技术的迭代职业生涯_“我在技术职业生涯中做出的最好的举动” –来自八位技术专家的见解。...


by Rachel


“我在技术职业生涯中做出的最好的举动” –来自八位技术专家的见解。 (“The best move I made in my tech career” — insights from eight tech ladies.)

I’m fascinated by the ‘story’ — the decisions and circumstances that lead people to the lives they’re living. I’ve been navigating my first professional Software Engineering job this past month, and have been thinking about everything that set me up for this opportunity. There were some steps that propelled me forward, and some that pulled me back.

我对“故事”着迷,“故事”使人们走向了自己的生活。 在过去的一个月中,我一直在导航我的第一份专业软件工程工作,并且一直在考虑使我为这个机会做好一切准备的一切。 有一些步骤使我前进,有的使我退缩。

So, I asked some of the tech ladies that I adore to share their insights and perspectives on what they view as the best move they made for their careers in tech.


We’d also love to hear from you — pop a comment on this post if there’s something that you’ve experienced or done that drove your career forward!


1. Rachel-回到学校。 (1. Rachel — Going back to school.)

I attended one of the first US coding bootcamps back in 2015, and the natural next step was to get out there and get a job. But something made me hesitate. I wanted engineering to be my ‘career’ — I was crazy passionate about programming, but there were huge gaps in my knowledge of Computer Science. I wanted to figure out how computers worked, how to apply design principles, how compilers functioned, how to choose the right data structures and optimise algorithms.

我在2015年参加了美国最早的编码训练营之一,自然而然的下一步就是去那里找到一份工作。 但是有些事令我犹豫。 我希望工程学成为我的“职业” —我对编程充满了疯狂的热情,但是我在计算机科学方面的知识仍然存在巨大空白。 我想弄清楚计算机如何工作,如何应用设计原理,编译器如何工作,如何选择正确的数据结构和优化算法。

So I applied to CS Masters programmes, and got my top choice, in London. In hindsight, this was the smartest decision I could have made — despite my initial worries about the mountains of debt, and turning down other job offers. The Masters was designed to teach as much of a CS undergrad degree as possible in 1 year — so it was an intense crash course on the fundamentals, exactly what I wanted.

因此,我申请了CS硕士课程,并在伦敦获得了我的首选。 事后看来,这是我本可以做出的最明智的决定,尽管我最初担心债务过多,并拒绝了其他工作机会。 硕士课程旨在在1年内教授尽可能多的CS本科学位-因此,这是一门激烈的基础知识速成课程,正是我想要的。

Some highlights were getting to do a great Artificial Intelligence module as my optional subject, and working with Microsoft for my final research project — I built a genetics-based augmented reality app for their HoloLens device. The doors that opened after I graduated were incredible, compared to the position I had been in a year prior.

作为我的可选科目,一些亮点已成为一个出色的人工智能模块,并与Microsoft一起完成了我的最终研究项目-我为其HoloLens设备构建了基于遗传学的增强现实应用程序。 与一年前的职位相比,我毕业后打开的门令人难以置信。

Rachel (@secretlifeofcode) is a Software Engineer, now based in Dublin. She recently graduated with a Masters in Computer Science from UCL. She’s a former GSoC-er (Google Summer of Code), and former Community Lead for She++ London.

Rachel (@secretlifeofcode )是一位软件工程师,现位于都柏林。 她最近获得了UCL的计算机科学硕士学位。 她曾经是GSoC-er(谷歌代码之夏)和She ++ London的前社区负责人。

2. Meral-决定全力以赴成为一名技术企业家。 (2. Meral — deciding to go all in as a tech entrepreneur.)

The best move I’ve made so far is when I decided I wanted to be a tech entrepreneur. As a junior at UCLA, I started reaching out to founders/CEOs of tech startups in the LA area, offering to help them with anything from product to growth to coffee delivery — in exchange for a crash course in building a company from the ground up. Hundreds of rejections and ignored reach-outs later, I connected with the CEO and co-founder of Dust Messaging (a Mark Cuban company) via a cold LinkedIn InMail. And the rest was history. I quickly learned that to be the best you have to surround yourself with and learn from the best — so over the next year I continued to network and meet mentors, colleagues, and business partners. That’s how I met Zac Choi, who was beginning to work on a new tech start-up, Hello Chava, at the time. When my time at UCLA and Dust was coming to a close, I had my heart set on founding my own company — until a fateful visit to San Francisco, where I reconnected with Zac and his co-founder, Leonard (Founder/CEO @ Syncplicity, acquired 2012).

