

Maybe you're someone who doesn't have a computer science degree or maybe you don't come from a "technical" background. Maybe you're self-taught or you did a coding bootcamp. Or maybe you've been a software engineer for a few years and you've having trouble landing interviews.

也许您是没有计算机科学学位的人,或者您不是来自“技术”背景。 也许您是自学成才,或者您进行了编码训练营。 或者,也许您已经担任软件工程师几年了,但是在访问面试时遇到了麻烦。

Either way, you're finding it hard to land your first or next job. Here are practical things you can do to make it happen:

无论哪种方式,您都很难找到第一份工作或下一份工作。 您可以通过以下实际操作来实现这一目标:

? 获得真实经验 (? Get Real Experience)

"Entry-level Front End Developer. Minimum 1-year of experience with React". This is a catch-22. How are you supposed to get your first job if all of them require previous experience? Here's what you can do:

入门级前端开发人员。至少有1年React经验” 。 这是一个陷阱22。 如果所有这些人都需要以前的经验,应该如何获得第一份工作? 您可以执行以下操作:

  • ☐ Reach out to 3 companies asking if you can do an internship

  • ☐ Look for contract positions on Upwork, Craigslist or in a local tech community

  • ☐ Reach out to a local business and offer to redo their website

  • ☐ Contribute to an open source project


Goal: to get something on your resume. This will help you get through the first gate as a new developer.

目标:在简历中找些东西 。 这将帮助您成为新开发人员的第一步。

️网络 (?️ Network)

Network, network, network. Meet people. People lead to connections. Connections open the door for jobs. The more people you know and the more people you help, the more likely you are to find that next job. Do these things:

网络,网络,网络。 认识人。 人们导致联系。 连接为作业打开了大门。 您认识的人越多,您帮助的人越多,找到下一份工作的可能性就越大。 做这些事情:

  • ☐ DM 3 people on Twitter who do what you want to do. Learn from them.

    ☐在Twitter上有3个DM做您想做的事情。 向他们学习。
  • ☐ Go to 3 local meetups and talk to people

  • ☐ Speak at 1 meetup. Give a lightening talk. Get your name out there. Mingle with meetup organizers

    ☐在1次聚会上讲话。 讲个轻松的话。 叫出你的名字。 与聚会组织者融合

Goal: to make connections and establish yourself in the industry. If you help others, good things will happen. Being known in the industry means opportunities will come to you, rather than you seeking them out.

目标: 建立联系并建立自己的行业地位。 如果你帮助别人,好事就会发生。 被业内称为意味着机遇会来找 ,而不是你去挖掘他们。

Share️分享你学到的东西 (✍️ Share What You Learn)

It's very easy to silo yourself and learn in a "cave" but share with the world what you're doing! It might inspire others, you might teach someone something new, and it's a good way for potential employers to see what you're doing

孤军奋战并在“洞穴”中学习很容易,但可以与全世界分享您在做什么! 它可能会激发他人的灵感,您可能会教给别人一些新的知识,这是潜在雇主了解您所做工作的好方法

  • ☐ Start your own blog and write a weekly post

  • ☐ Write 1 blog post about something you built. Get it published on a well-known blog.

    ☐写一篇关于您所建造的东西的博客文章。 将其发布在知名博客上。
  • ☐ Tweet about what you learn via #100DaysOfCode


Goal: to share publicly what you're doing as a developer to further your knowledge and skills. Plus the way you explain something might click for someone in ways other articles weren't able to do.

目标:公开分享您作为开发人员正在做的事情,以增进您的知识和技能。 加上您解释某事的方式可能会以其他文章无法做到的方式吸引某人。

? 建设项目 (? Build Projects)

If your portfolio and GitHub do not have projects in them, you are not going to get an interview. The projects you showcase speak to your technical ability. This is especially important if you don't have a CS degree.

如果您的投资组合和GitHub中没有项目,则不会进行面试。 您展示的项目说明了您的技术能力。 如果您没有CS学位,这一点尤其重要。

  • ☐ Build 1 project that solves an everyday problem for you

  • ☐ Pin 4 projects to your GitHub profile page

  • ☐ Write friendly READMEs with information about each project


Goal: to have substantial websites/apps that demonstrate what you can do. These will help you stand out among applicants and be good talking points during your interview.

目标:拥有大量的网站/应用程序来证明自己的能力。 这些将帮助您在求职者中脱颖而出,成为面试中的好话题。

If you do all of these things and you still can't get an interview, let me know. I will do my best to help you figure out what more you can do. However, I'm fairly confident this will put you on the right path ?

如果您做了所有这些事情 ,但仍然无法接受采访,请告诉我。 我会尽力帮助您弄清楚您还能做什么。 但是,我相当有信心这将使您走上正确的道路?



Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

安德鲁·尼尔 ( Andrew Neel)Unsplash

This post was first published on DEV.


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? 无耻的插件:如果您想看到更多类似的内容,请订阅我的新闻通讯: https : //buttondown.email/jsjoeio

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-practical-checklist-for-getting-a-job/






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