
by Isabel Nyo


一路走来的博客之旅和技能 (My blogging journey and skills I’ve acquired along the way)

There have been many accidental events in my life that have benefited me greatly in my career, and blogging is definitely one of them. Today, I’d like to take you on my blogging journey and share with you some of the skills that I’ve acquired from blogging.

我一生中发生过许多意外事件,这些事件对我的职业生涯产生了极大的帮助,博客绝对是其中之一。 今天,我想带您踏上博客之旅,并与您分享一些我从博客中学到的技能。

我的博客之旅如何开始 (How my blogging journey began)

Let’s start from the very beginning. There is always a reason behind any journey. So the first question that I’d like to address is why I started blogging. Was it for fame or a desire to create a personal brand? Was it to make some side income?

让我们从头开始。 任何旅程背后总有一个原因。 因此,我要解决的第一个问题是为什么我开始写博客。 创建名牌是出于名望还是渴望? 是为了赚一些额外收入吗?

The answer was neither. The reason why I started blogging was actually rather simple. It was because I needed a place to record my learning and it needed to be somewhere that I could access from anywhere that was not tied to a physical device or location. So not on my home computer or my work computer.

答案是否定的。 我开始写博客的原因实际上很简单。 这是因为我需要一个记录学习的地方,并且需要在一个不受物理设备或位置约束的地方可以访问的地方。 因此不在我的家用计算机或工作计算机上。

And therefore, I only had one audience in mind: myself. I started blogging for myself, so I could access the content from anywhere in the world. My blog lived at my domain name - eisabainyo.net. This was before smartphones existed.

因此,我只想到一个听众:我自己。 我开始为自己写博客,这样我就可以从世界任何地方访问内容。 我的博客居住在我的域名eisabainyo.net上 。 这是在没有智能手机之前。

That’s a nice segue to the next question that I would like to address: when did I start blogging? I remember the exact date because it was quite an easy date to remember — Christmas Day, about 13 years ago. 25 December 2005, to be precise.

这是我要解决的下一个问题的妙语:我什么时候开始写博客? 我记得确切的日期,因为它很容易记住-大约13年前的圣诞节。 确切地说,是2005年12月25日。

What did I blog about, especially on a Christmas day, I hear you ask. At that time, I was working as a developer for a media company, doing web development during office hours and in my spare time. I talked about my personal projects and wrote anything about web development — CSS, JavaScript, API, PHP, and any web technology at that time. You name it, I blogged about it. ?

我听到了您的询问,特别是在圣诞节那天,我写了什么博客。 当时,我是一家媒体公司的开发人员,在办公时间和业余时间从事Web开发。 我谈论了自己的个人项目,并写了有关Web开发的任何内容-CSS,JavaScript,API,PHP和当时的任何Web技术。 您命名,我写了一篇博客。 ?

There was no shortage of what to blog about, because I was living and breathing web development.


与时俱进 (Changing with the times)

Fast-forward to now, and both my personal and professional life have changed. I am now an engineering manager and a proud mother of a six-year-old girl.

到现在,我的个人和职业生活都发生了变化。 我现在是一名工程经理,并且是一个六岁女孩的骄傲的母亲。

Therefore, my blog has evolved from being a technical blog with code snippets and demos to a blog that talks about technology careers, leadership, and life from the perspective of a female leader in technology who is also a mother.


Where and how I blog have evolved, too. My blog has also interestingly aligned with how the technology landscape is changing. When I started blogging, I used WordPress software and installed it on a shared hosting platform. About 6-7 years ago, when social media became popular, I started blogging on LinkedIn. And today, I blog on Medium. Basically, I moved to where my audience went. It’s funny now to think that I started blogging for myself.

我的博客在何处以及如何发展。 我的博客也有趣地与技术格局的变化保持一致。 当我开始写博客时,我使用WordPress软件并将其安装在共享托管平台上。 大约6到7年前,当社交媒体开始流行时,我开始在LinkedIn上写博客。 今天,我在Medium上发表博客。 基本上,我搬到了听众去的地方。 认为我开始为自己写博客现在很有趣。

In terms of tools of the trade, I used a desktop computer back in the day, and then I moved to a windows laptop. These days, I blog on a Mac or sometimes from my smartphone. Medium has a pretty good iPhone app that lets me do that. Sometimes, the Notes app works just fine, too.

在交易工具方面,我白天使用台式计算机,然后搬到Windows笔记本电脑上。 这些天,我在Mac上写博客,有时甚至在智能手机上写博客。 Medium有一个非常不错的iPhone应用程序,让我可以做到这一点。 有时,Notes应用程序也可以正常工作。

我从博客中学到的东西 (What I’ve learned from blogging)

And now, I’d like to share with you the skills that I learned from blogging and how those skills have helped me on my career journey.


时间管理 (Time management)

Time management is one of my top rated skills, and I am proud to say it’s something I learned through keeping a reasonable up-to-date blog outside my full-time job and family responsibilities. To me, time management is not about when you do one thing or the other. It’s about having strategies that help you make the best use of the time you have.

