如何使用async / await和Firebase数据库编写漂亮的Node.js API

by Paul Breslin

保罗·布雷斯林(Pau​​l Breslin)

如何使用async / await和Firebase数据库编写漂亮的Node.js API (How to write beautiful Node.js APIs using async/await and the Firebase Database)

This tutorial will cover the typical use cases you’ll come across when writing RESTful API endpoints to read and write to a Firebase Database instance.

本教程将介绍编写RESTful API端点以读写Firebase数据库实例时遇到的典型用例。

There will be a focus on beautiful asynchronous code, which makes use of the async/await feature in Node.js (available in v7.6 and above).


(Feel free to smile sweetly as you wave goodbye to callback hell ?)


先决条件 (Prerequisites)

I’ll assume that you already have a Node.js application set up with the Firebase Admin SDK. If not, then check out the official setup guide.

我假设您已经使用Firebase Admin SDK设置了Node.js应用程序。 如果没有,请查看官方安装指南

写数据 (Writing data)

First off, let’s create an example POST endpoint which will save words to our Firebase Database instance:


This is a very basic endpoint which takes a userId and a word value, then saves the given word to a words collection. Simple enough.

这是一个非常基本的终结点,它接受一个userId和一个word值,然后将给定的单词保存到words集合中。 很简单。

But something’s wrong. We’re missing error handling! In the example above, we return a 201 status code (meaning the resource was created), even if the word wasn’t properly saved to our Firebase Database instance.

但是出了点问题。 我们缺少错误处理! 在上面的示例中,即使单词未正确保存到我们的Firebase数据库实例中,我们也会返回201状态代码(表示资源已创建)。

So, let’s add some error handling:


Now that the endpoint returns accurate status codes, the client can display a relevant message to the user. For example, “Word saved successfully.” Or “Unable to save word, click here to try again.”

现在,端点返回了准确的状态代码,客户端可以向用户显示相关消息。 例如,“ Word保存成功。” 或“无法保存单词,请单击此处重试。”

Note: if some of the ES2015+ syntax looks unfamiliar to you, check out the Babel ES2015 guide.

注意:如果您不熟悉某些ES2015 +语法,请查阅Babel ES2015指南

读取数据 (Reading data)

OK, now that we’ve written some data to our Firebase Database, let’s try reading from it.


First, let’s see what a GET endpoint looks like using the original promise-based method:


Again, simple enough. Now let’s compare it with an async/await version of the same code:

再次,足够简单。 现在,让我们将其与相同代码的async/await版本进行比较:

Note the async keyword added before the function parameters (req, res) and the await keyword which now precedes the db.ref() statement.

请注意,在函数参数(req, res)之前添加了async关键字,现在在db.ref()语句之前添加了await关键字。

The db.ref() method returns a promise, which means we can use the await keyword to “pause” execution of the script. (The await keyword can be used with any promise).

db.ref()方法返回一个db.ref() ,这意味着我们可以使用await关键字来“暂停”脚本的执行。 ( await关键字可与任何promise一起使用)。

The final res.send() method will only run after the db.ref() promise is fulfilled.

最终的res.send()方法 db.ref()承诺实现 运行

That’s all well and good, but the true beauty of async/await becomes apparent when you need to chain multiple asynchronous requests.

一切都很好,但是当您需要链接多个异步请求时, async/await的真正优点就显而易见了。

Let’s say you had to run a number of asynchronous functions sequentially:


Not pretty. This is also known as the “pyramid of doom” (and we haven’t even added error handlers yet).

不漂亮。 这也被称为“厄运金字塔”(而且我们还没有添加错误处理程序)。

Now take a look at the above snippet rewritten to use async/await:


No more pyramid of doom! What’s more, all of the await statements can be wrapped in a single try/catch block to handle any errors:

没有更多的厄运金字塔! 而且,所有的await语句都可以包装在单个try/catch块中以处理任何错误:

并行异步/等待请求 (Parallel async/await requests)

What about cases where you need to fetch multiple records from your Firebase Database at the same time?


Easy. Just use the Promise.all() method to run Firebase Database requests in parallel:

简单。 只需使用Promise.all()方法并行运行Firebase数据库请求即可:

还有一件事 (One more thing)

When creating an endpoint to return data retrieved from a Firebase Database instance, be careful not to simply return the entire snapshot.val(). This can cause an issue with JSON parsing on the client.

创建端点以返回从Firebase数据库实例检索的数据时,请注意不要简单地返回整个snapshot.val() 。 这可能会导致客户端上的JSON解析出现问题。

For example, say your client has the following code:


The snapshot.val() returned by Firebase can either be a JSON object, or null if no record exists. If null is returned, the response.json() in the above snippet will throw an error, as it’s attempting to parse a non-object type.

Firebase返回的snapshot.val()可以是JSON对象,如果没有记录,则为null 。 如果返回null ,则上面的代码段中的response.json()在尝试解析非对象类型时抛出错误。

To protect yourself from this, you can use Object.assign() to always return an object to the client:


Thanks for reading!


Interested in seeing a real-world project built on top of Firebase and Node.js? Check out Vocabify, the vocabulary builder that helps you remember the words you come across.

有兴趣看到基于Firebase和Node.js构建的现实世界项目吗? 查看Vocabify ,它是一个词汇生成器,可以帮助您记住遇到的单词。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-write-beautiful-node-js-apis-using-async-await-and-the-firebase-database-befdf3a5ffee/

要在 Flutter 中使用 Firebase 集成苹果登录,需要完成以下步骤: 1. 在 Firebase 控制台中创建一个新的项目,并将应用程序与该项目相关联。 2. 在 Firebase 控制台中启用苹果登录,并配置应用程序的 Bundle ID 和 Team ID。 3. 在 Xcode 中为应用程序配置 Sign In with Apple 并创建一个新的 App ID。 4. 在 Firebase 控制台中下载并添加苹果开发证书和密钥。 5. 在 Flutter 项目中添加 Firebase 和 Sign In with Apple 插件。 6. 在 Flutter 代码中使用 Firebase 提供的相应 API 实现苹果登录流程。 以下是一个示例代码片段,演示如何使用 Firebase 实现苹果登录: ``` import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:firebase_auth/firebase_auth.dart'; import 'package:firebase_core/firebase_core.dart'; import 'package:flutter_signin_button/flutter_signin_button.dart'; class AppleSignInPage extends StatefulWidget { @override _AppleSignInPageState createState() => _AppleSignInPageState(); } class _AppleSignInPageState extends State<AppleSignInPage> { final FirebaseAuth _auth = FirebaseAuth.instance; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text("Sign In with Apple"), ), body: Center( child: SignInButton( Buttons.Apple, onPressed: () async { await Firebase.initializeApp(); final AuthCredential credential = await SignInWithApple.getAppleIDCredential( scopes: <String>[ 'email', 'name', ], ); final UserCredential userCredential = await _auth.signInWithCredential(credential); final User user = userCredential.user; ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar( SnackBar( content: Text("Sign In with Apple succeeded for ${user.uid}"), ), ); }, ), ), ); } } ``` 注意:需要在 Info.plist 文件中添加 Sign In with Apple 的 URL scheme,以便应用程序可以处理 Sign In with Apple 的回调。




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