react微信小程序ui库_如何在React Web应用程序中使用Material-UI显示应用程序内消息...


by Kelly Burke

凯莉·伯克(Kelly Burke)

如何在React Web应用程序中使用Material-UI显示应用程序内消息 (How to show in-app messages using Material-UI in a React web app)

In some situations, your web app needs to show an informational message to tell users whether an event was successful or not. For example, a “Success” message after a user clicks a button and successfully completes some action.

在某些情况下,您的Web应用程序需要显示一条参考消息,以告诉用户事件是否成功。 例如,用户单击按钮并成功完成某些操作后,显示“成功”消息。

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a simple component for informational, in-app messages with React and Material-UI. We’ll call it a Notifier component.

在本教程中,我将向您展示如何使用React和Material-UI为信息性应用内消息创建一个简单组件。 我们将其称为Notifier组件。

Here are the main sections of this tutorial:


  • Getting started

  • Notifier component

  • Import Notifier component to Index page

  • Testing


If you find this article useful, consider starring our Github repo and checking out our book where we cover this and many other topics in detail.

如果您觉得这篇文章很有用,请考虑为我们的Github回购加注星标,并查看我们的 ,其中详细介绍了此主题和许多其他主题。

入门 (Getting started)

For this tutorial, I’ve created a simple web app for you to follow. We’ll use code located in the tutorials/4-start folder of our builderbook repo.

在本教程中,我创建了一个简单的Web应用程序供您遵循。 我们将使用位于builderbook repotutorials / 4-start文件夹中的代码

If you don’t have time to run the app locally, I deployed this example app here.


To run the app locally:


  • Clone the builderbook repo to your local machine with:

git clone
  • Inside the 4-start folder, run yarn or npm install to install all packages listed in package.json.

    4-start文件夹中,运行yarnnpm install来安装package.json列出的所有软件包。

  • Run yarn dev to start the app.

    运行yarn dev启动应用程序。

索引页 (Index page)

On your browser, go to http://localhost:3000. This is our Index page, which has the / route. Next.js provides automatic routing for pages located in a /pages folder. The name of each page file becomes that page’s route.

在浏览器上,转到http:// localhost:3000 。 这是我们的Index页面,其中包含/路线。 Next.js为/pages文件夹中的/pages提供自动路由。 每个页面文件的名称将成为该页面的路由。

Our Index page is a simple page component that renders a form, an input, and a button (more explanation below).


Here’s the code for our Index page at pages/index.js:

这是我们在pages/index.js Index页面的代码:

A few notes:


  • We could have defined this page as a stateless functional component, since it has no state, lifecycle hooks, or refs (read more about when to use stateless functional components versus React ES6 classes). You’ll see this Eslint warning: Component should be written as a pure function. However, the final Index page that we write in this tutorial will have ref. Hence, we wrote this initial Index page as a child of ES6 class using extends.

    我们可以将该页面定义为无状态功能组件,因为它没有状态,生命周期挂钩或引用( 阅读更多有关何时使用无状态功能组件和React ES6类的信息)。 您会看到以下Eslint警告: Component should be written as a pure function 。 但是,我们在本教程中编写的最终 Index页面将具有参考。 因此,我们写了这 使用extends作为ES6类的子级的 Index页。

  • We imported Head from Next.js in order to customize the <Head> element of the page. Inside <Head>, we added a page <title> and<meta> description for proper indexing by search engine bots (good for SEO). The text inside <title> displays on your browser tab:

    我们从Next.js导入Head ,以自定义页面的<He ad>元素。 我nside <HEAD>,我们一dded a页面<t通过搜索引擎机器人(好FO书名>和<META>描述了正确的索引r SEO). <title>中的文本显示在浏览器选项卡上:

  • We used Material-UI’s TextField and Button components, which render into <input>; and &lt;button> HTML elements, respectively.

    我们使用了Material-UI的TextFieldButton组件,它们呈现为<inp ut> ; and &l ; and &l t; button> HTML元素。

  • We wrapped our page with a withLayout higher-order component. Our app uses Next.js, and withLayout ensures that server-side rendering works properly for Material-UI inside our React-Next app. withLayout also adds our Header component (located at components/Header.js) to each page that withLayout wraps. Server-side rendering is not necessary for Material-UI or React, but it is a main feature of Next.js. We discussed server-side vs. client-side rendering in React apps in another tutorial.

    我们用withLayout高阶组件包装页面。 我们的应用程序使用Next.js, withLayout确保在React-Next应用程序中服务器端渲染对于Material-UI正常工作。 withLayout还将我们的Header组件(位于components/Header.js )添加到withLayout环绕的每个页面上。 对于Material-UI或React,服务器端渲染不是必需的,但这是Next.js的主要功能。 在另一篇教程中,我们讨论了React应用程序中的服务器端渲染与客户端渲染

We are done describing our initial Index page. Now let’s discuss the Notifier component that we will later import into the Index page to show informational messages to our web app users.

