

In 2016 I was looking for an online coding bootcamp. I wanted on that would allow me to keep my full-time job at the time as a Web Developer and Designer, but at the same time help me bring my skills as a Full Stack Developer up to date.

在2016年,我正在寻找在线编码训练营。 我希望这样做可以保留我当时作为Web开发人员和设计师的全职工作,但同时也帮助我使我作为Full Stack开发人员的技能保持最新。

深入技术社区 (Diving into the tech community)

After a lot of research, I found freeCodeCamp, an online coding program, and I started to work on the Curriculum and projects for the Certifications.

经过大量研究,我找到了一个在线编码程序freeCodeCamp ,并且开始从事认证课程和项目。

This exciting adventure helped me, in 2018, make the decision to start my remote freelance career and dedicate more time to completing the projects for the last certifications on freeCodeCamp.


I started to attend local Meetups to meet other developers and share the same passion for coding. But there was something more that I wanted to peruse: a Hackathon. When FreeCodeCamp announced the online Hackathon in 2018, I just jumped in. Although that was my first experience and my team didn’t win any prizes, I decided to find other Hackathons in my area to repeat the experience.

我开始参加当地的Meetups,与其他开发人员会面,并对编码充满热情。 但是我还想细读一些东西:黑客马拉松。 当FreeCodeCamp在2018年宣布在线Hackathon时,我只是参加了。尽管这是我的第一次经历,而我的团队没有赢得任何奖项,但我还是决定在我所在的地区寻找其他Hackathon来重复这一经历。

Hackathons give you that kind of energy that you can’t explain to others. You get to work for 24 hours with a team you met a few minutes before and get to create wonderful projects.

骇客马拉松为您提供了您无法向他人解释的那种能量。 您可以与几分钟前遇到的团队一起工作24小时,并可以创建出色的项目。

When I found that there was Hack Upstate XIII organized in my area, I didn’t think twice and I signed up right away. I waited impatiently every day for the big day to come.

当我发现在我所在的地区组织了Hack Upstate XIII时 ,我没有三思而后行,我立即注册了。 我每天不耐烦地等待着大日子的到来。

In the meantime, the more you look around the more you see stuff you never saw before. I discovered Albany Can Code, a local coding bootcamp that has Front End and Back End Developer classes. I joined to fulfill my dream to go back to college at least in a different sort of way.

同时,环顾四周的人越多,看到的东西就越多。 我发现了Albany Can Code ,这是一个具有前端和后端开发人员类的本地编码训练营。 我加入以实现我的梦想,至少以另一种方式回到大学。

I remember that everything happened so fast in my life that in no time I was doing everything I loved. I had a remote career that allowed me to work my own hours and study to get my certifications. I got the chance to work with a team of classmates in projects using Scrum as an Agile environment. The first projects for graduation were individual projects but the last projects were team projects.

我记得生活中所有事情发生得如此之快,以至于我没有时间去做自己喜欢的事情。 我的职业生涯很遥远,这使我可以自己工作,学习以获取认证。 我有机会与使用Scrum作为敏捷环境的项目中的一组同学一起工作。 毕业的第一个项目是个人项目,但最后一个项目是团队项目。

During the class, we went from React Hooks — a hot topic — to React Native just a few weeks before the Hackathon. We worked on a few small projects, nothing fancy. Our instructors introduced us to Expo.io and the particulars of React Native that differentiate it from React.

在上课期间,我们在Hackathon召开前几周就从热门话题React Hooks转到了React Native。 我们从事一些小项目,没有什么花哨的。 我们的讲师向我们介绍了Expo.io以及React Native与React Native的区别。

Time was going by so fast, and I got involved more and more in coding meetups. One situation brings another one, and I was asked to teach Flutter at Google Developer Group of Capital Region. Shortly after I got nominated as a Women Techmakers Ambassador for the same chapter (Capital Region).

时间过得真快,我越来越多地参与编写聚会的代码。 一种情况带来了另一种情况,我被要求在Capital Region的Google Developer Group教Flutter。 在我被提名担任同一章(首都地区)的女性技术制造商大使后不久。

In the meantime, my freelance business started to grow. I was working on a few projects that gave me time to attend my coding bootcamp and organize the Google Developer Group CodeLabs and StudyJams though the Meetup Group.

