参加#100DaysOfCode挑战。 这是形成编码习惯的最快方法。

by Alexander Kallaway

亚历山大·卡拉威(Alexander Kallaway)

参加#100DaysOfCode挑战。 这是形成编码习惯的最快方法。 (Take the #100DaysOfCode Challenge. It’s the fastest way to form a coding habit.)

The #100DaysOfCode challenge started out as a set of rules to help people commit to learning to code consistently. And with time, it has attracted a community of like-minded people.

#100DaysOfCode挑战最初是一组规则,可帮助人们致力于学习一致地编码。 随着时间的流逝,它吸引了一群志趣相投的人。

As of writing this, nearly 3,000 people have risen to the challenge.


These people are enthusiastic about self-improvement. They love learning. And most importantly, they help each other along the way.

这些人热衷于自我完善。 他们喜欢学习。 最重要的是,他们在整个过程中互相帮助。

Even if you’re coding consistently on your own, joining the challenge will help you find new friends. Friends who — like you — are passionate about tech, personal growth, and getting the most out of life.

即使您自己一贯地编码,参加挑战也将帮助您找到新朋友。 像您一样,对技术,个人成长充满激情并充分利用生活的朋友。

In this article I’ll talk about:


  • why people give up on learning to code, and how you can prevent this

  • the benefits of joining the #100DaysOfCode community

  • some improvements we’ve made to the challenge rules over the past years, and new tools for completing it

  • and brand new ways to interact with the #100DaysOfCode community


规则 (The rules)

The two main rules* of the challenge to ensure your success are:


  1. You commit to coding for minimum 1 hour every day for the next 100 days.

  2. You commit to encouraging at least 2 other people who are taking the challenge each day, using Twitter.


* Note that everybody’s situation is different. You can adjust the rules for your challenge to fit your life and responsibilities.

*请注意,每个人的情况都不同。 您可以根据自己的生活和责任调整挑战的规则。

You can read more about the rules, and a general FAQ, on the official challenge website: www.100DaysOfCode.com

您可以在官方挑战网站上了解有关规则的更多信息以及常规常见问题解答: www.100DaysOfCode.com

好处和主要目标 (The benefits and the main goal)

The main goal behind the challenge is to help you become consistent in your learning.


It will also help you navigate all the bumps and turns along the path. It will provide support and advice to make sure you continue moving in the right direction and don’t give up.

它还将帮助您导航所有颠簸和转弯。 它将提供支持和建议,以确保您继续朝着正确的方向前进,并且永不放弃。

If you don’t give up, no matter how slow you are moving, you will eventually reach your goals.


If that’s so important, why do people give up on learning to code?


Sometimes people are discouraged after talking to “real developers” who claim the learning path they took was the only correct one. Sometimes people don’t know what technologies to learn and in what sequence, or which resources to trust with their limited time. Often, life gets in the way — with all the responsibilities, urgent situations and unexpected developments.

有时,与“真正的开发人员”交谈后,人们会灰心,他们声称他们选择的学习途径是唯一正确的方法。 有时人们不知道在有限的时间内要学习哪些技术,按什么顺序学习或信任哪些资源。 通常,生活充满了各种责任,紧急情况和意外发展。

Overall, learning to code in itself is tough. There will be plenty of times when you feel like you’ve had enough. Or you’ll feel like your progress is way too slow, or you’re hopelessly stuck.

总体而言,学习编码本身很难。 很多时候您会觉得自己受够了。 否则您会觉得进度太慢,或者无可救药。

These are all serious-enough reasons to quit. Or at least that’s what you might tell yourself.

这些都是足够充分的理由退出。 或者至少那是你可能会告诉自己的。

But if you connect with others on the same path you can share the ups and downs of the journey, and together move past all these roadblocks.


The #100DaysOfCode community can help you reach your dream without having to give up, and without having to go through unnecessary difficulties along your way.


不要将自己与他人进行比较-而是分享您的经验 (Don’t compare yourself to others — instead, share your experiences)

I’ve noticed that there are two ways people compare their journeys with one another. One of them is healthy, and the other one is toxic.

我注意到人们可以通过两种方式比较自己的旅程。 其中一种是健康的,另一种是有毒的。

我们分享经验的有毒方式 (The toxic way we share experiences)

First let’s talk about the toxic way, which is much more common. It is to idealize other people’s experience by looking at their progress, and then to use your idealized version of them to talk yourself down.

