

by Jessica Maria Gaddis

杰西卡·玛丽亚·加迪斯(Jessica Maria Gaddis)

5失败的投资组合,以后我在这里 (5 Failed Portfolios Later and Here I Am)

我们是朋友,对吧? 太好了-现在向您展示我的UX产品组合看起来并没有那么糟糕... (We’re friends, right? Great — now I don’t feel so bad about showing you how my UX portfolio used to look…)

There’s a folder on my computer called Developments where all of my, well, “developments,” live. Everything from the time I played around with Ruby on Rails to my unfortunate foray into learning Swift.

还有所谓的发展在我的电脑上的文件夹,所有的我的,好了,“发展,”活。 从我与Ruby on Rails一起玩耍到我不幸学习Swift的一切。

In this same folder, you’ll find six different versions of my UX portfolio, each of them named for the date that I started — and in some cases, ended — their creation.


September 12 was the day that I began writing the code for my first portfolio. I was finally getting used to the idea of pursuing UX and I wanted to develop my coding skills in the process.

9月12日是我开始为第一份投资组合编写代码的那天。 我终于习惯了追求UX的想法,并希望在此过程中发展自己的编码技能。

This is how my September 12 portfolio ended up:


I was so frustrated with how bad it looked that I stopped.


RIP Portfolio September 12. Time of Death: 10:30PM, September 12.

RIP产品组合9月12日。死亡时间:9月12日10:30 PM。

After a few weeks, I decided to try again and Portfolio September 30 was born. This was as far as I got that day:

几周后,我决定再次尝试, 9月30日投资组合诞生了。 这是我那天得到的:

Time of Death: 3:34PM, September 30.


At this point I was annoyed with myself, cursing the front-end gods and second guessing my abilities.


I kept telling people that I could code, and yet I couldn’t even finish a very simple website.


Again, I gave myself a few weeks. I started sketching every idea I had on random napkins and Post-It notes in hopes that one day I would at least finish the skeleton of my site.

再次,我给了自己几个星期。 我开始在随机餐巾纸和便利贴上勾勒出我的所有想法,以期有一天我至少能完成网站的框架。

October 10 and October 15 turned out to be promising days, but it’s not until Portfolio October 24 that I really started seeing the site take form:


I was pretty happy with this version and I kept working on it for a few weeks until one day I realized that I could do better. So I decided to scrap a whole lot of progress and start over.

我对此版本感到非常满意,并且我一直在开发它几个星期,直到有一天我意识到自己可以做得更好。 因此,我决定放弃很多进展并重新开始。



Without missing a beat, I took it from the top: New Folder > untitled folder > Portfolio November 4.

不遗余力,我从顶部开始: New Folder>无标题文件夹> Portfolio Novem ber 4。

I’ll admit, the first version didn’t turn out so great, but I’m happy to report that I’m on the third iteration and I think I’ll keep this one around for awhile:


What changed?


Well, everything, I suppose. For one, I started trusting my knowledge and pushing my limits. Instead of going for the simple idea, I decided that I wanted to try something new every chance I got. Sometimes I wrote my code in notebooks just to make sense of it all and I even started dreaming in HTML and CSS. I know. Weird.

好吧,我想一切。 首先,我开始相信自己的知识并突破极限。 我没有追求简单的想法,而是决定尝试每有机会尝试一些新的东西。 有时,我在笔记本中编写代码只是为了理解所有内容,甚至我开始用HTML和CSS做梦。 我知道。 奇怪的。

I was consumed by it and instead of quitting when I hit a wall, I saved my work, closed my computer and came back a few days later.


When I started, I was setting large goals like FINISH PORTFOLIO BY XX-DATE, and I got frustrated when I couldn’t keep up with my self-imposed deadlines. So, I started breaking my goals up into more manageable pieces. I worked until 6AM sometimes just for the simple fact that I enjoyed the feeling of winning. Little victories, but victories nonetheless.

当我开始的时候,我设定了大目标,例如在XX日完成FINISH PORTFOLIO,当我无法跟上自己设定的最后期限时,我感到沮丧。 因此,我开始将目标分解为更易于管理的部分。 我一直工作到凌晨6点,有时只是因为我很喜欢获胜的感觉。 很少取得胜利,但仍然取得胜利。

Version 2 of my site was the first one to actually see the light of a real web address. It went live on December 31, 2015 as a testament to getting something out the door and into the universe before the new year. Version 3 went live this past Saturday, and it took me just over three hours to make the updates.

我网站的第2版是第一个真正看到真实网址的网站。 它于2015年12月31日上线,证明了在新的一年之前将某些东西带出并进入宇宙。 版本3已于上周六上线,而我花了三个多小时才进行更新。

All in all, I’m happy that I didn’t give up and I can clearly measure how much I’ve progressed over the past six months.


So to anyone out there dreading the All Powerful Portfolio or working on developing your first site — don’t stop! I went through six failed attempts before I had anything that I could show people.

因此,对于那些惧怕万能的投资组合或致力于开发您的第一个网站的人,请不要停止! 在我有什么可以向人们展示的东西之前,我经历了六次失败的尝试。

Your Portfolio November 4 is waiting for you to build it! Even if you have to start over a ton of times, it’s still worth it and I guarantee you that you’ll get better with every version.

您的投资组合11月4日正等着您构建它! 即使您需要花费大量的时间重新开始,还是值得的,而且我保证您会在每个版本上都变得更好。

A special thanks to all of the folks on Stack Overflow — especially those who probably thought they were asking stupid questions. You, my friends, saved my sanity.

特别感谢Stack Overflow上的所有人员,尤其是那些可能以为自己在问愚蠢问题的人。 您,我的朋友们,拯救了我的理智。







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