在此期间,我的自由职业开始增长。 我正在从事一些项目,这些项目使我有时间参加我的编码训练营,并通过Meetup组来组织Google Developer Group CodeLabs和StudyJams。

I started to find myself so busy in all kind of activities that I found it difficult to take in more.


黑客马拉松 (The Hackathon)

The day before my Hackathon I just had time to pack some stuff I needed for the 48 hours I would be away from home. My husband supported every single decision of mine and made it easier on me to be part of all this craziness.

在我的Hackathon比赛的前一天,我有时间打包我离开家48小时所需的东西。 我丈夫支持我的每一个决定,使我更容易成为所有这些疯狂行为的一部分。

I arrived at the Hackathon and I had to find a team to join. I hoped to find a project that I could contribute to.

我到达了Hackathon,不得不寻找一个团队加入。 我希望找到一个我可以为之贡献的项目。

寻找团队 (Finding a team)

I only knew one girl that I met few weeks before that was going to go to the Hackathon. I was hoping to make a team with her, but when we came in I couldn’t find her in the crowd. The opening ceremony started and I was getting nervous because I didn’t have a team yet and they were already presenting the projects.

我只认识一个我在去马拉松比赛前几周见过的女孩。 我希望与她组成一个团队,但是当我们进来时,我在人群中找不到她。 开幕式开始了,我很紧张,因为我还没有团队,他们已经在介绍项目。

I had few chances to find a team before the ceremony, when I heard someone saying that they needed a Graphic and Web Designer. So I introduced myself and suggested that we could form a team. I found out that they were companies looking for talent and they asked me to contact them after the competition. That was nice because I am always open to joining a remote team to work as a Full Stack Developer no matter if in the Front End or the Back-End.

典礼前,当我听到有人说他们需要图形和Web设计师时,我几乎没有机会找到一个团队。 因此,我自我介绍并建议我们可以组成一个团队。 我发现他们是在寻找人才的公司,他们要求我在比赛后与他们联系。 太好了,因为无论在前端还是后端,我总是愿意加入一个远程团队来担任Full Stack Developer。

Listening to all the great ideas the groups were putting on the table I was thinking that I might need to work alone on a project. I figured I’d better start to coming up with some ideas.

听了小组提出的所有好主意之后,我想我可能需要独自完成一个项目。 我想我最好开始提出一些想法。

All of a sudden I heard one of the last groups presenting say that they were looking for a Designer, since they had all the other parts of the team already formed. I didn’t even hear very well what they were going to work on, and everyone started to walk away from the room to find a spot to start to code.

突然间,我听到最后一批与会者说他们正在寻找设计师,因为他们已经组建了团队的所有其他部分。 我什至没有很好地听到他们将要进行的工作,每个人都开始离开房间寻找可以编码的地方。

I ran after the two guys that presented their project and introduced myself and told them that I was a Designer and I could join their team. We agreed and we headed to the office area to find a spot for us. We started all to talk about the project we would develop and which of the API’s in the competition we would use.

我追捕了介绍他们的项目并自我介绍的两个人,并告诉他们我是一名设计师,我可以加入他们的团队。 我们达成了一致,然后前往办公区为我们找到了位置。 我们开始谈论我们将开发的项目以及我们将使用竞争中的哪个API。

科技 (The tech)

I was really hoping to work on a React project since I had some experience with projects I worked on for freeCodeCamp and the Albany Can Code bootcamp. I got hit by a hammer when I heard we would be working on a React Native project — but no one knew React Native. Some guys knew React like I did, and they decided to take care of the Front End functionality that I was hoping to work on. Some other guys knew Python and they were taking care of the Back End using Heroku and a Raspberry Pi to host the server and connect it to the API.

我真的很希望从事React项目,因为我有一些为freeCodeCamp和Albany Can Code训练营工作过的项目的经验。 当我听说我们将要进行一个React Native项目时,我被重锤击中,但是没人知道React Native。 有些人像我一样了解React,因此他们决定照顾我希望继续从事的前端功能。 其他一些人知道Python,他们正在使用Heroku和Raspberry Pi来管理后端,以托管服务器并将其连接到API。

We were going to build an app called Parking Assistant that makes parking easier for drivers in the city by solving two types of problems: 1) managing long-term street parking and 2) addressing crime risks in the immediate area of the parking location.

