

by Kara Luton

卡拉·卢顿(Kara Luton)

如何回答可怕的“告诉我自己”面试问题 (How to answer the dreaded “tell me about yourself” interview question)

So, you’ve landed an interview with a company you’ve been dreaming about working at. You sit down and, after some small chat, the interviewer says “tell me a little bit about yourself.”

因此,您已经对一家梦dream以求的公司进行了采访。 您坐下,经过一些闲聊,面试官说:“告诉我一些关于您自己的信息。”

This common question results in the first impression at your interview, but is often the most overlooked. In my experience from being on both sides of the interview, I believe that by crafting a unique and memorable answer to this one question, you can land that job. Here’s how.

这个常见问题会给您面试的第一印象,但通常是最容易被忽视的问题。 根据我在面试双方的经验,我相信通过为这个问题制定一个独特而令人难忘的答案,您可以找到这份工作。 这是如何做。

不要叙述您的简历 (Don’t recount your resume)

A big mistake I see people make is using this question to go over their résumé.


Don’t do this! Your interviewer has already looked over your résumé and probably has it sitting in front of them during the interview. They don’t need you to go over it again.

不要这样! 您的面试官已经检查过您的简历,并可能在面试时坐在您的简历前。 他们不需要你再看一遍

反复练习,为面试官可能遇到的任何明显问题准备答案 (Practice over and over again and prepare answers to any obvious questions your interviewer may have)

You wouldn’t show up for a talk you’re giving at a conference without practicing over and over again, right? Make sure you don’t show up for an interview without doing the same.

如果不反复练习,您不会出现在会议上的演讲,对吗? 确保不参加面试就不会出现。

Sit down a few days before and think of what questions an interviewer may have for you after looking at your résumé. Then prep how you will answer them.

前几天坐下,想一想面试官在看完您的简历后会对您有什么问题。 然后准备如何回答他们。

For example, I’m a coding bootcamp graduate who used to work in music publicity (read my career transition story here). A potential employer looking at my résumé may wonder why I wanted to transition from publicity to tech, and they’d probably ask about the process I went through.

例如,我是一名编码训练营的毕业生,曾经在音乐宣传方面工作(请在此处阅读我的职业过渡故事)。 潜在的雇主在看我的简历时可能会想知道为什么我要从宣传过渡到技术,而他们可能会问我经历的过程。

And so, that’s one of the main things I address in my answer, because I know that will be the biggest question and could cause the most hesitation when it comes to a potential employer choosing me for the job.


Take a look at your own résumé as if you’ve never looked at it before, and figure out what those questions would be for you —and be sure those are your main points in your answer.


找到你的怪癖 (Find your quirk)

For the next portion of your answer, find something that will make you stand out. You want your interview to be memorable, and this is a great way to accomplish that.

对于答案的下一部分,找到一些可以让您脱颖而出的东西。 您希望您的访谈令人难忘,这是完成此任务的好方法。

Have you started your own meetup group? Do you volunteer consistently at a charity? Are you super passionate about a certain sport? Find your quirk. Make sure to mention it and tie it in to why you’d be a great choice for the position.

您是否开始了自己的聚会小组? 您是否一直在慈善事业中志愿服务? 您是否对某项运动充满热情? 找到你的怪癖。 请务必提及该问题,并将其与您为什么会成为该职位的绝佳选择联系起来。

I personally have mentioned that while I was at The Iron Yard’s front-end bootcamp, I co-founded the Nashville Tech Ladies® chapter where I organize quarterly professional development meetups for women in all areas of tech. Sometimes I’ll even mention how I grew up doing ballet. I’ll describe how ballet has taught me many things, like how to pay attention to the little details, that I am now able to translate into my career.

我个人曾提到,当我在The Iron Yard的前端训练营时 ,我与人共同创立了Nashville TechLadies®分会,在那里我每季度为女性在各个技术领域组织专业发展聚会。 有时我什至会提到我是如何长大芭蕾舞的。 我将描述芭蕾舞如何教给我很多东西,例如如何注意一些小细节,现在我可以将其转化为我的职业。

Pick something that is uniquely you, and it will make a lasting impression.


说明您为什么申请该职位 (Explain why you applied for the position)

Lastly, round out the question with why you want the position and why you are excited about it. You applied to the position for a reason — so tell the interviewer why you did it. They saw something in you, and this is a great moment to let them know why you think it’s a good fit.

最后,用您为什么想要这个职位以及为什么对此感到兴奋来解决这个问题。 您申请该职位是有原因的-因此请告诉面试官您为什么这么做。 他们看到了您的东西,这是个很棒的时刻,让他们知道您为什么认为这很合适。

What are your tips for answering this question? Follow me on Twitter and let me know!

您回答这个问题的提示是什么? 在Twitter上关注我,让我知道!

Kara Luton (@karaluton) | TwitterThe latest Tweets from Kara Luton (@karaluton). Front end developer + former music publicist. Retired ballerina…www.twitter.com

卡拉·卢顿(@karaluton)| Twitter 来自Kara Luton(@karaluton)的最新推文。 前端开发人员+前音乐宣传员。 退休的芭蕾舞演员… www.twitter.com

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-answer-the-dreaded-tell-me-about-yourself-interview-question-cec7137ca17b/






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