充分利用 cpu_充分利用设计学校(已更新)

充分利用 cpu

Advice from a Design Expert


I’m not your typical web design student. I spent the last 10 years of my life in the Air Force as a Military Police Officer. When I decided to change my entire life around, I foresaw two barriers to my success. One, I am 30 years old trying to shove my way into the fast evolving world of web design. Two, the experience I got from the military was as far from working in a tech field as possible. Air Force web apps pretty much only work in Internet Explorer (oh, the humanity).

我不是您典型的网页设计专业的学生。 我在空军服役的最后十年是军事警察。 当我决定改变自己的一生时,我预见了成功的两个障碍。 第一,我30岁,试图将自己的方式推向快速发展的Web设计世界。 第二,我从军方获得的经验与在技术领域的工作相去甚远。 空军Web应用程序几乎只能在Internet Explorer中使用(哦,人类)。

But, back to my first point, I view the technology industry as a train, speeding across the country. It’s always moving forward and rarely stops to let anyone on. But this didn’t prevent me from grabbing my bindle (you know, that thing hobos have) and jumping on.

但是,回到我的第一点,我认为技术行业是火车,正在全国范围内飞速发展。 它一直在前进,很少停下来让任何人继续前进。 但这并没有阻止我抓住我的束缚(你知道,流浪汉拥有的东西)然后继续前进。

Like most students, I’m constantly asking myself, “Why am I in school, what am I learning?” and maybe not as common, “Am I learning enough?” Instead of pondering, I went straight to the source.

像大多数学生一样,我不断问自己:“我为什么在学校,我在学什么?” 也许不那么普遍,“我学得足够吗?” 我没有去思考,而是直接去了源头。

I had the pleasure of meeting Robert Eckhardt, a man of many talents, but most recently an Experience Designer with The Walt Disney Studios. He has worked in product/visual design for 18 years for a variety of organizations, including the NFL and the National Park Service. I sat down with him to discuss what it takes to succeed in the constantly evolving design field.

我很高兴见到罗伯特·埃克哈特 ( Robert Eckhardt) ,他是一位才华横溢的人,但最近一次是华特迪士尼影业公司的体验设计师。 他在NFL和国家公园管理局等各种组织的产品/视觉设计领域工作了18年。 我和他坐下来讨论在不断发展的设计领域取得成功所需要的条件。

艺术学校 (Art School)

What did you learn in art school?


“I learned a process. I learned aesthetic theory. I learned how to see. There’s looking and there’s seeing. When you look at art, [you might say], oh that’s cool, I can do that, a five-year-old can do that. But if you can see art, you can see what the artist is trying to do. You have to learn how to see. I think if more people were taught to see, we would live in a more beautiful world. We wouldn’t have so much ugliness around us and visual pollution, from gross billboards to electrical wires all over this town [Los Angeles].”

“我学会了一个过程。 我学了美学理论。 我学会了看。 在看,在看。 当您看艺术时,[您可能会说],哦,这很酷,我可以做到,一个五岁的孩子可以做到。 但是,如果您能看到艺术,就可以看到艺术家正在尝试做的事情。 您必须学习如何看待。 我认为,如果教会更多的人去看看,我们将生活在一个更加美丽的世界中。 从周围的整个洛杉矶(洛杉矶)的总广告牌到电线,我们周围不会有那么丑陋和视觉污染。”

“You have to learn how to see.”

“I [also] learned how to collaborate. I learned to have thick skin. I had very mean professors, I mean they were tough. Our professors were from RISD (Rhode Island School of Design), Yale and Basel, Switzerland. So these are like the cream of the crop design schools. Their curriculum, they were sticking to the process. The manual labor, it slowed us down. That’s another recommendation, is to slow down. Take your time with things. Don’t feel rushed. I know deadlines and stuff come up and I know you don’t want to be in what I call ‘analysis paralysis.’ Sometimes you’re thinking about something so much that you’re just afraid to push that pixel. What if I do it and its wrong? Forget about that, just do it and move on. If you do something wrong, own it, learn from it. You will be so much better person, better designer, better employee, a better collaborator. Admit you’re wrong. Nothing like failure to reveal the truth. If you want the truth, do something completely wrong and you’ll get the truth, real fast.”