我们将要开发一个名为Parking Assistant的应用程序,该应用程序可以通过解决以下两种类型的问题来简化城市驾驶员的停车:1)管理长期路边停车; 2)解决停车位置附近地区的犯罪风险。

即时学习 (Learning on the fly)

I felt like I couldn’t breathe when I found out that I was supposed to take care of the React Native part. I didn’t know what to say. I proposed to the team that we use Expo.io to test our mobile app since I had some experience with it.

当我发现自己应该照顾React Native的部分时,我感到无法呼吸。 我不知道该说些什么。 我向团队建议我们使用Expo.io 测试我们的移动应用程序,因为我对此有一些经验。

A few minutes later I was in front of a whiteboard making sketches of an app that I didn’t have any idea how to build. My team was making plans on how to break the process down into steps and distribute the work to be done between us.

几分钟后,我站在白板上,为我不知道如何构建的应用程序绘制草图。 我的团队正在制定计划,以将流程分解为各个步骤,并在我们之间分配要完成的工作。

Inside me, I was getting very nervous and found it difficult to concentrate. We finished making plans and deciding what everyone would do. We then started our own adventures and research. Somehow I didn’t pull myself out of this team and project — but I didn’t want to disappoint them and create a disaster.

在我内心,我变得非常紧张,很难集中精神。 我们完成了计划并决定了每个人都会做什么。 然后,我们开始了自己的冒险和研究。 不知何故,我并没有退出团队和项目,但我不想让他们失望并造成灾难。

The clock was ticking I was talking with the team asking questions and answering others to see how to coordinate our work. All the code I was writing was not working and I was not able to make much progress. I was reading the documentation because I knew that React Native is different than React. I was not using HTML and CSS for the Design part but had a different kind of approach that I needed first to get familiar with.

时钟在滴答作响,我正在与团队交谈,询问问题并回答其他人,以了解如何协调我们的工作。 我正在编写的所有代码都无法正常工作,并且无法取得很大的进步。 我正在阅读文档,因为我知道React Native与React不同。 我在设计部分没有使用HTML和CSS,但是我首先需要熟悉另一种方法。

I got to build a very simple home page for our app with a title and a button and customize it. I made it answer the gestures using the React code that I was more familiar with. React Native was for sure a challenge and the 24 hours we had in our hands to build our app was not enough to get to know all the ins and outs of the language.

我必须使用标题和按钮为我们的应用程序构建一个非常简单的主页,然后对其进行自定义。 我用我更熟悉的React代码回答了手势。 React Native无疑是一个挑战,而我们手头上的24小时构建应用程序还不足以了解该语言的所有来龙去脉。

That was the first step and gave me more confidence in me. In class, we did some staff in React Native but nothing I needed for my app, so I was on my own.

那是第一步,使我对我更有信心。 在课堂上,我们在React Native上做了一些工作人员,但是我的应用程序不需要任何东西,所以我一个人。

Now I had to build a compass feature to use in the next component when clicking the button on the homepage. It was not easy, and even though it was getting late into the night we continued our work. After a while, I got to work the Compass and the complexity behind it. We integrated the code step by step one with another and moved over to the next step so we got to see progress and the app taking shape. I felt much better after completing this part of the mission.

现在,我必须构建一个指南针功能,以在单击主页上的按钮时在下一个组件中使用。 这并不容易,即使到了深夜,我们仍继续工作。 一段时间后,我开始使用指南针及其背后的复杂性。 我们一步一步地将代码集成在一起,然后移至下一步,以便我们看到进度和应用程序的雏形。 完成任务的这一部分后,我感觉好多了。

Next on my list, I had to build a timer that would show to the user the time left until they needed to move their car to avoid a ticket. I found a library to use but it took me some time to figure out how to customize it. And even though I was following their instructions, it was not working the way I wanted it to work. At least I had the functionality we needed for the app, but I didn’t have too much time to play with it — we needed to add the component to the app so we could test the Compass and get the timer to work and get alerts as a result of using the API.

