github 移动端项目_如何为您的GitHub项目选择合适的移动应用

github 移动端项目

by John Lafleur

约翰·拉弗勒(John Lafleur)

如何为您的GitHub项目选择合适的移动应用 (How To Choose The Right Mobile App For Your GitHub Projects)

On GitHub, you now have 1.5 million organizations with 25 million active repositories. That’s an average of 17 active repos per organization! Developers are participating in more and more GitHub projects at the same time. Still, GitHub doesn’t have any official mobile clients. Let’s see why and what mobile app alternatives there are in order to see if there is one you should absolutely get.

在GitHub上,您现在拥有150万个组织和2500万个活动存储库 。 每个组织平均有17个活动存储库! 开发人员同时参与越来越多的GitHub项目。 尽管如此,GitHub还没有任何官方的移动客户端。 让我们看看为什么以及有哪些移动应用替代方案,以查看是否有您绝对应该获得的替代方案。

Over the past few years, I’ve contributed to the development of two developer platforms — CodinGame and Together they total more than 1M developers. I’ve recently co-founded an Engineering Intelligence platform called Anaxi. Think of it as actionable business intelligence for the whole engineering organization. So part of my job is identifying growing trends in software development tools. In other words, I think about this kind of thing quite a lot!

在过去的几年中,我为两个开发人员平台CodinGameTech.io的开发做出了贡献。 他们在一起总共有超过100万开发人员。 我最近与人共同创建了一个名为Anaxi的工程智能平台。 将其视为整个工程组织可行的商业智能。 因此,我的工作之一就是确定软件开发工具的增长趋势。 换句话说,我经常考虑这种事情!

So let’s first understand why GitHub is not focusing any resources on any mobile clients.


GitHub为什么不构建移动应用程序? (Why would GitHub not build a mobile app?)

The basic reasoning for GitHub to even consider building some mobile clients is likely that the value outweighs the cost in their eyes. And there are many ways to approach this.

GitHub甚至考虑构建一些移动客户端的基本理由很可能是其价值超过了他们的眼中的成本。 有很多方法可以解决这个问题。

The first thought that comes to mind: what do you do most on GitHub? Code reviews, code merge, anything around coding. But have you ever coded on mobile? I haven’t. And even if you wanted to make a small change in the code, how would you test the code you modified?

首先想到的是:您在GitHub上做什么? 代码审查,代码合并以及任何有关编码的事情。 但是您曾经在手机上编码吗? 我没有 即使您想对代码做些小改动,如何测试修改的代码?

Sure, you might also want to comment on GitHub issues, that’s true. And I think that’s behavior that’s much more likely to happen on a mobile device. Just as it turned out that not every email is serious prose, then not everything that goes on in GitHub is significant programming. Sometimes you just want to make small adjustments to an issue.

当然,您可能还想对GitHub问题发表评论,这是事实。 而且我认为这种行为更有可能在移动设备上发生。 事实证明,并非每封电子邮件都是认真的散文,那么GitHub上发生的一切也不是重要的编程。 有时您只想对问题进行小调整。

But actually, that’s not what is important in this matter. The important question is, does GitHub gain anything by controlling the user interaction? Whether or not you comment on issues from your mobile, you will almost always end up going to their web application for code reviews and merge.

但是实际上,这在这件事上并不重要。 重要的问题是,GitHub通过控制用户交互是否可以获得任何收益? 无论您是否对移动设备上的问题发表评论,您几乎总是会最终进入他们的Web应用程序进行代码审查和合并。

GitHub’s focus has always been to become this inevitable part of the software development process. And to do that, it needed to build a powerful API so that 3rd-party developers could build great user experiences for everything around their versioning service. A mobile client is just part of those user experiences.

GitHub的重点一直是成为软件开发过程中不可避免的一部分。 为此,它需要构建一个功能强大的API,以便第三方开发人员可以为其版本控制服务的所有内容构建出色的用户体验。 移动客户端只是这些用户体验的一部分。

Will that change with Microsoft’s acquisition? Maybe. Even before the acquisition, GitHub had recently been building new project management tools. Microsoft is very strong in project management tools. It is actually the world leader in this. Especially if you consider Microsoft Excel as the alternative to everything, like I do! So you might think they would put more resources into bringing the war to Atlassian to try owning engineering project management.