到目前为止,我做出的最好的决定是当我决定要成为一名技术企业家时。 作为加州大学洛杉矶分校的一名大三学生,我开始与洛杉矶地区的科技初创公司的创始人/首席执行官接触,提供从产品到成长再到咖啡交付的一切帮助,以换取从头开始建立公司的失败过程。 。 数以百计的拒绝和后来忽略的影响力,我通过冷冷的LinkedIn InMail与Dust Messaging(Mark Cuban公司)的首席执行官和联合创始人联系在一起。 剩下的就是历史了。 我很快了解到,要做到最好,就必须与最好的人一起学习,并向最好的人学习。因此,在接下来的一年中,我继续与人建立联系并与导师,同事和业务合作伙伴见面。 这就是我遇见Zac Choi的方式,当时他开始从事新技术创业公司Hello Chava的工作。 当我在UCLA和Dust工作的时间即将结束时,我全心全意地创立了自己的公司-直到对旧金山的一次重大访问,在那里我与Zac和他的联合创始人Leonard(Syncplicity的创始人/首席执行官)保持联系,于2012年收购)。

I was in love with their vision for Hello Chava, and excitedly hustled my way on-board as a co-founder. Today, I’m proud of what we’ve built at Hello Chava (AI-powered texting automation & augmentation) — and I’m thrilled to have launched a tech product and company at 23.

我爱上了他们对Hello Chava的愿景,并兴奋地加入了自己的联合创始人之路。 今天,我为我们在Hello Chava(基于AI的短信自动化和增强功能)上构建的产品感到自豪-我很高兴在23岁时推出了一个高科技产品和公司。

Meral Arik (@my.startuplife) is a co-founder of Hello Chava, a technology start up that uses A.I. to power client relationships over text messaging. She is also founder of DOER Society, a fast growing community for entrepreneurial women.

Meral Arik (@ my.startuplife )是Hello Chava的共同创始人, Hello Chava是一家技术初创公司,它使用AI通过文本消息为客户关系提供动力。 她还是DOER协会的创始人, DOER协会是一个快速发展的企业家女性社区。

3. 鼠尾草—和我的肠子一起去。 (3. Sage — Going with my gut.)

The best move of my career also happens to be the best move of my personal life. In 2016, I was supposed to relocate to Seattle to join a team at Microsoft headquarters. It was the dream job, in my dream city.

我职业生涯中的最佳举动也恰好是我个人生活中的最佳举动。 在2016年,我应该搬到西雅图加入Microsoft总部的团队。 那是我梦想中的城市里的梦想工作。

But at the time, my mother was undergoing treatment for cancer, so I decided to move home to Toronto instead of crossing the border into the US. I re-joined the Canadian evangelism team I’d worked on during my internship, and on this team I was given the freedom to build with the emerging technologies that interested me the most.

但是当时,我的母亲正在接受癌症治疗,所以我决定搬到多伦多,而不是越过边界进入美国。 我重新加入了在实习期间工作过的加拿大布道团队,在这个团队中,我获得了使用最令我感兴趣的新兴技术进行构建的自由。

Through that role I built my first holographic app, spoke on global stages, and worked with amazing people who have become some of my best friends and mentors. And most importantly, I was able to be there with my mom during the last two years of her life.

通过这个角色,我建立了我的第一个全息应用程序,在全球舞台上发表了演讲,并与令人惊奇的人一起工作,这些人已经成为我最好的朋友和导师。 最重要的是,我能够在妈妈的生命的最后两年与她在一起。

While this was ultimately my decision, it wouldn’t have been possible without the amazing people at Microsoft who understood my priorities and made it possible for me to change roles. The best career moves are made with a strong gut feeling, sound logic, and support from others.

