前端 路由权限react_如何使用路由和身份验证构建React Hooks前端应用

前端 路由权限react

In this tutorial, we will go over how to build a complete front end app with routing and authentication.


I have structured this tutorial and project as basically a boilerplate project with basic routing and auth that can be used as a starter project.


If you just want the boiler plate code without the explanations here it is:https://github.com/iqbal125/react-hooks-routing-auth-starter

如果您只是想要没有说明的样板代码,则为: https : //github.com/iqbal125/react-hooks-routing-auth-starter

I will use Auth0 for authentication, but this setup will work with any other token-based authentication system as well.You can watch a fullstack video version of this tutorial herehttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMc67XEAt-yzxRboCFHza4SBOxNr7hDD5


Connect with me on Twitter for more updates on future tutorials: https://twitter.com/iqbal125sf

在Twitter上与我联系以获取未来教程的更多更新: https//twitter.com/iqbal125sf

目录 (Table of Contents)

  1. Project Structure

  2. useReducer vs useState for Global Context state

  3. Global State with Context

  4. Authentication and authcheck

  5. React Hooks Components

    React Hooks组件
  6. Routing

  7. App.js


项目结构 (Project Structure)

I will first go over the structure of our app. Our app can be broken down into 4 parts:

我将首先介绍我们应用程序的结构。 我们的应用程序可以分为4部分:

  • React hooks functional components

  • Reducers and Actions

  • Utility files

  • Main files


We will also need 4  libraries to build our app


npm install auth0-js react-router react-router-dom history

npm install auth0-js react-router react-router-dom history

目录结构: (Directory Structure:)

React Hooks功能组件 (React Hooks functional components)

Here we have our React Hooks functional components. We have a fairly simple setup and we will not be using any React Class components in this app.

在这里,我们有我们的React Hooks功能组件。 我们的设置非常简单,我们不会在此应用程序中使用任何React Class组件。

callback.js: will be used as the component that Auth0 will redirect to after the user authenticates.


header.js: will contain the links to the components and a login or logout button based on the user authentication state.


home.js: will simply display the text of home.


hook1.js: will contain all three ways to update state with React hooks, useState, useReducer and useContext. Having all three ways to update the state in one component will make it easier for you to pick apart the differences between each.

hook1.js:将包含所有三种使用React钩子更新状态的方法 useStateuseReduceruseContext 。 具有在组件中更新状态的所有三种方法,将使您更容易区分每个组件之间的差异。

hooks_form1.js: Will have a form that has all three ways to update state with useState, useReducer and useContext.


privatecomponent.js: A component that is only accessible by authenticated users.


profile.js: A user dashboard that displays user profile data.


减速器和动作文件 (Reducers and Actions files)

action_types.js: Will hold all the string actions types in variables. This will allow easy modifying of your action types since you will only have to change them here instead having to track down where ever you used the action in your code.

action_types.js:将所有字符串操作类型保存在变量中。 这将使您可以轻松地修改操作类型,因为您只需在此处进行更改即可,而不必跟踪您在代码中使用过操作的位置。

actions.js: Will hold the actual actions that are going to be used in the reducer to update the state.


auth_reducer.js: Will hold the reducer to read and update state properties related authentication.


form_reducer.js: Will hold the reducer to read and update state properties related to our form.


plain_reducer.js: Will serve as a boilerplate reducer.


实用程序文件 (Utility Files)

We will also need 4 utility files to help setup our app.


context.js: Will hold the Context object and will be imported to every component that uses the useContext() hook.


auth.js: This will be the only class in the app. Note that this isn’t a React class component, but instead a vanilla javascript class. I tried to setup this file as an arrow function but it did not work well. This file is best setup as a class. This file will hold all of our authentication associated functions and variables.

auth.js:这将是应用程序中的唯一类。 请注意,这不是React类的组件,而是普通的javascript类。 我试图将此文件设置为箭头功能,但效果不佳。 最好将此文件设置为类。 该文件将包含我们所有与身份验证相关的功能和变量。

history.js: Will hold the history object which we will use for navigation.


authcheck.js: Will be used to update the authentication state of the user and retrieve the user profile data and save it to the global state.


主要档案 (Main Files)

These are the main files and will sit at the root /src directory. I put all the business logic for reading and updating the global state in one file, the context_state_config.js. My reason for doing so is follows.