首先,让我们谈谈更常见的有毒方法。 它是通过观察别人的进步来理想化他们的经历,然后使用他们的理想化版本来谈论自己。

The problem is that in a lot of situations, we tend to think less of ourselves — and more of others. It’s kind of like judging what someone else’s life is like by looking at what they share on Instagram. You’re getting a highlight reel of their best experiences.

问题在于,在很多情况下,我们倾向于更少地考虑自己,而更多地考虑其他人。 这就像通过查看他人在Instagram上分享的内容来判断他人的生活。 您将获得他们的最佳体验的精彩片段。

You don’t know about their self-doubts. You don’t know about the roadblocks they encounter, and the anxiety they feel. You might assume that they just don’t have any problems and everything’s smooth sailing.

您不知道他们的自我怀疑。 您不知道他们遇到的障碍以及他们所感到的焦虑。 您可能会假设他们只是没有任何问题,一切顺利。

But you know from experience that you yourself feel these emotions, and have these struggles as you are learning. If you do this, you may wrongly conclude: “It’s so easy for them and so hard for me! I must not be cut out for coding.” Or “I’m too old. I should have started when I was X years old, otherwise why bother starting at all.”

但是您从经验中知道,您自己会感到这些情绪,并且在学习过程中会遇到这些挣扎。 如果这样做,您可能会得出错误的结论:“对他们来说是如此容易,而对我而言却如此艰难! 我绝对不能因为编码而被淘汰。” 或“我太大了。 我本应该在X岁的时候就开始创业,否则为什么不那么麻烦开始。”

And then we are getting to the root belief: “I’m just not good enough.”


Having thoughts like these are, in my experience, one of the top reasons why people quit learning to code (or quit pursuing an worthy goal, for that matter).


One thing to remember is that our beliefs are just thoughts that we’ve been running over and over in our heads for a long period of time. A thought can be changed, and any beliefs that might be holding you back can also be changed with time. You can start today. And the best part: you have the whole #100DaysOfCode community cheering for you, and we are always here to help!

要记住的一件事是,我们的信念只是我们长期以来反复思考的想法。 一个想法可以改变,任何可能使您退缩的信念也可以随着时间而改变。 您可以从今天开始。 最棒的是:您整个#100DaysOfCode社区都为您欢呼,我们将随时为您提供帮助!

I am always reminded of this quote, when I think about learning or doing something worthwhile but scary:


“A year from now you may wish you had started today.” — Karen Lamb
“从现在开始的一年,您可能希望今天开始。” —凯伦·兰姆(Karen Lamb)

The thing is, you are good enough and there is no better time to learn than now. Tomorrow will be one day late :)

事实是,您足够优秀,没有比现在更好的学习时间了。 明天将迟到一天:)

Every time you feel like you are not good enough, remind yourself that you are. No matter how many times you will have to do it. It will work wonders in your life.

每当您觉得自己不够出色时,都要提醒自己自己是。 无论您要执行多少次。 它会在您的生活中创造奇迹。

我们分享经验的健康方式 (The healthy way we share experiences)

The second, healthy way of checking in on your progress is to share your frustrations, learning experiences, and victories with the like-minded people who are also on the same path as you. By sharing these, you grow to understand: “It’s not just me.”

第二种健康的进度检查方法是与志同道合的人分享您的挫败感,学习经验和胜利,他们也和您一样。 通过共享这些内容,您会逐渐了解: “不仅仅是我。”

That thought alone removes so many mental blocks and a lot of resistance to growth. Once you understand that on a deep level, you will always be able to return yourself to a productive state. You will have the antidote to failure —the ability to be resilient in the face of difficulties and not to quit no matter what!

仅凭这种想法,就消除了许多精神障碍和对成长的许多阻力。 一旦深入了解这一点,您将始终能够使自己恢复到生产状态。 您将拥有解决失败的良药-能够在遇到困难时保持韧性,无论如何都不会放弃!

There are plenty other benefits to joining the #100DaysOfCode family, like:


  • Becoming friends with other aspiring developers

  • Working on projects rather than tutorials (you can do some tutorials until you‘ve got the basics down, but don’t wait too long to start building projects)

  • Having real projects to show and talk about during job interviews

  • The opportunity to get serious about learning to code, and really commit to it


There are many more, but the main benefit of the challenge is having the environment that makes it more difficult to quit and easier to stay on track.


If you’re excited about committing to the challenge, you can do it right now.


Click here to tweet out your commitment!


