mysql sum契合_文化契合者为王。 这是在下一次开发人员面试中如何定位的方法。...

mysql sum契合

by Jonathan Puc

乔纳森·普克(Jonathan Puc)

文化契合者为王。 这是在下一次开发人员面试中如何定位的方法。 (Culture fit is king. Here’s how to nail it in your next developer interview.)

Before you read this post, I’d like to acknowledge the fact that a core component of getting a job as a developer involves technical preparation and interviews. This article however, will assume that the reader is already confident and well-prepared for the technical component of the interview process. We’ll focus on ways to distinguish yourselves further by highlighting yourselves as individual beings who can fit in or even better, elevate the culture that currently resides in the company you’re are applying for.

在阅读这篇文章之前,我想承认一个事实,即成为开发人员的工作的核心部分涉及技术准备和面试。 但是,本文将假定读者已经对面试过程的技术组成部分充满信心并做好了充分的准备。 我们将着重于通过突出自己作为一个可以适应甚至更好的个体,提升您正在申请的公司中所处文化的个体,来进一步区分自己。

I was inspired to write this article after recent events in my career.


我的故事 (My story)

Due to financial obstacles at my previous work, I was made redundant and began immediately looking for a new company to join.


找到我的健康 (Finding my fit)

It wasn’t difficult getting in to the job seeker flow, as I knew exactly which company I wanted to be at: Today, an agency which I believe to be the most impactful and inspiring in my city. They are a social innovation agency and one of Australia’s founding B-Corporations and I just knew the next story of my journey would have to be with them.

进入求职者流程并不难,因为我确切地知道了我想去的公司: 今天 ,我认为这是我市中最具影响力和启发性的一家代理商。 他们是一家社会创新机构,也是澳大利亚创办的B-Corporation之一 ,我只是知道我的旅程的下一个故事必须与他们同在。

Their website indicated that they were looking for junior developers and it was like the stars aligned. I applied for the position as you normally would and fortunately, they were familiar with my previous employer, so I requested a word to be put in.

他们的网站表明他们正在寻找初级开发人员,就像星星般排列。 我照常申请了这个职位,幸运的是,他们熟悉我的前任雇主,所以我想提出一个建议。

我的过程 (My process)

I wrote a cover letter (which I believe was the hottest cover letter of 2018), sent it along with my resume, and a couple days later, I was phone screened.


After the phone call I sat down to brainstorm how I could best prepare for the interview stages that would follow.


I wrote a process in the form of three basic questions that were to be answered in dot points. I hoped that through deep reflection, I would be able to answer interview questions naturally and from a genuine place. This article revolves around that process, which I’ll discuss soon.

我以三个基本问题的形式编写了一个过程,这些问题将以点的形式回答。 我希望通过深思熟虑,我能够自然而又真实地回答面试问题。 本文围绕该过程展开,我将在稍后讨论。

So I went through the process and was ready to take on the interviews.


通过面试 (Getting through the interviews)

The first interview was a sit down with the technology director and solution architect. They wanted to know more about me and wanted to gauge what my drives were, including what drove me to apply for a position at Today.

第一次采访是与技术总监和解决方案架构师坐下来。 他们想更多地了解我,并想弄清楚我的开车经历,包括驱使我申请“今日”职位的原因。

Answers came naturally and confidently, because I knew I was answering from a place of authenticity. It was extremely comfortable and enjoyable as we were learning a lot about each other. At the end, I was told I’d get a callback about the next stage, where I would be showcasing my craft as a developer.

答案自然而自信,因为我知道自己是从真实的地方回答。 当我们互相学习很多东西时,这是非常舒适和愉快的。 最后,我被告知我将收到有关下一阶段的回调,在该阶段我将展示作为开发人员的技能。

Culture fit is king — there’s a reason why it is in the title. Having completed the first interview, on my commute home, I was flooded with confidence and overall good feeling. I knew the words I spoke resonated with Today during the interview. The three question process had put me in a position where I was absolutely confident that Today and I were compatible in terms of culture and values, and this manifested in the way I spoke and conveyed myself during the interview.

文化适合度为王-标题中有其理由。 在通勤的家中完成了第一次面试后,我充满了信心和整体感觉。 在采访中,我知道我所说的话引起了今日的共鸣。 这三个问题使我处于一个绝对自信的位置,即今天和我在文化和价值观方面是兼容的,这体现在我在面试中的讲话和传达自己的方式。

My culture first approach led to an event that left me both ecstatic and dumbfounded…


The following day, I received a phone call from the tech director. He said he really enjoyed the interview and was impressed, so much so that he decided to fast track me to the final interview with the managing director. I didn’t have to complete the developer skills stage.