微软的收购会改变这种状况吗? 也许。 甚至在收购之前,GitHub就已经在构建新的项目管理工具 。 Microsoft在项目管理工具方面非常强大。 实际上,这是世界领先者。 尤其是像我一样,如果您将Microsoft Excel视为一切的替代品! 因此,您可能认为他们会投入更多资源来将战争带给Atlassian,以尝试拥有工程项目管理权。

What are we left with now? What are the best alternatives we’ve got on mobile? What are the use cases?

我们现在剩下什么了? 我们在移动设备上最好的选择是什么? 有哪些用例?

您的GitHub项目有哪些潜在的移动应用程序? (What are some potential mobile apps for your GitHub projects?)

If you’re like me, you prefer to compare things in a good old spreadsheet. For this benchmark, I have only focused on what I considered to be the most noteworthy apps. There are actually dozens more. So if you feel this list is missing some other apps that are worthy enough to lift Thor’s hammer, please leave a comment!

如果您像我一样,则希望比较旧的电子表格中的内容。 对于此基准测试,我仅关注我认为最值得关注的应用程序。 实际上还有几十个。 因此,如果您觉得此列表中缺少其他足以引起雷神之锤的应用程序,请发表评论!

Lots of them are delivering the same kind of features. Note that all of them are free. So let’s dive a bit further into each of these apps!

他们中的许多人都提供相同的功能。 请注意,所有这些都是免费的。 因此,让我们进一步深入研究每个应用程序!

Fasthub(Android) (Fasthub (Android))

In my opinion, Fasthub is the best Android mobile client if you’re looking into having all GitHub’s features on your phone. It has a customizable theme and a very clean UI. Fasthub’s user experience focuses on Feeds (understand Notifications from all your projects), Issues, and Pull Requests. This coincides with your main current use cases for GitHub. Fasthub is still actively developed, in contrast to most other Android clients.

我认为,如果您正在考虑在手机上使用GitHub的所有功能,Fasthub是最好的Android移动客户端。 它具有可自定义的主题和非常干净的UI。 Fasthub的用户体验侧重于Feed(了解您所有项目的通知),问题和请求请求。 这与GitHub当前的主要用例相吻合。 与大多数其他Android客户端相比,Fasthub仍在积极开发中。

OctoDroid和Forkhub(Android) (OctoDroid & Forkhub (Android))

They stand for the most downloaded GitHub Android clients made by individuals and not developed upon anymore — there are a lot of apps like this.

它们代表由个人制作且不再开发的,下载量最高的GitHub Android客户端-有很多这样的应用程序。

In comparison to Fasthub, it seems they just wanted to reproduce Github’s features without thinking of our use cases. It doesn’t have any customizable theme. But still, they are feature complete.

与Fasthub相比,似乎他们只是想重现Github的功能而无需考虑我们的用例。 它没有任何可自定义的主题。 但是,它们功能齐全。

CodeHub(iPhone / iPad) (CodeHub (iPhone / iPad))

CodeHub is the iOS GitHub client that offers all GitHub features in a brick-after-brick interface and functional UI. The app structure is not adapted to the mobile use cases we mentioned earlier — quick updates. But it has everything. It’s the most popular app on iOS right now.

CodeHub是iOS GitHub客户端,通过砖块式界面和功能UI提供GitHub的所有功能。 该应用程序结构不适合我们前面提到的移动用例-快速更新。 但是它拥有一切。 目前,它是iOS上最受欢迎的应用。

GitPoint(iOS和Android) (GitPoint (iOS and Android))

Built with React Native, GitPoint is an alternative that works on both Android and iPhone. It is quite easy to use, but less complete than CodeHub. However, note that there is no more development on this app :(.

使用React Native构建的GitPoint是可在Android和iPhone上运行的替代产品。 它很容易使用,但不如CodeHub完整。 但是,请注意,此应用程序:(没有更多开发。

GitHawk(仅适用于iOS) (GitHawk (iOS only))

GitHawk’s focus is to help you “get to INBOX ZERO on your notifications.” So its primary interface is around notifications, and then you can deep dive into them, check out a pull request, and merge it.

GitHawk的重点是帮助您“在通知上达到INBOX ZERO”。 因此,它的主要界面是围绕通知的,然后您可以深入研究通知,签出拉取请求并将其合并。

The main issue for this app is that they don’t filter notifications, and you might not be interested in all of them. Still, they let you manage them easily. I think it’s actually a great app, as they focused on your mobile use cases and adapted the app to do just that.

