算法训练营 重编码_编码训练营结束后,我花了3个月时间申请工作。 这是我学到的。...

算法训练营 重编码

by Felix Feng


编码训练营结束后,我花了3个月时间申请工作。 这是我学到的。 (I spent 3 months applying to jobs after a coding bootcamp. Here’s what I learned.)

A less-talked about part of the bootcamper’s journey is what happens after you graduate — when you’re searching for that six-figure developer position.


I completed Hack Reactor in July 2016 and took almost 3 months before accepting an offer with Radius Intelligence. I applied to 291 companies, did 32 phone screens, 16 technical screens, 13 coding challenges, 11 on-sites, and received 8 offers. The offers ranged from $60-125k in salary from companies all over the US, and for both front end and full stack roles. In total, 2.8% of applications became offers.

我于2016年7月完成了Hack Reactor,花了将近3个月的时间才接受Radius Intelligence的报价。 我申请了291家公司,做了32个电话屏幕,16个技术屏幕,13个编码挑战,11个现场服务,并收到了8个报价。 美国各地公司提供的薪水范围为$ 60-125k,包括前端和全栈职位。 总共有2.8%的应用程序成为了报价。

Here are 5 things I wish I’d known before I began my job search.


见解1:了解真实的人 (Insight #1: Get through to real people)

At first, I applied for companies using the shotgun approach. I applied through Indeed.com, AngelList, LinkedIn, StackOverflow, Hacker News, company websites, and even Craigslist.

最初,我使用gun弹枪方法申请了公司。 我通过Indeed.com,AngelList,LinkedIn,StackOverflow,Hacker News,公司网站甚至Craigslist进行了申请。

I’d submit a resume for any role that wanted React, Node, or JavaScript experience. In the first week, I applied to 15–20 companies a day.

我想为任何需要React,Node或JavaScript经验的角色提交一份简历。 在第一周,我每天申请15至20家公司。

Pro-Tip: Find companies using this easy-application repo.


My yield was low. Less than five percent of companies responded to me. I was throwing applications into a black hole.

我的产量很低。 不到5%的公司回应我。 我把应用程序扔进了一个黑洞。

Everything changed when one of my cohort-mates, a former recruiter, shared a guide to the job search. He told us to send emails directly to real people with each application. It could be anybody. As long as someone read it.

当我的同班人中一位前招聘人员分享求职指南时,一切都变了。 他告诉我们,每个应用程序都直接向真实的人发送电子邮件。 可能是任何人。 只要有人读。

From then on, whenever I submitted an application, I searched for the company on LinkedIn and emailed someone on their engineering or hiring team.


For most small companies or C-level executives, the email format is usually firstName@dreamCompany.com. For larger companies, it may be firstName.lastName@dreamCompany.com.

对于大多数小型公司或C级主管,电子邮件格式通常为firstName@dreamCompany.com。 对于较大的公司,可能是firstName.lastName@dreamCompany.com。

To verify emails, I used Rapportive to cross-check emails with social media accounts.


The results were amazing. With 150+ emails sent, my response rate was a whopping 22%.

结果是惊人的。 通过发送150封电子邮件,我的回复率高达22%。

It also felt great to hear from real people. Surprisingly, CEOs and CTOs responded to me. Sometimes they even interviewed me themselves.

听到真实的人的声音也很高兴。 令人惊讶的是,首席执行官和首席技术官都对我做出了回应。 有时他们甚至亲自采访了我。

Takeaway: If you’re applying through the front door, make sure you’re getting to human beings.


见解2:从小处着手,逐步向上 (Insight 2: Start small and work your way up)

You will face Level 1 interviews (a non-tech company that needs any dev), where interviewers ask you nothing more than JavaScript trivia.


You will face Level 9 interviews (Google/Facebook level), where interviewers ask difficult data structure and algorithm questions.

您将面临9级面试(Google / Facebook级),面试官将在其中询问困难的数据结构和算法问题。

I strategically set up my process so that I had lower-level interviews earlier, and higher-level interviews later on.


Early on, I gained experience, built confidence, and secured offers from companies that had less intensive interviews.


As I got more experience, I effectively “leveled up.” I became capable of completing interviews at companies with higher hiring bars. This is illustrated below as a linear correlation between the number of weeks I was into the process and the base salary I was offered.

