
How could you go from almost no traction and running out of money, to getting millions of visitors to your website?


You could do like Crew accidentally did with Unsplash. Create an open source side project that directs millions of visitors to your paid product.

您可能会像Crew偶然对Unsplash所做的那样 。 创建一个开源项目,将数百万的访问者定向到您的付费产品。

At the beginning, when they were starting a marketplace for freelancers, Crew couldn’t find a good photo for the homepage of their website. So they hired a photographer (what they found online was either too crappy, or too expensive).

最初,当他们为自由职业者建立市场时,Crew找不到他们网站首页的好照片。 因此,他们聘请了一名摄影师(他们在网上发现的东西太烂或太贵了)。

Once they did the photo shoot, they had a ton of leftovers. So they chose 10 pictures and put them up on a Tumblr blog for others to download for free — “10 free photos every 10 days”.

一旦完成照片拍摄,他们就有大量的剩菜剩饭。 因此,他们选择了10张图片,并将它们放在Tumblr博客上供他人免费下载-“每10天10张免费照片”。

And from the moment Unsplash/Crew promoted their 10 pictures on a humble Tumblr blog on HackerNews, they’ve been getting millions of visitors and redirecting thousands of new customers to Crew’s marketplace, ultimately saving their business.

从Unsplash / Crew在HackerNews上一个不起眼的Tumblr博客上宣传其10张图片的那一刻起,他们已经吸引了数百万的访问者,并将成千上万的新客户重定向到Crew的市场,最终挽救了他们的业务。

[With Unsplash] We kept having this huge growth curve for the amount of effort that we were putting in, while on Crew, we had a full team and we were trying to get growth and it was a real battle. Eventually, we hit a million downloads within that first year, and that was our mark that this was really not slowing down - Mikael Cho, Founder of Crew and Unsplash
[有了Unsplash],我们在投入的工作量上一直保持着如此巨大的增长曲线,而在Crew上,我们拥有一支完整的团队,我们正在努力实现增长,这是一场真正的战斗。 最终,我们在第一年就下载了100万次,这标志着我们并没有真正放慢脚步-Crew and Unsplash的创始人Mikael Cho

That’s just an incredible return on investment for a few unused pictures that were going to gather dust in a hard drive.


That’s why today I’m going to show you some of the tactics Unsplash used to grow and sell Crew, their freelance marketplace, and grow their photography platform to 1 billion photos viewed per month with over 300,000 free high-resolution photos and 50,000+ contributors.


1.运用您的“未使用”创作物来开发无法访问的发行渠道 (1. Take your “unused” creations to untap unreachable distribution channels)

Unsplash had unused photos from a photo shoot for their website. And they had three choices. They could forget about them. They could try to sell them on a stock photo website. Or they could just give them away.

Unsplash的网站上有未拍摄的照片。 他们有三个选择。 他们可能会忘记他们。 他们可以尝试在股票图片网站上出售它们。 或者,他们可以把它们送走。

And giving them away has proven to be a far better idea than just keeping them for themselves or trying to sell them on a stock photo platform.


Recently, a team of researchers found that the most shared articles from the New York Times were ones that gave readers practical utility. Giving someone something useful tends to have the biggest impact on people. When you pair two powerful things like giving and photography, you reach a whole new level of impact.

最近,一组研究人员发现 ,《纽约时报》上分享次数最多的文章为读者提供了实用的工具。 给某人一些有用的东西往往会对人们产生最大的影响。 当您将捐赠和摄影这两项强大的功能结合在一起时,您将达到一个全新的影响力水平。

To start doing this, you can use simple and free tools like WordPress.


Unsplash started on a $19 Tumblr blog to post its free photos. Once it really got traction and attracted customers and cash, it made sense to spend some time and money on building a proper platform to host Unsplash.

Unsplash开始于$ 19的Tumblr博客发布其免费照片。 一旦真正吸引人并吸引了客户和现金,就可以花一些时间和金钱来构建合适的平台来托管Unsplash。

We believed the good from giving our images away would far outweigh what we could earn if we required payment or credit. This proved true. By setting our images free, Unsplash turned into something much more meaningful than the hundreds of dollars we likely would have made selling them. Those first 10 photos photos have been seen 58 million times. Unsplash has become a community of over 20 million creators. People from all over the world have generously contributed over 250,000 photos, moving hundreds of millions of creative acts forward - Mikael Cho.
我们相信,如果需要付款或信贷,那么赠送照片的好处将远远超过我们所能获得的收益。 事实证明这是事实。 通过免费提供我们的图片,Unsplash变成了比我们出售它们可能赚到的数百美元更有意义的东西。 前10张照片中的照片已被浏览5800万次。 Unsplash已成为一个拥有超过2000万创作者的社区。 来自世界各地的人们慷慨地提供了超过25万张照片,推动了亿万富创意的行为-赵敏凯(Mikael Cho)。

Unsplash photos have not only helped designers and entrepreneurs create demos and websites, but have been a source of inspiration for everyone from teachers to nonprofits to independent creators.


