

by Toni Shortsleeve

通过托尼·肖特里夫(Toni Shortsleeve)

每一步都为我的拓展之旅带来了新的东西 (Every step brings something new on my Outreachy journey)

This is the fourth installment of my Outreachy Internship articles. I’m writing one every two weeks to provide updates along my journey, and I have tried to stay on schedule. You can read my previous articles if you need to catch up or be reminded of what has happened so far.

这是我的外展实习文章的第四部分。 我每两周写一次,以提供整个旅程的更新,而且我一直努力按时完成。 如果您需要赶上或想起到目前为止发生的事情,可以阅读我以前的文章。

In my first article, I shared how I beat the odds and got accepted as an Outreachy intern working with LibreHealth. The next article discussed my preparation to begin the actual internship after I was accepted. In the last article, I talked about a few of the technical challenges I experienced. Today, I’ll share what has been happening since then.

在我的第一篇文章中,我分享了我如何克服困难并成为LibreHealthOutreachy实习生。 一篇文章讨论了我被录取后准备开始实际实习的准备。 在一篇文章中,我谈到了我遇到的一些技术挑战。 今天,我将分享自那时以来发生的一切。

我在做什么 (What I’m doing)

The LibreHealth Toolkit is a software API and user interface that can be used to create Electronic Health Records. The LibreHealth Radiology suite is a customized version of the LibreHealth Toolkit with additional tools for radiology and imaging professionals.

LibreHealth Toolkit是一个软件API和用户界面,可用于创建电子健康记录。 LibreHealth放射学套件是LibreHealth Toolkit的定制版本,其中包含用于放射学的其他工具 和影像专业人士。

I am working on LibreHealth non-technical User Guides for both the Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Radiology modules. It’s been exciting to learn the workflow for Providers as well as Staff in the EHR module. I’m also in the process of learning the workflow for the Radiology Department.

我正在使用针对电子健康记录(EHR)和放射学模块的LibreHealth非技术用户指南。 在EHR模块中学习供应商和员工的工作流程非常令人兴奋。 我也正在学习放射科的工作流程。

I’ve enjoyed using the LibreHealth EHR demo site to create a new facility for a doctor’s practice, and the staff and procedures required to run the facility. I use Snag-it, Photoshop and the Google Inspector as needed to make the images work for the documentation.

我非常喜欢使用LibreHealth EHR 演示站点来创建一个新的设施,以供医生练习以及运行该设施所需的人员和程序。 我根据需要使用Snag-it,Photoshop和Google Inspector来使图像适用于文档。

The LibreHealth EHR demo allows me to keep the User Preference and new Patient information, so that it is still there the next time I use it.

LibreHealth EHR演示使我可以保留用户首选项和新的患者信息,以便下次使用时仍可使用。

很少技术 (Very Little Tech)

I’m not yet as familiar with how the LibreHealth Radiology module should work or how easy it will be to keep the new patient and staff information that I will want to create. So I’m planning to download the actual software to make sure I can work with it.

我还不熟悉LibreHealth放射学模块应该如何工作,或者要保留要创建的新患者和医护人员信息的难易程度。 因此,我打算下载实际的软件以确保可以使用它。

I’m also hoping to create an easy-to-follow guide for downloading and installing the Toolkit and Radiology software.

我也希望为下载和安装Toolkit and Radiology软件创建一个易于遵循的指南。

I really like my tech mentor, and I’ve benefited from the way he approaches problem solving. When I work with the software and encounter any errors or messages, I tell him of the newest message that I see on my computer. It’s always fun when he says “hmm” or “weird”. After a short time, he gives me another solution to try out, which I test and let him know the outcome.

我真的很喜欢我的技术顾问,他从他解决问题的方式中受益匪浅。 当我使用该软件并遇到任何错误或消息时,我告诉他我在计算机上看到的最新消息。 他说“嗯”或“怪异”总是很有趣。 片刻之后,他给了我另一种解决方案进行尝试,对此我进行了测试,并让他知道结果。

Currently, the Docker and Radiology install is on hold until I hear back from him again.


更多文件 (More Documentation)

But this was very good timing. My documentation mentor came back. He reviewed the second revision of my documentation and offered a few more suggestions. I like working with him because he explains why I should make those changes. And he listens to my thoughts and answers my questions patiently.