接下来,我必须建立一个计时器,该计时器将向用户显示直到他们需要移动汽车以避免购票的剩余时间。 我找到了一个要使用的库,但花了一些时间弄清楚如何对其进行自定义。 即使我按照他们的指示进行操作,也无法按照我希望的方式工作。 至少我拥有应用程序所需的功能,但是我没有太多时间去玩它-我们需要将组件添加到应用程序中,以便我们可以测试Compass并使计时器工作并获得警报由于使用了API。

We started to test the app in the office by choosing points on the map near us and trying to point the compass the way it made sense to make the app work. But it didn’t work correctly.

我们开始在办公室中测试应用程序,方法是在我们附近的地图上选择点,然后尝试将指南针指向使其能够正常工作的方式。 但是它不能正常工作。

We had to go out of the building on the street in the night to test the app. There were many things to overcome and work on after our testing. Other research and code debugging and so on. We were getting there and it was almost morning when all of us got some sleep in our sleeping bags on the floors all over the offices. Some people were from the area went home to sleep, lucky them! You couldn’t really sleep but just lying down and trying to close your eyes made you feel a little bit less exhausted. Our minds for sure would not shut off and would keep thinking of ideas to better our project.

我们不得不在晚上走出街上的建筑物来测试该应用程序。 测试之后,有很多事情需要克服和努力。 其他研究和代码调试等。 我们到了那里,差不多是早上,所有人都睡在办公室地板上的睡袋里。 来自该地区的一些人回家睡觉,幸运的是他们! 您无法真正入睡,而只是躺下并试图闭上眼睛,这会使您感到疲惫。 我们的头脑肯定不会停滞不前,并且会继续思考想法以改善我们的项目。

After a while, all of our team got together and got to prepare a presentation. We made some slides, a video demo, and so on.

一段时间后,我们所有的团队聚在一起准备了一个演示文稿 。 我们制作了一些幻灯片,视频演示等。

The hosts and the sponsors got us food and drinks for the whole time to get us to concentrate on our mission to deliver innovative projects.


我们的努力如何获得回报 (How our hard work paid off)

Everyone got ready to present the projects and we started to feel very good about our project and proud somehow. I was hoping in my heart to win at least a prize. The projects were one more innovative than the other, one more interesting than the other. It was not easy for the judges to decide and I got to like some of the projects in the competition myself. But I didn’t lose my focus. I came with the hope to build something but now I was confident and looking to win something.

每个人都准备好介绍项目,我们开始对我们的项目感到非常满意,并为此感到自豪。 我希望能赢得至少一个奖项。 这些项目比另一个项目更具创新性,一个比另一个项目更有趣。 评委们很难下定决心,我自己也喜欢比赛中的一些项目 。 但是我并没有失去专心。 我希望能有所建树,但现在我很有信心,并希望赢得一些东西。

The judges made their decision and silence came back in my mind and soul, my heart was beating slowly. All of the sudden I heard our app name: Parking Assistant won the Best Use of Stae’s API using a Syracuse Dataset prize. I was screaming inside my brain and threw my hands in the air and congratulated my team. As the list of prizes was getting smaller and smaller and nearer to the top and the Gran Prize, I heard again our app name. We won the First Runner-up prize! This time I started to scream from real from happiness.

评委们做出了决定,寂静回到了我的心灵,我的心在缓慢地跳动。 突然间,我听到了我们的应用名称:Parking Assistant使用Syracuse Dataset奖赢得了Stae APIBest Use 。 我在脑海中尖叫,双手向空中挥舞,向我的团队表示祝贺。 随着奖项的列表越来越小,越来越接近最高奖项和格兰奖,我再次听到了我们的应用名称。 我们获得了亚军奖! 这次我开始从幸福中尖叫出来。

It was not for the money, because we were a 7-person team — unusual for this kind of competition were the teams are between 2–5 or so people. The 2 prizes put together we had to divide between us, but we got to bring home $100 each. That was nice to have in our wallets, but the real joy was the fact that others appreciated our project.