我们已经完成了对初始Index页面的描述。 现在让我们讨论Notifier组件,稍后将其导入到“ Index页面以向我们的Web应用程序用户显示参考消息。

通告程序组件 (Notifier component)

Let’s start by defining the Notifier component. We define Notifier as a React.Component instead of a stateless function, because Notifier will have state, one lifecycle method, and a few event handling functions.

让我们从定义Notifier组件开始。 我们将Notifier定义为React.Component而不是无状态函数,因为Notifier将具有状态,一个生命周期方法和一些事件处理函数。

For our informational messages, we will use Material-UI’s Snackbar. Check out examples of using Snackbar on the official Material-UI site.

对于我们的参考消息,我们将使用Material-UI的Snackbar 。 在官方Material-UI网站上查看使用Snackbar的示例

Here’s a high-level outline of our Notifier component:


Create a Notifier.js file inside the /components folder of 4-start. Add the above high-level outline to this file. Below, we will replace the numbered comments with code.

4-start/components文件夹内创建一个Notifier.js文件。 将上面的高级大纲添加到此文件。 在下面,我们将用代码替换编号的注释。

1. We will use the open and message props of Material-UI’s Snackbar for the state of our Notifier. Check the full list of props for Snackbar.

1.我们将使用Material-UI的Snackbar的openmessage属性作为Notifier的状态。 查看Snackbar 道具完整列表

Initially, our Notifier should be in a closed state with an empty string as a message. We define the Notifier's initial state as:

最初,我们的Notifier应处于关闭状态,并以空字符串作为消息。 我们将Notifier的初始状态定义为:

2. Now let’s write a function that updates the state of the Notifier component. The function will change the value of the open prop to true and set the value of the message prop to a non-empty string. Let’s call this function openSnackbar().

2.现在,让我们编写一个更新通告程序组件状态的函数。 该函数会将open属性的值更改为true ,并将message属性的值设置为非空字符串。 我们将此函数openSnackbar()

Before we can execute openSnackbar(), our Notifier component needs to be mounted in the DOM. Thus, we put the openSnackbar() function into a componentDidMount lifecycle method that executes right after the Notifier component mounts in the DOM.

在执行openSnackbar() ,需要将我们的Notifier组件安装在DOM中。 因此,我们将openSnackbar()函数放入componentDidMount生命周期方法中,该方法在Notifier组件在DOM中装入后立即执行。

In order to access the openSnackbar() function anywhere in our app, we have to set its value to another function that is available outside of the Notifier component. Hence, we write let openSnackbarFn above class Notifier extends React.Component.

为了在应用程序中的任何位置访问openSnackbar()函数,我们必须将其值设置为Notifier组件之外可用的另一个函数。 因此,我们在class Notifier extends React.Component之上编写let openSnackbarFn class Notifier extends React.Component

Putting these pieces together:


Now let’s define the openSnackbar() function. This function will update the open and message properties of our Notifier’s state. Once the state is updated, the Notifier component will get re-rendered to show a message (open:true displays the Snackbar, and message:message sets the message).

现在让我们定义openSnackbar()函数。 此函数将更新Notifier状态的openmessage属性。 更新状态后,将重新渲染Notifier组件以显示消息( open:true显示小吃栏,而message:message设置消息)。

Inside this.setState, we could have written message as message:message. Instead, we used ES6 shorthand syntax (enforced by Eslint) to make the code more concise.

this.setState内部,我们可以将message编写为message:message 。 相反,我们使用ES6 速记语法 (由Eslint强制执行)使代码更简洁。

3. When a user clicks outside of the Snackbar area, the Snackbar should close. The Snackbar prop onClose is responsible for this behavior. Let’s write a function called handleSnackbarClose() that sets open to false and message to an empty string.

3.当用户单击“小吃栏”区域之外时,“小吃栏”应关闭。 Snackbar属性onClose负责此行为。 让我们编写一个名为handleSnackbarClose()的函数,该函数将open设置为false并将message设置为空字符串。

4. Finally, let’s write code for our Notifier component to render the Snackbar component with all necessary props.


In addition to the message, onClose, and open props described above, we’ll add the following props to our Snackbar component:


  • anchorOrigin: specifies the Snackbar location

    anchorOrigin :指定anchorOrigin的位置

  • autoHideDuration: specifies the Snackbar duration in milliseconds

    autoHideDuration :指定Snackbar持续时间(以毫秒为单位)

  • SnackbarContentProps: binds the Snackbar to an element inside the DOM that contains message; in our case, the element has the id snackbar-message-id, and the Snackbar will display text from this element.