但这是一个很好的时机。 我的文档指导者回来了。 他回顾了我的文档的第二版,并提出了一些其他建议。 我喜欢和他一起工作,因为他解释了我为什么要进行这些更改。 他听了我的想法,耐心地回答了我的问题。

Since I was working on two different documents with similar styling, I had to ensure that the changes were consistently implemented in each document.


One user guide, the “Provider Orders”, follows a patient from check-in at the front desk, to visiting with the doctor. It walks through how the doctor documents the visit and then creates an Order for the patient to receive an X-ray. This document has been revised based on my mentor’s suggestions and is awaiting approval.

一位患者指南,即“提供者订单”,跟随患者从前台办理登机手续,直至与医生会面。 它详细介绍了医生如何记录就诊,然后为患者创建一份接受X射线检查的订单。 该文档已根据我的指导者的建议进行了修订,正在等待批准。

The other user guide, the “Encounters”, follows the patient through a similar process. However, in this document the doctor prescribes an injection and we follow the complete process to checkout.

另一个用户指南“遭遇者”通过类似的过程跟踪患者。 但是,在本文档中,医生开了注射针,我们将按照完整的流程进行检查。

后退一步 (Another Step Backwards)

I returned back to working on the “Encounters” documentation. I referred back to the Encounters video that I’ve been using as a base and re-opened the demo that I have used to create these user stories.

我回到了“遭遇”文档的工作。 我回顾了我一直用作基础的Encounters视频,并重新打开了用于创建这些用户案例的演示。

The Login Screen was in Spanish. I don’t speak or read Spanish. ?

登录屏幕为西班牙语。 我不会说或不会读西班牙语。 ?

I did what I thought was correct and brought the language back to American English. But it didn’t change. My documentation mentor looked at it and made a few suggestions on how to fix it. After we tried everything we thought would work, we put the call out to our tech mentor.

我做了我认为正确的事,并将语言重新带回了美国英语。 但这并没有改变。 我的文档指导者仔细研究了一下,并提出了一些解决方法。 在尝试了所有我们认为可行的方法之后,我们将电话通知了我们的技术指导者。

He immediately knew what was wrong and fixed it quickly. Imagine my embarrassment when he said, it could also be fixed in the Administrative => Global screen. The only one thing I forgot to check. ?

他立即知道出了什么问题,并Swift解决了。 想象一下他说的尴尬,这也可以在“管理=>全局”屏幕中解决。 我忘了检查的唯一一件事。 ?

向前迈出的另一步 (Another Step Forward)

So I’m back on track again for the “Encounters” documentation and hoping this will help with the Radiology workflow.


I have found out more about Diagnosis, Procedure and Medication Billing codes. I will be going back to refine a couple of the images that changed due to this new information. I hope to have a second revision of the Encounters document completed in a few days.

我发现了更多有关诊断,程序和药物帐单代码的信息。 我将回过头来完善一些由于此新信息而更改的图像。 我希望几天后能完成对遭遇文件的第二次修订。

与此同时… (Meanwhile…)

Needless to say, I haven’t been doing much editing on the freeCodeCamp Medium publication lately. I finally checked in to see what freeCodeCamp Medium has been publishing lately. I was excited to see the article by Quincy Larson announcing the freeCodeCamp 2018 Top Contributor Award Winners.

不用说,最近我没有对freeCodeCamp Medium出版物进行过多的编辑。 我终于检查了一下,最近发布了哪些freeCodeCamp Medium。 我很高兴看到Quincy Larson宣布了freeCodeCamp 2018杰出贡献者奖得主的文章

There were just over 200 people chosen for these awards. I’m excited and thankful to be among the ones chosen, and hoping to attend the New York celebration.

刚刚有200多人获得了这些奖项。 我很高兴也很高兴能被选中,并希望参加纽约的庆祝活动。

下次更多 (More Next Time)

Now, back to work. I hope next time I can tell you more about the inner workings of LibreHealth Radiology.

现在,回到工作。 希望下次我能进一步告诉您有关LibreHealth Radiology的内部运作方式。

I think one of my favorite parts about writing these articles is finding really cool header images. The ones I use are from Pixabay.

我认为有关撰写这些文章的最喜欢的部分之一是找到非常酷的标题图像。 我使用的是来自png

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/every-step-brings-something-new-on-my-outreachy-journey-e7c0f7adf2ea/


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