这不是为了钱,因为我们是一个7人的团队-对于这种比赛而言,不寻常的是团队人数在2至5人之间。 这2个奖项的总和是我们必须分给的,但我们每个人必须带回100美元。 放进我们的钱包真是太好了,但真正的乐趣在于其他人赞赏我们的项目。

黑客马拉松如何改变了我的生活 (How the Hackathon changed my life)

When I got home I started to share our success with relatives, friends, colleagues and social networks. The feeling was great, and I saw people start to react to my posts not only on Facebook but on LinkedIn and Twitter also, which are more professional networks.

到家后,我开始与亲戚,朋友,同事和社交网络分享我们的成功。 感觉很棒,我看到人们开始对我的帖子做出React,不仅是在Facebook上,还是在LinkedIn和Twitter上,这些都是更专业的网络。

I turned back to my normal life to organize what I started before the Hackathon: a monthly Flutter Meetup Study Jam. I also celebrated International Women’s Day’19 with a fantastic group of women speakers and a conference room full of almost 50 women and men.

我回到了正常的生活中,整理了在黑客马拉松之前开始的活动:每月一次的Flutter Meetup学习果酱。 我还庆祝了19年国际妇女节,其中有一群精彩的女发言人和一间会议室,会议室里有近50名男女。

A few days later after the Hackathon, we got contacted by the Stae API staff to interview us about our experience working together on the project. It was nice to meet my team again, this time online. Everyone shared their experiences and future intentions related to our project.

在Hackathon之后的几天后, Stae API工作人员联系了我们,以采访我们有关我们在该项目上的合作经验。 很高兴再次与我的团队见面,这次是在线。 每个人都分享了与我们项目有关的经验和未来意图。

The outcome of the Hackathon was that all of the sudden I got to talk with people more and I become more interested in the experience and my team winning a project at the Hackathon. Not to mention that I got to talk with businesses interested in working on great projects who wanted to get me involved.

Hackathon的结果是,突然之间,我与人们进行了更多的交谈,并且我对这次体验和我的团队赢得了Hackathon的一个项目越来越感兴趣。 更不用说我要与对伟大项目感兴趣的企业进行交流,这些企业希望让我参与其中。

I think all of us should consider participating at Hackathons online and in person. It gives you the opportunity to show the world the skills you’ve gained as a self-taught Developer, and your ability to work with a team that you just met to create fully functional and innovative products. Even for those that didn’t win a prize, they still created very interesting apps. We all interacted with them and had fun together, and we connected to work on new projects or open new startup businesses.

我认为我们所有人都应该考虑在线或亲自参加Hackathons。 它使您有机会向世界展示您作为自学成才的开发人员所获得的技能,以及与刚遇到的团队合作创建功能齐全和创新产品的能力。 即使对于那些没有获奖的人,他们仍然创造了非常有趣的应用程序。 我们都与他们互动并一起过得很开心,并且我们连接在一起从事新项目或开办新的创业公司。

Also, before I finished writing this article for you, I got my invitation to the North America GDG Academy at the Google Boulder Office on July 12–13th.

另外,在为您完成这篇文章之前,我已于7月12日至13日受邀前往Google Boulder Office的北美GDG学院。

Going out there to attend Meetups and organizing Codelabs and events dedicated to tech put me in contact with many businesses and developers in my community. All of this made my business grow, which would not have happened if I was sitting at my desk in my home office looking for new projects to work on. You get recommendations from people around you that you just met about new projects you can join. Things start to happen to you just by being in the right place at the right time.

出去参加Meetups并组织Codelabs和专门针对技术的活动使我与社区中的许多企业和开发人员联系。 所有这些使我的业务得以发展,如果我坐在家庭办公室的办公桌旁寻找新的项目来进行,这是不可能的。 您会从周围的人那里得到关于您可以加入的新项目的建议。 只要在正确的时间在正确的地方,事情就会开始发生在您身上。

So to all of you, I would like to say: get out there and change the world! Even if you think you can’t do it now, if you don’t try it you will never know the outcome. The whole world is waiting for your change and innovation!

因此,对于所有人,我想说:走出去,改变世界! 即使您认为自己现在不能做,即使不尝试,也永远不会知道结果。 全世界都在等待您的改变和创新!

Happy Hacking!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-joining-coding-bootcamps-meetups-and-winning-a-hackathon-changed-my-life-completely-2addc66f1665/






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