

Everyone kept telling me about the importance of networking, but it was always something I blew off. I’m pretty quiet and introverted, particularly when meeting strangers. I thought I just wasn’t built for networking.

每个人都在不断告诉我网络的重要性,但这始终是我不屑一顾的事情。 我非常安静和内向,尤其是在遇见陌生人时。 我以为我不是为联网而构建的。

Plus, there was this idea stuck in my head that good programmers were super smart guys, whom I could never hope to compete with.


When I started learning to code I was doing it all by myself, alone in my room for hours everyday. I kept wondering whether I could even make it as a self-taught developer.

当我开始学习编码时,我自己一个人做,每天仅在房间里呆几个小时。 我一直在想我是否可以成为一个自学成才的开发人员。

Then I stumbled upon the audiobook “No Degree, No Problem” by Josh Kemp, also a self-taught developer. He emphasized the importance of going to events consistently and networking.

然后,我偶然发现了同样是自学成才的开发人员乔什·坎普(Josh Kemp)的有声读物“没有学位,没有问题”。 他强调了持续进行活动和建立联系的重要性。

I was still a beginner and very intimidated by the thought of going to a place where a lot of super smart programmers meet. But I decided to take a chance and go to a Girl Develop It event.

我还是一个初学者,对进入许多超级聪明的程序员相遇的地方感到非常震惊。 但是我决定趁机参加一次“ Girl Develop It”活动。

Once I was there, I forced myself to talk to people, even if it was just to say “Hi.” This was a turning point for me.

一到那里,我就强迫自己与人交谈,即使只是说“嗨”。 这对我来说是一个转折点。

Since taking that initial step out of my comfort zone, I’ve been to countless events, gotten quite a few interviews, received several offers, and have been hired twice. And all this happened in just the last year.

自从迈出第一步以来,我去过无数次活动,接受了很多采访,收到了几份录用通知书,并且被录用了两次。 所有这一切都发生在去年。

事件驱动的职业发展 (Event-driven career development)

As someone who codes with javascript, and lives in the mid-sized American city of Indianapolis, I’m able to find plenty of events to attend. I go to technology workshops through programs like Girl Develop It, Women in Engineering, and the Dev Workshop at the Iron Yard.

作为使用JavaScript进行编码的人,住在美国中型城市印第安纳波利斯,我能够找到很多活动可以参加。 我通过诸如Girl Develop It,Women in Engineering和Iron Yard的Dev Workshop之类的程序去技术研讨会。

In the early mornings, I like to go to coffee-and-code meetings within 10 miles of my house. I frequent local IndyJS, NodeJS, and other events that involve Javascript somehow. I’ve even gone to a .NET event, though I know almost nothing about .NET programming.

清晨,我喜欢去我家十英里范围内的咖啡编码会议。 我经常在本地使用IndyJS,NodeJS和其他涉及Javascript的事件。 我什至参加过.NET事件,尽管我对.NET编程几乎一无所知。

I got my first job not from someone I had met at an event, but from a connection online. I had the technologies I had used before posted on LinkedIn, as well as a portfolio I had made out of the projects from Free Code Camp.

我的第一份工作不是来自某个活动中认识的人,而是来自在线连接。 我拥有以前在LinkedIn上发布过的技术,以及从Free Code Camp的项目中提取的投资组合。

The person who reached out to me thought I would be a good fit for a front-end position. The company didn’t do much of an interview with me because this person had already put in a good word for me, though we had never met in person.

与我联系的人认为我很适合担任前端职位。 该公司没有对我做太多采访,因为尽管我们从未亲自见过面,但这个人已经对我说了一个好话。

The second job I took was from a company who attended a JavaScript event to try to hire on a couple new engineers. I was nervous at first to approach the girl in charge of recruiting, so a friend went with me to talk to her. She said she though I had the right amount of experience, and passed my information along to her bosses.

