

by Haseeb Qureshi

由Haseeb Qureshi

关于学习困难的事情的艰辛 (The Hard Thing About Learning Hard Things)

How do you learn something no one can teach you?


Whatever success I’ve had in my career, I attribute almost entirely to my aptitude for unstructured learning. This is the kind of learning required when delving into a cutting-edge field, navigating a new job, or creating anything genuinely new. Notably, it’s the polar opposite of what is taught in schools and what most people call “education.”

无论我在职业生涯中取得了什么成功,我几乎都将其归因于我对非结构化学习的天赋。 钻研前沿领域,浏览新工作或创建真正新的事物时,这是一种学习所需的方法。 值得注意的是,这与学校所教的东西和大多数人所说的“教育”截然相反。

In structured learning (like in school), there are exercises you can follow, teachers who will guide you, and a well-trodden path from A to Z. The hard part is just showing up to do the work everyday.


This should look familiar. Most people spend the first two decades of their lives performing small, quantized tasks of structured learning, competing with their peers over easily gradable benchmarks. Structured learning like this is basically useless outside of classrooms and trivia gameshows.

这看起来应该很熟悉。 大多数人一生的前二十年都在执行小型的量化的结构化学习任务,并与他们的同龄人竞争易于分级的基准。 这样的结构化学习在教室和琐事游戏节目之外基本上是无用的。

In the real world, there’s no textbook or curriculum. There’s no way to practice. There’s no source of continuous feedback. There are no teachers — it’s just you and whoever you can convince to help you.

在现实世界中,没有教科书或课程表。 没有练习的方法。 没有持续反馈的来源。 没有老师-只有您和您可以说服的任何人来帮助您。

So how do you learn something no one can teach you? How do you become a world-class expert on something few people understand?

那么,您如何学习没有人可以教给您的东西呢? 您如何成为很少有人了解的世界级专家?

Unstructured learning requires wandering. You must poke around on your own, use trial and error, search, explore, stumble, and discover. The usual Gladwellian prescription of “10,000 hours and deliberate practice” isn’t actionable when trying to learn something that no one knows how to do.

非结构化的学习需要徘徊。 您必须自己摸索,使用反复试验,搜索,探索,发现和发现。 试图学习没人会做的事情时,通常的Gladwellian处方“ 10,000小时并刻意练习”是不可行的。

But this is the only kind of learning that the world cares about.


Naval Ravikant once said:


“The world rewards you for creating things it doesn’t know how to get for itself.”


If there’s a structured approach to learning a domain, you can bet the world has no need for your ingenuity: it can breed experts on its own. But as long as it can’t, the world will handsomely reward those who can conquer that domain.

如果有一种结构化的方法来学习领域,那么您可以打赌,世界不需要您的创造力:它可以自己培养专家。 但是,只要不能,这个世界就会奖励那些可以征服那个领域的人。

Most people suck at unstructured learning. But you can improve at it. Here are five principles that would help most people get better at unstructured learning.

大多数人都喜欢非结构化学习。 但是您可以改进它。 这里有五个原则,可以帮助大多数人在非结构化学习中变得更好。

1.选择看起来很蠢。 (1. Choose to look stupid.)

Stop trying not to look stupid.


Stop trying not to look stupid.


Most people hope for a progression like this:


They start off by trying not to look dumb, feigning understanding, and hope their fakery will tide them over while they gradually learn. Here’s the problem: when you’re faking, most of what you learn is just how to fake better.

他们从不显得愚蠢,假装的理解开始,并希望他们的伪造品能在他们逐渐学习的过程中渡过难关。 问题是: 假冒时,您学到的大部分只是如何更好地伪造。

It’s human instinct to hide your ignorance. You have to fight this instinct. Your curve should instead look like this:

隐藏您的无知是人的本能。 您必须与这种本能作斗争。 相反,您的曲线应如下所示:

You have to look stupid up front. You have to choose it.

你必须看起来很愚蠢。 您必须选择它。

But what about “fake it till you make it”? I’m the first person to admit, faking it is absolutely crucial for getting in the door. But once you’re in, you need to cut the faking it and focus on making it.

但是“假装直到制造出来”呢? 我是第一个承认的人,伪造它对于进入大门绝对至关重要。 但是一旦进入,您就需要减少伪造并专注于制造它。

Be honest about the limits of your knowledge. Ask basic, obvious questions, over and over again. Repeat things back and summarize them, even if incorrectly. Explain things you just learned to people again and again, even when you’re wrong. Take notes as often as you can, even when it seems like you shouldn’t. Pull smart people aside and pepper them with your questions after everyone else has left.

