

by Quincy Larson

昆西·拉尔森(Quincy Larson)

进入阿富汗最友好的编码俱乐部 (Inside Afghanistan’s friendliest coding club)

When you think of Afghanistan, you may think of the ongoing 17-year war that has claimed the lives of thousands of people.


But amid all the turmoil, a generation of software developers is working to redefine Kabul — Afghanistan’s capital city and home to 5 million people — as a global technology hub.


Every weekend, dozens of ambitious developers meet in offices around Kabul to code together and share their knowledge with one another.


进入CodeWeekend,这是一个基层组织,正在扩大喀布尔的技术领域 (Enter CodeWeekend — a grass-roots organization that’s expanding Kabul’s tech scene)

More than 3,000 Afghan developers and developers-in-training are part of CodeWeekend.


CodeWeekend hosts coding events around Kabul each weekend.


To date, they’ve hosted more than 100 events.


CodeWeekend absorbed the freeCodeCamp Kabul study group, and has now become its own nonprofit organization. It focuses on helping Kabul locals improve their programming skills and build their professional networks.

CodeWeekend吸收了免费的CodeCamp喀布尔研究小组,现已成为自己的非营利组织。 它专注于帮助喀布尔当地人提高其编程技能并建立他们的专业网络。

They achieve this by running free programming workshops, providing networking opportunities, and helping make technology more accessible.


“We have 2 types of sessions. Our weekly sessions teach people who are new to programming. And our monthly events bring software developers and other tech professionals together under one roof so they can share knowledge and provide an opportunity for networking.” — Jawed Mansoor, CodeWeekend organizer
“我们有两种类型的会议。 我们每周的课程会教给刚接触编程的人。 我们的每月活动将软件开发人员和其他技术专业人员聚集在一起,以便他们可以共享知识并提供建立联系的机会。” — CodeWeekend组织者Jawed Mansoor

The CodeWeekend community goes to great lengths to be as inclusive as possible.


It has a strictly-enforced code of conduct that would be right at home at a Silicon Valley tech conference.


The code of conduct encourages behaviors like:


  • Using welcoming and inclusive language

  • Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences

  • Gracefully accepting constructive criticism

  • Focusing on what is best for the community

  • Showing empathy towards other community members


CodeWeekend is broken down into neighborhood-level chapters — each with chapter leaders. These chapter leaders reach out to local companies and organizations to secure sponsors and venues for events.

CodeWeekend分为社区级别的章节-每个章节都有章节负责人。 这些分会负责人与当地公司和组织联系,以确保活动的赞助商和场所。

“We don’t spend a lot on our events. We need a venue and some refreshments, maybe a projector. Whenever we want to have an event, we contact a private sector organization so they can provide us with space and internet. We’re looking forward to always having at least small room where we can have a dedicated venue.” — Mustafa Ehsan, CodeWeekend mentor
“我们在活动上没有花很多钱。 我们需要一个场地和一些茶点,也许是放映机。 每当我们想要举办活动时,我们都会与私营部门组织联系,以便他们可以为我们提供空间和互联网。 我们期待始终拥有至少一个小房间,在那里我们可以有一个专门的场地。” — CodeWeekend导师Mustafa Ehsan

Each event is around 3 hours long. First the teachers start by giving a high-level introduction to a topic. Then everybody starts working through freeCodeCamp.org’s curriculum. 3 or 4 mentors will float around helping people when they get stuck or have a question.

每个事件大约需要3个小时。 首先,教师首先对主题进行简要介绍。 然后,每个人都开始学习freeCodeCamp.org的课程。 当人们陷入困境或有疑问时,会有3或4位导师四处游荡帮助人们。

“We have people consistently coming each week, with a high level of passion. Whenever we don’t have an event, people call and ask us why not. They really want this.” — Mustafa Ehsan, CodeWeekend mentor
“我们每周都有一群热情不断地来的人。 每当我们没有活动时,人们就会打电话问我们为什么没有。 他们真的想要这个。” — CodeWeekend导师Mustafa Ehsan

And their volunteer efforts are working. People from the CodeWeekend community are getting jobs as developers.

他们的志愿工作正在努力。 来自CodeWeekend社区的人们正在获得开发人员的工作。

Many of the jobs that their community members are getting involve building services for the Afghanistan government and local and international startups and companies.


For example, their teams build and maintains web apps for Human Resources departments and other back office functions.


And in the process, they get to work with exciting new tools like Vue.js and Laravel.


CodeWeekend和freeCodeCamp喀布尔背后的人 (The people behind CodeWeekend and freeCodeCamp Kabul)

Jamshid Hashimi is the founder of CodeWeekend. At age 13, he started a football club in the rural village where he grew up.

Jamshid Hashimi是CodeWeekend的创始人。 他13岁那年在他长大的乡村里开了一家足球俱乐部。

He went on to study at Dokuz Eylul University in Turkey before working at companies like Rumie and Alidrivers.

在加入Rumie和Alidrivers等公司之前,他继续在土耳其的Dokuz Eylul大学学习。

CodeWeekend was the perfect intersection of his two passions — technology and community building — so he created the organization in 2014.


Shaheen Naikpay isn’t a developer by profession. He has a background in educational psychology. He works as a project manager on the military side of the industry.

Shaheen Naikpay不是专业人士。 他具有教育心理学背景。 他在该行业的军事方面担任项目经理。

But Shaheen says he likes to contribute to society, and CodeWeekend is a big part of that. He volunteers as CodeWeekend’s event management coordinator.

但是Shaheen说他喜欢为社会做贡献,而CodeWeekend就是其中的重要组成部分。 他自愿担任CodeWeekend的事件管理协调员。

Some of the events are sponsored by Netlinks, Mustafa’s employer. The CEO of Netlinks actively encourages CodeWeekend to host the event there in the company’s large hall.

其中一些活动是由Mustafa的雇主Netlinks赞助的。 Netlinks的首席执行官积极鼓励CodeWeekend在公司的大厅举办活动。

Jawed Mansoor completed his computer science degree in India. He works as a database engineer. He helps organize CodeWeekend events in Kabul.

Jawed Mansoor在印度完成了计算机科学学位。 他是数据库工程师。 他帮助组织了喀布尔的CodeWeekend活动。

Fazila Nazary is an experienced database developer and instructor. She is the CodeWeekend director for Mazar-i Sharif, another city in Afghanistan.

Fazila Nazary是一位经验丰富的数据库开发人员和讲师。 她是阿富汗另一个城市Mazar-i Sharif的CodeWeekend总监。

The organization also has a broad roster of regular event mentors, including Mustafa Ehsan, Jalal Saidi, Sediq Khan, Mohammad Ali Abbasi, and Akmal Arzhang.

该组织还拥有众多定期活动指导者,其中包括Mustafa EhsanJalal SaidiSediq Khan ,Mohammad Ali Abbasi和Akmal Arzhang

If you’re traveling to Kabul, be sure to join the CodeWeekend Facebook group so you can attend one of their events.

如果您要去喀布尔,请确保加入CodeWeekend Facebook论坛,以便您参加他们的活动之一。

And you can also support millions of people around the world who are learning to code. Make a tax-deductible donation to freeCodeCamp.org.

您还可以为全球数以百万计正在学习编码的人们提供支持。 对freeCodeCamp.org进行免税捐赠

Together, we can create more free education resources. We can support communities like CodeWeekend, and the impact they’re making on the lives of people in their community.

我们可以共同创造更多的免费教育资源。 我们可以支持诸如CodeWeekend之类的社区,以及它们对社区中人们生活的影响。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/inside-afghanistans-friendliest-coding-club-d553719579e/


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