第二天,我接到了技术主管的电话。 他说他真的很喜欢这次采访,并给他留下了深刻的印象,以至于他决定让我快速进入对总经理的最后一次采访。 我不必完成开发人员技能阶段。

I understand that at most companies, this would basically be impossible but I’d like to highlight a key takeaway from this.


Even if I still had to do the developer skills stage, the fact that I had already made a profound impact on the company as a culture fit was invaluable.


What if I hadn’t done too well in the skills stage? Would I instantly have been deemed an unworthy candidate and been booted out the door without a second thought?

如果我在技能阶段做得不好怎么办? 我会立即被认为是一个不值得的候选人,并且毫不犹豫地被赶出家门吗?

Would my success in the first interview and potential as a culture fit hold no weight at all?


Highly doubtful. And if that were true, it’d represent a company that doesn’t really care about culture at all and I’d happily be rejected.

高度怀疑。 如果那是真的,那将代表一家根本不关心文化的公司,而我很乐意被拒绝。

I’m a firm believer of small margins making a difference, and if you didn’t do so well in a technical test, but absolutely nailed yourself as a culture fit, you’d still have high chances as a prospect.


得到工作 (Getting the job)

The final interview was scarily similar to the first in terms of how I was feeling, my thoughts, and the message I wanted to spread. In fact, I was even more confident this time due to the recent events.

就我的感觉,想法和我想传播的信息而言,最终面试与第一次面试非常相似。 实际上,由于最近发生的事件,这次我更加自信。

I spoke from a place of genuineness, we had a very thought provoking conversation. I believe this was due to questions I asked. The importance of asking questions will be discussed as one of the three questions of the process I have created. A few hours after the interview, I received a phone call and received the job offer.

我从一个真实的地方讲话,我们进行了一次深思熟虑的对话。 我相信这是由于我提出的问题。 提问的重要性将作为我创建的过程中的三个问题之一进行讨论。 面试几小时后,我接到了电话,并收到了工作邀请。

The events and success that led me up to this point are, I believe, a by-product of me following the three question process. If done with intent and purpose, it is a process that really has you thinking about what you want out of your career, your values, and your worth.

我相信,导致我到现在为止的事件和成功,是我在三个问题过程之后产生的副产品。 如果有目的和目标,这是一个让您真正思考自己的职业,价值和价值的过程。

I hope my personal anecdote elevates your confidence in it.


Once you’ve completed the process, you’ll figure out if the company is a fit and you’ll be well prepared enough to sell yourself. If it isn’t, you’ll have saved time and can move onwards.

完成此过程后,您将确定该公司是否合适,并且将做好充分的准备以推销自己。 如果不是这样,您将节省时间并可以继续前进。

Let’s begin.


致电所有求职者 (Calling all job-seekers)

Hey! The one over there going through notes that were frantically prepared the night before, no not you, good luck with your finals though. I’m looking at you, the one blue in the face and clearly nervous for some job interview ahead. Yes, you! Cue cards in the recycling bin, you won’t be needing them.

嘿! 那边正在翻阅前一天晚上疯狂准备的音符的人,不是,不是,祝你决赛顺利。 我看着 ,那张蓝色的脸,显然为接下来的工作面试感到紧张。 是的, 你! 提示卡在回收箱中,您将不需要它们。

I’m sure everybody has gone through a similar experience, a callback from an awesome job you applied for, told to come in for an interview and to acquaint yourself with the company. Excitement floods you, perhaps a nice dopamine rush.

我敢肯定,每个人都经历过类似的经历,是您申请的一份出色工作的回音,并被要求参加面试并熟悉公司。 兴奋使您泛滥成灾,也许是多巴胺催促。

And then, the ‘oh crap I need to prepare’ feeling hits you, followed by the inclination to prepare yourself for potential interview questions.


Although it’s great to devise an action plan in preparation, arguably, the typical method of Googling and answering common interview questions is quite ineffective. Hoping that questions you studied for pop up in the interview is asking for trouble, and relying on chance isn’t a good idea.

尽管准备行动计划很不错,但可以说,谷歌搜索和回答常见访谈问题的典型方法效果不佳。 希望您在面试中出现的问题会带来麻烦,而依靠机会并不是一个好主意。

Let’s just say the die fall your way and a question you prepared for pops up. Most people begin to answer like it’s a rehearsal for an acting gig, and unless you are an actor, it’ll seem monotone and too narrow.

我们只想说死路一条,准备的问题就会弹出。 大多数人开始回答,就像是演戏演出的彩排,除非您是演员,否则它似乎是单调且过于狭narrow。

Surely there are better ways to do it.


Our colourful and genuine selves shine when we speak in the present moment, not while we dig through our minds for what we told ourselves we should say the night before!


Speaking in the present puts you in a state of vulnerability. Why would you want to be vulnerable? Let’s see what putting yourself in such a position entails.

