电线之间:Vue.js创作者尤文(Evan You)访谈

by Vivian Cromwell

通过维维安·克伦威尔(Vivian Cromwell)

电线之间:Vue.js创作者尤文(Evan You)访谈 (Between the Wires: An interview with Vue.js creator Evan You)

I interviewed Evan You, the creator of vuejs.org which is a popular progressive JavaScript framework. Evan works on Vue full time with the funding from the Patreon campaign. Previously, he worked at Google and Meteor.

我采访了vuejs.org (一个流行的渐进式JavaScript框架)的创建者Evan You。 埃文(Evan)在Patreon竞选活动的资助下全职从事Vue工作。 之前,他曾在Google和Meteor工作。

This article was originally posted on Between the Wires, an interview series featuring those who are building developer products.

本文最初发布在“电线之间” ,这是一个采访系列,主要介绍那些正在开发开发人员产品的人。

告诉我们一些关于您的童年以及您成长的地方。 (Tell us a little bit about your childhood and where you grew up.)

Okay, so I was born in China, my hometown is called Wuxi. It’s a medium-sized city, which is right next to Shanghai. Actually, I went to Shanghai for high school for three years and commuted back and forth. After high school I went to the US for college. I guess I got early access to computers, but I didn’t really get into programming too much. I was more interested in games, and I did play a lot with Flash when I was in high school, because I really enjoyed making those interactive storytelling experiences.

好吧,所以我出生在中国,我的家乡叫无锡。 这是一个中等城市,紧邻上海。 实际上,我去上海读了三年高中,来回上下班。 高中毕业后,我去了美国读大学。 我想我很早就可以使用计算机,但是我并没有真正开始编程。 我对游戏更感兴趣,在高中的时候就曾在Flash上​​玩过很多游戏,因为我真的很喜欢进行互动式讲故事的经历。

您最初的编程经验是什么? (What was your first programming experience?)
“I was attracted to JavaScript because of the ability to just build something and share it instantly with the world. You put it on the web, and you get a URL, you can send it to anyone with a browser. That was the part that just attracted me to the web and to JavaScript.”
“我之所以被JavaScript吸引,是因为它能够构建某些东西并立即与世界分享。 您将其放在网络上,然后获得一个URL,可以将其发送给使用浏览器的任何人。 那是吸引我到网络和JavaScript的部分。”

When I went to college in the US, honestly I didn’t know what I wanted to do and I was majoring in studio art and art history. When I was about to graduate, I realized it was pretty hard to find a job doing studio art and art history.

老实说,当我在美国上大学时,我不知道自己想做什么,我的专业是工作室艺术和艺术史。 当我即将毕业时,我意识到很难找到从事工作室艺术和艺术史的工作。

I figured maybe I could go to a master’s program that fit my interests better and developed more skills. I went to Parsons and studied the Master of Fine Arts for Design and Technology. It was a really cool program because everyone was half designer and half developer. They taught you things like openFrameworks, processing, algorithmic animations, and you also had to design apps and interfaces.

我想也许我可以去一个更适合我的兴趣并发展更多技能的硕士课程。 我去了帕森斯大学,学习了设计和技术美术硕士。 这是一个非常酷的程序,因为每个人都是设计人员和开发人员的一半。 他们教了您诸如openFrameworks,处理,算法动画之类的知识,并且您还必须设计应用程序和界面。

Parsons didn’t really teach a lot of JavaScript, but I was attracted to JavaScript because of the ability to just build something and share it instantly with the world. You put it on the web, and you get a URL, you can send it to anyone with a browser. That was the part that just attracted me to the web and to JavaScript.

帕森斯并没有真正教过很多JavaScript,但是我被JavaScript吸引了,因为它能够构建某些东西并立即与世界分享。 您将其放在网络上,然后获得一个URL,可以将其发送给使用浏览器的任何人。 那是吸引我到Web和JavaScript的部分。

At the time, Chrome experiments had just been released, and I was totally blown away. I immediately jumped into JavaScript and started learning it myself, and began building things similar to Chrome experiments. I put those things in my portfolio and then it somehow got picked up by the recruiter at Google Creative Lab. I joined as part of the Five program. Every year Creative Lab recruits five new graduates. It’s basically a small team with a copywriter, a creative technologist, a graphic designer, a strategist, and a wildcard.

当时, Chrome实验刚刚发布,我被彻底震撼了。 我立即跳入JavaScript并开始自己学习它,并开始构建类似于Chrome实验的内容。 我将这些东西放入我的投资组合中,然后以某种方式被Google Creative Lab的招聘人员拿走了。 我加入了“五项计划” 。 创意实验室每年都会招募五名新毕业生。 它基本上是一个小团队,有一名撰稿人,一名创意技术人员,一名图形设计师,一名战略家和一个通配符。

好的,什么时候或如何发现您要使用Vue.js解决的当前问题? (Okay, when or how did you discover the current problem that you’re trying to solve with Vue.js?)

My job at Google involved a lot of prototyping in the browser. We had this idea and we wanted to get something tangible as fast as possible. Some of the projects used Angular at that time. For me, Angular offered something cool which is data binding and a data driven way of dealing with a DOM, so you don’t have to touch the DOM yourself. It also brought in all these extra concepts that forced you to structure the code the way it wanted you to. It just felt too heavy for the use case that I had at that time.

我在Google的工作涉及浏览器中的许多原型设计。 我们有这个主意,我们想尽快得到切实的东西。 当时有一些项目使用Angular 。 对我来说,Angular提供了一些很酷的功能,那就是数据绑定和一种以数据驱动的方式处理DOM的方式,因此您不必亲自接触DOM。 它还引入了所有这些额外的概念,这些概念迫使您按照所需的方式构造代码。 对于我当时的用例来说,感觉太重了。

I figured, what if I could just extract the part that I really liked about Angular and build something reall





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