尽管这最终是我的决定,但没有微软出色的人员能够理解我的优先事项并让我更换职位,这是不可能的。 最好的职业举动是带着强烈的直觉,合理的逻辑和他人的支持。

Sage Franch (@thetrendytechie) is co-founder and CTO of Crescendo, an AI-powered chatbot for diversity and inclusion training. Prior to Crescendo, Sage specialized in cognitive computing and mixed reality at Microsoft, and taught blockchain development at bootcamps in Toronto.

Sage Franch (@thetrendytechie )是Crescendo的联合创始人兼CTO, Crescendo是一款由AI驱动的聊天和多样性聊天机器人。 在Crescendo之前,Sage在Microsoft专门从事认知计算和混合现实,并在多伦多的训练营教授区块链开发。

4. 艾莉森(Alison)-冒险,将自己投入深渊。 (4. Alison — Taking risks, and throwing myself in the deep-end.)

As vague as this seems, everything I have achieved thus far has come from the feeling of being enveloped, and swallowed whole by an overwhelming sensation of fear and self-doubt — but going through with it anyway. This applies to me investing in a coding bootcamp, volunteering to take on the role of SCRUM master when we lost a team member, applying to a scholarship I never thought I’d be considered for, jumping into a business idea with nothing but complete faith that it will work, and more.

似乎含糊其词,到目前为止,我所取得的一切都来自被笼罩的感觉,并被压倒性的恐惧和自我怀疑的感觉吞没了,但无论如何都要经历它。 这适用于我投资于编码训练营,当我们失去团队成员时自愿担任SCRUM主管的角色,申请我从未想到过的奖学金,完全出于信念跳入一个商业想法它会起作用,以及更多。

Doing things I thought I could never do is what has taken me to places and presented me with opportunities I’d never have thought I’d get to have. If you just keep trying, and embrace the failures as growth, you will get exactly where you want to be. In fact, you typically end up some place even better than you imagined.

做一些我认为自己做不到的事情,这使我进入了很多地方,并给我带来了我从未想到过的机会。 如果您只是继续努力,并将失败作为增长,那么您将获得想要的位置。 实际上,您通常会比您想象的更好。

Alison (@falkyou) is a front-end application developer for a healthcare solutioning company. Outside of her 9 to 5, she is a lingerie model and is enrolled in The George Washington University Master’s of Cybersecurity Engineering program. She is an assistant instructor at @momscancode as well as a member of @thewomenofsextech.

Alison (@falkyou )是一家医疗保健解决方案公司的前端应用程序开发人员。 在9到5岁之间,她是女性内衣模特,并入读了乔治华盛顿大学的网络安全工程硕士课程。 她是在助理教练@momscancode以及成员@thewomenofsextech

5. 杰米(Jamie)—弄清楚 我要编码的是 什么 (5. Jamie — Figuring out ‘what’ I was coding for.)

I now code with purpose. Tech is an attractive field because of the plentiful opportunities and high salaries, but that isn’t enough for me. I need to feel like I am making a difference to be satisfied with my place in the world.

我现在有目的地编码。 技术是一个有吸引力的领域,因为有很多机会和高薪,但这对我来说还不够。 我需要感觉自己正在做出改变,以对自己在世界上的地位感到满意。

Finding a research topic in graduate school that allows me to support a community was the best move I’ve made. Not only am I passionate about my work, but I can see the direct impact that I’m making in other’s lives. It’s a great feeling!

在研究生院中找到一个可以让我支持社区的研究主题是我所采取的最佳举措。 我不仅对自己的工作充满热情,而且可以看到我对他人生活的直接影响。 感觉真好!

Don’t let your tech career keep you boxed into superficiality and materialism. Use it as a tool to make a positive difference in your community.

不要让您的技术职业让您陷入肤浅和唯物主义的困境。 用它作为一种工具,在您的社区中发挥积极作用。

Jamie (@bergerwithasideofcode) is a computer science PhD researcher at Michigan Technological University. She specializes in culturally inclusive computer science education for Native Americans.

