如何在国内上medium_希望在Medium上有更多鼓掌和追随者? 这是在5分钟内设计自己的“跟我来” GIF的方法


I read an article about how adding a GIF demonstrating how to like and subscribe massively increased reader action. When I first read it, I though that it was too hard to do, so I never tried it.

我读了一篇有关如何添加GIF的文章,展示了如何喜欢和订阅大量增加的读者操作。 当我第一次阅读它时,尽管我觉得它太难了,所以我从未尝试过。

Well, I recently started using a screen recorder for making video tutorials, and wondered if I could also make a GIF.


It turned out to be a pretty simple task.


The first thing to do is to record the clapping and following actions. I work on Ubuntu and used Kazam for my screen recording. If you work on Linux then I suggest you do the same. It has a great ‘record an area’ function which is very useful.

首先要做的是记录拍手和随后的动作。 我在Ubuntu上工作,并使用Kazam进行屏幕录制。 如果您在Linux上工作,那么我建议您也这样做。 它具有出色的“记录区域”功能,非常有用。

sudo apt install kazam

When it’s finished installing, open it up. It has a very simple user interface and is even easier to use. To test it out, select “area” then it will prompt you to select an area. Highlight a random area and hit enter to confirm. Now you’re ready to record.

安装完成后,将其打开。 它具有非常简单的用户界面,甚至更易于使用。 要进行测试,请选择“区域”,然后它会提示您选择一个区域。 突出显示一个随机区域,然后按Enter键进行确认。 现在您可以开始录制了。

Hit the “capture” button and then the countdown will start. Move your mouse around in the area or click on something so the area changes. When you’re done, click on the recording icon at the top right of your screen and “stop recording”. Click back onto Kazam and you’ll be asked whether you want to edit or save. We’ll be saving our clips. You can then view it to check that everything is working.

点击“捕获”按钮,然后开始倒计时。 在该区域中四处移动鼠标或单击某些内容以使该区域发生变化。 完成后,单击屏幕右上方的录制图标,然后“停止录制”。 单击返回到Kazam,将询问您是否要编辑或保存。 我们将保存剪辑。 然后,您可以查看它以检查一切是否正常。

记录中级拍手并关注 (Recording the Medium clap and follow)

If you go into one of your own posts, you can’t clap or subscribe to yourself so we need to make a second account. Once logged into the second account, search for one of your articles and scroll to the “clap and subscribe” section.

如果您发表自己的文章,则无法鼓掌或订阅自己,因此我们需要创建第二个帐户。 登录第二个帐户后,搜索您的文章之一,然后滚动到“拍击并订阅”部分。

Go back onto Kazam and select the area around the clap and subscribe. If it gives you a capture size of less than 1000x300 then zoom the browser. Having a higher resolution video means you can get a bigger gif, which is important since you can’t increase the size of medium images (or gifs).

返回Kazam,选择拍手周围的区域并订阅。 如果捕获的尺寸小于1000x300,请缩放浏览器。 拥有更高分辨率的视频意味着您可以获得更大的gif,这很重要,因为您不能增加中等图像(或gif)的大小。

Now you need to follow the recording process again.


  • Start the recording.

  • Wait for the countdown.

  • Click the clap button then the subscribe button.

  • Save the recording.


If you want to re-record the video, you can unsubscribe and recall the claps (using the three dots on the right) and try again.


视频转GIF (Video to GIF)

There are loads of services online to convert videos to GIFs but I used EZ GIF. You can upload, trim and convert the video to a GIF really easily.

在线提供大量服务,可将视频转换为GIF,但我使用的是EZ GIF。 您可以非常轻松地上传,修剪视频并将其转换为GIF。

When you convert to GIF, make sure you choose a high resolution. I like “auto x 480" or “1200 x 300”.

转换为GIF时,请确保选择高分辨率。 我喜欢“自动x 480”或“ 1200 x 300”。

玩你GIF (Play you GIF)

You now have your own GIF to add to the end of all of your posts.


If you write for any publications then you can do the same for these posts.


NEXT -> These are the questions you want to ask at that job interview.

下一步-> 这些是您在面试中要问的问题

If you found this tutorial useful, you know what to do now. Hit that clap button and follow me to get more articles and tutorials on your feed.

如果您发现本教程有用,那么您现在知道该怎么做。 点击该拍手按钮,然后关注我,以在您的供稿上获取更多文章和教程。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/want-more-claps-and-followers-how-to-make-a-clap-me-gif-in-5-minutes-db85a24950f6/






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