewers had already seen my work.

您要这样做有两个原因。 首先,您希望获得有关项目的反馈,以便您可以改进它们。 其次,您想获得曝光。 在编码挑战中,我在我的本地前端Facebook组(即高雄前端开发人员和Taiwan Frontend Developer )上共享了我的项目。 在社交媒体上分享我的项目一两个月之后,当我参加本地编码聚会活动时,人们认识我并告诉我他们在网上看到了我的作品。 此外,在我的4次面试中,有3次面试官已经看过我的工作。

不要提交传统的简历 (Don’t submit a traditional resume)

I decided to make my resume look different. My resume is more visual and easier to read than compared to the traditional one-page resume. I figured I have to make my resume stand out so that I can compete with more experienced developers. This strategy worked out pretty well.

我决定让我的简历看起来与众不同。 与传统的一页简历相比,我的简历更直观,更易于阅读。 我认为我必须使自己的简历脱颖而出,以便与更有经验的开发人员竞争。 这个策略效果很好。

Here’s a traditional resume.


Here’s my resume.


最后的话 (Last words)

养成编码习惯 (Make coding a habit)

Coding a bit every day is more effective than coding once in a while. The best example of this is Jennifer Dewalt, who made 180 websites in 180 days.I’m sure she has no problem finding work as a developer. Also, when you make coding a part of your daily routine, you build momentum. Eventually, coding will get easier.

每天编码比偶尔编码更有效。 最好的例子是Jennifer Dewalt ,他在180天内建立​​了180个网站。 我敢肯定,她在寻找开发人员方面没有问题。 同样,当您将编码作为日常工作的一部分时,也会增强动力。 最终,编码将变得更加容易。

推销自己 (Market Yourself)

Attend local meetup groups for coding, be active on social media, and share your projects on various coding forums or groups. Try to get as many GitHub stars as possible. At the end of my challenge, I gained about 30 GitHub followers and 15 GitHub stars.

参加当地的聚会小组进行编码,在社交媒体上活跃起来,并在各种编码论坛或小组上共享您的项目。 尝试获得尽可能多的GitHub star。 在挑战结束时,我获得了大约30个GitHub关注者和15个GitHub明星。

不要退出 (Don’t quit)

Just keep coding. If you persevere, you will eventually have the “aha” moment and, I promise you, things will get easier after that.

保持编码。 如果您坚持不懈,您最终将拥有“啊哈”的时刻,我向您保证,此后事情会变得更加轻松。

Hopefully, this post has helped you. I wish you the best in your efforts to become a developer!#100DaysOfCode Challenge.

希望这篇文章对您有所帮助。 希望您能尽最大努力成为一名开发人员! #100DaysOfCode挑战

If you are interested in learning Front-end development, here are my commended courses:


[Beginner]CSS: Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3(

[入门] CSS:使用HTML5和CSS3构建响应性的真实世界网站( )

[Advanced]Advanced CSS and Sass: Take Your CSS to the Next Level (

[高级]高级CSS和Sass:将CSS提升到一个新的水平( )

[All Levels]Modern JavaScript From The Beginning (

[所有级别]从一开始就使用现代JavaScript( )

[Advanced]JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts (

[高级] JavaScript:了解奇怪的部分( )

Udemy 10$ only discount -ALL COURSES APPLY: (

仅限Udemy 10 $折扣-适用所有课程:( )

**First click on the discount then click on the recommended course to get discount**




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