我的第二份工作是来自一家参加JavaScript活动的公司,该公司试图聘请几位新工程师。 起初我很紧张地接近负责招募的女孩,所以一个朋友和我一起去找她。 她说她虽然我有适当的经验,但是将我的信息传递给了她的老板。

She e-mailed me the next day to set up an interview, and the company sent me an offer me about a week later, two breakfast interviews where we just talked forever about exciting new technologies.


After I accepted this position (which I officially start on Monday!), I reached out to a lot of people I had interviewed with or connected with to let them know. I received some responses of congratulations, and some saying to let them know if and when I was looking again.

在我接受这个职位(周一正式开始!)之后,我联系了许多与我面试或交往过的人,让他们知道。 我收到了一些祝贺,也有人说让他们知道是否以及何时再次寻找我。

制作网络中的第一个节点 (Making the first nodes in your network)

Networking in a group where you don’t know yet anyone can be hard at first, even if you aren’t super shy.


At my first JavaScript event, the organizers had everyone go around the room and introduce themselves. My heart started racing and I started to sweat as I listened to everyone say their names, companies, and what technologies they worked with.

在我的第一个JavaScript活动中,组织者让每个人都在房间里自我介绍。 当我听到每个人都说他们的名字,公司和所使用的技术时,我的心开始加速,我开始流汗。

When my turn came, I just mumbled “Gwen” and pointed out a coworker in the room and said, “I work with him.” I thought after that everyone was going to think I was weird.

轮到我时,我只是喃喃地说“格温”,指出房间里的一位同事说:“我和他一起工作。” 我以为以后所有人都会以为我很奇怪。

At the next few events, I saw a lot of the same people I had seen at the previous event. I started several conversations with people saying, “Hey, I saw you at the other JavaScript event.” I started making friends and no one really remembered I that I had been awkward the first couple times.

在接下来的几场比赛中,我看到了很多与前一次比赛中见过的人相同的人。 我与人们进行了几次交谈,说:“嘿,我在另一个JavaScript事件中见到你。” 我开始结交朋友,没有人真正记得我前几次很尴尬。

Soon I knew most of the people at every event I attended, and something amazing started to happen: I started receiving a lot of job descriptions and interview offers from various companies. (This is after I already started working at my first front-end developer position last year.) I really wanted to work with NodeJS and JavaScript frameworks, so I continued interviewing as many places as possible.

很快,我认识了参加的每个活动中的大多数人,并且开始发生了惊人的事情:我开始收到来自多家公司的大量工作说明和面试机会。 (这是在我去年开始担任第一位前端开发人员职位之后。)我真的很想使用NodeJS和JavaScript框架,因此我继续尽可能多地采访。

通过面试 (Getting through interviews)

I only bombed one of the first interviews on Angular, where I built something that had some bugs in it. I learned from that, and got better.

我只是轰炸了Angular上的第一批采访中的一个,在那儿我建造了其中有一些错误的东西。 我从中学到了,并且变得更好。

I met a senior engineer at a coffee-and-code, and he recruited me to interview at his company. I went through three rounds (including a nerve-racking whiteboard coding interview). They called me and said they wanted to hire me, but were waiting for the right position. I was pretty sad when I didn’t get offered a position there, but I definitely learned a ton from the interviews, and meeting the engineers at the company (plus I got a great offer not too long after this).

我在一家咖啡编码餐厅遇到了一位高级工程师,他招募了我去他的公司面试。 我经历了三轮(包括一次令人费解的白板编码采访)。 他们打电话给我,说他们想雇用我,但正在等待合适的职位。 当我在那儿没有职位时,我感到非常难过,但是我确实从面试中学到了很多,并会见了公司的工程师(再加上不久之后我得到了很好的报价)。

A developer I met through our local Free Code Camp group offered to interview me at his (amazingly awesome) company, and put in a really good word for me. I went through two rounds of interviews there, but I decided I didn’t want to move to another city just yet, as I had already recently moved from the northeast to the mid-west.