对您的知识范围诚实。 一遍又一遍地提出基本的,显而易见的问题。 重复一遍并总结,即使不正确。 一次又一次地向人们说明刚刚学到的东西,即使您错了。 尽可能多地记录笔记,即使您似乎不该记录。 其他人离开后,将聪明的人放在一边,并用您的问题来回答他们。

This is what it looks like to fight for your own learning. All the best learners do this, and people respect them for it.

这就是为自己的学习而战的样子。 所有最好的学习者都做到这一点,人们对此表示敬意。

If you’re learning a new domain or are starting a new job and you don’t worry people might see you as stupid, you’re not being aggressive enough with your learning.


2.提出第三个问题。 (2. Ask the third question.)

In Molière’s play The Imaginary Invalid, a patient asks a medical student, “why does opium put people to sleep?”

在莫利埃(Molière)的剧本《想象中的无效》 ( The Imaginary Invalid)中 ,患者问医科学生:“Appium为什么会让人们入睡?”

The medical student replies: “because, as doctors have learned, opium contains a dormitive principle.” Just about anyone (outside of a play) would ask the second question: “what the hell is a dormitive principle?”

这位医学生回答说:“因为如医生所知 ,Appium包含一种定性原则 。” 几乎任何人(戏剧之外)都会问第二个问题:“到底是什么定律?”

The student might reply: “why, it’s the essential quality of a substance that puts someone to sleep.”


Most people give up here. Unable to grasp an opaque response, they assume they don’t know enough to evaluate the answer.

大多数人在这里放弃。 由于无法把握不透明的答案,他们认为自己对评估答案的了解不足。

But some people — those who are determined to learn — ask the third question. “I don’t get it. It contains a dormitive principle because it puts people to sleep? Isn’t that a tautology?”

但是有些人-决心学习的人-提出第三个问题。 “我不明白。 它包含一个Hibernate原则,因为它使人入睡? 这不是重言式吗?”

Of course, the dormitive principle is meant to be a joke. But you can imagine a situation that isn’t so obvious. What if the subject were about some novel scientific study? Or why all your company’s widgets are imported from China? Or why the team is hiding sales numbers from the boss? Would you ask the third question — would you insist on understanding?

当然,Hibernate原则是一个玩笑。 但您可以想象情况并不那么明显。 如果主题是一些新颖的科学研究该怎么办? 还是为什么您公司的所有小部件都从中国进口? 还是为什么团队不向老板隐瞒销售数字? 您会问第三个问题吗?您会坚持理解吗?

There is a strong social pressure here to shut up. That if you don’t understand it, maybe you don’t deserve to.

这里有很大的社会压力要关闭。 那就是如果您不了解它,也许您不应该得到。

Most people stay silent.


You have to fight this. You have to speak up and fight for your knowledge, even if it means looking stupid or trampling on a norm. It’s hard! But over the course of your life, the learning will pay for all the little social costs you incur. And more often than not, you’re not the only one who doesn’t get it, and others will profit from your courage.

你必须打这个。 您必须大声疾呼,为自己的知识而奋斗,即使这意味着看起来愚蠢或践踏规范。 这个很难(硬! 但是在您的一生中,学习将支付您所承担的所有少量社会成本。 而且,您并不是唯一一个不了解它的人,其他人会从您的勇气中受益。

This is how I first learned to play poker at the age of 16 and became a world-class poker player within a couple of years. Whenever I didn’t get something, I’d argue, rebut, plead for people to explain it to me so I could understand. I refused to not get it. Over many years of debating hand analysis and poker theory, this stubbornness led to me becoming a top poker player (and a pain in the ass to those who’d talk poker with me).

这就是我16岁就开始学习玩扑克并在几年之内成为世界一流扑克玩家的方式。 每当我没有得到任何东西时,我都会争辩,反驳,请人们向我解释,以便我能理解。 我拒绝不明白。 经过多年的辩论手分析和扑克理论,这种顽固的态度使我成为了顶级的扑克玩家(和那些和我聊天的人很难受)。

Respect the people who slow down the class, who ask the third question. Because asking the third question requires courage. It requires entitlement, in the best sense of that word. Remember that learning is sacred, and everyone deserves it. That includes you.

尊重那些放慢课堂速度,问第三个问题的人。 因为问第三个问题需要勇气。 就该词的最佳含义而言,它要求有权利。 请记住,学习是神圣的,每个人都应该得到它。 包括你在内。

3.沉浸于自我。 (3. Immerse yourself.)