    SnackbarContentProps :将SnackbarContentProps绑定到DOM中包含message的元素; 在我们的例子中,元素的ID为snackbar-message-id ,而Snackbar将显示该元素的文本。

Here is the render() method of our Notifier component:


In the <span> element, we could have written message={this.state.message}, but instead we wrote dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: this.state.message }} . This allows us to add HTML code to the Snackbar’s message prop. For instance, you may want to show a hyperlink to users. Read more about using dangerouslySetInnerHTML in React.

<sp an>元素中,我们可以itten message={ },但是我们wrote dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: this.state.mess age}}。 这使我们可以将HTML代码添加到小吃店bar's m留言道具。 例如,您可能想显示指向用户的超链接 有关在React中危险地使用SetInnerHTML的更多信息。

After putting the code from steps 1–4 together, here’s our final Notifier component:


Important note: notice how we exported our openSnackbar() function in addition to Notifier component. We will import both openSnackbar() and Notifier into our Index page.

重要说明:请注意,除了Notifier组件之外,我们openSnackbar()如何导出openSnackbar()函数。 我们将导入这两个 openSnackbar()Notifier到我们的Index页面。

将通知程序组件导入索引页面 (Import Notifier component to Index page)

Let’s go back to our Index page, where we will import our Notifier component and openSnackbar() function.


Without triggering the openSnackbar() function, our Notifier component will always stay in its initial closed state with an empty string as a message. We need to execute openSnackbar() after a user submits the form by clicking the button on our Index page. Let’s define a showNotifier() function that does exactly that.

在不触发openSnackbar()函数的情况下,我们的Notifier组件将始终保持其初始关闭状态,并带有一条空字符串作为消息。 用户单击“ Index页面上的按钮提交表单后,我们需要执行openSnackbar() 。 让我们定义一个可以showNotifier()这一点的showNotifier()函数。

showNotifier函数 (showNotifier Function)

We will call showNotifier() inside the <form> element. We’ll make showNotifier() execute when a user enters a number on the form and clicks the “Submit” button.

我们将在<fo rm>元素内调用showNotifier() 。 当用户在表单上输入数字并单击“提交”按钮时, make showNoti ()执行。

Here’s the current <form> on our Index page:

这是n our索引页面的当前<fo rm>:

Let’s make two modifications:


1. To call showNotifier() when the form is submitted, we use JavaScript’s onsubmit Event:

1.在提交表单时调用showNotifier() ,我们使用JavaScript的onsubmit事件

2. A user will enter a number inside TextField. In order for our showNotifier() function to access the value of TextField, we add React’s ref attribute to TextField.

2.用户将在TextField输入一个数字。 为了让showNotifier()函数访问TextField的值,我们将React的ref属性添加到TextField

There are two ways to get the value of TextField: with this.state and with ref. We chose ref, since this.state is more concise. Here’s an explanation of writing with this.state, and here’s more info about using ref in React.

有两种方法可以获取TextField的值: this.stateref 。 我们选择ref ,因为this.state更简洁。 这是使用this.state编写的解释 ,这是有关在React中使用ref更多信息

Now let’s define the showNotifier() function. Here’s the high-level outline for showNotifier():

现在让我们定义showNotifier()函数。 这是showNotifier()的高级概述:

Below, we’ll write code for each of the three comments above.


  1. We define answer as:


This line of code says that IF answerInput exists (meaning the <input> element is added to the DOM), THEN answer equals the value of answerInput, which is accessed with answerInput.value.

这行代码说,如果answerInput存在(意味着<inp UT>元素被添加到DOM), THEN答案等于VAL ue of answe rInput,其访问with answerInput 。价值。

IF answerInput does not exist, THEN the entire condition in parentheses is false and answer equals null.

如果answerInput不存在,则括号中的整个条件为false, answer等于null

2. If a user does not enter an answer on our form but clicks the “Submit” button, we will show this message: Empty field. Enter a number.

2.如果用户未在表单上输入答案,而是单击“提交”按钮,我们将显示以下消息: Empty field. Enter a number. Empty field. Enter a number.

3. If a user enters 4 and clicks the “Submit” button, then our openSnackbar() function will run and show this message: Correct answer!. Otherwise, it will show Incorrect answer.

3.如果用户输入4并单击“提交”按钮,则我们的openSnackbar()函数将运行并显示以下消息: Correct answer! 。 否则,它将显示Incorrect answer.

We use parseInt(answer, 10) to parse answer, which is a string, and return an integer. The parameter 10 specifies that the integer is in decimal format.