随着经验的积累,我有效地“升级了”。 我有能力在招聘人数较多的公司完成面试。 这在下面以我参与流程的周数与提供的基本工资之间的线性关系进行说明。

I unlocked tougher questions. I unlocked higher salaries. And eventually, I unlocked the job I took.

我解开了更棘手的问题。 我解锁了更高的薪水。 最终,我解锁了我从事的工作。

Takeaway: Plan to tackle easier interviews early on and more difficult ones later on.

见解3:像您将来的工作一样学习取决于它(因为确实如此) (Insight #3: Study like your future job depends on it (because it does))

I hate to break it to you, but the most important thing you could be doing at any point is studying and preparing.


Why? Because you won’t get the offer if you don’t have good answers to the questions they ask you.

为什么? 因为如果您对他们问的问题没有好的答案,您将无法获得报价。

People won’t refer you if they don’t think you’re prepared for their interviews.


Coming out of Hack Reactor, my weaknesses were data structures and algorithms. A study by Triplebyte has found that bootcamp grads are weaker in these areas than computer science grads.

来自Hack Reactor,我的弱点是数据结构和算法。 Triplebyte的一项研究发现,与计算机科学专业的毕业生相比,这些地区的新兵训练营毕业生更弱。

So I learned and practiced. Every day.

所以我学习和练习。 每天。

I devoted entire days to learning sorting algorithms. Other days, I focused on understanding how the internet worked.

我整天致力于学习排序算法。 前几天,我专注于了解互联网的工作方式。

If I didn’t fully understand a concept, I’d spend the day watching YouTube videos or searching StackOverflow until I did.


I found the following study materials useful:


  • InterviewCake: My favorite resource for data structures and algorithms. It breaks down solutions into step-by-step chunks — a great alternative to Cracking the Code Interview (CTCI). My only gripe is that they don’t have more problems!

    InterviewCake :我最喜欢的数据结构和算法资源。 它将解决方案分为逐步的块-是“破解代码面试(CTCI)”的绝佳选择。 我唯一的抱怨是他们没有更多的问题!

  • HiredInTech’s System Design Section: A great guide for system design interview questions.

    HiredInTech的系统设计部分 :有关系统设计面试问题的出色指南。

  • Coderust: If you’re avoiding CTCI like the plague, Coderust 2.0 may be perfect for you. For $49, you get solutions in almost any programming language, with interactive diagrams.

    Coderust :如果您像瘟疫一样避免使用CTCI,Coderust 2.0可能是您的理想选择。 只需49美元,您就可以使用几乎任何编程语言的解决方案以及交互式图表。

  • Reddit’s How to Prepare for Tech Interviews: I constantly used this as a benchmark for how prepared I was.

    Reddit的技术面试准备方法 :我一直以此为基准来做好准备。

  • Front End Interview Questions: An exhaustive list of front-end questions.


  • Leetcode: The go-to resource for algorithm and data structure questions. You can filter by company, so for example, you could get all the questions that Uber or Google typically ask.

    Leetcode :算法和数据结构问题的入门资源。 您可以按公司进行筛选,例如,您可以获得Uber或Google通常提出的所有问题。

Takeaway: There’s no such thing as too much preparation.

见解4:尽力而为 (Insight #4: Put your best foot forward)

Breaking into the industry is hard. You have to perform well, even when you’re not fully prepared. In order to succeed, you have to be your own advocate.

进入这个行业很难。 即使您没有充分准备,也必须表现良好。 为了成功,您必须成为自己的拥护者。

自我推销 (Sell Yourself)

At Hack Reactor, we’re trained to mask our inexperience. In our personal narratives, we purposely omit our bootcamp education.

在Hack Reactor,我们接受了掩盖经验的培训。 在个人叙述中,我们故意省略了训练营教育。

Why? Otherwise, companies automatically categorize us into junior developer roles or tag us as “not enough experience.”

为什么? 否则,公司会自动将我们归类为初级开发人员角色,或者将我们标记为“经验不足”。

In one interview with a startup, the interview immediately went south once they realized I’d done a bootcamp. One company used it against me and made me a $60k offer, benchmarking against junior developers.