Many people want to learn French. A few will get fed up enough with themselves to do something about it. They might pay for an online course, hire a tutor, try Duolingo, buy a grammar book, switch their phone menus to Français, all the usual things you’re supposed to do to learn French.

许多人想学习法语。 少数人会厌倦自己去做一些事情。 他们可能会为在线课程付费,聘请辅导老师,尝试Duolingo,购买语法书,将电话菜单切换为Français ,这是您学习法语时应该做的所有普通事情。

But there’s a shortcut, and it’s the one thing most people will never think to do: move to France.


Of course, uprooting your life and moving to a new country is a ridiculous thing to do just to learn a language. But you have to admit, being immersed in France would teach you French much better than a textbook. It comes at a high cost, but immersion is the highest bang for the buck you can get when it comes to learning.

当然,为了学习一种语言,让自己的生活连根拔起,搬到一个新的国家是一件荒谬的事情。 但是您必须承认,沉浸在法国会教给您比教科书更好的法语。 它的成本很高,但是沉浸式学习是您获得学习的最高收益。

You see, your brain was designed over millennia of evolution to soak up statistical patterns from its environment — whatever it needs to survive, communicate, and ascend a social hierarchy. But your brain needs stakes, and it needs to be immersed in enough raw information to extract patterns. Your job is to bring it to water. Your brain can handle the drinking.

您会发现,您的大脑经过几千年的进化而设计,可以吸收周围环境的统计模式-生存,交流和提升社会等级所需的一切。 但是您的大脑需要赌注,并且需要将其浸入足够的原始信息中以提取模式。 您的工作是将其投入使用。 您的大脑可以应付饮酒。

This is how I made my way into the blockchain world. I immersed myself in a world I didn’t understand. I read academic papers, whitepapers, blog posts, most of which made no sense to me. I listened to nothing but blockchain podcasts, watched technical lectures and took notes, spun up nodes, prototyped a blockchain myself, and talked to as many blockchain experts as I could (who all knew much more than I did).

这就是我进入区块链世界的方式。 我沉浸在一个我不了解的世界中。 我阅读了学术论文,白皮书,博客文章,其中大多数对我来说没有意义。 除了区块链播客,我什么都听不到,没有观看技术讲座,做笔记,旋转节点,自己制作了区块链原型,并尽我所能与尽可能多的区块链专家进行了交谈(他们比我了解得多)。

I steeped myself into everything blockchain until my brain started making sense of it. And the amazing thing is that, even still, almost nobody else I met who was learning blockchain was doing this.

我全神贯注于所有区块链,直到我的大脑开始理解它。 令人惊讶的是,即使如此,我遇到的几乎所有其他人都不知道正在学习区块链。

So I learned faster than they did. And you can too.

所以我学得比他们快。 您也可以。

4.加倍努力。 (4. Double down on your strengths.)

Most people shy away from their strengths. They are convinced that they need to be an expert in something before they start blogging, or organizing events, or making Youtube videos, or making friends with influential people.

大多数人回避自己的优势。 他们深信,在开始撰写博客,组织活动,制作Youtube视频或与有影响力的人交朋友之前,他们需要成为某个领域的专家。

This couldn’t be farther from the truth.


Exploit your strengths and double down on them. People often self-select themselves out of usefulness, believing that their strengths aren’t useful in a new domain. They’re almost always wrong.

利用您的优势,加倍努力。 人们常常出于有用性而自我选择,认为自己的优势在新领域中无用。 他们几乎总是错的。

Do it early, do it poorly. If you fail, you’ll be surprised how little anyone cares or notices. If you succeed, you’ll be surprised how easy it was, and how much worse other people are at it.

尽早做,做得不好。 如果失败,您会惊讶于几乎没人关心或注意到。 如果您成功了,您会感到惊讶,它是如此的简单,以及其他人所遭受的后果更糟。

I have a knack for writing. So whenever I want to learn a new domain, I start blogging about it. Here’s the thing: at first, my writing is pretty bad! No one reads it and no one cares. But over time, writing forces me to engage more deeply with the domain, make connections, research more carefully, and ultimately learn more.

我有写书的诀窍。 因此,每当我想学习一个新域名时,都会开始写博客。 事情是这样的:起初,我的写作很糟糕! 没有人阅读,也没有人在乎。 但是随着时间的流逝,写作迫使我更加深入地参与领域,建立联系,进行更仔细的研究并最终学到更多。

I know so many people who are competent writers, but choose not to blog about things they don’t know well. When I ask them why not, they tell me: “I’ll blog when I have something to say that hasn’t already been said.”