目前,您处于脆弱状态。 您为什么要变得脆弱? 让我们看看如何使自己处于这样的位置。

做自己的重要性 (The importance of being yourself)

You’re confident in your ability to communicate without training wheels. You understand that you may mess up but have the resolve coupled with the persistence to get back up. Values that are attractive to any employer.

无需培训就可以交流的能力充满信心 。 您了解自己可能会陷入困境,但是决心坚持下来的毅力相结合。 吸引任何雇主的价值观。

Your employer will know if you’ve prepared your answers word for word or if you are speaking from a genuine place. You can’t fake authenticity and honesty.

您的雇主会知道您是否已准备好逐字回答,或者您是在真实的地方讲话。 您不能伪造真实性和诚实性。

That isn’t to say no preparation should be done at all! Lucky people get the jobs with companies that make them blush, but as we all know, luck is preparation meeting opportunity!

这并不是说根本不需要做任何准备! 幸运的人会在使他们脸红的公司找到工作,但是众所周知, 运气是准备会议的机会

I’m just saying that there needs to be a strong dose of authenticity and natural flow when you approach an interview.


那么,您如何找出想要的呢? (So how do you figure out what you want?)

The three questions of the process I mentioned above should be answered with dot points which have greater underlying meaning to you. Being more broad means more potential ‘aha moments’, you’ll ooze with genuine enthusiasm, and who doesn’t love that kind of positivity in an interview?

我上面提到的过程中的三个问题应该以点点回答,这些点对您来说具有更大的潜在意义。 变得更广泛意味着更多潜在的“啊哈时刻”,您会怀着真正的热情发泄,谁不喜欢这种积极的面试方式?

They are questions that in no way are extraordinary. In fact, I’m confident you’ve already seen them before. But they are three that I believe are fundamental, and if thought about carefully, will equip you with enough thoughts to be able to answer any other question naturally.

这些问题绝非非凡。 实际上,我相信您之前已经看过它们。 但是我认为这是三个基本要素,如果仔细考虑,它们将使您具备足够的思想,以便能够自然回答任何其他问题。

After a brief explanation about each question, I’ll provide an example of what I manifested when applying it to Today.


问题1:为什么*插入公司名称*? (Question 1: Why *insert company name*?)

Unless you’re applying for a company that is a monopoly, there’s probably another company around the block that is doing similar things.


You need to ask yourself what it is about the company that compels you to want to be a part of them.


This is a great way to really question and reflect on your current career path. Through this process, as you note down points about the company, you’ll internally begin giving weight to certain things about the company according to how important they are to you.

这是真正质疑和反思您当前职业道路的好方法。 在此过程中,当您记下有关公司的失望点时,您将在内部开始根据公司对您的重要程度来重视它们。

Was it their emphasis on social responsibility that drew you in? Maybe you enjoy doing work that has a positive social impact.

是他们对社会责任的重视吸引了您吗? 也许您喜欢从事对社会产生积极影响的工作。

Do they have amazing employee benefits? You want a career that rewards you and pampers your life a little.

他们有惊人的员工福利吗? 您想要一份能够奖励您并稍微纵容您的生活的职业。

It’s a great self-discovery process.


It is my belief that culture fit trumps all when it comes to the final decision. If you’ve discovered certain things about the company that align with you as a human being and are able to communicate that, you’ll kick start your prospects.

我认为,文化的最终决定权是一切。 如果您发现了该公司的某些与您个人相符并能够进行交流的事情,那么您将开始您的前景。

我的例子: (My example:)
  • They wear their values on their sleeves which also suggests an amazing culture.

  • They adhere to environmental and social responsibilities as a B corp with great fortitude.

  • Their high quality of work that contains social innovation characteristics is super unique. Not any agency can do that, it takes a certain kind of passion and authenticity.

    他们具有社会创新特征的高质量工作是超级独特的。 没有任何一家机构可以做到这一点,这需要某种热情和真实性。
  • In a world that is filled with so many cracks and issues, I want to craft solutions that incrementally make things better for our environment and communities. I believe Today is the only agency around that can help facilitate that.

    在这个充满众多裂缝和问题的世界中,我想制定解决方案,以逐步使环境和社区变得更好。 我相信,今天是唯一可以帮助实现这一目标的机构。

问题2:为什么是我? (Question 2: Why me?)

Cliché, yes. But it’s important. This question is quite aligned with the previous one. You’ll find that what you as a human being have to offer to the company will either fit like a glove or have no similarities at all.

陈词滥调,是的。 但这很重要。 这个问题与前一个问题完全一致。 您会发现,作为人类必须提供给公司的东西要么像手套一样合适,要么完全没有相似之处。

我的例子: (My example:)
  • I’m a bit of a self-improvement enthusiast, always looking to improve myself and my craft. A mindset that would definitely bring value to Today.

