

“The joy of coding is in seeing a short, concise, readable, and small amount of clear code, not in trivial code that bores the reader,” said Guido van Rossum, a Dutch computer scientist and the inventor of Python.

“编码的喜的是在看到了简要的,可读的,并且明确代码量小,不在该Kong读者琐碎代码”, 吉多·范罗苏姆 荷兰计算机科学家和Python的发明者说。

Python developers use modern web technologies to build basic as well as intricate software and app solutions.


对Python开发人员的需求增长如此之快 (Demand For Python Developers is Growing So Quickly)

Python has overtaken almost every markets. And it has brought easy coding to the fingertips of developers who were once totally baffled by trivial programming languages. Yet still, demand for python developers seems to be increasing. For proving the same I have given here some key stats.        

Python已经超越了几乎所有市场。 它将编码轻松带给曾经完全被琐碎的编程语言所困扰的开发人员。 然而,对python开发人员的需求似乎仍在增加。 为了证明这一点,我在这里给出了一些关键数据。

Economist research suggests that in America, Python-related searches are more frequent than for Kim Kardashian, a reality-TV star.

经济学家的研究表明,在美国,与Python相关的搜索要比实况电视明星Kim Kardashian的搜索更为频繁。

Stack Overflow survey 2019 found that nearly 39.4% of developers prefer Python for coding, and the remaining want to use it.

2019年Stack Overflow调查发现,将近39.4%的开发人员更喜欢使用Python进行编码,其余的则想使用它。

如何采访Python开发人员? (How to Interview Python Developers?)

The opportunities for hiring python developers in the markets of North America, Western, Europe, and Asia are on the rise. So companies are looking to hire python developers to scale their development teams.

在北美,西方,欧洲和亚洲市场上招聘python开发人员的机会正在增加。 因此,公司正在寻求雇用python开发人员来扩展其开发团队。

Python's top advantages are its ease of use, straightforward syntax, simplicity, and the use of indented spaces.

These features make it easy to learn and share with other app developers.


Because of all this, I believe that hiring experienced Python developers is one of the most important tasks for any business.


Sometimes it can be frustrating too. So, I thought I would share here my experience for hiring Python developers.

有时它也会令人沮丧。 因此,我想在这里分享我聘用Python开发人员的经验。

寻找语言和工具灵活的人 (Find Someone Who is Flexible with the Language and Tools)

If you are still asking the questions like how you concatenate two lists in Python, then you might need to overhaul your whole process of interviewing a Python developer. Don't forget about technical puzzles. Also, by giving a candidate a coding task in Python, you gain an opportunity to evaluate their coding standards and skills.

如果您仍在问诸如如何在Python中连接两个列表的问题,那么您可能需要检查采访Python开发人员的整个过程。 不要忘记技术难题。 此外,通过给应聘者提供Python编码任务,您将有机会评估他们的编码标准和技能。

要检查申请人的能力,请提出以下问题: (To check the applicant’s abilities, ask questions:)

What are the risks that can occur with this code?
What is the way to overcome coding issues?
How would they cope with the problem as a Python developer?    
Ask the candidate to write a Python function in max of three numbers.  
Input data: z=1, y=3, x=5
Expected output: x=5
Ask the candidate to write a program in Python that calculates and prints the value given in the formula.

Here's a sample question that you can ask to Python developers:


Q = Square root of [(4 * A * B)/J]  

Q = [(4 * A * B)/ J]的平方根

Following are the fixed values of A and J:


A is 50. J is 30.


B is the variable whose values should be input to your program in a comma-separated sequence.


Example for Python Developers:


Let us assume the following comma-separated input sequence is given to the program:


Input: 100,150,180

Expected output: 18,22,24



If the output received is in decimal form, it should be rounded off to its nearest value (for example, if the output received is 46.0, it should be printed as 46)
In case of input data being supplied to the question, it should be assumed to be a console input.
Make sure the candidate that is a Python developer complete this task within a dedicated time limit. Let's say 1 hour - 2 hour or so.
确保应聘为Python开发人员的候选人在专用时间内完成此任务。 假设1小时-2小时左右。

Here's the Final Output of Above Coding Samples:


#!/usr/bin/env python
import math
value = []
items=[x for x in raw_input().split(',')]
for d in items:
   print ','.join(value)

Here's Another Sample Question for Python Developer:


Write a program that accepts a comma in a separate sequence of words and prints the words in a comma-separated sequence after sorting.


With, purse, blue, lady

Expected Output:
Blue, purse, with, lady

It takes a lot to become a great Python developer. That's why I am sharing this information with you. I think it's worth adding to your list of interview questions.

成为一名出色的Python开发人员需要花费很多。 这就是为什么我与您共享此信息的原因。 我认为值得将您的面试问题添加到清单中。

See what my next point is going to tell you about hiring process of Python developers.


向他们提供您以前遇到的真实的Python编码问题 (Give them real-life Python coding problems that you’ve faced before)

As they say, if you hire a Python developer who is smarter than you are, then make the change quickly. It’s a simple law of attraction that talented people want to work in a fantastic place. So, we give them a task from a real-life technology problem.

正如他们所说,如果您聘请了一个比您更聪明的Python开发人员,那么请Swift进行更改。 这是人才吸引的简单法则,他们想在一个梦幻般的地方工作。 因此,我们给他们一个来自现实技术问题的任务。

Here’s what I have found works well.