Jamie (@bergerwithasideofcode )是密歇根理工大学的计算机科学博士学位研究员。 她专门为美洲原住民提供具有文化包容性的计算机科学教育。

6. 约翰(Johna)-与陌生人交谈,没有期望。 (6. Johna — Talking to strangers without expectations.)

Not only in my tech career, but in life: talking with strangers. I’ve had a lot of work experience, but not much job-hunting experience. The first “job fair” I went to was my junior year of university. I showed up an hour before the event ended with five résumés in hand and no idea what I was looking for in an internship.

不仅在我的技术职业中,而且在生活中:与陌生人交谈。 我有很多工作经验,但是没有太多的求职经验。 我参加的第一个“招聘会”是我大三的时候。 在活动结束前一个小时,我出现了五个简历,不知道我在实习中需要什么。

After handing out the résumés and talking to various companies, I was headed to the door and noticed a couple guys quietly standing at the table for a consulting company that needed computer science majors. I had never heard of the company before, so I walked over and struck up a conversation. They didn’t have any internship positions, and I didn’t have any résumés left, so we just chatted and exchanged email addresses without any expectations.

在分发完简历并与多家公司交谈之后,我走进了门,发现一对夫妇静静地站在桌子旁,寻找一家需要计算机科学专业的咨询公司。 我以前从未听说过这家公司,所以我走过去并进行了交谈。 他们没有实习职位,我也没有简历,因此我们只是聊天和交换电子邮件地址而没有任何期望。

A week later, I had an interview with the company, and three years later I’m still working for Credera (they ended up finding an internship position for me that summer). I feel like I’m precisely where I’m supposed to be in my career, but if I had walked out that day without pausing to chat, my life would look completely different.

一周后,我接受了公司的采访,三年后,我仍在为Credera工作(那个夏天他们最终找到了我的实习职位)。 我觉得自己恰好是我职业生涯中应该去的地方,但是如果那天我出去走走而又不暂停聊天,那我的生活将会完全不同。

Johna Rutz (@jonesdoeslife) spends her workdays developing custom software solutions for clients at Credera, and her weekends with friends searching for specialty coffee shops around Dallas.

Johna Rutz (@jonesdoeslife )花费她的工作日为Credera的客户开发定制软件解决方案,并在周末与朋友一起在达拉斯附近寻找特色咖啡店。

7. Robyn-Instagram。 (7. Robyn — Instagram.)

One word: Instagram. The best move I made — not in, but for my tech career — was building up my online presence on social media.

一句话:Instagram。 我采取的最好行动-不是为了而是为了我的技术职业-是在社交媒体上建立我的在线形象。

While I was interning at a start-up, I met a woman who recognised me from my Instagram account. The start-up I was interning at was located at a WeWork, which is a co-working space ideal for growing companies. She was working for a different company at the same WeWork location.

当我在一家初创公司实习时,我遇到了一位女士,该女士从我的Instagram帐户中认出了我。 我实习的初创公司位于WeWork,这是成长型公司的理想合作空间。 她曾在同一WeWork地点为另一家公司工作。

A few weeks later, and a couple weeks before my internship was ending, I bumped into her in the kitchen. After chatting for a bit, I found out that she was a full stack developer at a cool start-up… and they were hiring! She introduced me to her colleagues and helped me get my foot in the door for an interview. Three days after my internship ended, I received an offer from her company. Social media is a great way to make a name for yourself professionally.

几周后,以及实习结束前的几周,我在厨房碰到了她。 聊了一会后,我发现她是一家很不错的初创公司的全职开发人员……他们正在招聘! 她向我介绍了她的同事,并帮助我步入了采访的大门。 实习结束三天后,我收到了她公司的录用通知。 社交媒体是在专业领域为自己取名的好方法。

Robyn Silber (@programm.r) is a software engineer with a M.Sc in Computer Science. She currently works for a start-up as a Ruby on Rails full stack developer and is on the Board of Directors at Autism Speaks.

