Python认证现已生效,并且其他freeCodeCamp 7.0版课程更新

freeCodeCamp's core curriculum now offers 10 verified certifications – including 4 Python-focused certifications.


These certifications are all self-paced and completely free. You can build the projects right in a browser, or code them on your laptop or phone and deploy them to the cloud.

这些认证都是自定进度的,完全免费。 您可以直接在浏览器中构建项目,或者在便携式计算机或手机上对它们进行编码,然后将其部署到云中。

freeCodeCamp认证如何工作? (How do freeCodeCamp certifications work?)

All of the lessons and projects are publicly available. You don't even need to create a freeCodeCamp account to access them. But if you want to save your progress and eventually earn certifications, you will need to create an account.

所有课程和项目都是公开的。 您甚至不需要创建freeCodeCamp帐户即可访问它们。 但是,如果您想保存进度并最终获得认证,则需要创建一个帐户。

Note that all accounts are private by default. takes privacy seriously, and we have a well-documented privacy policy. You can make your profile public in the settings, and can choose to make any certifications you earn publicly accessible as well.

请注意,默认情况下,所有帐户均为私人帐户。 freeCodeCamp.org十分重视隐私权,并且我们有详细记录的隐私权政策 。 您可以在设置中将您的个人资料公开,也可以选择将您获得的任何证书公开访问。

Here's how these certifications work:


Each certification includes optional lessons to help you prepare for its 5 required projects.


When you feel ready, you can build the certification's 5 required projects and get all of their automatic tests to pass.


Once you've built all 5 projects, you can go into settings, accept freeCodeCamp's Academic Honesty Pledge, and claim your certification.


You get the certification immediately, and it lives on freeCodeCamp's servers at a permanent URL that you can put on your LinkedIn, résumé, or personal website.


Our bots will eventually audit all of your projects to check for plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty. If our bots flag anything suspicious, our team will manually review it. And if we determine you cheated, we'll revoke your certifications and permanently ban your account. So don't cheat. You'd only be cheating yourself. 😉

我们的机器人最终将审核您的所有项目,以检查是否存在抄袭或其他形式的学术不诚实行为。 如果我们的漫游器标记了任何可疑的内容,我们的团队将手动对其进行审查。 如果我们确定您被骗了,我们将撤销您的认证并永久禁止您的帐户。 所以不要作弊。 你只会骗自己。 😉

有哪些新认证? (What are the new certifications?)

Here are the 6 certifications we introduced back in 2018. These focus on Full Stack Web Development using JavaScript:


  1. Responsive Web Design

  2. JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures

  3. Front End Libraries

  4. Data Visualization

  5. APIs and Microservices

  6. Quality Assurance


These are still the best place to focus in 2020, and represent the broadest programming foundation and fastest path to a developer job.


This said, there are a lot of other skills we've wanted our curriculum to cover since day one. And we are thrilled to now add these to the curriculum as four new Python-focused certifications. Here they are:

这就是说,自第一天起,我们就希望我们的课程涵盖很多其他技能。 我们很高兴现在将它们作为四个新的以Python为重点的认证添加到课程中。 他们来了:

  1. Scientific Computing with Python

  2. Data Analysis with Python

  3. Information Security

  4. Machine Learning with Python


Again, these are more advanced certifications. They assume that you have already completed the first 6 certifications. And thus have a strong understanding of algorithms, data structures, APIs, and other concepts.

同样,这些是更高级的认证。 他们认为您已经完成了前6个认证。 因此对算法,数据结构,API和其他概念有深入的了解。

I recommend you work through the entire curriculum from start to finish, so you can learn one language really well (JavaScript) before moving on to a second language (Python).


Now, you may be thinking: "but I heard that Python is a more beginner-friendly language than JavaScript." There are a number of reasons why many people recommend learning JavaScript first.

现在,您可能在想:“但是我听说Python比JavaScript更适合初学者使用。” 许多人建议首先学习JavaScript的原因有很多

Each of these certifications has 5 required projects – each with its own test suite.


These projects can be built wherever you want. We recommend using Google's Colaboratory for the Machine Learning projects. It's a hosted Jupyter Notebook tool, and it's free and runs in the browser.

这些项目可以在任何地方构建。 我们建议将Google合作实验室用于机器学习项目。 它是Jupyter Notebook的托管工具,它是免费的,并且可以在浏览器中运行。

For the rest of these Python certification projects, we recommend using It's fast, free, and easy to use.

对于其他这些Python认证项目,我们建议使用。 它快速,免费且易于使用。

Each of these projects includes a link to a boilerplate that you can fork to get started.


If you want to code these projects on your local computer, you can clone these repositories. But you will need to host your solutions publicly on the open web so you can submit them and claim your certifications.

