

I didn’t know how much of an impact I had made working with freeCodeCamp as a volunteer editor until I was named a 2018 Top Contributor.


In the summer of 2017, Quincy Larson, freeCodeCamp’s founder, published an article asking for volunteer editors to help lead Medium’s largest technology publication. I read the article, and reached out to Quincy to volunteer my time editing articles for the publication.

2017年夏天,freeCodeCamp的创始人Quincy Larson发表了一篇文章,要求志愿者编辑帮助领导Medium最大的技术出版物 。 我阅读了这篇文章,并联系了昆西,以我的时间为该出版物编辑文章。

Prior to reaching out to Quincy, I had received a number of rejection emails from organizations I had applied to — either to be a technical writer or a web developer. So I was thrilled when he gave me a chance.

在联系Quincy之前,我已经收到我申请的组织发送的许多拒绝电子邮件,这些电子邮件是成为技术作家还是Web开发人员。 因此,当他给我机会时,我感到非常兴奋。

It’s been one year since I made that decision, and boy, am I so glad I took that step. Or as we say in the Nigerian social media space — it was worth the shot.

自从我做出决定以来已经过去了一年,男孩,我很高兴我迈出了这一步。 就像我们在尼日利亚社交媒体领域所说的那样-值得一试。

Steve Jobs talked about connecting the dots in his commencement speech at Stanford University — you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you only connect them looking backwards.

史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)在斯坦福大学(Stanford University)的开学演讲中谈到了将点点滴滴联系在一起–展望未来,您无法将点点滴滴相连; 您只需将它们向后看即可。

I didn’t realize back then how much the simple act of me volunteering would change the course of my life. I only wanted to give back to the platform that has been on the front-lines of helping millions of people (myself included) learn to code for FREE and ultimately get a developer job.

那时,我还没有意识到志愿服务这一简单的举动会改变我的生活。 我只想回想一下曾经帮助一百万人(包括我自己)学习免费编码并最终获得开发人员工作的一线平台。

For example, because I was volunteering for the freeCodeCamp Medium publication, I became a tech community builder. Earlier this year, I applied to Google developers community to start a Google Developer Group (GDG) chapter in Warri, Nigeria. My work with freeCodeCamp was instrumental in getting approval to start the GDG chapter. Here is the story about how I grew the community to 100 members (it’s more than 250 members at the moment).

例如,由于我自愿参加freeCodeCamp Medium出版物,所以我成为了一个技术社区建设者。 今年早些时候,我向Google开发人员社区提出了申请,要求尼日利亚沃里市开设Google Developer Group(GDG)分会 。 我在freeCodeCamp上的工作有助于获得批准来启动GDG章节。 这是关于我如何将社区增加到100个成员的故事(目前有250个成员)。

编辑生命中的一天 (A day in the life of an editor)

I didn’t just start editing articles after reaching out to become an editor. I had to be trained — my first attempt at editing a sample article resulted in cutting off 300 words from the original piece — meaning I changed the author’s voice too much.

在成为一名编辑之后,我不仅开始编辑文章。 我必须接受培训-我第一次尝试编辑示例文章导致从原始文章中砍掉300个单词-意味着我改变了作者的声音太多了。

Quincy trained me how to edit the articles subtly and effectively. He had been the sole editor for freeCodeCamp’s Medium publication, and needed help. I had to learn how to maintain the author’s original voice by studying the Editor’s handbook, prepared specifically for the volunteer editors. Quincy made it available to everyone, so that our process behind the scenes would be as transparent as possible.

昆西教会了我如何巧妙而有效地编辑文章。 他曾是freeCodeCamp的Medium出版物的唯一编辑,需要帮助。 我必须学习专门为志愿者编辑准备的《 编辑手册》 ,以学习如何保持作者的原始声音。 昆西使每个人都可以使用它,因此我们在幕后的过程将尽可能透明。

As editors, we strive to ensure that the articles we publish suit our readers’ needs (web development, data science, inspiring stories of people transitioning into tech, web design, and so on). We also want them to be easily approachable by the readers while maintaining the author’s original voice. And then there’s the art of crafting a catchy headline (no click-bait, please!) — people are busy, and most of the time their decision to read an article is influenced by the headline alone.

作为编辑,我们努力确保所发表的文章符合读者的需求(Web开发,数据科学,有关人员向技术过渡的鼓舞人心的故事,Web设计等)。 我们还希望读者在保持作者原始声音的同时,能够轻松地接近它们。 然后是制作引人入胜的标题的艺术(请不要单击诱饵!)—人们很忙,而且大多数情况下,阅读文章的决定仅受标题的影响。

观念的转变和最重要的教训-金钱与人 (A change in perspective and the most important lesson learned — money vs people)

“One does not make a difference unless it is a difference in the lives of people.” — Joseph Schumpeter
“除非改变人们的生活,否则没有改变。” —约瑟夫·熊彼特

I learn a ton about tech from the technical articles submitted to our publication. But none of this information beats the most important lesson that I’ve learned over the past year — that we’re making an impact in people’s lives.