“我(也)学习了如何合作。 我学会了皮肤厚。 我有非常刻薄的教授,我是说他们很坚强。 我们的教授来自瑞士耶鲁大学和巴塞尔大学的RISD(罗德岛设计学院)。 因此,这些就像农作物设计学校的精华。 他们的课程,他们坚持这一过程。 体力劳动使我们放慢了速度。 这是另一个建议,那就是放慢速度。 花点时间处理事情。 别着急。 我知道截止日期和事情来了,而且我知道您不想陷入所谓的“分析瘫痪”。 有时,您在考虑的事情太多了,以至于您都不敢推那个像素。 如果我做错了怎么办? 忘记了,那就去做吧。 如果做错了,请拥有它,并从中学到东西。 您将成为更好的人,更好的设计师,更好的员工,更好的合作者。 承认你错了。 没有什么比未能揭示真相更重要。 如果您想要真相,那么做一些完全错误的事情,您将很快得到真相。”

“If you want the truth, do something completely wrong and you’ll get the truth, real fast.”

“I also learned how to express myself. I learned how to critique. Critiquing others work really, really helps you with your own. You cannot be a good critiquer[sic] unless you know how to see. Anything you say, back it up. Don’t just say, ‘I don’t like it.’ Why don’t you like it? I like the term, ‘what if?’ Say, ‘I don’t know if this is working, but what if?’ It leaves it open. It’s more diplomatic. The other designer needs to feel like, what you said will actually make their work better. At the end of the day, that’s what we want.”

“我还学习了如何表达自己。 我学会了批判。 批判他人的工作确实非常有帮助。 除非您知道如何看待,否则您不能成为一个很好的评论家。 无论您说什么,都请备份。 不要只是说,“我不喜欢它。” 你为什么不喜欢它? 我喜欢“如果?”这个词。 说,“我不知道这是否有效,但是如果呢?” 它保持打开状态。 更外交。 另一位设计师需要感觉,您所说的实际上将使他们的工作更好。 归根结底,这就是我们想要的。”

What is “the process”?


“The process is:


1. Understanding. “Understanding is key. To understand, you need to research. I always put it this way: if you’re designing a book, read the book. Not only read the book, interview the author. Not only interview the author, interview the publisher and editor. If you’re designing a book, know the story of it. If it’s set in a certain town, research the town. If it deals with an issue, like a disease, or an athlete, research the sport or the medical condition. Do that first. Get a comprehensive understanding.

1.理解。 理解是关键。 要了解,您需要进行研究。 我总是这样说:如果您正在设计一本书,请阅读本书。 不仅读书,还采访作者。 不仅采访作者,采访出版商和编辑。 如果您正在设计一本书,请了解它的故事。 如果是在某个城镇,请研究该城镇。 如果涉及疾病或运动员等问题,请研究运动或医疗状况。 先做。 全面了解。

a. “Understand the readers. Is it fiction, is it non-fiction? Who are those readers? Who typically buys those books? Interview them. Get a complete and total understanding.

一个。 “了解读者。 是小说还是非小说? 这些读者是谁? 谁通常购买那些书? 采访他们。 全面了解。

“That research isn’t always seen as productive, but to me it’s a huge and integral part of the process. If you honestly don’t have budget or time for user feedback and research, you have friends, coworkers, classmates. You can still do that research. You just do it Guerilla style.”

“这项研究并不总是被认为富有成效,但是对我来说,这是整个过程中不可或缺的一部分。 老实说,如果您没有预算或时间来进行用户反馈和研究,那么您就有朋友,同事和同学。 您仍然可以进行这项研究。 您只需执行游击队风格即可。”

2. Create artifacts of understanding. “Taking understanding to the next level is shared understanding. Being able to communicate your ideas, your product, to a room full of people. You’ve done this research, you’ve come up with some cool ideas, how do you get those ideas out of here (your head) and onto something. There is no ‘one-size fits all’ presentation tool for this type of work. Build something out of construction paper, if you think that’ll work. Build a sophisticated prototype. Draw something in Illustrator. Whatever it takes to tell the story of that understanding of your designed product.”

2.创建理解的产物。 “将理解提高到一个新水平就是共享理解。 能够将您的想法和产品传达给一个人满为患的房间。 您已经完成了这项研究,提出了一些很酷的想法,如何将这些想法从这里(头脑中)转移到某个东西上。 对于这种类型的工作,没有“一刀切”的演示工具。 如果您认为可行的话,请使用工作用纸制作一些东西。 建立一个复杂的原型。 在Illustrator中绘制一些东西。 讲述讲述对设计产品的了解所需的一切。”

3. Feedback loops. “To get from start to finish, products do this: loopy thing. Constantly doing feedback loops. Each loop is a collaborative session. The product keeps getting massaged to it’s ‘truth’. When I say truth, I mean: what’s the authenticity of this product? Is it authentically going to solve the business problem and the user problem?”