时间管理是我评价最高的技能之一,我很自豪地说这是我在全职工作和家庭责任之外保留一个合理的最新博客所学到的东西。 对我而言,时间管理与您何时做一件事情或另一件事无关。 这是关于制定策略来帮助您充分利用自己的时间。

Time management is personal, because it has to work for you, and it has to match your preferences. For example, if you are not a morning person, a time management strategy that says waking up at 5am to have an extra hour to get ready for the day and clear up your Inbox is not going to work well for you.

时间管理是个人的,因为它必须为您工作,并且必须匹配您的偏好。 例如,如果您不是一个早起的人,那么一个时间管理策略说您需要在凌晨5点醒来,有一个额外的时间为一天做准备并清理收件箱,这对您来说效果不佳。

With that in mind, I thought I’d share with you some of my time management strategies so you can choose to take or leave the ones you find appropriate:


Get rid of time wasters: For example, no TV or Netflix, no procrastination.


Keep lists: I have a Shopping List, Lunch Box List (for my daughter), Cleaning List, Ideas List, and a Holiday Activities List, just to name a few.


Understand the why behind everything: I find that when I know the reason or purpose behind a particular activity, I am more likely to be motivated to achieve it instead of just doing the activity because I don’t have a choice.


For example, I blog because I like to facilitate knowledge sharing and learn and grow at the same time. If I can’t find a good reason why I am doing something, then it’s a chance for me to really decide if it is something that I should be doing.

例如,我之所以写博客是因为我喜欢促进知识共享以及同时学习和成长。 如果我找不到做某事的正当理由,那么这是我真正决定是否应该做某事的机会。

Relax and reflect: It may seem ironic to see the word “Relax” as a time management strategy, but I swear by it. You’ll rarely see me in the office past 6 pm, because I have found that it doesn’t matter how long I stay in the office. At a certain point, I am not adding value or doing any high-impact work as my brain just stops working after 8 hours. It needs to be recharged.

放松思考:将“放松”一词视为一种时间管理策略似乎很讽刺,但我对此深信不疑。 下午6点以后,您很少在办公室见到我,因为我发现我待在办公室多久都没关系。 在某些时候,我不会增加价值或做任何有影响力的工作,因为我的大脑在8小时后才停止工作。 它需要充电。

Therefore, my time management strategy is to take a break every now and then, and relax and reflect on what I’ve done, so I can start again with full focus and energy.


Focus on high-value work: To be able to focus on high-value work that is going to bring the most value to you, whether it is personal or professional, you need to first identify what it is and what it is not. I determine whether something is a high-value work by answering a simple question - will this matter in the future (a few days or months or years from now)?

专注于高价值工作:要专注于将为您带来最大价值的高价值工作,无论是个人还是专业,您都需要首先确定它是什么,什么不是。 我可以通过回答一个简单的问题来确定某件东西是否是高价值的工作-将来(从现在开始的几天,几个月或几年)会变得很重要吗?

For example, through my blog, I receive quite a few emails, comments, and direct messages. Do I read them all? Yes, I do skim-read them all. Do I reply to them all? No, I don’t. While I understand it is nice and polite to reply to every single person, sometimes it is not necessary.

例如,通过我的博客,我收到了很多电子邮件,评论和直接消息。 我会全部阅读吗? 是的,我会略读所有内容。 我会全部回复吗? 不,我不知道 虽然我知道可以对每个人进行回复很礼貌,但是有时没有必要。

Let me give you a few examples. Some people want me to promote their products which I don’t believe in, some people are trolls, some people just want to state their opinion. Just a bit of disclaimer: this doesn’t mean that if I don’t reply to someone, I don’t value their feedback or I think they are trolls. It just means that I value both my time and their time.

让我举几个例子。 有些人要我推广我不相信的产品,有些人是巨魔,有些人只想发表意见。 只是一点免责声明:这并不意味着如果我不回复某人,我就不会重视他们的反馈,或者我认为他们是巨魔。 这只意味着我珍惜我的时间和他们的时间。

设计思维 (Design thinking)

One of the questions I get asked a lot with regards to my blog is how I come up with content ideas. My answer is two words: design thinking.

关于博客我被问到很多问题之一是我如何提出内容创意。 我的回答是两个词:设计思维。

Design thinking is a bit of a buzz word these days, and there are a lot of articles that talk about design thinking. Contrary to popular belief, design thinking is not only about how things “look,” nor is it just a concern for designers.

如今,设计思维有点流行,而且有很多文章讨论设计思维。 与流行的看法相反,设计思想不仅是事物的“外观”,也不是设计师关心的问题。

Therefore, lets go back to the basics and understand what design thinking is.