Robyn Silber (@ programm.r )是获得计算机科学硕士学位的软件工程师。 她目前以Ruby on Rails全栈开发人员的身份为一家初创公司工作,并且是Autism Speaks的董事会成员。

8. 白兰地-不能一口气总结一下! (8. Brandy — Can’t be summed up in just one move!)

I don’t know if I can define any one move as being the best, but I do have a few highlights. My first being, going back to school. I had started off running a large mobile conference, and the only thing I couldn’t do was build the mobile app for it. I started teaching myself to program in my spare time and decided to jump all in and go back to school.

我不知道我是否可以将任何举动定义为最佳举动,但我确实有几点要点。 我的第一个,回到学校。 我开始举办大型的移动会议,而我唯一无法做的就是为其构建移动应用程序。 我开始在业余时间教自己编程,然后决定全力以赴并回到学校。

The next highlight happened while I was in school: I got an internship. I had been attending meet-ups and meeting so many different people in the tech community, and they all told me I needed real world experience. So, I got an internship (working for FREE), and started writing production code about a month later (and they started to pay me!).

下一个亮点发生在我上学的时候:我得到了实习。 我参加了聚会,并在技术社区中遇到了许多不同的人,他们都告诉我我需要真实的经验。 因此,我得到了一个实习生(免费工作),大约一个月后开始编写生产代码(他们开始付钱给我!)。

The next highlight happened when I decided to speak at a conference. This was about four months after graduating school, and I flew out to Toronto to speak about building mobile games with React Native. It was that moment that I knew I loved teaching people and showing others what was possible with technology and a little confidence.

当我决定在会议上发言时,下一个亮点发生了。 这是毕业后大约四个月的时间,我飞到多伦多,谈论用React Native开发手机游戏。 就在那一刻,我知道我喜欢教人,并向他人展示技术和一点信心带来的可能。

The next major highlight was when I decided to document my journey on social media. It opened the door to so many opportunities and to so many awesome people. It gave me the ability to connect with others that were like me and loved technology.

下一个主要亮点是当我决定在社交媒体上记录我的旅程时。 它为众多机会和众多杰出人士打开了大门。 它使我能够与其他像我一样,喜欢技术的人建立联系。

Without these highlights I don’t think I would where I am in my career. I currently help my husband at his tech startup during the day and by night I am growing my own company, Creators Code, with my business partner Dania Micala. We are building a platform to teach others how to authentically grow their social presence and build a community. Being in tech is about being in a community that supports and helps one another. My mission in life is to help others find their success, while teaching them how to showcase it through social.

没有这些亮点,我认为我不会在职业生涯中处于自己的位置。 目前,我白天和晚上都在丈夫的科技创业公司中提供帮助,到了晚上,我将与我的商业伙伴Dania Micala一起发展自己的公司Creators Code。 我们正在构建一个平台,以教别人如何真正地发展他们的社交能力并建立社区。 从事技术意味着要在一个相互支持和互相帮助的社区中。 我的人生使命是帮助他人找到自己的成功,同时教会他们如何通过社交展示成功。

Brandy (@ brandymorgan) is a developer, designer, and doer who could out hustle Jay-z. Her work has received recognition and acclaim from Awwwards. Brandy has been featured in Glamour and Money magazine for her work on social media for paving the way for other female developers.

Brandy(@ brandymorgan )是一名开发人员,设计师和执行者,可能会忙于 Jay-z。 她的作品获得了Awwwards的认可和好评。 布兰迪(Brandy)因在社交媒体上的工作而在《魅力与金钱》(Glamour and Money)杂志中脱颖而出,为其他女性开发者铺平了道路。

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如果您对其他主题有想法/建议,请给我发送电子邮件,电子邮件地址为secretlifeofcode [at] gmail [dot] com。 (If you have ideas / suggestions for other topics you’d like to be covered, shoot me an email at secretlifeofcode [at] gmail [dot] com.)
谢谢阅读! ❤ (Thanks for reading! ❤)

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-best-move-i-made-in-my-tech-career-insights-from-8-tech-ladies-b2ac5bf488eb/






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