3.反馈循环。 “从头到尾,产品都必须这样做::回的事情。 不断进行反馈循环。 每个循环都是一个协作会话。 该产品不断被按摩至“真相”。 当我说真话时,我的意思是:该产品的真实性是什么? 它能真正解决业务问题和用户问题吗?”

“You can’t make assumptions. You can make educated guesses, and that goes back to the research. Every time you make a decision, an ideation, back it up. ‘I did this because…the insights I gathered from this, led me to this and I think, not assuming, I think that will make it successful, but I’m not sure. Let’s show it to someone else.’ Test it and see if that assumption is true. Always challenge yourself and always challenge your assumptions. Never say, ‘It’s fine, ’cause I’m the designer.’”

“你不能做假设。 您可以进行有根据的猜测,然后可以追溯到研究。 每次您做出决定时,都要进行构想。 “我之所以这样做,是因为……我从中收集的见解将我引向了这一点,我认为,并不是假设,我认为那将使它成功,但我不确定。 让我们向其他人展示。” 测试它,看看该假设是否正确。 总是挑战自己,总是挑战自己的假设。 永远不要说,“很好,因为我是设计师。””

Do you think that’s the purpose of design school then?


“Yeah, I think that’s the purpose of any art program. If you’re going to be a practitioner, and creating, visual communication, you should know how to see. Not only see, but interpret almost anything you look at. Once you break that seal, it’s really hard to live in this world.”

“是的,我认为这是任何艺术计划的目的。 如果您要成为一名从业者,并进行视觉交流,您应该知道如何看待。 不仅可以看到,而且可以解释您所看到的几乎所有内容。 一旦打破这种封印,就很难在这个世界上生活。”

A lot of people say, you can teach yourself anything on the internet now, do you believe that?


“I believe, yes. I am self-taught in a lot of ways, but I don’t believe you can become a great designer in a vacuum. I think you need other people to collaborate. I think technical skills, absolutely. I had to fix something in the house, the other day…a faucet was broken, so I went to YouTube. Lo and behold, look at me, I’m a plumber. I taught myself Axure, which is another app you should look into if you’re learning digital products. It’s for prototyping. I say, it really allows me to think with my hands. I learned the technical skills for that but what I do with Axure would be nothing without the process. It’s just a tool. It’s like a hammer. A hammer can build a home, if you know how to build a home. You’re getting hired to create. That’s what design is, creating. Screw people with their tools, get the ones that work for you to help you create. You should be able to prove you can create these artifacts and you should have those artifacts in your portfolio to prove that you’ve done this work.”

“我相信,是的。 我在很多方面都是自学成才的,但是我不相信您可以在真空中成为一名出色的设计师。 我认为您需要其他人的协作。 我认为绝对是技术技能。 前几天,我不得不在屋子里修理东西……水龙头坏了,所以我去了YouTube。 瞧,看着我,我是水管工。 我自学了Axure ,如果您正在学习数字产品,这是另一个应用程序。 它是用于原型制作。 我说,这确实使我可以用手思考。 我为此学习了技术技能,但是如果没有该过程,我对Axure的工作将一事无成。 这只是一个工具。 就像锤子一样。 如果您知道如何建造房屋,锤子可以建造房屋。 您将被雇用创建。 设计就是创造。 用工具拧紧人们,找到适合您的工具来帮助您创建。 您应该能够证明可以创建这些工件,并且应该在投资组合中包含这些工件以证明您已经完成了这项工作。”

“I am self-taught in a lot of ways, but I don’t believe you can become a great designer in a vacuum.”

您的第一份工作 (Your First Job)

For portfolio purpose, should you show an entire process from start to finish, or for at least one project?