此应用程序的主要问题是它们不过滤通知,您可能对所有通知都不感兴趣。 尽管如此,它们仍使您可以轻松地对其进行管理。 我认为这实际上是一个很棒的应用程序,因为他们专注于您的移动用例,并对此应用程序进行了改进。

Anaxi(仅适用于iOS;即将在Android上推出) (Anaxi (iOS only; soon on Android, too))

Anaxi’s focus is to help you take a step back on your projects. How many blocker bugs for the next release do we still have? What about networking issues? Are all the issues well distributed across your own team?

Anaxi的重点是帮助您向后退项目。 在下一版本中,我们还有多少个阻止程序错误? 那网络问题呢? 所有问题都在您自己的团队中分配得很好吗?

Anaxi lets you build filtered lists of issues — which are called reports — so you can keep track of how your project is moving forward. Users can set up thresholds, so reports appear red under alarming circumstances. These color indicators show you what requires your attention at a glance. Anaxi is clearly not a GitHub client; it brings features that GitHub doesn’t have. And that’s why it is very interesting!

通过Anaxi,您可以构建已过滤的问题列表(称为报告),从而可以跟踪项目的进展情况。 用户可以设置阈值,因此在令人震惊的情况下,报告显示为红色。 这些颜色指示器使您一目了然。 Anaxi 显然不是GitHub客户它带来了GitHub所没有的功能 。 这就是为什么它很有趣的原因!

您应该获得哪个应用程序? (Which app should you get?)

I think a mobile app can and should help you manage and handle your GitHub project in a better way. It should complement the web app.

我认为移动应用程序可以并且应该帮助您以更好的方式管理和处理GitHub项目。 它应该补充网络应用程序。

I would rather start using an app that understands my needs and will deliver me some value that I don’t get using the tool, rather than just reproducing the features of the tool without even thinking about my use cases.


And in that case, two apps stand out.


Anaxi对项目的见解 (Insights on the project with Anaxi)

Anaxi brings new knowledge and insight through its reports that the user can’t get on GitHub only. It helps you understand exactly where you are and potentially questions your priorities. It helps you have better hindsight and therefore be a more impactful contributor, as a developer or manager.

Anaxi通过其用户无法仅在GitHub上获得的报告带来了新的知识和见识。 它可以帮助您准确地了解自己的位置,并可能对您的优先事项提出疑问。 它可以帮助您事后具有更好的后见之明,因此可以成为开发人员或管理人员更有影响力的贡献者

使用GitHawk处理通知 (Handling notifications with GitHawk)

Even though GitHawk stands for a subset of GitHub’s features, it does simplify the experience for a specific use case that is adapted to mobile.


In the end, GitHawk and Anaxi understand that the most likely use cases you will have on your phone are to keep up to date on the issues of interest to you or on the project in general. It is all around the code, but not managing the code itself.

最后,GitHawk和Anaxi了解到,您手机上最有可能的用例是与您或整个项目有关的最新问题保持最新。 它是围绕代码的,而不是管理代码本身。

However, note that neither app is comparable in any way. Anaxi is a platform, while GitHawk is a useful GitHub tool. Anaxi will soon integrate with other tools, such as Jira, and have other clients — Android and web — , and will bring other report capabilities. That’s why it doesn’t describe itself as a GitHub client, but as a platform. It has a full team actively developing it, while GitHawk is the great work of an individual.

但是,请注意,两个应用程序都无法以任何方式进行比较。 Anaxi是一个平台,而GitHawk是一个有用的GitHub工具。 Anaxi很快将与Jira等其他工具集成,并拥有其他客户端(Android和Web),并将带来其他报表功能。 这就是为什么它不将自己描述为GitHub客户端,而是将其描述为平台的原因。 它有一个完整的团队积极开发它,而GitHawk是个人的出色工作。

If you end up testing Anaxi, please leave a comment and tell us what you think about it. We’re just at the beginning of a long journey!

如果您最终测试Anaxi,请发表评论并告诉我们您的想法。 我们才刚刚开始漫长的旅程!

PS: I am adding the list of apps that I had a comment on below, and that I still think are not worthy enough to be featured. Of course, with the reason why. Working Copy: clunky interface, hard to keep up to date or to access whatever you want to access, plus not entirely free.

PS:我在下面添加了我有评论的应用程序列表,但我仍然认为这些应用程序还不值得推荐。 当然有原因。 工作副本:笨拙的界面,难以保持最新或访问您想要访问的任何内容,而且并非完全免费。

你走之前… (Before you go…)

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Originally published at on September 11, 2018.



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