如果要在本地计算机上编码这些项目,则可以克隆这些存储库。 但是您将需要在开放的网络上公开托管您的解决方案,以便您可以提交它们并声明您的认证。

7.0版课程即将推出什么? (What else is coming soon for Version 7.0 of the curriculum?)

As we announced last December, we are working toward a completely project-oriented curriculum. Instead of individual coding lessons, you will learn by building projects the entire time.

正如我们去年12月宣布的那样 ,我们正在努力开发完全以项目为导向的课程。 您将无需花费任何时间编写代码,而可以通过始终构建项目来学习。

We are building more than 60 optional practice projects, such as:


  • "Learn Basic JavaScript by Building a Role Playing Game"

  • "Learn Express.js by Building an Stock Trading Platform"

  • and "Learn Network Security by Building a Packet Sniffer"


In total, completing the entire freeCodeCamp curriculum will involve building more than 100 projects over the span of 3,000 hours. This is roughly the amount of time it would take to earn an associate's degree.

总的来说,完成整个freeCodeCamp课程将涉及在3,000个小时的时间内构建100多个项目。 这大约是获得副学士学位所需的时间。

We are making steady progress on these projects. We are also updating our learning platform to make these more elaborate projects build-able right on

我们正在这些项目上取得稳步进展。 我们还将更新我们的学习平台,以使这些更精细的项目可以在freeCodeCamp.org上构建。

As always, we don't have a ship date for these. We hope to push them to production the moment they're ready, and not a moment sooner. 🙂

和往常一样,我们没有这些的发货日期。 我们希望在他们准备好后即刻将它们推向生产。 🙂

You will notice that for the 4 new Python certifications, instead of having interactive lessons (like we have for the first 6 certifications) we have lecture-based courses. These courses are well-taught, and we are confident you'll learn a lot from them. Note that they are placeholders for our upcoming practice projects.

您会注意到,对于4个新的Python认证,我们有基于讲座的课程,而不是像交互式课程(就像我们为前6个认证那样)提供课程。 这些课程学得很好,我们相信您会从中学到很多。 请注意,它们是我们即将进行的练习项目的占位符。

If you find the Python certification projects to be overwhelming, you may want to supplement your learning with other resources, such as our hundreds of free courses and tutorials on Python, data analysis, machine learning, and security. And you can ask programming questions and get feedback on your projects on the freeCodeCamp forum.

如果您发现Python认证项目不胜枚举,则可能想用其他资源来补充您的学习知识,例如我们提供了数百本关于Python,数据分析,机器学习和安全性的免费课程和教程。 您可以在freeCodeCamp论坛上询问编程问题并获得有关您的项目的反馈。

I want to thank the dozens of kind alpha testers who successfully built these 20 new projects and provided their feedback and improvements.


So yes, these projects can be built. And their tests can be passed. But you may be one of the first 100 or so people to have done so. If you encounter any bugs or confusing instructions, we encourage you to open a GitHub issue with your feedback.

因此,可以构建这些项目。 他们的测试可以通过。 但是您可能是最早这样做的人之一。 如果您遇到任何错误或令人困惑的说明,我们建议您使用反馈来打开GitHub问题。

即将开展的60多个实践项目的总体时间表是什么? (What is the general timeline for the upcoming 60+ practice projects?)

We will focus on rolling out the practice projects for the 4 new Python certifications first. These will replace the placeholder lectures in each certification.

我们将专注于首先为4个新的Python认证推出实践项目。 这些将替换每个证书中的占位符讲座。

Then we will replace the interactive lessons from the first 6 certifications with practice projects.


Remember that – aside from the 50 certification projects that are now live – all the lessons and practice projects are completely optional. You do not need to go back and complete them as we add them to the curriculum unless you want to. You can earn all 10 certifications starting today, by building each project's 5 required projects.

请记住,除了目前正在实施的50个认证项目之外,所有课程和实践项目都是完全可选的。 除非您愿意,否则您无需回过头来完成它们,因为我们将它们添加到课程表中。 从今天开始,通过构建每个项目的5个必需项目,您可以获得所有10个认证。

There is no reason to delay starting the curriculum. These practice projects will cover essentially the same skills and tools as the curriculum currently covers. They will just be more fun, interactive, and engaging, with even more repetition to help you better retain these concepts.

没有理由延迟课程的开始。 这些实践项目将涵盖与课程目前基本相同的技能和工具。 它们将变得更加有趣,互动和引人入胜,并且通过更多重复来帮助您更好地保留这些概念。

None of this is magic. You would learn all of these things from just practicing coding and building projects on your own anyway. The key to learning to code well is practice.

这些都不是魔术。 无论如何,您都可以通过练习编码和自己构建项目来学习所有这些东西。 学习编码的关键是练习。

And freeCodeCamp gives you a single linear curriculum to practice in way that is both time efficient and sane.


You can check out the full freeCodeCamp curriculum and its 10 certifications here.


Happy coding. 👍

快乐的编码。 👍


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