

by Jonathan Solórzano-Hamilton


您错过的那些东西-都是因为您太自大而无法使用清单 (Those things you missed — all because you were too cocky to use a checklist)

Thirty-six seconds after launch, lightning struck the Apollo 12 and its six million pounds of high explosive fuel.


The instruments blacked out.


Twenty-two seconds later lightning struck again. What few instruments remained started flashing red failure lights.

22秒后,闪电再次袭来。 剩下的仪器很少开始闪烁红色故障灯。

The “you’re about to die” alarm started blaring.


Over the radio the crew heard the voice of John Aaron: “Flight, try SCE to Aux.” Astronaut Alan Bean flipped the tiny switch immediately.

机组人员通过收音机听到了约翰·亚伦的声音:“飞行,尝试从SCE到Aux。” 宇航员艾伦·宾顿立即拨动了微型开关。

And that’s why I’m showing you this historic photograph instead of a picture of three headstones at Arlington National Cemetery.


November 14, 1969 was the day that John Aaron became known as the steely-eyed missile man.

1969年11月14日是约翰·亚伦(John Aaron)被称为钢铁眼的导弹手的日子。

How did he know which one switch — out of 566 — would save the launch? Because he’d run the checklist hundreds and hundreds of times. The SCE auxiliary power switch wasn’t on the checklist.

他怎么知道566个开关中的哪一个可以节省发射? 因为他已经运行了数百次检查清单。 SCE辅助电源开关不在清单上。

Then again, getting struck by lightning wasn’t either.


But he’d run the normal steps so many times that they were all rote. So when they ran simulations, every anomaly stuck out in his mind.

但是他跑了很多次正常步骤,以至于都死了。 因此,当他们进行仿真时,每个异常都在他的脑海中浮现。

One time a year prior they had simulated a double lightning strike. The simulated mission failed with the astronauts simulated as dead.

一年以前,他们曾模拟过两次雷击。 模拟任务失败,宇航员被模拟为死亡。

Aaron and Bean studied the manuals and figured out what would save them if it ever happened again. When it did happen again a year later during the real deal, they knew what to do and saved the mission.

亚伦(Aaron)和比恩(Bean)研究了这些手册,并弄清楚了如果再次发生的话将如何保存它们。 一年后在真实交易中再次发生时,他们知道该怎么做并保存了任务。

Surgery is safer in hospitals where surgeons follow a checklist, as author Dr. Atul Gawande noted. These were modeled after the checklists used by commercial pilots.

正如作者Atul Gawande博士所指出的 ,在外科医生遵循检查清单的医院中,手术更为安全 。 这些是根据商业飞行员使用的清单建立的。

Both occupations carry a lot of responsibility for people’s lives. There are about 41,000 surgeons vs. 104,000 commercial pilots in the United States. That’s a pretty comparable labor pool.

两种职业都对人们的生活负有很大责任。 在美国,大约有41,000名外科医生,而有104,000名商业飞行员 。 这是一个相当可比的劳动力资源。

The annual mortality rate on the surgical table is in the tens of thousands. The odds of dying on a commercial flight are somewhere in the one in tens or hundreds of millions per year.

手术台上的年死亡率为数万 。 在商业航班上死亡的几率每年约为几千万几亿美元。

One of these professions purports individual genius. The other assumes we will fail without heavily-regulated training and checklists.

这些职业之一是个人天才。 另一个假设是,如果没有严格控制的培训和检查表,我们将失败。

Checklists require checking more than list items — they check our egos, too. When we pick up a checklist we’re tacitly admitting that we aren’t perfect.

清单不仅需要检查清单项目,还需要检查我们的自我。 当我们选择清单时,我们默认是我们并不完美。

Most of us aren’t astronauts, pilots, or surgeons. But we’re still fallible humans working with other fallible humans.

我们大多数人不是宇航员,飞行员或外科医生。 但是我们仍然是易犯错误的人,与其他易犯错误的人一起工作。

We make mistakes, we forget things, and we get sloppy.


I work in software development. It has no shortage of prima donnas who believe they’re above it all.

我从事软件开发。 它不乏最初的唐纳斯人,他们认为自己高于一切。

I still make them use checklists.


Every bonehead mistake I’ve made has taken place when I let my ego convince me I could skip the checklist. That time we nearly destroyed a million-dollar experiment — we didn’t have a checklist before that incident. Did we write one immediately after? You bet.

当我让我的自我说服我可以跳过清单时,我犯了每一个愚蠢的错误。 那个时候,我们几乎摧毁了一个百万美元的实验 -在那件事之前,我们没有清单。 之后我们马上写了吗? 你打赌

I don’t actually know what you missed when you didn’t use a checklist. But you don’t either. That’s the problem.

当您不使用清单时,我实际上不知道您错过了什么。 但是你也不是 。 那就是问题所在。

You won’t find out until it’s too late.


Even if you are lucky enough to dodge a catastrophe, you’re still hurting yourself in the long run. You’re devoting precious brain power to remembering mundane, repeatable processes.

即使您幸运地躲过了一场巨灾,从长远来看,您仍然会伤害自己。 您正将宝贵的脑力投入到记忆平凡,可重复的过程中。

You may miss your John Aaron moment because you were too busy avoiding a goof-up to notice an anomaly.

您可能会想念您的约翰·亚伦(John Aaron)时刻,因为您太忙于避免犯规而无法注意到异常。

In my current profession there are plenty of opportunities to use checklists to improve process. Code review checklists. Testing checklists. Deployment checklists.

在我目前的职业中,有很多机会使用清单来改进流程 。 代码审查清单。 测试清单。 部署清单。

These checklists don’t have to be long. We’re not trying to put people on the moon, after all. But each checklist must be enough to mitigate the risks of the process and product it supports.

这些清单不必太长。 毕竟,我们并不是要让人们登上月球。 但是每个清单必须足够减轻所支持的过程和产品的风险。

The next time you’re preparing to launch something new, be it an app or a Saturn V, make sure to ask yourself: “Did I follow the checklist?”

下次您准备发布新东西时,无论是应用程序还是Saturn V,请确保问一下自己:“我遵守清单了吗?”

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/what-you-missed-because-you-were-too-cocky-to-use-a-checklist-c30c3ad663c2/






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