我认识许多人,他们都是能干的作家,但选择不写博客,讲述自己不熟悉的事情。 当我问他们为什么不这样做时,他们告诉我:“当我有话要说时,我会写博客。”

I laugh.


Everything I say has all been said before. But today, I’m the one saying it, so anyone who wants to hear it today gets to hear it from me.

我所说的一切都已经讲过了。 但是今天,我是一个这样说的人,所以今天想要听的人都会听到我的声音。

5.寻找借口教书。 (5. Find excuses to teach.)

It’s a little-known secret that in any classroom, the person learning the most about the subject is the teacher. The absolute fastest way to learn any domain is to teach it. Teaching requires you to spontaneously recall things you’ve learned, to organize and fluidly present concepts, to come up with analogies and frameworks, and to answer arbitrary questions about a topic.

一个鲜为人知的秘密是,在任何教室里,对这个学科了解最多的人就是老师。 学习任何领域的最快方法就是教它。 教学要求您自发地回顾自己学到的东西,组织和流畅地表达概念,提出类比和框架,并回答有关某个主题的任意问题。

But you’re still an amateur yourself! How can you possibly get into a situation that you can teach?

但是你自己还是一个业余爱好者! 您怎么可能陷入可以教导的情况?

Simple. Find the person next most clueless/junior to you and offer to teach them.

简单。 在您之后最不了解/最不熟悉的地方找到这个人,并提出要教他们。

If you can’t do that, organize a free class, seminar, or webcast. If even one person shows up, teach that one person. Answer questions on an online forum like StackExchange or a public Slack channel. Write or record tutorials. There’s always someone behind you who would benefit from your help.

如果您不能这样做,请组织免费的课堂,研讨会或网络广播。 如果甚至只有一个人出现,请教一个人。 在诸如StackExchange或公共Slack频道等在线论坛上回答问题。 编写或记录教程。 您背后总有人会从您的帮助中受益。

When I was learning computer science at App Academy, I organized small study groups where I taught advanced algorithms and data structures — the kind of stuff normally taught in an advanced university course. Of course, I wasn’t qualified at the time.

当我在App Academy学习计算机科学时,我组织了一些小型研究小组,在那里我教授高级算法和数据结构-通常在高级大学课程中教授的那种东西。 当然,当时我没有资格。

So how’d I teach them? Simple. I told people I would. Then having already committed, I watched Stanford and Princeton lectures on the algorithms again and again until I understood them. Then I programmed them up, wrote tests, and planned out a lecture.

那我怎么教他们? 简单。 我告诉别人我会的。 在做出承诺之后,我一次又一次地观看了斯坦福大学和普林斯顿大学关于算法的讲座,直到我理解它们为止。 然后,我对它们进行编程,编写测试并计划了一次讲座。

The lectures were fine, though my amateurishness showed through. That’s okay. They were still useful to the attendees — but even more so, they were invaluable to me. I would never have gotten to where I am today if I only taught things that I myself had mastered.

演讲很好,尽管我的业余爱好表现出来了。 没关系。 它们对与会者仍然有用-但更重要的是,它们对我来说是无价的。 如果我只教我自己已经掌握的东西,我永远都不会到达今天的位置。

学习学习 (Learning to Learn)

In the end, learning is both science and art. It is science when your domain is structured, and art when it is not.

最后,学习既是科学,也是艺术。 当您构建领域时,这是科学,而当您构建领域时,则是艺术。

If you’re trying to learn in a structured domain, much of the best research on this topic is summarized in the legendary MOOC Learning How To Learn by Barbara Oakley. There are some good condensed class notes available here. That is the science of learning, and it’s well-understood when trying to learn something well-understood.

如果您想在结构化领域中学习,那么有关此主题的许多最佳研究都总结在Barbara Oakley传奇的MOOC 学习方法中 。 有提供一些很好的凝聚课堂笔记这里 。 那是学习的科学,并且在尝试学习一些通俗易懂的东西时,它是易懂的。

But the art of learning is more subtle. It’s in how you explore uncharted territory. It’s how humankind learns anything for the very first time.

但学习的艺术更加微妙。 这是您探索未知领域的方式。 这是人类第一次学习任何东西。

The best learners, the people I most respect, they fight for their learning through small acts of bravery. They explore, take risks, look stupid, and insist on leaving no rocks unturned. Though I usually fall short, this is the kind of learner I aspire to be.

最好的学习者,我最尊敬的人,他们通过英勇的行为为自己的学习而奋斗。 他们探索,冒险,显得愚蠢,并坚持不懈地前进。 尽管我通常会做不到,但这是我渴望成为的学习者。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-hard-thing-about-learning-hard-things-168e655ac7f2/






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