If you are a designer or content creator — whether it’s code, recipes, agriculture, film editing, graphic design, photography, fashion, electronic hardware, material design, cars, planes, robots, or whatever — and it’s hard to get distribution for your work, there is a place for your open sourced ideas, especially if you share quality content and design.


Unsplash, Github, Instructables, Arduino, Adafruit, OS Vehicle (Now Open Motors), Local Motors, Wikihouse or Opendesk’s successes are a testament to that.

Unsplash,Github,Instructables,Arduino,Adafruit,OS Vehicle(Now Open Motors),Local Motors,Wikihouse或Opendesk的成功证明了这一点。

When two-time #1 New York Times best-selling author Tim Ferriss was blocked from distributing his book in Barnes & Noble, he uploaded excerpts from his book for free on BitTorrent to get distribution. Writer Leo Babauta “Uncopyrighted” everything on his popular blog, Zen Habits, in service of spreading his work further than he ever could alone. Chance the Rapper became the first artist to win a Grammy without selling physical copies of his album and giving most of his music away for free - Mikael Cho
当《纽约时报》两次畅销书作家蒂姆·费里斯(Tim Ferriss)被禁止在Barnes&Noble发行书时,他在BitTorrent上免费上载了书摘录以进行发行。 作家Leo Babauta在其受欢迎的博客Zen Habits上“无版权”地保护了他的作品,使他的作品比以往任何时候都能传播得更多。 说唱歌手机会(Chance the Rapper)成为第一位在没有出售专辑实物副本并免费赠送大部分音乐的情况下赢得格莱美奖的艺术家-Mikael Cho

You share something for free and attract an audience and contributors, which in turns attracts an even bigger audience and inspires even more contributors to create and contribute.


70% of people who download images from Unsplash are people who have never downloaded anything from a stock photo site before. And the same applies to any other industry. 70% of people who will download new copyright-free content will be people who are currently not buying anything from that industry anyway, but who could in turn become creators, remixers, and promoters.

从Unsplash下载图像的人中,有70%的人以前从未从库存图片网站下载过任何内容。 这同样适用于任何其他行业。 将要下载新的无版权内容的人中有70%是目前不会从该行业购买任何东西的人,但他们反过来可能会成为创作者,混音者和推广者。

It’s fair to imagine that if you share your designs in open source and invite other to share as well, you could be untapping a whole new audience who would have never have had access to your kind of work and help you build and promote it.




  • Make a list of all of the unused content you have created

  • Share this content in open source on a WordPress, Dropbox or whatever free tool you can find. Make sure of three things. Firstly, the content you’re sharing should not be widely available elsewhere. Secondly, people should find the content really useful even though it’s free and be motivated to contribute to its creation. Thirdly, the content should be so useful that people would be ready to pay for it.

    在WordPress,Dropbox或您可以找到的任何免费工具上以开放源代码共享此内容 。 确保三件事。 首先,您共享的内容不应在其他地方广泛使用。 其次,即使内容是免费的,人们也应该找到真正有用的内容,并有动力为它的创作做出贡献。 第三,内容应该是如此有用,以至于人们愿意为此付费。

  • Open and publish 1 to 10 ideas per month. For example, 1 to 10 photos or designs per month.

    每月开放并发布1到10个想法 。 例如,每月1到10张照片或设计。

  • And offer people to subscribe to your newsletter to get more open ideas each month so that you can keep growing your audience.


2.找到愿意为您的开源项目付费的受众,并免费赠送 (2. Find an audience who would pay for your open source project, and give it away freely)

Don’t go to where your open source audience is. Instead, go to where people are already paying for the kind of open source content you are already sharing.

不要去您的开源受众所在的地方。 相反,请转到人们已经为您已经共享的那种开源内容付费的地方。

A mistake I see many people make, and that I also made myself in the beginning, is to share your work with other peers because they will understand what you’re making. Many developers join other developer events or LinkedIn Groups, instead of going to events or groups where nobody does what they do.