一点历史 (A bit of history)

The idea of #100DaysOfCode originally came from personal frustration with my inability to consistently learn to code after work. I would find other less-involved activities to spend my time on, like binge-watching TV series.

#100DaysOfCode的想法最初是由于我无法在下班后持续学习编码而造成的个人挫败感。 我会发现其他不那么忙碌的活动可以花费我的时间,例如看电视剧。

Instead I wanted to self-direct my learning, choose the tech I want to be learning, and then consistently make progress on it every day.


One of those days, I was sitting in a restaurant with my wife Anna sharing my frustrations with her. I suggested that maybe I should make a public commitment to learning for at least an hour every day, and I thought I would go for 3 months.

那些日子中的一天,我和妻子安娜坐在一家餐馆里,与她分享我的挫败感。 我建议也许我应该公开承诺每天至少学习一个小时,而且我认为我会持续三个月。

Anna said it was a good idea, and added: “But why stop at 3 months? You should make it an even 100 days! It just sounds better!” :)

安娜说这是个好主意,并补充说:“但是为什么要停3个月? 您甚至应该将其设置为100天! 听起来更好!” :)

When I came home that day, I quickly wrote some rules that I thought would help me make the commitment as effective as possible. I submitted this challenge to the freeCodeCamp Medium publication, and to my happiness and joy, they published it.

那天我回到家时,我Swift写了一些规则,我认为这些规则可以帮助我使承诺尽可能有效。 我将此挑战提交给了freeCodeCamp Medium出版物,为了他们的幸福和快乐,他们发表了它。

I didn’t expect for so many people to want to try the challenge out for themselves. But since then, thousands of people have committed #100DaysOfCode. Both the challenge and the community around just kept evolving.

我没想到会有这么多人想自己尝试挑战。 但是从那以后,成千上万的人提交了#100DaysOfCode。 挑战和周围的社区都在不断发展。

The challenge also experienced a spike in growth when we encouraged everyone to commit to it in the beginning of year 2017 . We wanted coding to be their new habit for the year.

我们鼓励所有人在2017年初致力于这一挑战时,挑战也经历了增长的高峰。 我们希望编码成为他们今年的新习惯。

With that in mind, we recently launched the #100DaysOfCode website with a bunch of tools for taking the challenge.


Here are some of the most effective and useful improvements we made.


添加快速记录 (Adding Rapid Logging)

I’ve noticed that the original progress logging format I made was sometimes too demanding. It featured: the day, what has been done, a link to the project, and a section to describe emotional state that day.

我注意到,有时我制作的原始进度记录格式要求太高。 它的特色是:当天,完成的工作,与项目的链接以及描述当天情绪状态的部分。

Some days people have time for this, other days they don’t. There must be a way to simplify the process, I thought. I’ve added a streamlined way of logging progress, where you just note which day you are on, and briefly describe what you worked on.

有时候人们有时间这样做,而其他日子则没有。 我认为,必须有一种简化流程的方法。 我添加了一种简化的日志记录进度方式,您可以在其中记录自己的工作日,并简要介绍自己的工作情况。

That way there is no pressure on following the format and the focus is on the coding and socializing with the community. You can see an example of a rapid log here.

这样,就没有压力遵循格式,并且重点在于与社区进行编码和社交。 您可以在此处查看快速日志的示例。

Both types of progress logging are available for you to choose from on the repo.


增加回合 (Adding Rounds)

After people would finish their challenge, a lot of them, seeing the positive effects, wanted to return to repeat it.


An idea was born for treating these multiple runs as “Rounds of the #100DaysOfCode challenge.” The benefits of the mental model of rounds are numerous.

将这些多次运行视为“#100DaysOfCode挑战之轮”的想法诞生了。 回合心理模型的好处很多。

One is that before each round, you can do some planning — listing what specifically you want to achieve in this run, what technologies you want to explore, what projects you want to build. Another is that you are preventing the burnout which happens when our brain doesn’t know if and when the mental and emotional strain will be over.

一是在每个回合之前,您可以做一些计划-列出您要在此轮次中具体实现的目标,要探索的技术,要构建的项目。 另一点是,您可以防止在我们的大脑不知道是否以及何时精神和情感压力会消失时发生倦怠感。

Think of work. You feel the most burnt out when we see no end of work in sight.

想想工作。 当我们看不到工作的尽头时,您会感到最疲惫。

Still another benefit is having the ability to compare your rounds, which gives clues to what’s working for you and what is not as effective.