现实生活中的Python项目示例 (Real-Life Python Project Example)

At my firm ValueCoders (IT Outsourcing Company) I have worked on the development of the data anomaly detection software solution built with Python and Machine Learning.

在我公司 ValueCoders( IT外包公司 )我致力于使用Python和机器学习构建的数据异常检测软件解决方案的开发。

Our portfolio of Python projects includes a wide range of machine learning solutions, B2B portals, web applications, etc.


My full team of Python developers have worked day and night to build the data anomaly detection system. This system has been designed in way so it can identify the nature and trends of data for the businesses.

我的Python开发人员全职团队昼夜不停地构建数据异常检测系统。 该系统的设计方式使其可以识别业务数据的性质和趋势。

项目挑战 (Project Challenges)

I've faced many challenges while working on this project. Although, I got a great help from my full team of Python developers, but I need to look up things closely to determine if the app can be perfectly balanced.

在进行此项目时,我面临许多挑战。 虽然,我在整个Python开发人员团队中都得到了很大的帮助,但是我需要仔细检查事情,以确定该应用程序是否可以完美平衡。

In my experience the challenge is to develop a mobile application that can help businesses deal with the issue of real-time data anomalies. The app needs to uncover important data insights that are important for digital businesses. It must have a system to reveal issues of the data insights. We have to fix the issue of constant and variable changes in data.

以我的经验,挑战是开发一种移动应用程序,该应用程序可以帮助企业处理实时数据异常问题。 该应用程序需要发现对数字业务至关重要的重要数据见解。 它必须具有一个揭示数据洞察力问题的系统。 我们必须解决数据不断变化的问题。

This only becomes possible with the effort of our team of Python developers.


See how they've found a solution.


我们如何找到解决方案? (How We've Found a Solution? )

Our team of Python developers had overcome all these challenges with the idea of developing an app through technologies: Python, PyCHARM, PYGTK, PYQT, WXPython and Machine learning.


These are the steps we have applied to identify the anomalies in datasets with the concept of Python and machine learning.


Step 1


Read the CSV file data-set from where anomalies have to be detected.


Step 2


Calculate the mean and co-variance matrix of the data samples.


Step 3


Find the Gaussian distribution of the dataset. Done correctly by our Python developers.

查找数据集的高斯分布。 由我们的Python开发人员正确完成。

Step 4


Next, calculation of the f1_score and minimum epsilon for each value of epsilon according to the step size.


Step 5


Compare the probabilities of the test data-set with the epsilon. The one which falls below the epsilon could be considered an anomaly.

将测试数据集的概率与epsilon进行比较。 低于ε的可以认为是异常。

As a result, our development team has developed an efficient data anomalies detection solution based on Python and machine learning.


So, the goal is to bring A-level Python developers to your firm. For that you should focus on how a candidate approaches the problem, craft a coding map, and solve the issue.

因此,目标是将A级Python开发人员带入您的公司。 为此,您应该关注候选人如何解决问题,编写编码图并解决问题。

Look at the problem-solving techniques used by the candidate for a single language.


Also work on your interview process and encourage your recruitment team to do the same.


Writing legible code in Python is important.


Python developers with the knowledge of a variety of open-source libraries help reduce the time of software development and give you freedom from repetitive tasks and errors.  


不要只专注于体验-询问他们的编码技巧 (Don’t Focus on Experience Only - Ask About their Coding Skills)

I’ve interviewed several Python developers who showed great experience in their resume but performed poorly in interview. No matter how good the resume is. If you need your new Python developer to work on something critical, more experience is generally required here which means more productivity.

我采访了几位Python开发人员,这些开发人员的履历都很棒,但是在面试中表现不佳。 无论简历有多好。 如果您需要新的Python开发人员从事关键任务,通常需要更多经验,这意味着更高的生产率。

Here I’d like to emphasize that your new hire needs to tackle new problems. More experience often leads to opinionated Python developers especially when you are trying to create something new with Python.

在这里,我想强调一下,您的新员工需要解决新问题。 更多的经验通常会导致有主见的Python开发人员,特别是当您尝试使用Python创建新内容时。

汇集全部 (Bringing It All Together)

Eleventh-hour decisions are seldom satisfactory. What do you think? Is it true or not?  

十一小时的决定很少令人满意。 你怎么看? 是真的吗?

It is also said that, “Any fool can write the code that a computer can understand but good programmers write code that humans can understand.”

也有人说: “任何傻瓜都可以编写计算机可以理解的代码,但是优秀的程序员可以编写人类可以理解的代码。”

This is the biggest thing I see most startups missing when hiring Python developers without a clear sense of how their experience and work will justify the cost of hiring them.


Yes, a Python developer needs to be well-trained, experienced, and above all produce well-written Python code.


Last but not the least, I encourage you to hire Python developers after a thorough analysis of their coding skills, communication, and performance in the in-person interview. Don’t just focus too much on applicant’s resume. I have seen people who are nice on-paper, but other areas also can’t be overlooked.

最后但并非最不重要的一点,我鼓励您在面对面采访中对Python的编程技能,沟通和表现进行全面分析之后,聘请Python开发人员。 不要只专注于求职者的简历。 我见过的人在纸面上很不错,但其他方面也不能忽视。

Need to hire Python developers? Feel free to get in touch with us.

需要雇用Python开发人员吗? 随时与我们联系。

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或者,在Twitter上关注我们以获取将来的更新: https : //



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