Design thinking is an iterative approach to problem solving that intentionally seeks out people with different perspectives, knowledge, skills and experience and has them work together to create a practical solution for a real-world problem - Tech Target

设计思维是一种解决问题的迭代方法,可以有意识地寻找具有不同观点,知识,技能和经验的人员,并让他们共同努力,为实际问题创建实用的解决方案-Tech Target

While I do not have a team of people working on my blog, I do speak to a lot of people and get feedback, questions, and comments from them. That’s where my content ideas come from.

尽管我的博客没有团队成员,但我确实与很多人交流,并从他们那里获得反馈,问题和评论。 那就是我的内容创意的来源。

I’ve learned that regardless of how great I think my content is, if none of my audience is interested in that particular topic, it is not going to add value to them. The design thinking approach encourages me to empathise with my audience, define ideas for content in a structured way, keep a prioritised backlog of ideas, do necessary research, and, last but not least, write content that adds value to my audience.

我了解到,无论我认为我的内容多么出色,如果我的听众对这个特定主题都不感兴趣,那么它就不会为他们增加价值。 设计思维方法鼓励我同情听众,以结构化的方式定义内容的想法,按优先级排列待办事项,进行必要的研究,最后但并非最不重要的一点是,编写能够为我的观众增加价值的内容。

As with the last step in the design thinking process, “Testing”, I am constantly looking at feedback and user engagement (such as social media sharing, comments, Medium highlights) to really understand if I have achieved what I was trying to achieve with my content and how I can improve for my next content.


开放的反馈 (Openness to feedback)

We all know feedback is a gift, but it takes a bit of practice to be open to receiving feedback that is not positive. Through my blog, I’ve received a lot of feedback. Some is positive feedback, but some is not.

我们都知道反馈是一种礼物,但是要接受不积极的反馈要花一些时间。 通过我的博客,我收到了很多反馈。 有些是积极的反馈,有些则不是。

Over time, I have learned to really value negative feedback instead of getting upset about it. Every piece of negative feedback that I receive teaches me something. Some negative feedback is well-meaning, and some is not. But regardless of its intent, all negative feedback helps me to grow. In case you’re wondering how I react to negative feedback, these are the things I usually do when I receive it:

随着时间的流逝,我学会了真正重视负面反馈,而不是为此而烦恼。 我收到的每条负面反馈都会教会我一些东西。 一些负面反馈是善意的,而某些则不是。 但是,不管意图如何,所有负面反馈都可以帮助我成长。 如果您想知道我对负面反馈的React,以下是我收到反馈时通常会做的事情:

  1. Take time to understand the feedback and let it sink in.

  2. Decide if it is something I would like to do something about — whether by responding to the person or making a mental note for the future or adding an action item for myself.

  3. If the feedback is negative and not well-meaning, give myself the permission to ignore and move on.


Through getting feedback from others via my blog, I’ve also learned and embraced this very simple fact — not everyone is going to agree with you, not everyone has to share your point of view, and that is perfectly ok.


沟通技巧 (Communication skills)

Blogging is a form of expressing myself through words. Through blogging, I have found myself getting better at articulating my thoughts whether they are in written or spoken form.

博客是通过语言表达自我的一种形式。 通过博客,我发现自己在表达自己的想法(无论是书面形式还是口头形式)方面都变得更好。

I’ve learned to communicate clearly, both by thinking about the message and the impression that I’d like to leave, and by changing my communication style to meet my target audience — all through blogging. Regardless of where you currently are in your career (for example, whether you’re a developer, a tech lead, a manager or a CTO), great communication skills can make or break your career.

我已经通过思考信息和想留下的印象,以及通过改变沟通方式以满足目标受众的要求,来清晰地交流,所有这些都通过博客进行。 无论您目前在职业中处于什么位置(例如,无论您是开发人员,技术主管,经理还是CTO),出色的沟通技巧都能成就或破坏您的职业。

A lot of the times, it is your communication skills that set you apart from others and makes you stand out from the rest.


立即开始写博客 (Start blogging today)

Do you have a blog? If so, good on you. Keep blogging! If you haven’t got a blog yet, I hope I’ve encouraged you to blog by sharing my journey with you. It truly has helped me a lot in my career and in my outlook on life, more than I had ever anticipated.

你有博客吗? 如果是这样,那就对你有利。 继续写博客! 如果您还没有博客,希望我通过与您分享我的旅程来鼓励您写博客。 确实,这对我的职业生涯和人生观提供了极大的帮助,超出了我的预期。

Just like Zig Ziglar, a motivational speaker, once said,

就像励志演讲者Zig Ziglar曾经说过的那样,

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”


Thank you for reading!


If you like this story, you might like to check out my latest book, README.md for Software Developers: The Ultimate Software Development Career Guide in the Age of Technology Disruption.

如果您喜欢这个故事,那么您可能想看看我的最新著作README.md(针对软件开发人员 :技术 颠覆 时代的终极软件开发职业指南)。

Subscribe to my mailing list to receive articles and resources on Technology Career, Leadership & Life.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/if-youre-a-developer-you-should-start-blogging-and-here-s-why-b5cb2951d95c/





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