

by Frederick Ige

弗雷德里克·艾格(Frederick Ige)

为什么您一定要参与freeCodeCamp的一个研究小组 (Why you should definitely get involved with one of freeCodeCamp’s study groups)

I’m writing this article in hopes of convincing you to take advantage of an amazing opportunity that freeCodeCamp provides — one that can make all the difference in your journey as a developer.


I currently work as a developer for a software company by the name of Inflectra. It is only a 15-minute commute from my house. I love the office environment. The people are friendly and helpful. The work is fulfilling. I’ve learned a lot in a very short time. I never thought I’d be so lucky to find an opportunity so close to home, and it was all thanks to freeCodeCamp’s local study groups.

我目前以Inflectra的名义从事软件公司的开发 。 离我家只有15分钟的路程。 我喜欢办公环境。 人民友好而乐于助人。 工作很充实。 我在很短的时间内学到了很多东西。 我从没想过我会如此幸运地找到离家这么近的机会, 这全都归功于freeCodeCamp的本地学习小组。

For those who don’t know, campers can get together in their local town by joining a freeCodeCamp group. There are hundreds of these groups all over the world. If you don’t see a group in your own town, you can even start your own. Link

对于那些不认识的人,露营者可以通过加入freeCodeCamp小组在当地城镇聚在一起。 全世界有数百个这样的团体 。 如果您在自己的城镇中没有看到一个小组,甚至可以创建自己的小组。 链接

These groups enable anyone to create an active community within their local area, where campers of all ages and levels can mutually grow and support each other. It’s truly a wonderful thing, and it’s my favorite part of freeCodeCamp.

这些团体使任何人都可以在当地创建一个活跃的社区,各个年龄段和水平的营员都可以在那里相互成长并相互支持。 这确实是一件了不起的事情,也是我最喜欢的freeCodeCamp部分。

I’m an admin for my local group and I host weekly code meetups at our local bubble tea cafe. Here is an example of one of them:

我是我本地小组的管理员,我每周在我们的本地泡泡茶咖啡馆主持代码聚会。 这是其中之一的示例:

At our meetups, campers typically bring their own projects, and share them with the rest of the group. We’ve also tackled group projects, like learning Git and GitHub together. We regularly plan trips to visit other local coding events together.

在我们的聚会中,露营者通常会带上自己的项目,并与小组中的其他人共享。 我们还处理了小组项目,例如一起学习Git和GitHub。 我们会定期计划行程,以便一起参观其他本地编码活动。

These meetups have turned learning to code into a social event, an element that can often be missing in one’s coding journey.


Here’s a comment from a member after his first time coming to a meetup:


My initial intent was only to meet and chat with campers in my area as I continued to sharpen my JavaScript skills. I had no idea that I’d meet so many interesting and wonderful personalities. Here are just a few:

我的初衷只是在继续提高我JavaScript技能时会见和与该地区的露营者聊天。 我不知道会遇到这么多有趣而奇妙的人物。 这里仅仅是少数:

  • A musician at my local music store who discovered code through one of his many online dates.

  • A senior Information technology professional and new father of a 2-week old son, who had just recently committed himself to pursuing creative work through code.

  • A dog walker who rediscovered his love for learning through coding in C and JavaScript

  • A 22-year-old junior from my state university who was already majoring in Computer Science, but was hungry to learn more about the web development side of things which often gets ignored in college.


One group member in particular was a developer who worked at Inflectra, a local software company, who also ran a YouTube channel with 70,000 subscribers as a hobby with his wife. After a couple of group meetings at our local coffee shop, he invited me to meet with the staff at Inflectra, who then offered me the opportunity to work alongside them.

其中一个小组成员特别是一位在本地软件公司Inflectra工作的开发人员,他还与他的妻子一起开设了YouTube频道,吸引了7万名订阅者。 在我们当地的咖啡店举行了几次小组会议之后,他邀请我与Inflectra的员工见面,然后他们为我提供了与他们一起工作的机会。

I’ve been at Inflectra for two months now, and it has been the most enjoyable experience of my working life. I used to drive 90 minutes in traffic every day for my previous job — a job that didn’t properly align with the type of work I wished to pursue. I would have never thought something so amazing could be sitting right down the street. My local group has made all the difference to my current and future career outlook.

我在Inflectra待了两个月,这是我一生中最愉快的经历。 我以前为以前的工作每天要开车90分钟,这与我希望从事的工作类型不符。 我从来没有想过会在街上坐着这么神奇的东西。 我的本地团队对我现在和将来的职业前景都产生了很大的影响。

Hopefully, I’ve sold you on how great local freeCodeCamp groups can be. I would, however, like to point out something important. My local group was originally very inactive. It was only after my friend and I began actively engaging the group on Facebook that we started to see the benefits of it. It may be up to you to spark that initial engagement. Contributing to the community as a first priority will lead to the best experience.

希望我已将本地freeCodeCamp组的规模卖给了您。 但是,我想指出一些重要的事情。 我的本地群组原本非常不活跃。 直到我的朋友和我开始在Facebook上积极参与该小组之后,我们才开始看到它的好处。 您可能要激发最初的参与。 优先为社区做贡献将带来最佳体验。

Here are some actions you can take to engage your local community:


  1. Share what you’re learning and working on. People like to see the progress of others. It helps them relate to their own personal journey, reminding them that they’re not alone in their endeavors.

    分享您正在学习和从事的工作。 人们喜欢看到别人的进步。 它可以帮助他们与自己的个人旅程联系起来,提醒他们自己并不孤单。
  2. Share local code events. Maybe there is a local code event in your school, workplace or community that only you are privy to. Sharing it on the group can open people up to opportunities they weren’t even aware of. I often share events that only get posted on to the groups.

    共享本地代码事件。 也许在您的学校,工作场所或社区中只有您自己不知道的本地法规事件。 在小组上共享它可以使人们获得他们甚至没有意识到的机会。 我经常将仅在meetup.com上发布的事件分享给各个组。

  3. And my personal favorite: host your own events for the group. Creating meetups specifically for the group can allow for a level of peer-to-peer engagement and communication that you can’t always get in your regular “Professional gives 1-hour lecture” type of events. This is essentially what pushed into motion the series of events that resulted in me working for Inflectra.

    我个人最喜欢的:为小组主持自己的活动。 专门为小组创建聚会,可以实现一定水平的对等参与和沟通,这在常规的“专业人士提供1小时的讲座”类型的活动中并不总是能做到的。 从本质上讲,这是促使我为Inflectra工作的一系列事件的推动力。

Here’s a final word about group engagement: don’t be discouraged by the lack of a big initial response when posting to your local group. For example, my local group has 200 members, but only 5–10 people regularly come to group meetups. The good news is that this is more than enough people to start building out a great local community.

关于团队参与,这是最后一句话:发布到本地论坛时,不要因缺乏较大的初始回应而灰心。 例如,我的本地小组有200名成员,但是定期只有5-10个人参加小组聚会。 好消息是,有足够的人开始建立一个伟大的当地社区。

Let’s all do our part to make our hometowns awesome places to learn code! Thanks for reading!

让我们全力以赴,使我们的家乡成为学习代码的好地方! 谢谢阅读!

Link: freeCodecamp’s group directory

链接: freeCodecamp的组目录







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