
by Leonardo Maldonado

莱昂纳多·马尔多纳多(Leonardo Maldonado)

如何使用Node.js,Express和MongoDB设置GraphQL服务器 (How to set up a GraphQL Server using Node.js, Express & MongoDB)

从GraphQL和MongoDB开始的最直接的方法。 (The most straightforward way to start with GraphQL & MongoDB.)

So you are planning to start with GraphQL and MongoDB. Then you realize how can I set up those two technologies together? Well, this article is made precisely for you. I’ll show you how to set up a GraphQL server using MongoDB. I will show you how you can modularize your GraphQL schema and all this using MLab as our database.

因此,您计划从GraphQL和MongoDB开始。 然后您意识到如何将这两种技术一起设置? 好吧,本文专为您而设计。 我将向您展示如何使用MongoDB设置GraphQL服务器。 我将向您展示如何使用MLab作为我们的数据库来模块化GraphQL模式以及所有这些。

All the code from this article is available here.


So now, let’s get started.


为什么选择GraphQL? (Why GraphQL?)

GraphQL is a query language for your APIs. It was released by Facebook back in 2015 and has gained a very high adoption. It’s the replacement of REST.

GraphQL是API的查询语言。 它于2015年由Facebook发布,并获得了很高的采用率。 它是REST的替代品

With GraphQL, the client can ask for the exact data that they need and get back exactly what they asked for. GraphQL also uses a JSON-like query syntax to make those requests. All requests go to the same endpoint.

借助GraphQL,客户可以要求他们提供所需的确切数据,然后准确地获取他们所要求的数据。 GraphQL还使用类似JSON的查询语法来发出这些请求。 所有请求都到达相同的端点。

If you’re reading this article, I assume that you know a little bit about GraphQL. If you don’t know, you can learn more about GraphQL here.

如果您正在阅读本文,我假设您对GraphQL有所了解。 如果您不知道,可以在这里了解有关GraphQL的更多信息

入门 (Getting started)

First, create a folder, then start our project.


npm init -y

Then install some dependencies for our project.


npm install @babel/cli @babel/core @babel/preset-env body-parser concurrently cors express express-graphql graphql graphql-tools merge-graphql-schemas mongoose nodemon

And then @babel/node as a dev dependency:

然后@ babel / node作为dev依赖项:

npm install --save-dev @babel/node
巴别塔 (Babel)

Now we’re gonna set up Babel for our project. Create a file called .babelrc in your project folder. Then, put the @babel/env there, like this:

现在我们将为我们的项目设置Babel。 在项目文件夹中创建一个名为.babelrc的文件。 然后,将@ babel / env放在此处,如下所示:

Then go to your package.json and add some scripts:


We’ll have only one script that we’re gonna use in our project.


“server” — It will mainly run our server.

“服务器” -主要运行我们的服务器。

服务器 (Server)

Now, in our root folder create the index.js file. It will be where we’re gonna make our server.

现在,在我们的根文件夹中创建index.js文件。 这将是我们要制造服务器的地方。

First, we’re gonna import all the modules that we’ll use.


Then, we’re gonna create our connect with MongoDB using Mongoose:


What about that db const? This is where you’re gonna put your database URL to connect MongoDB. Then you’re gonna say to me: “But, I don’t have a database yet”, yes I got you. For that, we’re using MLab.

db const呢? 您将在这里放置数据库URL来连接MongoDB。 然后您要对我说:“但是,我还没有数据库”,是的,我知道了。 为此,我们正在使用MLab。

MLab is a database-as-a-service for MongoDB, all you need to do is go to their website (click here) and register.

MLab是MongoDB的数据库即服务,您所需要做的就是访问他们的网站( 单击此处 )并注册。

After you register, go and create a new database. To use as free, choose this option:

注册后,请创建一个新数据库。 要免费使用,请选择以下选项:

Choose US East (Virginia) as an option, and then give our database a name. After that, our database will show at the home page.

选择US East(Virginia)作为选项,然后为我们的数据库命名。 之后,我们的数据库将显示在主页上。

Click on our database, then go to User and create a new user. In this example, I’m gonna create a user called leo and password leoleo1.

单击我们的数据库,然后转到“ 用户”并创建一个新用户。 在此示例中,我将创建一个名为leo和密码leoleo1的用户

After our user is created, on the top of our page, we find two URLs. One to connect using Mongo Shell. The other to connect using a MongoDB URL. We copy the second one.

创建用户之后,在页面顶部,我们找到两个URL。 ØNE使用蒙戈壳牌连接 另一个使用MongoDB URL连接 我们复制第二个

After that, all you need to do is paste that URL on our db const at the index.js file. Our db const would look like this:

之后,您所需要做的就是将该URL粘贴到index.js文件的db const 我们的数据库常量看起来像这样:

表达 (Express)

Now we’re gonna finally start our server. For that, we’ve put some more lines in our index.js and we’re done.

