这是SQL ALTER TABLE的指南 (This is a guide to SQL ALTER TABLE)
This guide will introduce you to and attempt to explain some of the basics of the SQL alter table functions within a relational database. IMPORTANT Safety Tip: ALWAYS backup your data before making changes!
本指南将向您介绍并尝试解释关系数据库中SQL alter table函数的一些基础知识。 重要安全提示:始终在更改之前备份您的数据!
We will be using MySQL for all examples throughout this freeCodeCamp SQL guide. The reasons for selecting MySQL are 1) it is very commonly used on websites for the backend database, 2) it’s free, and is fun and easy to use.
我们将在本freeCodeCamp SQL指南的所有示例中使用MySQL。 选择MySQL的原因是:1)它在后端数据库的网站上非常常用; 2)它是免费的,并且有趣且易于使用。