我看到很多人犯的一个错误,也是我在一开始就犯了一个错误,就是与其他同伴分享您的工作,因为他们会了解您的所作所为。 许多开发人员会加入其他开发人员事件或LinkedIn组,而不是去没有人做他们自己的事情的事件或组。

Beware, your peers know how to do what you do, so they might be interested in your open source content, but they won’t pay you for whatever other service you offer.


So you should look for people who will pay for your services. And if you are a non-profit, this would be people ready to push the donate button.

因此,您应该寻找愿意为您的服务付费的人。 如果您是非营利组织,那将是准备按下捐赠按钮的人们。

Nothing beats free. So whatever people have been paying for, they’ll be delighted to get it for free. Which should drive tons of traffic and attention to your open source project, but also to your paying products.

没有什么是免费的。 因此,无论人们花了多少钱,他们都会很高兴免费获得它。 这将吸引大量流量,并吸引您的开源项目,以及您的付费产品。

In Unsplash’s case, they didn’t go to photographers at first. They went to Hacker News to share their free photos, a website that gathers a community of entrepreneurs and computer science enthusiasts.

在Unsplash的情况下,他们起初并没有去找摄影师。 他们去了Hacker News共享免费照片,这个网站聚集了企业家和计算机科学爱好者社区。

We put that up on Hackernews, and within a few hours, it went to number one. The site started crashing because we had public Dropbox links. The head of engineering at Dropbox happened to look at the Hackernews post and said that they’d upgrade us to the maximum pro plan for the day. They’re not supposed to be used for public Dropbox links, but he said they’d keep the site up because they think it’s cool. And that was day one of Unsplash - Mikael Cho
我们将其放在Hackernews上,并在几个小时内排名第一。 该网站开始崩溃,因为我们有公共的Dropbox链接。 Dropbox的工程负责人偶然看到了Hackernews的帖子,并说他们会将我们升级到当天最大的专业计划。 他们不应该将它们用于公共Dropbox链接,但是他说,他们会保持网站正常运行,因为他们认为它很酷。 那是Unsplash的第一天-Mikael Cho

Cho knew his audience was looking for free and beautiful photographs for their websites. And they are often hard to find even on Flickr, or even in stock photography websites. So Unsplash was a really good fit.

Cho知道他的听众正在为他们的网站寻找免费且精美的照片。 而且,即使在Flickr上,甚至在图库摄影网站上,通常也很难找到它们。 因此,Unsplash非常适合。

And on top of that, an audience of entrepreneurs could also be interested in hiring other developers, freelancers and designers on their Crew website, creating a virtuous circle for their business.


Here are some other examples of open source projects’ paying audience and peers:




  • Make a list of the kind of people who already pay for the content you’re offering in open source


  • Then list the websites or events where these people go to regularly


  • Promote your open source content in these websites and events. For example, Unsplash went to Hacker News, VentureBeat, Digital Trends, Lifehacker, and Tech Vibes, where it knew many developers are looking for free and beautiful photographs people couldn’t find on Flickr.

    在这些网站和活动中推广您的开源内容。 例如,Unsplash去了Hacker News,VentureBeat,Digital Trends,Lifehacker和Tech Vibes,那里知道许多开发人员正在寻找人们无法在Flickr上找到的免费美丽的照片。

3.使用开源项目将流量直接引至您的服务或产品页面 (3. Direct traffic to your service or product page with your open source project)

Once Unsplash got people coming to their platform, they just had to add a link to Crew to attract new clients to hire freelancers from their marketplace.


This simple link in Unsplash has attracted over 5 million visitors to Crew. From mobile and web designers and developers willing to offer their services on Crew, to paying customers interested in hiring their freelancers to get custom websites or apps made.

Unsplash中的这个简单链接吸引了超过500万名船员 。 从愿意在Crew上提供服务的移动和Web设计师以及开发人员,到有兴趣雇用自由职业者来制作自定义网站或应用的客户。

But Unsplash doesn’t only benefit Crew. Any photographer contributing images can add a link to his own business and benefit from Unsplash’s traffic.

但是Unsplash不仅使乘员受益。 任何提供图像的摄影师都可以添加到自己公司的链接,并从Unsplash的流量中受益。

In Fact, by uploading 460 images, Samuel Zeller has gotten over 255 million views and over 1.7 million downloads of his images.