这些是主要文件,位于/ src根目录中 。 我将所有用于读取和更新全局状态的业务逻辑放在一个文件context_state_config.js 。 我这样做的原因如下。

Having all the complexity in one file actually makes your app simpler and easier to debug since it's easy to track down where to make the changes and fixes.


Having many slightly complex components in my experience will actually make your app harder to debug and change. So for this reason I put all the global state code in this one file.

根据我的经验,拥有许多稍微复杂的组件实际上会使您的应用更难以调试和更改。 因此,出于这个原因,我将所有全局状态代码放入此文件中。

Also in the context_state_config.js the <Routes /> component will be wrapped by the <Context.Provider />. This will allow the ability to read and update state to be passed down through the value prop to all the components, creating a global state.

同样在context_state_config.js<Routes />组件将由<Context.Provider />包装。 这将允许通过value道具向下传递和读取状态的能力传递给所有组件,从而创建全局状态。

context_state_config.js: This will hold all the logic for reading and updating the global state with the useReducer hook and context.


routes.js: Will contain all our routing logic and will have silent authentication here as well.


App.js: Our root component, we will simply import and display our context_state_config.js component.


index.js: Our root file, will just render App.js here.


useRedux与useState的全局上下文状态 (useRedux vs useState for Global Context state)

To manage global state we will be using Reducers and Actions. Using Reducers and Actions along with the useReducer() hook and Context will allow us to achieve Redux like functionality without actually using Redux.

为了管理全局状态,我们将使用Reducers和Actions 。 结合使用useReducer()和Actions以及useReducer()钩子和Context将使我们无需实际使用Redux就可以实现类似Redux的功能。

It is possible  to manage our global state with the useState hook and Context, but using useReducer makes managing global state much more organized. The useState hook is far better at handling local component state.

可以使用useState钩子和Context管理我们的全局状态,但是使用useReducer可以更加有组织地管理全局状态。 useState挂钩在处理本地组件状态方面要好得多。

Having related properties of state and all the update state functions in the same useReducer hook makes things very simple and compartmentalized compared to using the useState  hook which can be much more decentralized.  


Dispatching actions also makes the data flow easier to follow compared to using the setState function from useState since each action will describe exactly how the state will be changed.

与使用useStatesetState函数相比, 分派操作还使数据流更易于遵循,因为每个操作将准确描述状态的更改方式。

We also dont need to use the combine reducer function or combine our reducers in anyway. Each reducer will be passed into its own useReducer hook.

我们也不需要使用组合减速器功能或以任何方式组合我们的减速器。 每个减速器将传递到其自己的useReducer钩子中。

通过上下文建立全局状态 (Setting up the Global State with Context)

We can begin by setting up the global state, which in my opinion makes it much easier to build the React Components.


If you already setup the global state you can build out the component in a very straightforward way instead having to go back and forth between setting up the component and then setting up its state along with it.


To setup the global state we will ne

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React使用Hooks来实现菜单路由可以按照以下步骤进行: 1. 首先,安装并导入React Router库,用于管理路由使用以下命令进行安装: ```bash npm install react-router-dom ``` 然后,在你的路由组件中,定义路由配置和对应的组件。例如: ```javascript import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom'; import Home from './components/Home'; import Users from './components/Users'; // 其他组件... const App = () => { return ( <Router> <Switch> <Route exact path="/" component={Home} /> <Route path="/users" component={Users} /> {/* 其他路由配置 */} </Switch> </Router> ); }; export default App; ``` 2. 在菜单组件中,使用`Link`组件来实现菜单项的跳转。例如: ```javascript import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; const Menu = () => { return ( <ul> <li> <Link to="/">首页</Link> </li> <li> <Link to="/users">用户管理</Link> </li> {/* 其他菜单项 */} </ul> ); }; export default Menu; ``` 3. 在你的应用主组件中,将菜单和路由组件组合在一起。例如: ```javascript import Menu from './Menu'; import App from './App'; const MainApp = () => { return ( <div> <Menu /> <App /> </div> ); }; export default MainApp; ``` 通过以上步骤,你可以在React项目中实现基本的菜单和路由功能。请根据你的项目需求进行相应的调整和扩展。记得在菜单项中使用`Link`组件来实现路由跳转,而在路由组件中使用`Route`组件来定义路由配置和对应的组件。




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