我从提交给我们出版物的技术文章中学到了很多关于技术的知识。 但是,这些信息都没有超过我在过去一年中学到的最重要的一课,即我们正在影响人们的生活。

My perspective has changed regarding what truly matters in life: people. I used to think that the possession of money defined how successful a person is. Well, our society is hard-wired to make us believe this mirage. But that’s not true. How much you invest in the lives of other people measures how successful you are as an individual.

对于生活中真正重要的事情,我的看法已经改变:人。 我曾经认为,拥有金钱决定了一个人的成功。 好吧,我们的社会很难让我们相信这种海市rage楼。 但这不是事实。 您在他人生活中的投入多少可以衡量您作为个人的成功程度。

Case in point? Quincy Larson — who is leading millions of people learning to code for FREE. To me, Quincy is a huge success because he has an impact on so many lives. And my association with him has made a tremendous impact in my life.

举个例子吗? 昆西·拉森(Quincy Larson)-正在带领数百万人学习免费编码 。 对我来说,昆西取得了巨大的成功,因为他对许多人的生活产生了影响。 我与他的交往对我的生活产生了巨大的影响。

Over time, I’ve realized that your life truly counts for something when you influence the world around you with the investment of your personality. Even if they never get to know how much you are doing to make their lives and work easier — it’s worth it.

随着时间的流逝,我已经意识到,当您用自己的个性来影响周围的世界时,您的生活才真正有价值。 即使他们从不知道您为使他们的生活和工作变得更轻松而做了多少工作,这也是值得的。

For example, the team of volunteer editors, like myself, helps the freeCodeCamp Medium publication’s authors from around the world edit their articles so that they are easy to read and approachable.

例如,像我一样的志愿者编辑团队,帮助来自世界各地的freeCodeCamp Medium出版物的作者编辑其文章,以使它们易于阅读且易于使用。

But that author may never know which editor helped refine their work. Or even that there was an editor at all.

但是那个作者可能永远不知道哪个编辑器帮助完善了他们的工作。 甚至根本没有编辑。

But helping people — no matter the recognition — is one of the major reasons why I started a GDG chapter in my local community, Warri and why I edit articles for freeCodeCamp. I am getting to help people become software developers (and I wrote about it here) — and that’s a great thing.

但是,无论人们如何认可,帮助人们都是我在我的本地社区Warri开始GDG章节以及为什么我为freeCodeCamp编辑文章的主要原因之一。 我正在帮助人们成为软件开发人员(我在这里写了有关)—这是一件了不起的事情。

I have often been asked a question: “Charles, how do you survive and take care of your family while volunteering for freeCodeCamp?” Quincy Larson once answered that question on Quora regarding how he supports himself and his family while working 100% on freeCodeCamp. Spoiler alert — It’s a lengthy read and if you really want to know, then read it here.

我经常被问到一个问题:“查尔斯,当您自愿参加freeCodeCamp时,您如何生存并照顾家人?” 昆西·拉尔森(Quincy Larson)曾经在Quora上回答过有关他如何在freeCodeCamp上工作100%时如何养活自己和家人的问题。 剧透警报-冗长的阅读内容,如果您真的想知道,请在此处阅读。

邀请freeCodeCamp杰出贡献者活动 (The Invite to freeCodeCamp Top Contributor’s Event)

On the morning of June 11, 2018, an email dropped in my inbox — it was from Quincy. As I read it, I was immediately overwhelmed. I tapped my wife on the shoulder and I told her that Quincy Larson had just invited me to freeCodeCamp’s Top Contributor events in New York, Dublin, and/or Hong Kong.

2018年6月11日上午,我的收件箱中收到一封电子邮件-来自昆西。 当我读到它时,我立刻不知所措。 我轻拍了我妻子的肩膀,并告诉她昆西·拉尔森(Quincy Larson)刚刚邀请我参加了CodeCamp在纽约,都柏林和/或香港举行的杰出贡献者活动。

I am truly honored to be listed among the 200 freeCodeCamp top contributors for the year 2018. I congratulate everyone of you! And to the taste-makers of the tech publication (the editorial team), cheers to you all as well.

我真的很荣幸能入选2018年度200个freeCodeCamp杰出贡献者。我向大家表示祝贺! 对于技术出版物的品味制造者(编辑团队),也为大家欢呼。

I hope to attend one of the top contributors events and meet some of the amazing contributors to the freeCodeCamp platform.


Thanks for reading! You can give this article some claps so others can see. I am available for hire — front-end development, technical writing, or editing. Send me an email: charles.eteure [at] gmail [dot] com

谢谢阅读! 您可以为本文提供一些掌声,以便其他人可以看到。 我可以聘用-前端开发,技术写作或编辑。 给我发送电子邮件:charles.eteure [at] gmail [dot] com

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-one-year-of-being-a-volunteer-editor-for-freecodecamp-has-changed-my-life-182057986483/






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