现在我们终于要启动服务器了。 为此,我们在index.js中增加了几行,然后就完成了。

Now, run the command npm run server and go to localhost:4000/graphql and you’ll find a page like this:

现在,运行命令npm run server并转到localhost:4000 / graphql ,您将找到类似以下的页面:

MongoDB和架构 (MongoDB and Schema)

Now, in our root folder, make a folder named models and create a file inside called User.js (yes, with capital U).


Inside of User.js, we’re gonna create our first schema in MongoDB using Mongoose.


Now that we have created our User schema, we’re gonna start with GraphQL.


GraphQL (GraphQL)

In our root folder, we’re gonna create a folder called graphql. Inside that folder, we’re gonna create a file called index.js and two more folders: resolvers and types.

在我们的根文件夹中,我们将创建一个名为graphql的文件夹 在该文件夹内,我们将创建一个名为index.js的文件以及另外两个文件夹: resolverstypes

查询 (Queries)

Queries in GraphQL are the way we ask our server for data. We ask for the data that we need, and it returns exactly that data.

GraphQL中的查询是我们向服务器请求数据的方式。 我们要求我们需要的数据,并且它精确地返回该数据。

All our queries will be inside our types folder. Inside that folder, create an index.js file and a User folder.

我们所有的查询都将在我们的类型文件夹中。 在该文件夹内,创建一个index.js文件和一个User文件夹。

Inside the User folder, we’re gonna create an index.js file and write our queries.


In our types folder, in our index.js file, we’re gonna import all the types that we have. For now, we have the User types.

在我们的types文件夹中的index.js文件中,我们将导入所有我们拥有的类型。 现在,我们有用户类型。

In case you have more than one type, you import that to your file and include in the typeDefs array.

如果您有多个类型, 则将其导入文件并包含在typeDefs数组中。

变异 (Mutations)

Mutations in GraphQL are the way we modify data in the server.


All our mutations will be inside our resolvers folder. Inside that folder, create an index.js file and a User folder.

我们所有的变异都将在我们的resolvers文件夹中。 在该文件夹内,创建一个index.js文件和一个User文件夹。

Inside the User folder, we’re gonna create an index.js file and write our mutations.


Now that all our resolvers and mutations are ready, we’re gonna modularize our schema.


模块化我们的架构 (Modularizing our schema)

Inside our folder called graphql, go to our index.js and make our schema, like this:


Now that our schema is done, go to our root folder and inside our index.js import our schema.


After all that, our schema will end up like this:


处理我们的查询和变异 (Playing with our queries and mutations)

To test our queries and mutations, we’re gonna start our server with the command npm run server, and go to localhost:4000/graphql.

为了测试我们的查询和变异,我们将使用命令npm run server启动服务器 ,并转到localhost:4000 / graphql。

创建用户 (Create user)

First, we’re gonna create our first user with a mutation:


mutation {  addUser(id: "1", name: "Dan Abramov", email: "dan@dan.com") {    id    name    email  }}

After that, if the GraphiQL playground returns to you the data object that we created, that means that our server is working fine.


To make sure, go to MLab, and inside of our users collection, check if there is our data that we just created.


After that, create another user called “Max Stoiber”. We add this user to make sure that our mutation is working fine and we have more than one user in the database.

之后,创建另一个用户“ Max Stoiber”。 我们添加此用户以确保我们的突变工作正常,并且数据库中有多个用户。

删除用户 (Delete user)

To delete a user, our mutation will go like this:


mutation {  deleteUser(id: "1", name: "Dan Abramov", email: "dan@dan.com") {    id    name    email  }}

Like the other one, if the GraphiQL playground returns to you the data object that we created, that means that our server is working fine.


获取所有用户 (Get all users)

To get all users, we’re gonna run our first query like this:


query {  users {    id    name    email  }}

Since we only have one user, it should return that exact user.


获取特定用户 (Get a specific user)

To get a specific user, this will be the query:


query {  user(id: "2"){    id    name    email  }}

That should return the exact user.


我们完成了! (And we’re done!)

Our server is running, our queries and mutations are working fine, we’re good to go and start our client. You can start with create-react-app. In your root folder just give the command create-react-app client and then, if you run the command npm run dev, our server and client will run concurrently!

我们的服务器正在运行,我们的查询和变体工作正常,我们很高兴开始启动客户端。 您可以从create-react-app开始。 在您的根文件夹中,输入命令create-react-app client ,然后,如果您运行命令npm run dev ,我们的服务器客户端将同时运行!

All the code from this article is available here.


? Follow me on Twitter! Follow me on GitHub!

在Twitter上关注我! 在GitHub上关注我!

I’m looking for a remote opportunity, so if have any I’d love to hear about it, so please contact me!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-set-up-a-graphql-server-using-node-js-express-mongodb-52421b73f474/





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