实际上,塞缪尔·泽勒(Samuel Zeller)通过上传460张图片,获得了超过2.55亿次观看和170万次图片下载。

That’s how his first client, the biggest banks in Switzerland, found him and gave him 4 projects when he started as a freelancer in 2016.


The reason why they reached out to him? They were already using a few of his Unsplash images in their global database and wanted more in the same style.

他们之所以向他伸出援手? 他们已经在全球数据库中使用了他的Unsplash图像中的一些,并且希望以相同的样式获得更多。



  • Use your open source project to link to and promote a paying service. For example, Unsplash used to link to Crew’s Marketplace. Adafruits tutorials links to their e-commerce products, WordPress links to their affiliate hosting partners, and so on.

    使用您的开源项目链接到并推广付费服务 。 例如,Unsplash曾经链接到Crew的Marketplace。 Adafruits教程链接到其电子商务产品,WordPress链接到其联盟托管合作伙伴,等等。

  • Give contributors a place where they can promote their own profiles and services.


4.与免费内容的创建者建立双赢的关系 (4. Create a win-win relationship with your creators of free content)

Once you’ve found people willing to pay for your services and download your open source content, it’s time to invite your peers to contribute.


This will make your open content more valuable, and will also attract an audience your contributors want to reach.


At the beginning, photographers could post ten photos every ten days on Unsplash if they had been approved. And that’s really when Unsplash took off to another level.

开始时,如果摄影师被批准,可以每十天在Unsplash上​​发布十张照片。 那真的是当Unsplash升至另一个层次时。

Unsplash could compel photographers to give their pictures for free by showing them that giving content sitting in their hard-drives could help them create an audience for themselves.


Some other benefits they could get for contributing are:


  • To direct unprecedented amounts of exposure that created a lot of site traffic


  • To get client referrals


  • To use it as social proof (a photographer can tell his clients that his pictures have had thousands of views and downloads on Unsplash)

    用作社会证明 (摄影师可以告诉客户他的图片在Unsplash上​​具有成千上万的浏览量和下载量)

  • To practice their craft


  • To use photos to build an audience they can direct toward making a living.


  • Or trying to truly give back to the community.


In fact, photographers have themselves reported getting client work booked after posting just a couple of photos. Others have been flown around the world on photoshoots. Some have gotten enough work to leave their jobs and become full-time photographers. Some have been able to build audiences for new products. And every contributor Unsplash spoke to has enjoyed the impact their photography has made toward moving creativity forward.

实际上,摄影师自己报告说仅发布几张照片就可以预订客户作品。 其他人则在世界各地拍摄照片。 有些人已获得足够的工作以离开工作岗位,并成为全职摄影师。 有些人已经能够吸引新产品的受众。 Unsplash与之交谈的每个贡献者都享受了他们的摄影对推动创意发展所产生的影响。

Today, a photo featured on Unsplash is seen more than a photo on any other platform. More than on Instagram. More than on the front page of the New York Times.

如今,在Unsplash中精选的照片比在其他任何平台上看到的照片都多。 超过Instagram。 不仅限于《纽约时报》的头版。

Photographers no longer need to come with an audience or have an agent to be great. Unsplash brings an audience to them.

摄影师不再需要与观众见面或聘请经纪人才能成为伟大的摄影师。 Unsplash为他们带来了观众。

As an independent designer myself, I understand you can’t do everything for exposure because exposure doesn’t pay the bills. But to completely dismiss the value of exposure doesn’t make sense either.

我自己是一名独立设计师,我知道您不能为曝光做任何事情,因为曝光不会付账。 但是完全消除曝光的价值也没有道理。

All artists need an audience to survive. Why do we spend time posting on Instagram if we don’t get paid for it? Because those posts build an audience over time.

所有艺术家都需要观众生存。 如果我们没有收到报酬,为什么还要花时间在Instagram上发帖? 因为这些帖子会随着时间的推移吸引更多的观众。

In the last ten years, several platforms like YouTube, iPhone, Twitter, Instagram, SoundCloud, and Medium have enabled more and more of us to express and connect. Sometimes, this expression and connection is done for fun. For nothing but the purpose of creating. Other times it’s done to create an audience for something else. Filmmakers distribute trailers for free on YouTube to sell a movie. Musicians release free songs or entire albums on SoundCloud to sell concert tickets. Authors give free chapters and pour thousands of unpaid hours into blogs to sell a book.