我在当地的Free Code Camp小组遇到的一位开发人员提议在他的公司(很棒的公司)对我进行采访,并为我说了一个好话。 我在那儿进行了两轮采访,但是我决定暂时不想搬到另一个城市,因为我最近已经从东北搬到了中西部。

I had various other interviews, and got to meet tons of other developers. Along the way, I started to slowly gain confidence in what I could do as a developer — especially after a super awesome programmer said he liked the way I code. Seriously, that made me really excited.

我接受了各种其他采访,并结识了许多其他开发人员。 一路走来,我开始逐渐对自己作为开发人员的能力抱有信心-特别是在一个超赞的程序员说他喜欢我的编码方式之后。 说真的,这让我非常兴奋。

积极的网络效应 (Positive network effects)

People started reaching out to me asking me to attend events, and wanted me to invite other campers from the Free Code Camp community since they saw I was the admin of our group.

人们开始联系我,要求我参加活动,并希望我邀请Free Code Camp社区的其他露营者,因为他们看到我是我们小组的管理员。

When I started up our local Free Code Camp chapter here, I had no idea that I would get messages and e-mails from various people because of it. A lot of people seem impressed that I want to help other people learn how to code.

当我在这里开始本地的Free Code Camp章节时,我不知道会因此而收到来自不同人的消息和电子邮件。 我想帮助其他人学习如何编码似乎给很多人留下了深刻的印象。

I feels great to be involved with the local chapter and I am hoping to grow it and make the events gradually better.


I have also had the opportunity to pair program and receive mentorship from people I met at events. Now when I have a question, or get stuck on something, I know so many people whom I can reach out to for help. I used to get stuck constantly, but now I can’t remember the last time I got stuck on something for an extended period of time.

我还有机会对节目进行配对,并得到了在活动中遇到的人的指导。 现在,当我有任何疑问或遇到某些问题时,我认识了很多可以与我联系的人。 我曾经经常被卡住,但现在我已经不记得上一次长时间被卡住了。

Events have helped me learn a ton about current trends in coding and technology. This knowledge has proven to be very important — both during interviews, and with projects I’m working on. Sometimes I learn more from staying late at an event and talking other developers than I do from the actual speaker’s presentation.

活动帮助我学到了很多有关编码和技术当前趋势的知识。 事实证明,这种知识非常重要-无论是在采访中还是在我正在从事的项目中。 有时候,我从活动中待到很晚,与其他开发人员交谈比从实际演讲者的演讲中学到的东西更多。

结论 (Conclusion)

I know for certain that I would not have had most of these opportunities if I hadn’t reached out to people, networked at events, and been active in our local Free Code Camp group.


I’ve heard from several prominent companies near me that they much prefer to hire someone whom they’ve networked with, rather than someone who just sent in a resume.


Free Code Camp helps you with the portfolio, motivation, community support, and learning structure, but the missing piece you have to fill in yourself is the networking.

Free Code Camp可以为您提供各种作品集,动机,社区支持和学习结构,但是您必须填写的缺少的内容就是网络。

I encourage you to volunteer at local events, and to take leadership within your local Free Code Camp group. You can learn a ton while you help others, and it looks great to potential employers, too.

我鼓励您在当地活动中志愿服务,并在当地的Free Code Camp小组中担任领导职务。 您可以在帮助他人的同时学到很多东西,这对潜在的雇主来说也很棒。

Trust me, if I can do it, you can too.


You can get in touch with me here or you might see me around the Free Code Camp community. Good luck on your coding journeys :)

您可以在这里与我联系,或者可以在Free Code Camp社区周围看到我。 祝您在编码旅途上一切顺利:)

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哦,如果您喜欢本文,请确保单击“?”。 请在下面的“中”与您的关注者分享。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/networking-at-meet-ups-getting-hired-f0f7c4f4681a/






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