After you’ve finished a challenge, it’s good to take a short break, maybe for one or two weeks. I strongly recommend using that time to pause and reflect on what went well and what went wrong. You can look at your original plan and the outcomes and think of ways you can improve your process in the next round.

完成挑战后,最好短暂休息一两周。 我强烈建议您利用这段时间来停下来,反思一下进展顺利和出问题的地方。 您可以查看原始计划和结果,并思考在下一轮中可以改进流程的方法。

Some questions to use in your analysis:


  • Look at what types of resources you’ve gotten the most benefit from

  • What time of day did you feel the most productive?

  • Was there a trigger to the habit? In other words, what daily actions caused you to remember to start your coding session for the day?

    习惯是否有诱因? 换句话说,什么日常活动使您记得当天开始进行编码会话?

Think of rounds as “modules” you use in code. They separate your learning into blocks, bringing clarity.

将回合视为代码中使用的“模块”。 它们将您的学习分成若干块,从而使您变得清晰。

We adopted a new format to add the day you’re on onto the daily progress tweet: R3D25 — which means Round 3 Day 25.

我们采用了一种新的格式,将您参加的日子添加到每日进度推文中: R3D25-表示R ound 3 D ay 25

There is an inside joke that was born out of this format: On the second day of the second round — R2D2 — people post a picture or a gif of the beloved R2D2 Star Wars robot in their daily progress tweet.


添加更多连接方式:松弛和不和谐 (Adding More Ways To Connect: Slack and Discord)

We’ve recognized that Twitter sometimes is not enough for the needs of the community growing around the challenge. So we added more ways to stay in touch.

我们已经认识到,Twitter有时不足以满足挑战带来的社区需求。 因此,我们添加了更多联系方式。

As of today, there are at more than 300 members on our Slack channel. We created a couple of months ago, and it has been growing consistently. It’s a place for the #100DaysOfCode community to socialize, and get help and feedback.

截至今天,我们的Slack频道上已有300多个成员。 我们是在几个月前创建的,并且一直在不断增长。 #100DaysOfCode社区是一个进行社交,获得帮助和反馈的地方。

The slack has channels that were made for specific purposes, keeping the needs of the community in mind: “get-help”, “get-feedback”, “share-resources”, “discuss-anything”, “discuss-tools”, etc.


If you have a project you are working on, and want to get some help from the community, you can ask for it in the Slack, where it’s easier to follow comments and replies than it is on Twitter.


We’ve also added a Discord channel because there is an opportunity to talk/video call to work together with someone on a project.


You can find the up-to-date invite links to join these channels here.


添加YouTube频道 (Adding YouTube Channel)

I’ve created the #100DaysOfCode YouTube playlist where all the videos I’ve made about it so far are gathered. We plan to create more content around learning to code and changing habits). Some of them are clarifying the purpose, the rules of the challenge. Others provide strategies and advice on how to be successful in it.

我创建了#100DaysOfCode YouTube播放列表 ,其中收集了我到目前为止制作的所有视频。 我们计划围绕学习编码和改变习惯来创建更多内容。 其中一些人正在澄清挑战的目的和规则。 其他人则提供有关如何在其中取得成功的策略和建议。

Let me know what your questions are and I would love to create video responses to those questions which will help other people discovering the challenge and going through similar experiences.


添加社区文章 (Adding Community Articles)

A lot of people have written about their #100DaysOfCode experiences and the lessons learnt in the process. These are listed on the official site under the “Resources” section. If you have already written an article about the challenge or are looking to write one — reach out to me on Twitter and I would love to include it on the website!

很多人写了他们#100DaysOfCode的经验以及在此过程中获得的经验教训。 这些都在官方网站的“ 资源 ”部分下列出。 如果您已经写了一篇关于挑战的文章,或者想写一篇,请在Twitter上与我联系,我很乐意将其包含在网站上!

Take up the challenge and join the #100DaysOfCode family!


If you have friends who you think might be interested in taking this challenge, share this story with them.


And you can help more people see this here on Medium by clicking the clapping hands ( ? ) below. Don’t hold back — you can clap more than once on Medium. ? Help people discover the challenge and change their lives!

通过单击下面的拍手(?),您可以帮助更多的人在“中”上看到此内容。 不要退缩-您可以在Medium上鼓掌一次。 ? 帮助人们发现挑战并改变生活!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/take-the-100daysofcode-challenge-make-coding-a-habit-4a655d8663fd/





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