在过去十年中,YouTube,iPhone,Twitter,Instagram,SoundCloud和Medium等多个平台使我们中越来越多的人得以表达和联系。 有时,这种表达和连接是很有趣的。 除了创造的目的。 在其他时候,这样做可以为其他事物创建受众。 电影制片人在YouTube上免费分发预告片以出售电影。 音乐家在SoundCloud上发布免费歌曲或整个专辑以出售音乐会门票。 作者提供免费的章节,并在博客中倾倒数千小时的无薪时间以出售书籍。

New open source platforms don’t kill industries. They change the distribution - Mikael Cho

新的开源平台不会杀死行业。 他们改变了分布- 赵敏凯(Mikael Cho)

Open Source platforms can open up an opportunity for so many people to share their craft with huge audiences instantly. New platforms create a distribution channel and community we otherwise wouldn’t have. In this sense, there’s never been a better time to be a creator.

开源平台可以为许多人提供一个与大量受众立即分享其手艺的机会。 新平台创建了我们以前没有的分销渠道和社区。 从这个意义上讲,从来没有比现在更好的时间成为创作者。



  • Make a list of places, websites and events where your peers are hanging out


  • List and explain to contributors the benefits they’ll be getting by contributing their own content (For example, getting site traffic to build their audience, get client referrals, social proof, a way to practice their craft or give back to the community)

    列出并向贡献者说明他们通过贡献自己的内容将获得的好处 (例如,获得网站流量来吸引他们的观众,获得客户推荐,社会证明,一种实践技巧或回馈社区的方式)

  • Provide a way for others to contribute their own content as well and curate their content. This could be a simple call to action to send you a contribution by email at the beginning, and after a while you could just create a form from which people can directly post their submissions.

    提供一种方式,让其他人也贡献自己的内容并策划他们的内容 。 这可能是一个简单的号召性用语,开始时会通过电子邮件向您发送文稿,过了一会儿,您可以创建一个表单,人们可以从中直接发布其提交的内容。

  • Curate their contributions to make sure quality is high


  • Encourage your community of contributors to use your project to promote their own paying services or websites so they can also benefit from sharing their content in open source. The bigger the incentive to contribute, the more they’ll want to build open source content on top of your platform.

    鼓励您的贡献者社区使用您的项目来推广自己的付费服务或网站,以便他们也可以从开源共享内容中受益 。 做出贡献的动机越大,他们越想在您的平台之上构建开源内容。

5.为Unsplash的未来创造其他收入流 (5. Creating other revenue streams for Unsplash’s Future)

Now that Crew has been sold to Dribbble, Unsplash became its own entity. Since it can’t rely on Crew to fund its operations anymore, it has to become financially sustainable.

现在,乘员组已出售给Dribbble,Unsplash成为了自己的实体。 由于它不能再依靠Crew为其运营提供资金,因此它必须在财务上可持续。

So to find new ways to earn money with a 100% open source company, there are a few ways that Unsplash could be headed foward:


原生广告: (Native advertising:)

There’s a lot of really interesting real estate that exists on Unsplash. For example, the way people are using Unsplash today is a lot like Google search except that it’s for images. The plan is to add a native advertising component to Unsplash.

Unsplash上​​有很多非常有趣的房地产。 例如,人们今天使用Unsplash的方式与Google搜索很像,只是用于图片。 该计划是向Unsplash添加一个本地广告组件。

Let’s say someone is searching for shoes and there are these really nice pictures of shoes already on the platform. Let’s say Nike shoes are also on the platform. That way you’d have a native advertising element that’s built into that search.

假设有人在搜索鞋子,平台上已经有这些非常漂亮的鞋子图片。 假设耐克鞋也在平台上。 这样,您将在搜索中内置原生广告元素。

It’s would still be a high-quality thing. Instead of using crappy banner ads and showing a bunch of advertisements, targeted ads could be displayed. This would add value to Unsplash and would also be a way for Unsplash to make revenue.

仍然是高质量的东西。 代替使用cr脚的横幅广告并显示大量广告,可以显示目标广告。 这将为Unsplash增值,也将是Unsplash赚钱的一种方式。

Unsplash could also work with contributors to make some of the content, so the photographers who work with a brand and want to get involved with Unsplash could actually make connections.


There’s a whole double benefit that happens. We believe that the best way we can make money is to help others make money - Michael Cho

这会带来双重好处。 我们相信赚钱的最好方法就是帮助别人赚钱- 迈克尔·乔 ( Michael Cho)

People searching for these images can in turn embed them in their websites, creating even more advertising for the brand.


Other Open Source projects like Read the Docs are funding their projects with what they call “ethical advertising”.