“Robots read your resumes now, so you have to write your resumes for robots. Remove your dates. Make your language more like 10th grade. I’ve gone back and forth, I used to do these write-ups and be like, this is what I did in my process. It would be paragraphs. I would go to interviews, expecting people would at least read. They didn’t. Then I went the opposite, where I reduced it way down: this date, this is what I did, if you want to look at it, here it is. Ask me about it later. Then I add the case studies, to kind of expand on that. I feel like that’s working for me now. I would recommend maybe, do a more standard, buffet style portfolio, where they can get a good breadth of your work and then maybe a deep dive on one or two, for the curious. But again, still keep it brief. No more than like maybe, 500 words, tops.”

“机器人现在要阅读您的简历,因此您必须为机器人写简历。 删除您的日期。 使您的语言更像十年级。 我来回走了,我曾经做过这些写作,就像,这就是我在过程中所做的。 这将是段落。 我会去接受采访,希望人们至少会阅读。 他们没有。 然后我去了相反的地方,我把它缩小了一点:这个日期,这就是我所做的,如果您想看一下,它就在这里。 稍后再问我。 然后,我添加了案例研究,以对此进行扩展。 我觉得那对我来说很有效。 我建议也许做一个更标准的自助餐风格的投资组合,以使他们对您的工作有很好的了解,然后出于好奇的原因而深入研究一两个。 但同样,请保持简短。 最多只能输入500个单词。”

Do you think people absolutely 100% should go through internships?


“Yes, I believe in apprenticeships. Germany is interesting, because not every kid goes to college, but every kid gets an apprenticeship and they learn on the job. What I learned in school, was very high level stuff. These are all great things to learn, to get comfortable with yourself and your work. What I learned in the field, once I started doing actual work, with real clients…way more beneficial. Especially for this type of work. I think learning from a really accomplished colleague or mentor is by-far greater than any classroom. I highly recommend internships, I would demand you get paid. I would recommend doing it with some place you really admire and respect, if you can. Take it as an opportunity, even if you’re doing crappy work. My interns, I always brought them into meetings. They were always right there, witnessing. That access alone, you’ll learn so much from. Just being in that room.”

“是的,我相信学徒制。 德国很有趣,因为不是每个孩子都上大学,而是每个孩子都获得学徒制,并且在工作中学习。 我在学校学到的是非常高级的东西。 这些都是要学习的好东西,可以使自己和工作变得舒适。 一旦我开始与实际客户进行实际工作,我在该领域学到的东西……将变得更加有益。 特别是对于这类工作。 我认为向真正有成就的同事或导师学习比任何教室都要重要。 我强烈建议实习,我要求您获得报酬。 如果可以的话,我建议在您真正敬佩和尊重的地方做这件事。 即使您做得很糟糕,也要以此为契机。 我的实习生,我总是带他们参加会议。 他们总是在那里见证。 单凭访问权限,您将学到很多东西。 只是在那个房间里。”

What is your experience, good or bad, with students straight out of school?


“Some students who come out act like they know it all. Don’t do that. Your degree is not a license to be snotty. The kids coming out of school who’ve impressed me are the curious ones. Also the ones who aren’t afraid to speak up. I’ve work with a lot of young people who had ideas, who were wallflowers. Some people, that’s their personality, but in a creative collaborative environment, learning to have the confidence to express yourself is a huge win. I find, that’s where success happens. In a creative world, fresh perspectives…is so beneficial.”

“有些出来的学生表现得很了解。 不要那样做 您的学位不是流氓的许可证。 那些让我印象深刻的放学的孩子是好奇的孩子。 还有那些不害怕说出来的人。 我和很多有想法的年轻人一起工作,他们都是壁花。 有些人就是他们的个性,但是在一个富有创造力的协作环境中,学会有信心表达自己是一个巨大的胜利。 我发现,这就是成功发生的地方。 在创新的世界中,新鲜的观点……是如此有益。”

“Your degree is not a license to be snotty.”

长寿 (Longevity)

How do you stay relevant?


“I’m a tech hobbyist, so I’ve always been enamored by technology, so that helps, it’s just natural for me. But its also my industry. I don’t have to force myself to be relevant. When the iPhone came out, I was like, ‘I cannot wait to design for that…to figure it out.’”

“我是技术爱好者,所以我一直被技术迷恋,所以这对我来说很自然。 但这也是我的行业。 我不必强迫自己变得重要。 当iPhone问世时,我就像在说:“我迫不及待地想为它设计……以解决它。”

How do you personally gauge, what trends to follow?