    我是一个自我完善的狂热者,一直在努力提高自己和我的技艺。 一定会为今天带来价值的思维定势。
  • I’m happy and capable to navigate and familiarise myself with the unknown, stems from my curiosity and eagerness to learn.

  • Today is heavy with design personnel, I worked side by side with a designer at my previous job. I value working collaboratively with designers.

    今天的设计人员很繁重,我在上一份工作中与设计师并肩工作。 我重视与设计师的合作。
  • Agencies are filled with so many different minds, there’s a lot going on and collaboration is fundamental. My fluency in both verbal and written communication definitely pays off in that kind of environment.

    代理商充满了很多不同的想法,正在发生很多事情,而协作是基础。 在这种环境下,我在口头和书面交流方面的流利性肯定会有所回报。
  • My values around doing good, helping the underdogs, and solving social issues align with Today’s.


问题3:您会问他们什么? (Question 3: What would you ask them?)

It’s not all about you!


You need to be asking thought-provoking questions, questions that clearly show you’ve thought of them with intent and meaning. It shows that you are genuinely interested in their processes and values, reinforcing the fact that you are applying for the job for reasons more than just a paycheck.

您需要提出发人深省的问题,这些问题必须清楚地表明您已经用意图和意义想到了它们。 它表明您对他们的流程和价值观真正感兴趣,这进一步说明了您申请这份工作的原因不仅仅是薪水。

我的例子: (My example:)
  • Is there much healthy conflict? How is it usually resolved?

    有很多健康的冲突吗? 通常如何解决?
  • If you could embody the people of Today in three words, what do you think those words would be?

  • What’s one piece of advice you’d give to someone new to Today?

  • If Today had billboard real estate of about 5–10 words, what would it say?

  • What has been Today’s most treasured project so far?


菲尼托 (Finito)

Having gone through the process, you’re geared up and ready to walk into that interview. I’m sure you’ve noticed that there weren’t any set instructions or steps to follow in the three questions above — just see the question and jot down answers. Through deep thought and reflection you will deeply embed answers to topics that could arise. Read the potential questions below and you’ll notice that you can answer them quite instinctively now.

完成此过程后,您已做好准备并准备好参加该采访。 我敢肯定,您已经注意到上面三个问题中没有要遵循的任何设定说明或步骤-只需查看问题并记下答案即可。 通过深入的思考和反思,您将深刻地嵌入对可能出现的主题的答案。 阅读下面的潜在问题,您会发现您现在可以非常本能地回答它们。

‘Why do you want to work here?’


‘Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?’


‘What are you passionate about?’


‘What are your strengths?’


‘Tell me about yourself’


‘What can you bring to the company?’


‘What can you do that other candidates can’t?


‘Do you have any questions for us?’


总结一下 (To conclude)

If you struggled to find lines to write for any of the three questions in the process, don’t apply to the company.


I know that’s quite a blatant thing to say, and while I do acknowledge the fact that some people that may not have such privilege, I’d like to address those that do.


It’s estimated that a large portion of our life is spent at work, about 1/3. Do away with the “a job is a job” mindset. If 1/3 of your life is spent at work you should be striving to put yourself in a position where what you do is meaningful to you!

据估计,我们一生的大部分时间都花在工作上,大约是1/3。 摒弃“工作就是工作”的心态。 如果您一生的时间都花在工作上,那么您应该努力使自己处于对自己有意义的位置

If you struggled to answer those questions, it shows 3 things.


  • Little to nothing about the company resonates with you. What they are trying to achieve or their values, nothing aligns with you. So you’ll most likely become miserable in it after a month or two.

    关于该公司的很少或几乎没有引起您的共鸣。 他们正在努力实现的目标或他们的价值观,没有符合您的条件。 因此,一两个月后,您极有可能陷入痛苦之中。
  • Few of the skills you have will be of value or could be utilised at the company. You’ll be doing mundane and uninspiring tasks, and to quote William S. Burroughs, “ When you stop growing you start dying”.

    您拥有的技能中很少有有价值或可以在公司中使用的技能。 您将执行平凡而毫无启发性的任务,并引用William S. Burroughs的话:“当您停止增长时,您就会死去。”
  • You have no interest in the company at all. Just as you would research and have questions about a company before buying stocks, you should have the same curiosity when entering a contract which involves you trading your time for their money.

    您对公司完全没有兴趣。 就像您在购买股票之前会研究并对公司有疑问一样,在签订合同时您也应该具有相同的好奇心,该合同涉及您将时间用他们的钱进行交易。

I hope you give the process a go and let me know — did you learn a lot about yourself? Did it help with any of your interviews? Keen to hear your thoughts and opinions.

我希望您可以尝试一下,让我知道-您是否对自己有所了解? 它对您的任何面试都有帮助吗? 渴望听到您的想法和意见。

As always, my inbox is open to anybody in need of further advice or have questions.


Feel free to connect with me on any of the platforms below!


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