其他开放源代码项目(如“阅读文档”)也通过所谓的“ 道德广告 ”为他们的项目提供资金。

  • They respect users while providing value to advertisers.

  • They don’t store personal information about users.

  • They only keep track of views and clicks.

  • They don’t build a profile of your personality to sell ads against.

  • They only show high quality ads from companies that are of interest to developers.

  • The products advertised should be interesting to the user.

  • The ads won’t flash or move.

  • They report that they run the ads they want to have on their site, in a way that makes them feel good.

  • And they also give 10% of their ad space to community projects, as a way of saying thanks to the open source community.

Update: Unsplash actually put in place their sponsored banners after this post was written. You can find them in the homepage and in the reminders to credit the photographers you get when you download an image.
更新:写这篇文章后,Unsplash实际上放置了他们的赞助横幅。 您可以在首页和提醒中找到它们,以将下载图像时获得的摄影师归功于他们。
照片贡献者的广告收入分享 (Ad Revenue Sharing for Photo Contributors)

Another way Unsplash could make money would be to insert these ethical or native ads and give the ability for contributors to opt into an ad revenue sharing option.


Scott Webb explores this idea:

斯科特·韦伯(Scott Webb)探索了这个想法

Could Unsplash work out some kind of algorithm to determine ad revenue for contributors based on their photo views and photo download? Maybe photo likes would be incorporated into the algorithm too.
Unsplash能否制定出某种算法,根据贡献者的照片浏览量和照片下载量为其确定广告收入? 也许喜欢照片也将被纳入算法。
Whatever the case may be, with highly targeted native advertising built into the site, could a revenue share happen with contributors? Could we see something like we see for content creators on YouTube, but with photos?
无论情况如何,在网站中内置高度针对性的本地广告后,贡献者能否实现收益分成? 我们可以看到与YouTube上的内容创建者类似的东西,但带有照片吗?
I don’t know how it could be technically worked out, but that Unsplash Team is smart or they’ll find the talent to make it happen.



  • Find a simple business model to fund your open source operations.

  • If you don’t know how or where to start, to find out how to make money with Open Source, go to this post from the great Lars Zimmermann. See which model suits your project best, and get creative.

    如果您不知道如何开始或从哪里开始, 要了解如何使用开源来赚钱,请转到伟大的Lars Zimmermann的这篇文章 。 查看哪种模型最适合您的项目,并发挥创造力。

结论 (Conclusion)

Unsplash has become a key player in the digital photography industry. You can do something similar by being the one to disrupt an industry yourself. Gather your community and benefit your industry.

Unsplash已成为数码摄影行业的关键角色。 您可以做一个自己破坏行业的人来做类似的事情。 聚集您的社区,使您的行业受益。

Here are the 5 key takeaways you can borrow, modify, and adopt for your own business based on Unplash’s real-life marketing tactics:


  1. Leverage unused content you have created. Share it on a free platform like WordPress or Dropbox and publish every month 1 to 10 new ideas or designs. Invite people to subscribe to your newsletter to keep growing your audience

    利用您创建的未使用内容 。 在WordPress或Dropbox等免费平台上共享它,并每月发布1到10个新想法或设计。 邀请人们订阅您的新闻简报,以不断扩大您的受众群体

  2. Find those people who are already paying for what you are offering for free.


  3. Once you know where they are, promote your open source content in the websites and events where they hang out. Don’t forget to put a link to your paying project in your open source content.

    一旦知道了它们的位置,就可以在它们闲逛的网站和活动中推广您的开源内容 。 不要忘记在开源内容中放置指向付费项目的链接。

  4. Make it a no-brainer for people to contribute. Give contributors a page where they can promote their own profiles and services, list the benefits they get for contributing, and invite them to your project.

    使人们毫不费力地做出贡献 。 在贡献者页面上提供一个页面,他们可以在其中推广自己的个人资料和服务,列出他们所贡献的收益,并邀请他们参加您的项目。

  5. Find a simple way to get paid for your open source operations. See which model suits your project best, and get creative.

    找到一种简单的方式来为您的开源操作付费 。 查看哪种模型最适合您的项目,并发挥创造力。

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Cem-Marvin von Hagen on Unsplash

特色图片来源: Cem-Marvin von HagenUnsplash

Originally published at boldandopen.com on June 7, 2018.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-unsplash-formula-how-crew-went-from-almost-broke-to-getting-5-million-visitors-ec4db8e7d6cd/





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