“It all depends on who I’m working for. If you’re paying me, I will follow things. For example, now I’m working in the movies, so I’m really tuned into…back to that understanding…I’m tuned into movie-goers and movie purchases. Which I happen to be one, but that means nothing. Your own personal bias means nothing. Always question your personal bias. So right now, I’m really into movie trends, how movies are bought, sold, distributed.”

“这完全取决于我为谁工作。 如果您付钱给我,我会关注的。 例如,现在我正在电影中工作,因此我真的很喜欢……回到这种理解……我很喜欢电影观众和购买电影。 我碰巧是一个,但这没什么意义。 您自己的个人偏见没有任何意义。 总是质疑您的个人偏见。 因此,现在,我真的很喜欢电影潮流,如何购买,出售和发行电影。”

“I let my work drive the relevancy of the trends I follow, but I’m really tuned into the big players of the industry. I try to follow them as leaders, not as a fan boy, but really just trying to figure out what they’re doing.”

“我让我的工作推动着我追随的趋势的相关性,但我确实被该行业的主要参与者所吸引。 我试图跟随他们成为领导者,而不是作为一个狂热的男孩,而实际上只是想弄清楚他们在做什么。”

How do you prevent a burnout? How do you balance family life with this constant need to learn?

您如何防止倦怠? 您如何平衡家庭生活与不断学习的需求?

“I just demand it. Part of the reason I left the NFL was because I would leave for work early in the morning and not get home until 9:30–10, so I made a change to get that back. I would ask about it in the interview. You never get what you don’t ask for. Same for Salary. You ask for the money you want, and do your research. Always ask about it, and make sure to talk to more than just one person.”

“我只是要求它。 我离开NFL的部分原因是因为我一大早就要去上班,直到9:30-10才回家,所以我做了个改变以取回。 我会在面试中问这个问题。 您永远不会得到自己不想要的东西。 工资也一样。 您索要所需的钱,然后进行研究。 总是问这个问题,并确保与一个以上的人交谈。”

“You never get what you don’t ask for.”

最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

Another app that we talked about, but didn’t make it into this article is Sketch. I took his advice and started using it for my wireframes and mockups. I HIGHLY recommend it. Here’s how he put it: “All the widget shops, if you use photoshop[to design products], you’ll get laughed at. They’ve all moved on [to sketch].” Both apps we discussed are available at a discount for Students/Teachers. $50 bucks for Sketch and $free for Axure.

我们讨论过但未在本文中提及的另一个应用程序是Sketch 。 我接受了他的建议,并开始将其用于线框和模型。 我强烈推荐它。 他是这样说的:“所有小部件商店,如果您使用photoshop [设计产品],您都会被嘲笑。 他们全都[素描]。” 我们讨论的这两个应用程序都可为学生/教师提供折扣。 Sketch的费用为$ 50,Axure的费用为$ 50。

The conversation I had with Bob was a reassurance that I’m on the right path. I greatly appreciate him taking the time to mentor me and I know I will be better for it. In closing, here are more of his inspiring words:

我与鲍勃的谈话使我放心,我走了正确的路。 我非常感谢他抽空指导我,我知道我会为此做得更好。 最后,这里是他更多鼓舞人心的话:

“Never lose your curiosity. Always learn, whether you are teaching yourself, or you’re going to a class or you’re watching youtube videos…be curious.”
“永远不要失去好奇心。 无论您是在自学,还是要去上课,还是在观看youtube视频,请始终学习,请保持好奇。”

更新:2019年的最终最终想法 (UPDATE: Final Final Thoughts from 2019)

This originally published this article in early 2016. We're here now in 2019 and I've been a professional web developer for about 3 years. All of the info in this article is still relevant, with one small exception. Sketch. Sketch is still used a lot, but I've personally moved on to Adobe XD. It's free and has prototyping built-in. Figma is a strong contender too, however, after using all three, I prefer XD.

该文章最初于2016年初发表。我们现在于2019年在这里,我从事专业Web开发大约三年了。 本文中的所有信息仍然相关,只有一个例外。 草图。 Sketch仍然被大量使用,但是我个人已经转到了Adobe XD上 。 它是免费的,并内置了原型。 Figma也是一个强有力的竞争者,但是,在使用了全部三个之后,我更喜欢XD。

参考文献 (References)

Robert Eckhardt - Experience Designer, Digital

Robert Eckhardt-数字体验设计师

Interactive Wireframe Software & Mockup Tool | Axure

交互式线框软件和样机工具| 阿克斯雷



翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/getting-the-most-out-of-design-school/

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