在对一家初创公司的采访中,一旦他们意识到我已经完成了新兵训练营,那次采访马上就结束了。 一家公司用它来对付我,给了我6万美元的要价,以初级开发人员为基准。

Ultimately, you need to convince companies that you can do the job.


At the same time, you need to convince yourself that you can do the job.


You can. Focus on your love for programming. Focus on what you’ve built with React and Node. Focus on demonstrating your deep knowledge in JavaScript and any other languages you’ve learned.

您可以。 专注于您对编程的热爱。 专注于您使用React和Node构建的内容。 专注于展示您对JavaScript和您所学的其他语言的深入了解。

Only then can they justify giving you the job.


这是一次双向对话 (It’s a Two-way Conversation)

Interviewing is a mutual exploration of fit between an employee and an employer. While it’s your job to convince employers to hire you, it’s also their job to win you over.

面试是雇员与雇主之间相互适应的相互探索。 说服雇主聘用您是您的工作,而赢得您的信任也是他们的工作。

Don’t be ashamed of using the interview as an opportunity to evaluate the job opportunity.


I talked to any company, even if I had only the slightest interest.


I did on-sites all over the country with any company that invited me out. I asked questions, and sucked up knowledge on engineering team organization, technologies and tools used, company challenges, and system architecture.

我在全国各地与任何邀请我参加的公司一起进行了工作。 我提出了问题,并吸取了有关工程团队组织,所使用的技术和工具,公司面临的挑战以及系统架构的知识。

Pro-Tip: During interviews, ask the following questions:


What are some technical challenges you’ve recently faced?


What do you enjoy about working at X company?


How are teams structured and how are tasks usually divided?


I treated every interaction as a learning opportunity. Each interaction helped me improve my presentation, interview, and technical skills. Each failure helped me find my blind spots.

我将每次互动都视为学习的机会。 每次互动都帮助我提高了演讲,面试和技术技能。 每次失败都帮助我找到了盲点。

Takeaway: Don’t sell yourself short! And remember, it’s a mutual exploration.

要点:不要卖空自己! 请记住,这是相互探索。

见解5:这是一场马拉松,而不是短跑 (Insight #5: It’s a marathon, not a sprint)

The journey is by no means easy. For 3 months, I grinded 6 days a week. But I tried to take care of myself.

旅途绝非易事。 三个月以来,我每周磨6天。 但是我试图照顾自己。

Some days, I’d study with friends. Other days, I’d go find a cafe and study alone, or hang out at Hack Reactor’s alumni lounge. And every week I’d check in with our career counselor to talk about my progress.

有一天,我会和朋友一起学习。 其他日子,我会去咖啡馆找人独自学习,或者在Hack Reactor的校友休息室闲逛。 而且每周我都会与我们的职业顾问联系,以谈论我的进步。

It’s easy to burn out during the process. Eat well, sleep, and exercise.

在此过程中很容易燃尽。 吃得好,睡觉和运动。

It can get lonely. Spend time with friends who are going through the same experience.

它会变得寂寞。 与经历相同经历的朋友共度时光。

Takeaway: Prepare for the long game and make sure you take care of yourself.


总之,关键要点是: (In summary, the key takeaways are:)

  1. Get through to real people

  2. Start small and work your way up

  3. Study like your future job depends on it

  4. Put your best foot forward

  5. It’s a marathon, not a sprint


The process may seem endless, but you’re going to make it. Keep putting in the hours. Keep sending in the applications. Keep taking caring of yourself. All of it pays off in the end.

这个过程看似无止境,但您将成功。 继续投入时间。 继续发送应用程序。 继续照顾自己。 所有这些最终都会得到回报。

A special thanks to Dylan Tran, Karen Zhao, Rohit 'Sunny' Rekhi, Jake Pace, Anamita Guha, Stephanie Liu, and many others.

特别感谢Dylan TranKaren ZhaoRohit'Sunny'RekhiJake PaceAnamita Guha ,Stephanie Liu等人。

Please share this with friends going through the job search. If you like what you read, hit that ❤ button below.

请与寻找工作的朋友分享。 如果您喜欢阅读的内容,请点击下面的❤按钮。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/5-key-learnings-from-the-post-bootcamp-job-search-9a07468d2331/

算法训练营 重编码





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