我们使用parseInt(answer, 10)解析answer ,它是一个字符串,并返回一个整数。 参数10指定整数为十进制格式。

Let’s put together the code from steps 1–3 above for our showNotifier function. We’ll place the code right under the line class Index extends React.Component:

让我们将上述步骤1-3中的代码放到showNotifier函数中。 我们将代码放置在class Index extends React.Component的行class Index extends React.Component

You’ll notice that we added a line event.preventDefault();. This will prevent our <form> element from its default behavior of sending form data to a server.

您会注意到我们添加了一行event.preventDefault(); 。 这将防止我们的<fo rm>元素出现其默认行为或将表单数据发送到服务器。

Now we have all the code for our final Index page:


测试中 (Testing)

Let’s test that our Notifier works as expected. Run the app locally with yarn dev and navigate to http://localhost:3000. If you aren’t running the app, go to the one I deployed:

让我们测试一下Notifier按预期工作。 使用yarn dev在本地运行应用程序,然后导航到http:// localhost:3000 。 如果您没有运行该应用程序,请转到我部署的应用程序: https : //

First, click “Submit” without adding anything in the text field.


Next, add the number 4 and click “Submit”.


Now add any other number and click “Submit”.


Remember that we wrote code to close the Snackbar when a user clicks away from it (we wrote a handleSnackbarClose() function and passed it to the onClose prop of the Snackbar). After seeing the Snackbar, click anywhere besides the Snackbar itself on your screen. The Snackbar should close immediately.

请记住,我们编写了在用户单击时关闭Snackbar的代码(我们编写了handleSnackbarClose()函数并将其传递给Snackbar的onClose道具)。 看到快餐栏后,单击屏幕上除快餐栏本身以外的任何地方。 小吃店应立即关闭。

A nice feature of Material-UI is mobile optimization. We don’t have to write extra code for our informational message to look good on mobile devices. See for yourself by going to Chrome’s DevTools and changing the view from desktop to mobile. Our message appears across the top of the screen:

Material-UI的一个不错的功能是移动优化。 我们不必为信息性消息编写额外的代码即可在移动设备上看起来不错。 转到Chrome的DevTools,然后将视图从台式机更改为移动版,即可亲自查看。 我们的消息出现在屏幕顶部:

Woohoo! You’ve successfully added an informational, in-app message to a React web app! Your final code should match the code in the tutorials/4-end folder of our builderbook repo.

hoo! 您已成功向React Web应用程序添加了参考性应用内消息! 您的最终代码应与我们的builderbook repotutorials / 4-end文件夹中的代码匹配。

自定义通知程序组件 (Customize Notifier component)

Now that you have a working Notifier component, let’s see how we can modify the UX by changing props of Material-UI’s SnackBar component. Here’s the full list of props you can use.

现在您有了一个正常的Notifier组件,让我们看看如何通过更改Material-UI的SnackBar组件的道具来修改UX。 这是您可以使用的道具的完整列表

First, let’s change the duration of the Snackbar. Insider your Notifier component, find the autoHideDuration prop. Change its value from 3000 to 1000 and compare. You’ll see that at 1000, the Snackbar closes more quickly.

首先,让我们更改Snackbar的持续时间。 在您的Notifier组件内部,找到autoHideDuration道具。 将其值从3000更改为1000并进行比较。 您会看到在1000 ,小吃栏关闭得更快。

Second, let’s change the position of the Snackbar. Find the anchorOrigin prop and change its values from top and right to bottom and left, respectively. Check where the Snackbar appears now:

其次,让我们更改Snackbar的位置。 找到anchorOrigin道具,并将其值分别从topright更改为bottomleft 。 检查小吃栏现在出现的位置:

Finally, let’s make the Snackbar message include a hyperlink. Recall that we added dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: this.state.message }} to our message prop in the Snackbar so that we can write HTML inside of it.

最后,让Snackbar message包含超链接。 回想一下,我们在Snackbar的message prop中添加了dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: this.state.message }} ,以便我们可以在其中编写HTML。

Change the code for our Correct answer! and Incorrect answer. messages like this:

更改我们Correct answer!的代码Correct answer!Incorrect answer. 像这样的消息:

Now users will see the messages below. Notice the dark blue hyperlinks for text inside the <;a> tags.

现在,用户将看到以下消息。 注意< ; a>标记内的文本的深蓝色超链接。

If you’re learning how to build web apps with JavaScript, check out our Github repo and our book, where we cover this and many other topics in detail.

如果您正在学习如何使用JavaScript构建Web应用程序,请查阅我们的Github存储库和我们的 ,在其中我们将详细介绍该主题以及许多其他主题。

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